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From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 20:59, 14 December 2020 by Thebigh (talk | contribs) (more)
Languages I have coded in
Language Proficiency
8086 Assembly Dabbled once
C Decent
Fortran Decent
FreeBASIC Intermediate/advanced
GW-BASIC Goto spaghettimonster
Haskell Bleh
IDL Like python, but bad and expensive
JavaScript Beginner
Mathematica No thanks. Never again.
PARI/GP Beginner/intermediate
Perl Wrote one tiny program, now I can't read it
POV-Ray Beginner
Python Intermediate
TCL I hope I never see it again
Tiny BASIC Not so bad
  • Advocate of FreeBASIC, which I consider to be a tragically underrated language
  • I prefer compact, elegant code. I try to avoid needless verbosity.
  • I'd rather work on useful programs than curiosities; Hunt The Wumpus is a notable exception.
  • I've recently become interested in Tiny BASIC, which forces imaginative solutions due to its very limited capabilities.
  • Of all the solutions I have contributed, I am proudest of this one.
Solutions contributed
FreeBASIC 96 (including three new tasks)
Tiny BASIC 31

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