String case: Difference between revisions

add bqn
(add bqn)
Line 885:
> ^
^ <</syntaxhighlight>
Both idioms are from BQNcrate. For reference, <code>⍋</code> in both examples performs a binary search to check if the characters are in the respective alphabet range. Based on that, the correct number is added at those locations to change case.
<syntaxhighlight lang="bqn">Upr ← -⟜(32×1="a{"⊸⍋) # Uppercase ASCII text
Lwr ← +⟜(32×1="A["⊸⍋) # Lowercase ASCII text</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight> str ← "alphaBETA"
Upr str
Lwr str
