Loop structures
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
These are examples of control structures. You may also be interested in:
In this task, we document loop structures offered by different languages.
Examples to be posted here should instead be posted in an appropriate Iteration page. If a page does not exist demonstrating a particular loop structure, discuss it here.
Simple Loop
The simple loop in Ada produces an infinite loop. <Ada> loop
-- do something
end loop; </Ada> Any loop can be terminated by the exit reserved word. <Ada> loop
-- do something if some-condition then exit; end if; -- do somthing else
end loop; </Ada> The short-hand notation for expressing the exit condition is: <Ada> loop
-- do something exit when some-conditon; -- do something else
end loop; </Ada> Any loop can be labeled. The loop name can be specified in the exit statement: <Ada> Outer : loop
Inner : loop -- do something exit Outer when some-conditon; -- Leaves both loops -- do something else end loop Inner; end loop Outer;
</Ada> Note that the name shall reappear in the end loop statement.
While loop
<Ada> while some-condition loop
-- do something
end loop; </Ada>
For loop
The for loop in Ada iterates over a specified range of discrete values. Ranges are an important concept in Ada. Ranges are always expressed in the form of lowest..highest. The loop control variable always takes on the type of the specified range. The loop control variable is read-only within the loop, and has a scope only within the loop.
Iteration over a literal range: <Ada> for I in 1..10 loop
end loop; </Ada> You can also employ a range defined earlier in your code. subtype Month_Number is Integer range 1..12; <Ada> for I in Month_Number loop
end loop; </Ada> Ranges can be combined with a type specification: <Ada> for I in Day_Of_Week range Monday..Friday loop
end loop; </Ada> Ranges are also defined for the indices for arrays. Ada array indices can begin at any value, not just 0 or 1. <Ada> type Balanced_Index is range -10..10; type My_Array_Type is array(Balanced_Index) of Integer; My_Array : My_Array_Type;
for I in My_Array'Range loop
end loop; </Ada> The keyword reverse is used to step the loop index in the reverse order: <Ada> for I in reverse My_Array'Range loop
end loop; </Ada>
main: ( BOOL condition := TRUE; WHILE condition DO # Do something # # Don't forget to change the value of condition. # # If it remains nonzero, we'll have an infinite loop. # OD )
main: ( BOOL condition := ~; WHILE # Do something # # The difference with the first loop is that the # # code in the loop will be executed at least once, # # even IF the condition is 0 at the beginning, # # because it is only checked at the end. # # Don't forget to change the value of condition. # # If it remains nonzero, we'll have an infinite loop. # condition DO SKIP OD )
main: ( FOR i FROM 1 TO 10 BY DO # The code here will be performed 10 times. # # The first part in the FOR-statement i FROM 1 is the initialization, # # and is executed once before the loop begins. # # The second part is the end condition TO 10, which is checked # # every time the loop is started, also the first time; # # the loop ends IF it is false. # # The third part BY 1 is performed every time the code in the loop # # is at the end, just before the end condition is checked. # OD )
A non-obvious feature of the ALGOL 68 FOR loop is that the stripped DO ~ OD clause is valid. Moreover, the initialization and increment parts may be empty. That is, the following is an infinite loop:
main: ( DO # forever # SKIP OD )
A loop like this can still be left with GO TO (see below).
A loop cannot be terminated with an EXIT. The EXIT "completion symbol" merely jumps to the end of the current serial clause (current compound statements) and yields the current value. On the other hand an ALGOL 68 "stop" will terminate the entire program.
This next loop has a loop variable "i" that starts at 1.
main: ( FOR I DO # forever # SKIP OD )
The next loop iterates only a maximum of 100 times:
main: ( TO 100 DO # 100 times only # SKIP OD )
WHILE with "continue" equivalent
main:( BOOL condition := TRUE; WHILE condition DO # Do something # IF other condition THEN SKIP # do nothing, hence start another iteration # ELSE # Do something else # # This part is not executed IF other condition was true # FI OD )
WHILE with "break" equivalent
The break statement allows you to stop a loop. In ALGOL 68 uses GO TOs, hence can break from any level. You can also do this with do-WHILE and FOR.
main:( BOOL condition := TRUE; WHILE condition DO # Do something # IF other condition THEN GO TO break x # Continue after loop # FI # Do something else # # This part is not executed IF other condition was true # OD; break x: SKIP )
A more domestic version of a break allows for only one condition to exit a loop:
main:( BOOL break condition := FALSE; WHILE # Do something # NOT break condition DO # Do something else # # This part is not executed IF other condition was true # OD )
The ALGOL 68 "universal" for/whileloop
[ for index ] [ from first ] [ by increment ] [ to last ] [ while condition ] do statements od The minimum form of a "loop clause" is thus: do statements od
This was considered the "universal" loop, the full syntax is:
for i from 1 by 1 to 3 while i≠4 do ~ od
There are several unusual aspects of the construct:
- only the do ~ od portion was compulsory, in which case the loop will iterate indefinitely.
- thus the clause to 100 do ~ od, will iterate only 100 times.
- the while "syntactic element" allowed a programmer to break from a for loop early. eg
int sum sq:=0; for i while print(("So far:",i,newline)); sum sq≤1000 do sum sq+:=i↑2 od
Subsequent "extensions" to the standard Algol68 allowed the to syntactic element to be replaced with upto and downto to achieve a small optimisation. The same compilers also incorporated:
- until(C) - for late loop termination.
- foreach(S) - for working on arrays in parallel.
The formal specification of ALGOL 68 states:
for i from u1 by u2 to u3 while condition do action od
"is thus equivalent to the following void-closed-clause:"
begin int f:= u1, int b = u2, t = u3; step2: if (b > 0 ∧ f ≤ t) ∨ (b < 0 ∧ f ≥ t) ∨ b = 0 then int i = f; if condition then action; f +:= b; go to step2 fi fi end
set i to 5 repeat until i is less than 0 set i to i - 1 end repeat
repeat --endless loop end repeat
repeat with i from 1 to 20 --do something end repeat
set array to {1,2,3,4,5} repeat with i in array display dialog i end repeat
By 1's:
FOR I = 1 TO 10 '... NEXT I
By X's (any number you want):
FOR I = 1 TO 10 STEP X '... NEXT I
DO WHILE(SomeNumber = SomeOtherNumber) '... LOOP
DO '... LOOP WHILE(SomeNumber = SomeOtherNumber)
Note: The sign for "not equal to" in BASIC is not !=, but rather <> .
Befunge does not have specific loop statements, but any type of loop construct can be created using the branch (_|) skip (#) and direction (<>v^) commands. For example, the following is one possible structure for a while loop:
enter > test v ^ body _ exit
This program is like a for-loop in other languages, printing the digits from nine down to zero.
9>:.:#v_@ ^ -1 <
BF's only control flow construct of any kind is a loop. Two of the eight commands define the start and end of a conditional loop.
- [ - branch forward past matching ']' if the current cell is zero
- ] - branch back to the matching '[' if the current cell is non-zero
In practice this is equivalent to a "while not zero" loop in other languages.
[-] set current cell to zero
[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>] copy cell 0 to cell 1, using cell 2 as temporary storage
Compiler: gcc 4.1.2
int main (int argc, char ** argv) { int condition = 1; while ( condition ) { // Do something // Don't forget to change the value of condition. // If it remains nonzero, we'll have an infinite loop. } }
int main (int argc, char ** argv) { int condition = ...; do { // Do something // The difference with the first loop is that the // code in the loop will be executed at least once, // even if the condition is 0 at the beginning, // because it is only checked at the end. // Don't forget to change the value of condition. // If it remains nonzero, we'll have an infinite loop. } while ( condition ); }
int main (int argc, char ** argv) { int i; for (i=0; i<10; ++i) { // The code here will be performed 10 times. // The first part in the for-statement (i=0) is the initialization, // and is executed once before the loop begins. // The second part is the end condition (i<10), which is checked // every time the loop is started, also the first time; // the loop ends if it is false. // The third part (++i) is performed every time the code in the loop // is at the end, just before the end condition is checked. } }
A non-obvious feature of the C for loop is that an empty condition is equivalent to a true condition. Moreover, the initialization and increment parts may be empty. That is, the following is an infinite loop:
int main() { for (;;) // forever { } }
A loop like this can still be left with break (see below) or return (which returns from the function, and therefore also ends the loop).
Another difference compared to while is the behavior of continue. In a for loop, continue will also execute the third clause (the increment part).
while with continue
The continue statement allows you to continue execution at the beginning of the loop, skipping the rest of the loop. In C you can only do this with the most inner loop. You can also do this with do-while and for.
int main (int argc, char ** argv) { int condition = 1; while ( condition ) { // Do something if (other condition) continue; // Continue at the beginning of the loop // Do something else // This part is not executed if other condition was true } }
while with break
The break statement allows you to stop a loop. In C you can only break from most inner loop. You can also do this with do-while and for.
int main (int argc, char ** argv) { int condition = 1; while ( condition ) { // Do something if (other condition) break; // Continue after the the loop // Do something else // This part is not executed if other condition was true } }
Run-Time Control Structures
- See C
Compile-Time Control Structures
A compile-time for loop can be generated with template metaprogramming. Example:
// the loop template<int start, int finish, template<int n, typename T> class X> struct loop { typedef typename X<start, typename loop<start+1, finish, X>::type>::type type; }; // the termination of the loop template<int finish, template<int n, typename T> class X> struct loop<finish, finish, X> { typedef typename X<finish, void>::type type; };
// example usage: This implements just a very complicated way of building a multi-dimensional array // the loop body template<int n, typename T> struct build_array { typedef T type[n]; }; template<int n> struct build_array<n, void> { typedef double type; }; // the loop execution: This is equivalent to // typedef double array_type[2][3][4][5]; typedef loop<2,6,build_array>::type array_type;
;; loop/recur is the most general looping construct (loop [lst [1 3 5 7] ret []] (if lst (recur (rest lst) (conj ret (* (first lst) (first lst)))) ret)) ==> [1 9 25 49]
// In-place: auto data = [1, 3, 5, 7]; foreach (ref el; data) el *= el;
// Creating a new array: auto data = [1, 3, 5, 7]; typeof(data) data2; foreach (i, el; data) data2[i] = el*el;
- See Pascal
Most looping is done with recursion. Tail recursion is properly optimized.
: forever ( quot -- ) dup slip forever ; inline [ "A hungry raptor stalks you..." print flush 2000 random sleep ] forever
Most indices are implicit or not present at all.
3 [ "pint" drink ] times { "high" "level" "language" } [ print ] each high level language 10 [ sq ] map { 0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 } { 1 2 3 } { 4 5 6 } [ * ] 2map . { 4 10 18 } 10 [ even? ] subset . V{ 0 2 4 6 8 } 0 10 3 <range> >array . { 0 3 6 9 } 10 1 -2 <range> >array . { 10 8 6 4 2 } 2222 [ dup 0 > ] [ 2/ dup ] [ ] unfold nip . { 1111 555 277 138 69 34 17 8 4 2 1 0 }
Iterating with an index:
: indexed-alphabet. ( -- ) "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" [ [ 1string ] [ number>string ] bi* ": " glue print ] each-index ;
( limit start ) DO ( iterated statements ) LOOP ( limit start ) DO ( iterated statements ) ( increment ) +LOOP LEAVE \ exits a DO loop UNLOOP EXIT \ cleans up loop counters from return stack before returning from the current word
example: Two standard iterations
10 0 DO I . LOOP \ Prints the numbers from 0 to 9 10 0 DO I . 2 +LOOP \ Prints the even numbers from 0 to 8
BEGIN ( iterated statements ) ( conditional ) UNTIL
example: Counts down from a given number to zero
BEGIN ( iterated statements ) AGAIN
example: echo user's input
BEGIN ( conditional ) WHILE ( iterated statements ) REPEAT
example: counts down from a given number to one
Additional WHILE clauses may be added to a loop, but each extra WHILE requires a matching THEN after the REPEAT.
Mixed Structures
Because Forth's compiler is laid bare to the programmer, it is quite easy to both define your own looping structures or combine existing structures in interesting ways. The rules for such combining are somewhat involved, though discussions can be found in the gforth user's manual, among other places. These more complex looping constructs can make up for Forth's lack of a "break" word, and can allow expressing complex loops without resorting to boolean variables. A practical example is also found in the Binary search task.
A good example of a useful combination is this complex loop:
BEGIN ( condition 1 ) WHILE ( condition 2 ) UNTIL ( condition 2 succeeded ) ELSE ( condition 1 failed ) THEN
An example of using this idiom in practice might be this pseudo-Forth
BEGIN read-next-record WHILE found-record UNTIL process-record ELSE error" Ran out of records looking for the right one!" THEN
While Loops
while (true) { println 'groovy' }
For Loops
// iterate over a range x = 0 for (i in 1..3) { x += i } assert x == 6 // iterate over a list x = 0 for (i in [1, 2, 3]) { x += i } assert x == 6 // iterate over an array x = 0 for (i in (1..3).toArray()) { x += i } assert x == 6 // iterate over a map's key/value pairs x = 0 for (i in map) { x += i.value } assert x = 6 // iterate over a map's values x = 0 for (i in map.values()) { x += i } assert x == 6 // iterate over the characters in a string text = 'abc' list = [] for (c in text) { list.add(c) } assert list == ['a', 'b', 'c']
def stringList = [ "java", "perl", "python", "ruby" ]; def stringMap = [ "Su" : "Sunday", "Mo" : "Monday", "Tu" : "Tuesday", "We" : "Wednesday", "Th" : "Thursday", "Fr" : "Friday", "Sa" : "Saturday" ]; stringList.each() { print " ${it}" }; println ""; // java perl python ruby stringMap.each() { key, value -> println "${key} == ${value}" }; // Su == Sunday // We == Wednesday // Mo == Monday // Sa == Saturday // Th == Thursday // Tu == Tuesday // Fr == Friday stringList.eachWithIndex() { obj, i -> println " ${i}: ${obj}" }; // 0: java // 1: perl // 2: python // 3: ruby stringMap.eachWithIndex() { obj, i -> println " ${i}: ${obj}" }; // 0: Su=Sunday // 1: We=Wednesday // 2: Mo=Monday // 3: Sa=Saturday // 4: Th=Thursday // 5: Tu=Tuesday // 6: Fr=Friday
Most of the usual applications for loops are realized in Haskell by operations on (lazy) lists, like map, fold or filter. It's unusual to use loops in an imperative style. However, if one insists on it, it's easy to make your own implementation of any loop variant.
Here are a few examples:
Pre-checked loop (while)
whileM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> m () whileM cond body = cond >>= \b -> if b then body >> untilM cond body else return ()
Post-checked loop (repeat-until)
untilM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> m () untilM cond body = body >> cond >>= \b -> if b then return () else untilM cond body
For-style loop
Simplest done by iterating over a list:
forM :: Monad m => [a] -> (a -> m ()) -> m () forM [] f = return () forM (x:xs) f = f x >> forM xs f
It should be noted that IDL programmers tend to avoid loops -- most of the time loops are used to access the elements of arrays or vectors, and since IDL is an array language the same purpose can almost always be served in a faster, more elegant and more readable way though any of the array operations.
for i=0,50,2 do print,i
prints out every second number starting at 0 stopping at 50. Wherever a single command can go in IDL, there can always go a begin...end pair with arbitrary amount of code in between. Thus the above can also read
for variable = start, stop [,increment] do begin ;some code here ;some more code endfor
It is allowed but not required to use the appropriate "type of end" - i.e. it would be allowed to just say "end" instead of "endfor". However "endfor" (and "endwhile", "endif" etc) will throw an error if the wrong one is encountered at compile time and thus it is recommended to always use the more descriptive form since it makes debugging a lot easier.
while condition do command
Same extensions as above:
while running do begin ; various snippets of code that might change the variable ; "running" from something true to something false end[while]
repeat command until condition
'Goto' exists and can in principle be forced to make a loop:
label: ;some code [if condition then $] goto label
The break statement will immediately terminate the current innermost for, while, repeat, if, case or switch without having to resort to a goto.
while(booleanConditionOrVariable) { foo(); }
do { foo(); } while (booleanConditionOrVariable)
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { foo(); }
Object[] objects; // ... for (Object current : objects[]) { // ... }
int[] numbers; // ... for (int i : numbers) { // ... }
Collection<Type> collect; // ... for(Type i : collect){ // ... }
while with continue
while(booleanConditionOrVariable){ //[code] if(anotherBooleanConditionOrVariable){ continue; //"continue" skips this code and goes through the loop again } //"continue" skips this code and goes through the loop again }
This also works in a for loop, but the conditional and iteration code (second and third arguments) will be run before the loop begins again.
while with break
while(booleanConditionOrVariable){ //[code] if(anotherBooleanConditionOrVariable){ break; //"break" skips this code and leaves the loop } //"break" skips this code and leaves the loop }
This also works in a for loop, and no code from the arguments of the loop will be run again.
while(true) { foo(); }
do while
do { foo(); } while(test);
for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { foo(); }
for in
//iterate through property names of an object var obj = {prop1:"a", prop2:"b", prop3:"c"}; for (var key in obj) alert( key + ' is set to ' + obj[key] );
for each in
//iterate through property values of an object var obj = {prop1:"a", prop2:"b", prop3:"c"}; for each(var element in obj) alert( element );
forever [right random 360 forward 10]
repeat 5 [right 180-36 forward 100]
Repeat and forever also have access to a loop counter, starting at 1.
repeat 10 [print repcount]
while [:x > 0] [make "x :x / 2] do.while [make "x :x / 2] [:x > 0]
until [:x = 0] [make "x :x / 2] do.until [make "x :x / 2] [:x = 0]
LSE's loop words all work via tail recursion, like Scheme, by re-executing the current word. If used interactively, "repeat" works upon the current line. Exiting words, like "&&", "||", and "exit" can be used to exit an otherwise infinite loop (see other tasks).
infinite : " again and " ,t repeat limited : continue? &repeat
Counted loops execute a specified word n times. Within that word, "count" accesses a loop counter, counted down to zero.
body : count , sp 10 body iterate # 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 body? : count , sp count 5 > 10 body? &iterate # 10 9 8 7 6 5
Make does looping through recursion. SUCC=`expr $* + 1` MAX=10 all: 0-n; %-n: %-echo @-make -f loop.mk $(SUCC)-n MAX=$(MAX) %-echo: @echo $* $(MAX)-n: $(MAX)-echo;
Invoking it
|make -f loop.mk MAX=2 0 1 2
(dotimes (x 10) (println (+ x 1)))
(set 'x 1) (do-until (= x 10) (inc 'x) (println x))
(set 'x 1) (do-while (< x 10) (inc 'x) (println x))
(for (x 1 10) (println x))
Object Pascal
- See Pascal
- See C
<lang ocaml># for i = 0 to 4 do
Printf.printf "%d\n" i; done;;
0 1 2 3 4 - : unit = ()</lang>
for down to
<lang ocaml># for i=4 downto 0 do
Printf.printf "%d\n" i; done;;
4 3 2 1 0 - : unit = ()</lang>
<lang ocaml># let line = ref "" in
while !line <> "exit" do line := input_line stdin; print_endline(String.uppercase !line); done;;
objective caml OBJECTIVE CAML exit EXIT - : unit = ()</lang>
let rec
The for and while loops are imperative features of OCaml, and most often it is rather recommended to prefer using functional loop designed with recursive functions, or better when iterating over a list or an array using a built-in iterator from the standard library or the extLib library. <lang ocaml>let rec loop i =
Printf.printf "%d\n" i; if i <= 4 then loop (i + 1)
in loop 0</lang>
Built-in Iterators
<lang ocaml>List.iter List.fold_left Array.iter Array.iteri</lang>
WHILE condition1 DO BEGIN procedure1; procedure2; END;
REPEAT procedure1; procedure2; UNTIL condition1;
FOR counter := 1 TO 10 DO BEGIN procedure1; procedure2; END;
Counter : char ;
FOR counter := 'A' TO 'Z' DO BEGIN procedure1; procedure2; END;
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $condition1 = 0; while ( $condition1 ) { # Do something. # Remember to change the value of condition1 at some point. }
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $condition1 = 0; do { # Do something. # Remember to change the value of condition1 at some point. } while ( $condition1 );
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $condition1 = 1; until ( $condition1 ) { # Do something. # Remember to change the value of condition1 at some point. }
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $condition1 = 1; do { # Do something. # Remember to change the value of condition1 at some point. } until ( $condition1 );
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $limit = 5; for ( my $iterator = 0; $iterator < $limit; $iterator++ ) { # Do something } # for-variant, implicit iteration for (0..$limit) { # Do something } do_something() for 0..$limit;
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my @numbers = (1, 2, 3); my %names = (first => "George", last => "Jetson"); foreach my $number (@numbers) { # Do something with $number } foreach my $key (keys %names) { # Do something with $key (values are accessible as %names{$key} ) }
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my @numbers = (1, 2, 3); my @target; @target = map { # Do something with $_ } @numbers; @target = map($_ + 1, @numbers); sub a_sub { # Do something with $_ } @target = map a_sub @numbers;
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my @people = qw/Bobbie Charlie Susan/; my @target; @target = grep { # Discriminate based on $_ } @people; # Feed grep into map, this picks out elements 1, 3, 5, etc. @target = map($people[$_], grep($_ & 1, 0..$#people)); # Pick out the diminutive names @target = grep(/ie$/, @people); sub a_sub { # Do something with $_, and return a true or false value } @target = grep a_sub @people;
while(ok()) { foo(); bar(); baz(); }
$i = 0; do { echo $i; } while ($i > 0);
for($i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i) { echo $i; }
foreach(range(0, 9) as $i) { echo $i; }
foreach is only used for arrays, which is not obvious from the above example
foreach($array as $key => $value) { echo $key.' is '.$value; }
Pop11 offers multiple looping constructs. Basic one is while loop:
5 -> n; while n > 0 do printf(n, '%p\n'); n - 1 -> n; endwhile;
Variant of while is until loop:
until condition do /* Action */ enduntil;
is equivalent to:
while mot(condition) do /* Action */ endwhile;
One can process all elements of a list:
for x in [a b c] do x => endfor;
It is possible to simultaneously process multiple lists:
for x y in [a b c], [1 2 3] do [^x ^y] => endfor;
in first iteration sets x to "a" and y to 1, in the second x is "b" and y is 2, in the third (last) iteration x is "c" and y is 3. The iteration ends when the shortest list is exhausted.
Sometimes one wants to process tails of the list, to do this use on keyword instead of in keyword:
for x on [a b c] do x => endfor;
in first iteration sets x to [a b c], in the second to [b c], etc...
There is also "counting" version of for loop:
for x from 2 by 2 to 7 do x => endfor;
goes trough 2, 4 and 6. Ommited by frase means by 1.
There is alse a C-like for loop:
for action1 step action2 till condition do /* Actions */ endfor;
is equivalent to
action1 while not(condition) do /* Actions */ action2 endwhile;
There are more specialized kinds of loops, but we skip them here.
quitloop quitif quitunless
Inside loops one can use control transfers to prematurely exit the loop or end current iteration and start the next one:
while true do n - 1 -> n; quitif(n=0); endwhile;
quits loop when n=0. quitloop unconditionally quits loop, quitunless(x) is equivalent to quitif(not(x)).
nextloop nextif nextunless
Similarely to quitloop nextloop unconditionally ends current iteration and starts the new one, nextif(x) ends current iteration when x is true, nextunless(x) is equivalent to nextif(not(x)). The loop control transfers can be also used inside for (and until) loops.
Finally, it is frequently possible to avoid explicit iteration using higher order map functions (like appdata and mapdata).
The "for" operator expects three numbers and a procedure on the stack. It will consume all four arguments then it will push the first number on the stack, execute the procedure, increase the first number by the second number, push it on the stack, execute the procedure etc until the third number is reached. For example
10 12 200 {dup moveto 100 0 lineto} for stroke
will add lines to the currentpath that start at coordinates {10,10}; {22,22}; {34,34} ... and all end at {100,0}. The "stroke" operator then renders these lines on the current output device (usually a screen or a piece of paper).
Typically for is used to iterate over items in an iterable. Most Python built-in objects support iteration: lists, tuples, strings (including unicode string objects), dictionaries (by keys), sets, ranges (including the results from calls to the xrange() built-in functions) and files (line by line). Any object can support iteration by adding special methods.
<lang python>
for x in ["foo", "bar", "baz"]: print x
Frequently one wants to both iterate over a list and increment a counter:
<lang python>
mylist = ["foo", "bar", "baz"] for i, x in enumerate(mylist): print "Element no.", i, " is", x
Iterating over more than one list is achieved by zip:
<lang python>
for x, y, z in zip(lst1, lst2, lst3): print x, y, z
Iterating over more than one list + incrementing a counter:
<lang python>
for counter, [x, y, z] in enumerate(zip(lst1, lst2, lst3)): print counter, x, y, z
The built-in range() and xrange() functions are commonly used to provide indexes over which to iterate. range() returns a list while xrange() returns a generator object without building the list in memory:
<lang python>
import sys for i in xrange(sys.maxint): print i,
This would usually result in a MemoryError if we attempted to use the range() because it would try to create a list in memory consisting of all the integers from 0 up to the system's maximum. However, with xrange() this will run without error (for a very long time or until it's interrupted).
Optional else suite is executed unless break was called during iteration:
<lang python>
for i in numbers: if item < 0: break else: print 'all numbers are positive'
Because of the pervasive support for iteration and generators in Python classes and libraries the for loop structure is far more commonly used than while.
list comprehension expressions
Typically used when you want to create a list and there is little logic involved. Faster than for loop:
positives = [n for n in numbers if n > 0]
A list comprehension is an expression rather than a statement. This allows them to be used as arguments to a function:
<lang python>
def square_each(n): results = [] for each in n: results.append(each * each) return results squares_3x5 = square_each([x for x in range(100) if (x%3)==0 and (x%5)==0]) # Return a list of all the squares of numbers from 1 up to 100 those numbers are # multiples of both 3 and 5.
Typical use:
<lang python>
while True: # Do stuff... if condition: break
You can add optional else, which is executed only if the expression tested was false. Typically used for searches.
<lang python>
while True: # Do stuff... if found: results = ... break else: print 'Not found'
Since Python has no "bottom-tested" loop construct (such as "do ... until") ... it's common Python practice to either rethink the design in terms of iteration or to use an while 1 (infinite loop) and break out of it as appropriate.
10 each as i # counted loop "index is %(i)d\n" print 'hello world' each as c # string characters "%(c)c" print [ 'a' 'b' 'c' ] each as item # list items "%(item)s" print { 'a' 1 'b' 2 } each pair as k, v # hash key/val pairs "%(k)s => %(v)d\n" print 'SELECT * FROM table' mysql query each as row # iterable resource row print
repeat while/until
repeat <some_condition> while <some_process> repeat <come_condition> until <some_process>
while true do foo end
for i in 0..4 do foo end
0.upto(4) do #startNumber.upto(endNumber) foo end
5.times do foo end
Step size other than 1:
0.upto(10,2) do #startNumber.upto(endNumber, stepSize) foo end
['foo', 'bar', 'baz'].each do |x| puts x end
array = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'].collect do |x| foo x end
array = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'].map {|x| foo x }
string = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'].inject("") do |s,x| s << x end
sum = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'].inject(0) do |s,x| s + x.size end
product = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'].inject(1) do |p,x| p * x.size end
boolean = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'].inject(true) do |b,x| b &&= x != 'bar' end
In Seed7 new statements can be declared easily. This feature is not explained here. Here are examples of the predefined loops:
while TRUE do foo; end while;
repeat foo; until FALSE;
for i range 0 to 4 do foo; end for;
for i range 4 downto 0 do foo; end for;
for stri range []("foo", "bar", "baz") do writeln(stri); end for;
10 timesRepeat: [ expression ].
iterating over a collection
( collection ) do: [ expression ].
( collection ) collect: [:element | element sendMessageToElement].
#(1 2 3 4) inject: 5 into: [:sum :number | sum + number]
x := 0. [ x < 100 ] whileTrue: [ x := x + 10.].
[ x = 0 ] whileFalse: [ x := x - 20.].
simple looping
1 to: 5 do: [:number | Transcript show: 'Here is a number: ' number printString ; cr]
(-50 to: 50 by: 4) do: [:number | Transcript show: number ; cr]
==in==!/==body==?\==out== \==ydob===/
The basic loop structure can be modified in many ways. You can have a pre-loop test by including ? before the loop.
A unique feature of SNUSP is the ability to write bi-directional loops, designed for different effect depending on which direction the flow of control is running around the loop. The two entry points into this subroutine will move a value either up or down one cell, determined by the direction the loop is circulating.
# # up1====?!/->+<\ ? ? down1==?!\<+>-/ # #
foreach i {foo bar baz} { puts "$i" }
Note that foreach also accepts multiple variables:
foreach {x y} {1 2 3 4} { puts "$x,$y" }
And also multiple lists:
foreach i {1 2 3} j {a b c} { puts "$i,$j" }
Or any combination of variables/list:
foreach i {1 2 3} {x y} {a b c d e f} { puts "$i,$x,$y" }
for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} { puts $i }
It bears noting that the three parts of the for loop do not have to consist of "initialize variable", "test value of variable" and "increment variable". This is a common way to think of it as it resembles the "for" loop in other languages, but many other things make sense. For example this for-loop will read a file line-by-line:
set line "" for { set io [open test.txt r] } { ![eof $io] } { gets $io line } { if { $line != "" } { ...do something here... } }
(This is a somewhat awkward example; just to show what is possible)
set i 0 while {$i < 10} { puts [incr i] }
Counts up or down until the boundaries are met.
10 0 [ i . ] countedLoop 0 10 [ i . ] countedLoop
Repeatedly executes a quote until the quote returns true.
100 [ dup . 1 - dup 0 <> ] whileTrue
Repeatedly executes a quote until the quote returns true.
0 [ dup . 1 + dup 101 = ] whileFalse
UNIX Shell
Interpreter:' Bourne Again SHell
A simple loop that counts from 1 to 10.
#!/bin/bash for ((x = 1; $x <= 10; x = $x + 1 )) do echo $x done
A loop that iterates through all of the (whitespace-delimited) members of ARRAY.
#!/bin/bash ARRAY="VALUE1 VALUE2 VALUE3 VALUE4 VALUE5" for ELEMENT in $ARRAY do echo $ELEMENT # Print $ELEMENT done
#!/bin/sh x=1 while [ $x -lt 101 ] do echo $x x=`expr "$x" + 1` done
#!/bin/bash while true do ... done
while loop counting down from 100
100 [0 >] [dup puts pred] while
Visual Basic .NET
Visual Basic has three principal loop structures, Do/Loop, For, and For-Each.
Sub InfiniteLoop() Do 'code Loop End Sub Sub LoopWithInnerCondition() Do 'code If Condition() Then Exit Do 'more code Loop End Sub Sub PreConditionLoop1() Do While Condition() 'loop continues while Condition is true 'code Loop End Sub Sub PreConditionLoop2() Do Until Condition() 'loop continues until Condition is true 'code Loop End Sub Sub PostConditionLoop1() Do 'code Loop While Condition() 'loop continues while Condition is true End Sub Sub PostConditionLoop2() Do 'code Loop Until Condition() 'loop continues until Condition is true End Sub Sub ClassicLoop() 'not generally used While Condition() 'loop continues while Condition is true 'code End While End Sub
- The type of the iterator variable (i in these example) is infered from the upper and lower bounds.
- If a Step clause isn't provided, it is assumed to be 1.
- Loops can be left early using Exit For
- The upper bound is inclusive.
Sub ForLoop1() For i = 1 To 10 'code Next End Sub Sub ForLoop2() 'skips even numbers For i = 1 To 10 Step 2 'code Next End Sub Sub ForLoop3() 'iterates backwards For i = 10 To 1 Step -1 'code Next End Sub
For Each
Sub ForEachLoop() 'iterates over a collection For Each item In Source() 'code Next End Sub Function ForEachLoop2() 'searching for a string, exiting early if found Dim found As Boolean For Each item In Source() If item = "CAR" Then found = True Exit For End If Next End Function
The <xsl:for-each> element allows explicit iteration over a collection of nodes:
<xsl:for-each select="node set expression"> <!-- executed for each node in the node set. Each node becomes the context for this block. --> </xsl:for-each>
The XPath node set expression for "select" must return a set of nodes:
PRE <!-- all <PRE> blocks in an HTML page --> group[ignore != 'true'] <!-- all "group" nodes in the current context without an ignore attribute set to 'true' -->
Much other iteration in XSLT is implicit. For example, you can specify a "match" attribute to apply a template to all nodes of a particular type.