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Talk:Simulate input/Mouse

From Rosetta Code

This task was originally contributed by the AutoHotkey community.

Local vs global

I think this task should require implementations to specify whether they are simulating mouse clicks on one of this application/process's windows (internal), or anywhere on the screen (OS/window system access). --Kevin Reid 16:02, 27 May 2009 (UTC)

I believe AutoHotkey is meant to simulate "system wide" events, that of course are grabbed by the active application, being the active application any of the apps the user can activate... So maybe this task asks for a synthetized event that is not distinguishable from an event generated by an user interaction (pressing a key e.g.). Rather, it is strongly operating system dependent (unless using a portable language which has a portable library/module which uses the same "interface" on different system, like $synth->button_down(LEFT, $x, $y) (fantasy perlish example). --ShinTakezou 16:28, 27 May 2009 (UTC)
That just means that good answers to this task will discuss these issues, yes? —Dkf 18:09, 27 May 2009 (UTC)
I don't know:D But I believe a "simulated mouse click" should be not distinguishable by a similar event generated by the user pressing the button... and the user can click everywhere... (what happens after depends on where s/he clicked of course), the click will be dispatched by the system to the app listening to, according to where the click happened. --ShinTakezou 10:41, 30 May 2009 (UTC)

Should there be two separate tasks for this application/process's windows (internal), vs. anywhere on the screen (OS/window system access)? Or just leave it open ended with an additional line in the task as follows:
"The mouse may or may not be hovering of a window created by your program"—tinku99

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