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Multiple distinct objects: Difference between revisions

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(Added Elixir)
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Line 292:
clone is the important word here to have distinct objects. This creates an array of arrays.
<lang factor>1000 [ { 1 } clone ] replicate</lang>
{{works with|Forth}}
Works with any ANS Forth
Needs the FMS-SI (single inheritance) library code located here:
<lang forth>include FMS-SI.f
include FMS-SILib.f
\ create a list of VAR objects the right way
\ each: returns a unique object reference
o{ 0 0 0 } dup p: o{ 0 0 0 }
dup each: drop . 10774016
dup each: drop . 10786896
dup each: drop . 10786912
\ create a list of VAR objects the wrong way
\ each: returns the same object reference
var x
object-list2 list
x list add:
x list add:
x list add:
list p: o{ 0 0 0 }
list each: drop . 1301600
list each: drop . 1301600
list each: drop . 1301600
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