Queue/Usage: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
Content deleted Content added
Line 850: Line 850:
print empty? :fifo ; false</lang>
print empty? :fifo ; false</lang>
Uses the queue-definition given at http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Queue#Lua
Uses the queue-definition given at [[Queue/Definition#Lua]]
<lang lua>q = Queue.new()
<lang lua>q = Queue.new()
Queue.push( q, 5 )
Queue.push( q, 5 )

Revision as of 19:51, 29 June 2012

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Data Structure
This illustrates a data structure, a means of storing data within a program.

You may see other such structures in the Data Structures category.
Illustration of FIFO behavior

Create a queue data structure and demonstrate its operations. (For implementations of queues, see the FIFO task.)


  • push (aka enqueue) - add element
  • pop (aka dequeue) - pop first element
  • empty - return truth value when empty


<lang ada>with FIFO; with Ada.Text_Io; use Ada.Text_Io;

procedure Queue_Test is

  package Int_FIFO is new FIFO (Integer);
  use Int_FIFO;
  Queue : FIFO_Type;
  Value : Integer;


  Push (Queue, 1);
  Push (Queue, 2);   
  Push (Queue, 3);
  Pop (Queue, Value);
  Pop (Queue, Value);
  Push (Queue, 4);
  Pop (Queue, Value);
  Pop (Queue, Value);
  Push (Queue, 5);
  Pop (Queue, Value);
  Put_Line ("Is_Empty " & Boolean'Image (Is_Empty (Queue)));

end Queue_Test;</lang> Sample output:

Is_Empty TRUE


<lang AppleScript >on push(StackRef, value) set StackRef's contents to {value} & StackRef's contents return StackRef end push

on pop(StackRef) set R to missing value if StackRef's contents ≠ {} then set R to StackRef's contents's item 1 set StackRef's contents to {} & rest of StackRef's contents end if return R end pop

on isStackEmpty(StackRef) if StackRef's contents = {} then return true return false end isStackEmpty

set theStack to {} repeat with i from 1 to 5 push(a reference to theStack, i) log result end repeat repeat until isStackEmpty(theStack) = true pop(a reference to theStack) log result

end repeat</lang>Output (in Script Editor Event Log):

	(*2, 1*)
	(*3, 2, 1*)
	(*4, 3, 2, 1*)
	(*5, 4, 3, 2, 1*)


<lang autohotkey>push("qu", 2), push("qu", 44), push("qu", "xyz") ; TEST

MsgBox % "Len = " len("qu") ; Number of entries While !empty("qu")  ; Repeat until queue is not empty

   MsgBox % pop("qu")      ; Print popped values (2, 44, xyz)

MsgBox Error = %ErrorLevel% ; ErrorLevel = 0: OK MsgBox % pop("qu")  ; Empty MsgBox Error = %ErrorLevel% ; ErrorLevel = -1: popped too much MsgBox % "Len = " len("qu") ; Number of entries

push(queue,_) {  ; push _ onto queue named "queue" (!=_), _ string not containing |

   %queue% .= %queue% = "" ? _ : "|" _


pop(queue) {  ; pop value from queue named "queue" (!=_,_1,_2)

   RegExMatch(%queue%, "([^\|]*)\|?(.*)", _)
   Return _1, ErrorLevel := -(%queue%=""), %queue% := _2


empty(queue) {  ; check if queue named "queue" is empty

   Return %queue% = ""


len(queue) {  ; number of entries in "queue"

   StringReplace %queue%, %queue%, |, |, UseErrorLevel
   Return %queue% = "" ? 0 : ErrorLevel+1



See FIFO for the needed code. <lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <stdbool.h>
  1. include <sys/queue.h>

/* #include "fifolist.h" */

int main() {

 int i;
 FIFOList head;
 /* insert 20 integer values */
 for(i=0; i < 20; i++) {
   m_enqueue(i, &head);
 /* dequeue and print */
 while( m_dequeue(&i, &head) )
   printf("%d\n", i);
 fprintf(stderr, "FIFO list %s\n",

( m_dequeue(&i, &head) ) ? "had still an element" : "is void!");




Note that with C++'s standard queue, accessing the first element of the queue and removing it are two separate operations, front() and pop(). <lang cpp>#include <queue>

  1. include <cassert> // for run time assertions

int main() {

 std::queue<int> q;
 assert( q.empty() );        // initially the queue is empty
 q.push(1);                  // add an element
 assert( !q.empty() );       // now the queue isn't empty any more
 assert( q.front() == 1 );   // the first element is, of course, 1
 q.push(2);                  // add another element
 assert( !q.empty() );       // it's of course not empty again
 assert( q.front() == 1 );   // the first element didn't change
 q.push(3);                  // add yet an other element
 assert( !q.empty() );       // the queue is still not empty
 assert( q.front() == 1 );   // and the first element is still 1
 q.pop();                    // remove the first element
 assert( !q.empty() );       // the queue is not yet empty
 assert( q.front() == 2);    // the first element is now 2 (the 1 is gone)
 assert( !q.empty() );
 assert( q.front() == 3);
 assert( !q.empty() );
 assert( q.front() == 3);
 assert( !q.empty() );
 assert( q.front() == 4);
 assert( q.empty() );
 assert( !q.empty() );
 assert( q.front() == 5);
 assert( q.empty() );


Note that the container used to store the queue elements can be specified explicitly; to use a linked linst instead of a deque (the latter is the default), just replace the definition of q to <lang cpp> std::queue<int, std::list<int> ></lang>

(and add #include <list>, of course). Also note that the containers can be used directly; in that case push and pop have to be replaced by push_back and pop_front.


In C# we can use the Queue<T> class in the .NET 2.0 framework. <lang csharp>using System; using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace RosettaCode {

   class Program
       static void Main()
           // Create a queue and "push" items into it
           Queue<int> queue  = new Queue<int>();
           // "Pop" items from the queue in FIFO order
           Console.WriteLine(queue.Dequeue()); // 1
           Console.WriteLine(queue.Dequeue()); // 3
           Console.WriteLine(queue.Dequeue()); // 5
           // To tell if the queue is empty, we check the count
           bool empty = queue.Count == 0;
           Console.WriteLine(empty); // "True"
           // If we try to pop from an empty queue, an exception
           // is thrown.
           catch (InvalidOperationException exception)
               Console.WriteLine(exception.Message); // "Queue empty."



Using the implementation from FIFO: <lang lisp>(def q (make-queue))

(enqueue q 1) (enqueue q 2) (enqueue q 3)

(dequeue q) ; 1 (dequeue q) ; 2 (dequeue q) ; 3

(queue-empty? q) ; true</lang> Or use a java implementation: <lang lisp>(def q (java.util.LinkedList.))

(.add q 1) (.add q 2) (.add q 3)

(.remove q) ; 1 (.remove q) ; 2 (.remove q) ; 3

(.isEmpty q) ; true</lang>


<lang coffeescript>

  1. We build a Queue on top of an ordinary JS array, which supports push
  2. and shift. For simple queues, it might make sense to just use arrays
  3. directly, but this code shows how to encapsulate the array behind a restricted
  4. API. For very large queues, you might want a more specialized data
  5. structure to implement the queue, in case arr.shift works in O(N) time, which
  6. is common for array implementations. On my laptop I start noticing delay
  7. after about 100,000 elements, using node.js.

Queue = ->

 arr = []
 enqueue: (elem) ->
   arr.push elem
 dequeue: (elem) ->
   throw Error("queue is empty") if arr.length == 0
   arr.shift elem
 is_empty: (elem) ->
   arr.length == 0
  1. test

do ->

 q = Queue()
 for i in [1..100000]
   q.enqueue i
 console.log q.dequeue() # 1
 while !q.is_empty()
   v = q.dequeue()
 console.log v # 1000
   q.dequeue() # throws Error
 catch e
   console.log "#{e}"

</lang> output <lang> > coffee queue.coffee 1 100000 Error: queue is empty </lang>

Common Lisp

Using the implementation from FIFO.

<lang lisp>(let ((queue (make-queue)))

 (enqueue 38 queue)
 (assert (not (queue-empty-p queue)))
 (enqueue 23 queue)
 (assert (eql 38 (dequeue queue)))
 (assert (eql 23 (dequeue queue)))
 (assert (queue-empty-p queue)))</lang>


Generics were added in Delphi2009.

<lang Delphi>program QueueUsage;


uses Generics.Collections;


 lStringQueue: TQueue<string>;


 lStringQueue := TQueue<string>.Create;
   if lStringQueue.Count = 0 then
     Writeln('Queue is empty.');



Queue is empty.


Using the implementation from FIFO.

<lang e>def [reader, writer] := makeQueue() require(escape empty { reader.dequeue(empty); false } catch _ { true }) writer.enqueue(1) writer.enqueue(2) require(reader.dequeue(throw) == 1) writer.enqueue(3) require(reader.dequeue(throw) == 2) require(reader.dequeue(throw) == 3) require(escape empty { reader.dequeue(empty); false } catch _ { true })</lang>

E also has queues in the standard library such as <import:org.erights.e.examples.concurrency.makeQueue>, but they are designed for concurrency purposes and do not report emptiness but rather return a promise for the next element.


A generic component for Queues and its usage are described in Queue/Definition


All functions, from the shell: <lang Erlang>1> Q = fifo:new(). {fifo,[],[]} 2> fifo:empty(Q). true 3> Q2 = fifo:push(Q,1). {fifo,[1],[]} 4> Q3 = fifo:push(Q2,2). {fifo,[2,1],[]} 5> fifo:empty(Q3). false 6> fifo:pop(Q3). {1,{fifo,[],[2]}} 7> {Popped, Q} = fifo:pop(Q2). {1,{fifo,[],[]}} 8> fifo:pop(fifo:new()).

    • exception error: 'empty fifo'
    in function  fifo:pop/1</lang>

Crashing is the normal expected behavior in Erlang: let it crash, a supervisor will take responsibility of restarting processes, or the caller will take care of it. Only program for the successful cases.


Using definition of Queue in: Queue/Definition task.

<lang fantom> class Main {

 public static Void main ()
   q := Queue()
   q.push (1)
   q.push ("a")
   echo ("Is empty? " + q.isEmpty)
   echo ("Element: " + q.pop)
   echo ("Element: " + q.pop)
   echo ("Is empty? " + q.isEmpty)
   try { q.pop } catch (Err e) { echo (e.msg) }

} </lang>


Is empty? false
Element: 1
Element: a
Is empty? true
queue is empty


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later

<lang fortran>module fifo_nodes

 type fifo_node
    integer :: datum
    ! the next part is not variable and must be present
    type(fifo_node), pointer :: next
    logical :: valid
 end type fifo_node

end module fifo_nodes

program FIFOTest

 use fifo
 implicit none
 type(fifo_head) :: thehead
 type(fifo_node), dimension(5) :: ex, xe
 integer :: i
 call new_fifo(thehead)
 do i = 1, 5
    ex(i)%datum = i
    call fifo_enqueue(thehead, ex(i))
 end do
 i = 1
    call fifo_dequeue(thehead, xe(i))
    print *, xe(i)%datum
    i = i + 1
    if ( fifo_isempty(thehead) ) exit
 end do

end program FIFOTest</lang>


With Queue/Definition code

Solution using package from the Queue/Definition task: <lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   q := new(queue.Queue)
   fmt.Println("empty?", q.Empty())
   x := "black"
   fmt.Println("push", x)
   fmt.Println("empty?", q.Empty())
   r, ok := q.Pop()
   if ok {
       fmt.Println(r, "popped")
   } else {
       fmt.Println("pop failed")
   var n int
   for _, x := range []string{"blue", "red", "green"} {
       fmt.Println("pushing", x)
   for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
       r, ok := q.Pop()
       if ok {
           fmt.Println(r, "popped")
       } else {
           fmt.Println("pop failed")

}</lang> Output:

empty? true
push black
empty? false
black popped
pushing blue
pushing red
pushing green
blue popped
red popped
green popped

With channels

Go buffered channels are FIFO, and better, are concurrency-safe (if you have an application for that.) Code below is same as code above only with Go channels rather than the home made queue implementation. Note that you don't have to start concurrent goroutines to use channels, they are useful all on their own. Other differences worth noting: Buffered channels are not dynamically resizable. This is a good thing, as queues that can grow without limit allow ugly bugs that consume memory and grind to a halt. Also blocking operations (as seen here with push) are probably a bad idea with a single goroutine. Much safer to use non-blocking operations that handle success and failure (the way pop is done here.) <lang go>package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

   q := make(chan string, 3)
   fmt.Println("empty?", len(q) == 0)
   x := "black"
   fmt.Println("push", x)
   q <- x
   fmt.Println("empty?", len(q) == 0)
   select {
   case r := <-q:
       fmt.Println(r, "popped")
       fmt.Println("pop failed")
   var n int
   for _, x := range []string{"blue", "red", "green"} {
       fmt.Println("pushing", x)
       q <- x
   for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
       select {
       case r := <-q:
           fmt.Println(r, "popped")
           fmt.Println("pop failed")


With linked lists

<lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   q := list.New()
   fmt.Println("empty?", q.Len() == 0)
   x := "black"
   fmt.Println("push", x)
   fmt.Println("empty?", q.Len() == 0)
   if e := q.Front(); e != nil {
       r := q.Remove(e)
       fmt.Println(r, "popped")
   } else {
       fmt.Println("pop failed")
   var n int
   for _, x := range []string{"blue", "red", "green"} {
       fmt.Println("pushing", x)
   for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
       if e := q.Front(); e != nil {
           r := q.Remove(e)
           fmt.Println(r, "popped")
       } else {
           fmt.Println("pop failed")



Solution: <lang groovy>def q = new LinkedList()</lang>

Test: <lang groovy>assert q.empty println q // "push" adds to end of "queue" list q.push('Stuart') println q assert !q.empty // "add" adds to end of "queue" list q.add('Pete') println q assert !q.empty // left shift operator ("<<") adds to end of "queue" list q << 'John' println q assert !q.empty // add assignment ("+=") adds the list elements // to the end of the "queue" list in list order q += ['Paul', 'George'] println q assert !q.empty // "poll" removes and returns the first element in the // "queue" list ("pop" exists for Groovy lists, but it // removes and returns the LAST element for "Stack" // semantics). "poll" only exists in objects that // implement java.util.Queue, like java.util.LinkedList assert q.poll() == 'Stuart' println q assert !q.empty assert q.poll() == 'Pete' println q assert !q.empty q << 'Ringo' println q assert !q.empty assert q.poll() == 'John' println q assert !q.empty assert q.poll() == 'Paul' println q assert !q.empty assert q.poll() == 'George' println q assert !q.empty assert q.poll() == 'Ringo' println q assert q.empty assert q.poll() == null</lang>


[Stuart, Pete]
[Stuart, Pete, John]
[Stuart, Pete, John, Paul, George]
[Pete, John, Paul, George]
[John, Paul, George]
[John, Paul, George, Ringo]
[Paul, George, Ringo]
[George, Ringo]


Running the code from Queue/Definition#Haskell through GHC's interpreter.

<lang Haskell> Prelude> :l fifo.hs [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( fifo.hs, interpreted ) Ok, modules loaded: Main.

  • Main> let q = emptyFifo
  • Main> isEmpty q


  • Main> let q' = push q 1
  • Main> isEmpty q'


  • Main> let q = foldl push q' [2..4]
  • Main> let (v,q') = pop q
  • Main> v

Just 1

  • Main> let (v',q') = pop q
  • Main> v'

Just 2

  • Main> let (v,q) = pop q'
  • Main> v

Just 3

  • Main> let (v,q') = pop q
  • Main> v

Just 4

  • Main> let (v',q'') = pop q'
  • Main> v'

Nothing </lang>

Icon and Unicon

Icon and Unicon provide built-in queue and stack functions. <lang Icon>procedure main(arglist) queue := [] write("Usage:\nqueue x x x - x - - - - -\n\t- pops elements\n\teverything else pushes") write("Queue is:") every x := !arglist do {

  case x of {
     "-"     : pop(queue)  | write("pop(empty) failed.")    # pop if the next arglist[i] is a -
     default : put(queue,x)                                 # push arglist[i]
  if empty(queue) then writes("empty")
  else every writes(!queue," ")


procedure empty(X) #: fail if X is not empty if *X = 0 then return end</lang>

Sample output:

queue - 1 3 4 5 6 - - - - - - - -
queue x x x - x - - - - -
        - pops elements
        everything else pushes
Queue is:
pop(empty) failed.
1 3 
1 3 4 
1 3 4 5 
1 3 4 5 6 
3 4 5 6 
4 5 6 
5 6 
pop(empty) failed.
pop(empty) failed.
pop(empty) failed.


Using object-oriented FIFO queue implementation from FIFO

This is an interactive J session:

<lang j> queue=: conew 'fifo'



  push__queue 9


  push__queue 8


  push__queue 7












Using function-level FIFO queue implementation from FIFO

This is an interactive J session: <lang j> is_empty make_empty _ 1

  first_named_state =: push 9 onto make_empty _
  newer_state =: push 8 onto first_named_state
  this_state =: push 7 onto newer_state
  is_empty this_state


  tell_queue this_state

9 8 7

  tell_atom pop this_state


  tell_atom pop pop this_state


  tell_atom pop pop pop this_state


  is_empty pop pop pop this_state



Works with: Java version 1.5+

LinkedList can always be used as a queue or stack, but not in conjunction with the Stack object provided by Java. To use a LinkedList as a stack, use the push and pop methods. A LinkedList can also be used as a double-ended queue (deque); LinkedList has implemented the Deque interface since Java 1.6+. <lang java>import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Queue; ... Queue<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<Integer>(); System.out.println(queue.isEmpty()); // empty test - true // queue.remove(); // would throw NoSuchElementException queue.add(1); queue.add(2); queue.add(3); System.out.println(queue); // [1, 2, 3] System.out.println(queue.remove()); // 1 System.out.println(queue); // [2, 3] System.out.println(queue.isEmpty()); // false</lang>

You can also use "offer" and "poll" methods instead of "add" and "remove", respectively. They indicate errors with the return value instead of throwing an exception.

Works with: Java version 1.4

<lang java>import java.util.LinkedList; ... LinkedList queue = new LinkedList(); System.out.println(queue.isEmpty()); // empty test - true queue.add(new Integer(1)); queue.add(new Integer(2)); queue.add(new Integer(3)); System.out.println(queue); // [1, 2, 3] System.out.println(queue.removeFirst()); // 1 System.out.println(queue); // [2, 3] System.out.println(queue.isEmpty()); // false</lang>


JavaScript arrays can be used as FIFOs. <lang javascript>var f = new Array(); print(f.length); f.push(1,2); // can take multiple arguments f.push(3); f.shift(); f.shift(); print(f.length); print(f.shift()) print(f.length == 0); print(f.shift());</lang>



Works with: UCB Logo

UCB Logo comes with a protocol for treating lists as queues.

<lang logo>make "fifo [] print empty? :fifo  ; true queue "fifo 1 queue "fifo 2 queue "fifo 3 show :fifo  ; [1 2 3] print dequeue "fifo  ; 1 show :fifo  ; [2 3] print empty? :fifo  ; false</lang>


Uses the queue-definition given at Queue/Definition#Lua <lang lua>q = Queue.new() Queue.push( q, 5 ) Queue.push( q, "abc" )

while not Queue.empty( q ) do

   print( Queue.pop( q ) )



<lang Mathematica>Empty[a_] := If[Length[a] == 0, True, False] SetAttributes[Push, HoldAll]; Push[a_, elem_] := AppendTo[a, elem] SetAttributes[Pop, HoldAllComplete]; Pop[a_] := If[EmptyQ[a], False, b = First[a]; Set[a, Most[a]]; b]

Queue = {} -> {} Empty[Queue] -> True Push[Queue, "1"] -> {"1"} EmptyQ[Queue] ->False Pop[Queue] ->1 Pop[Queue] ->False</lang>


This example demonstrates the push, pop and empty operations from an implementation of a queue as specified for the task.

The demonstration employs an in-line deployment of a queue object having as it's underlying implementation a java.util.Deque interface instanciated as a java.util.ArrayDeque. Typically this queue implementation would reside outside of the demonstration program and be imported at run-time rather than within the body of this source. <lang NetRexx>/* NetRexx */ options replace format comments java crossref savelog symbols nobinary

-- Queue Usage Demonstration Program ------------------------------------------- method main(args = String[]) public constant

 kew = RCQueueImpl()
   say kew.pop()
 catch ex = IndexOutOfBoundsException
   say ex.getMessage
 melancholyDane = 
 melancholyDane[0] = 4
 melancholyDane[1] = 'To be'
 melancholyDane[2] = 'or'
 melancholyDane[3] = 'not to be?'
 melancholyDane[4] = 'That is the question.'
 loop p_ = melancholyDane[0] to 1 by -1
   end p_
 loop while \kew.empty
   popped = kew.pop
   say popped '\-'
 say; say
 -- demonstrate stowing something other than a text string in the queue
 md = kew.pop
 loop l_ = 1 to md[0]
   say md[l_] '\-'
   end l_

-- Queue implementation -------------------------------------------------------- class RCQueueImpl

 properties private
   qqq = Deque

method RCQueueImpl() public

 qqq = ArrayDeque()

method push(stuff) public


method pop() public returns Rexx signals IndexOutOfBoundsException

 if qqq.isEmpty then signal IndexOutOfBoundsException('The queue is empty')
 return Rexx qqq.pop()

method empty() public binary returns boolean

 return qqq.isEmpty

method isTrue public constant binary returns boolean

 return 1 == 1

method isFalse public constant binary returns boolean

 return \isTrue


The queue is empty

To be or not to be? That is the question. 

To be or not to be? That is the question.


<lang ocaml># let q = Queue.create ();; val q : '_a Queue.t = <abstr>

  1. Queue.is_empty q;;

- : bool = true

  1. Queue.add 1 q;;

- : unit = ()

  1. Queue.is_empty q;;

- : bool = false

  1. Queue.add 2 q;;

- : unit = ()

  1. Queue.add 3 q;;

- : unit = ()

  1. Queue.peek q;;

- : int = 1

  1. Queue.length q;;

- : int = 3

  1. Queue.iter (Printf.printf "%d, ") q; print_newline ();;

1, 2, 3, - : unit = ()

  1. Queue.take q;;

- : int = 1

  1. Queue.take q;;

- : int = 2

  1. Queue.peek q;;

- : int = 3

  1. Queue.length q;;

- : int = 1

  1. Queue.add 4 q;;

- : unit = ()

  1. Queue.take q;;

- : int = 3

  1. Queue.peek q;;

- : int = 4

  1. Queue.take q;;

- : int = 4

  1. Queue.is_empty q;;

- : bool = true</lang>


ooRexx includes a built-in queue class. <lang ooRexx> q = .queue~new -- create an instance q~queue(3) -- adds to the end, but this is at the front q~push(1) -- push on the front q~queue(2) -- add to the end say q~pull q~pull q~pull q~isempty -- should display all and be empty <lang>


<lang oz>declare

 [Queue] = {Link ['x-oz://system/adt/Queue.ozf']}
 MyQueue = {Queue.new}


 {MyQueue.isEmpty} = true
 {MyQueue.put foo}
 {MyQueue.put bar}
 {MyQueue.put baz}
 {MyQueue.isEmpty} = false
 {Show {MyQueue.get}}  %% foo
 {Show {MyQueue.get}}  %% bar
 {Show {MyQueue.get}}  %% baz</lang>


Perl has built-in support to these operations: <lang perl>@queue = (); # we will simulate a queue in a array

push @queue, (1..5); # enqueue numbers from 1 to 5

print shift @queue,"\n"; # dequeue

print "array is empty\n" unless @queue; # is empty ?

print $n while($n = shift @queue); # dequeue all print "\n"; print "array is empty\n" unless @queue; # is empty ?</lang> Output: <lang>1 2345 array is empty</lang>

Perl 6

Perl 6 maintains the same list operators of Perl, for this task, the operations are: <lang>push (aka enqueue) -- @list.push pop (aka dequeue) -- @list.shift empty -- !@list.elems</lang> but there's also @list.pop which removes a item from the end, and @list.unshift which add a item on the start of the list.
Example: <lang perl6>my @queue = < a >;

@queue.push('b', 'c'); # [ a, b, c ]

say @queue.shift; # a say @queue.pop; # c

say @queue.perl; # [ b ] say @queue.elems; # 1

@queue.unshift('A'); # [ A, b ] @queue.push('C'); # [ A, b, C ]</lang>


Works with: PHP version 5.3+

<lang php><?php $queue = new SplQueue; echo $queue->isEmpty() ? 'true' : 'false', "\n"; // empty test - returns true // $queue->dequeue(); // would raise RuntimeException $queue->enqueue(1); $queue->enqueue(2); $queue->enqueue(3); echo $queue->dequeue(), "\n"; // returns 1 echo $queue->isEmpty() ? 'true' : 'false', "\n"; // returns false ?></lang>


Using the implementation from FIFO: <lang PicoLisp>(println (fifo 'Queue)) # Retrieve the number '1' (println (fifo 'Queue)) # Retrieve an internal symbol 'abc' (println (fifo 'Queue)) # Retrieve a transient symbol "abc" (println (fifo 'Queue)) # and a list (abc) (println (fifo 'Queue)) # Queue is empty -> NIL</lang> Output:

(a b c)


<lang PL/I> test: proc options (main);

  /* To implement a queue. */
  define structure
     1 node,
        2 value fixed,
        2 link handle(node);
  declare (head, tail, t) handle (node);
  declare null builtin;
  declare i fixed binary;
  head, tail = bind(:node, null:);
  do i = 1 to 10; /* Add ten items to the tail of the queue. */
     if head = bind(:node, null:) then
           head,tail = new(:node:);
           get list (head => value);
           put skip list (head => value);
           head => link = bind(:node, null:); /* A NULL link */
           t = new(:node:);
           tail => link = t; /* Point the tail to the new node. */
           tail = t;
           tail => link = bind(:node, null:); /* Set the tail link to NULL */
           get list (tail => value) copy;
           put skip list (tail => value);
  /* Pop all the items in the queue. */
  put skip list ('The queue has:');
  do while (head ^= bind(:node, null:));
     put skip list (head => value);
     head = head => link;

end test; </lang> The output: <lang>


The queue has:




Library: initlib

<lang postscript>

[1 2 3 4 5] 6 exch tadd
= [1 2 3 4 5 6]
= 1 [2 3 4 5 6]
[] empty?



Works with SWI-Prolog.

<lang Prolog>%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% definitions of queue empty(U-V) :- unify_with_occurs_check(U, V).

push(Queue, Value, NewQueue) :- append_dl(Queue, [Value|X]-X, NewQueue).

pop([X|V]-U, X, V-U) :- \+empty([X|V]-U).

append_dl(X-Y, Y-Z, X-Z).

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% use of queue queue :- % create an empty queue empty(Q), format('Create queue ~w~n~n', [Q]),

% add numbers 1 and 2 write('Add numbers 1 and 2 : '), push(Q, 1, Q1), push(Q1, 2, Q2),

% display queue format('~w~n~n', [Q2]),

% pop element pop(Q2, V, Q3),

% display results format('Pop : Value ~w Queue : ~w~n~n', [V, Q3]),

% test the queue write('Test of the queue : '), ( empty(Q3) -> writeln('Queue empy'); writeln('Queue not empty')), nl,

% pop the elements write('Pop the queue : '), pop(Q3, V1, Q4), format('Value ~w Queue : ~w~n~n', [V1, Q4]),

write('Pop the queue : '), pop(Q4, _V, _Q5). </lang> Output :

?- queue.
Create queue _G132-_G132

Add numbers 1 and 2 : [1,2|_G148]-_G148

Pop : Value 1 Queue : [2|_G148]-_G148

Test of the queue : Queue not empty

Pop the queue : Value 2 Queue : _G148-_G148

Pop the queue : 


<lang PureBasic>NewList MyStack()

Procedure Push(n)

 Shared MyStack()


Procedure Pop()

 Shared MyStack()
 Protected n
 If FirstElement(MyStack())  ; e.g. Stack not empty
 ProcedureReturn n


Procedure Empty()

 Shared MyStack()
 If  ListSize(MyStack())=0
   ProcedureReturn #True
 ProcedureReturn #False


---- Example of implementation ----

Push(3) Push(1) Push(4) Push(1) Push(5) While Not Empty()

 Debug Pop()

Wend </lang>




<lang python>import Queue my_queue = Queue.Queue() my_queue.put("foo") my_queue.put("bar") my_queue.put("baz") print my_queue.get() # foo print my_queue.get() # bar print my_queue.get() # baz</lang>


See FIFO#REBOL for implementation. Example repeated here for completeness.

<lang REBOL>; Create and populate a FIFO:

q: make fifo [] q/push 'a q/push 2 q/push USD$12.34  ; Did I mention that REBOL has 'money!' datatype? q/push [Athos Porthos Aramis] ; List elements pushed on one by one. q/push Huey Dewey Lewey  ; This list is preserved as a list.

Dump it out, with narrative

print rejoin ["Queue is " either q/empty [""]["not "] "empty."] while [not q/empty][print [" " q/pop]] print rejoin ["Queue is " either q/empty [""]["not "] "empty."] print ["Trying to pop an empty queue yields:" q/pop]</lang>


Queue is not empty.
   Huey Dewey Lewey
Queue is empty.
Trying to pop an empty queue yields: none


The REXX language was developed under IBM VM/CMS operating system, and CMS had a stack mechanism built-into the
operating system, so REXX utilized that resource.
The queue instruction adds an entry to the bottom of the stack (FIFO),
the push instruction adds an entry to the top of the stack (LIFO).
The queued() function returns the number of entries in the stack.
The pull or parse pull removes an entry from the top of the stack.
There are other instructions to manipulate the stack by "creating" mulitiple (named) stacks.
The entries in the stack may be anything, including "nulls". <lang rexx>/*REXX program demonstrates three queue operations: push, pop, queued. */ say '══════════════════════════════════Pushing five values to the stack.'

       do j=1 for 4                   /*loop to PUSH four values.      */
       call push j*10                 /*PUSH  (aka enqueue to stack).  */
       say 'pushed value:' j*10       /*echo the pushed value.         */
       if j\==3 then iterate          /*also, insert a "null" entry.   */
       call push                      /*PUSH  (aka enqueue to stack).  */
       say 'pushed a "null" value.'   /*echo what was pushed.          */

say '══════════════════════════════════Popping all values from the stack.'

       do m=1 while \empty()          /*EMPTY (returns TRUE if empty). */
       call pop                       /*POP   (aka dequeue from stack).*/
       say m': popped value=' result  /*echo the popped value.         */

say '══════════════════════════════════The stack is now empty.' exit /*─────────────────────────────────────subroutines/functions/operators. */ push: queue arg(1); return /*REXX QUEUE is FIFO. */ pop: procedure; pull x; return x /*REXX PULL removes a stack item*/ empty: return queued()==0 /*returns the status of the stack*/</lang> output

══════════════════════════════════Pushing five values to the stack.
pushed value: 10
pushed value: 20
pushed value: 30
pushed a "null" value.
pushed value: 40
══════════════════════════════════Popping all values from the stack.
1: popped value= 10
2: popped value= 20
3: popped value= 30
4: popped value=
5: popped value= 40
══════════════════════════════════The stack is now empty.


Sample usage at FIFO#Ruby


<lang scala>val q=scala.collection.mutable.Queue[Int]() println("isEmpty = " + q.isEmpty) try{q dequeue} catch{case _:java.util.NoSuchElementException => println("dequeue(empty) failed.")} q enqueue 1 q enqueue 2 q enqueue 3 println("queue = " + q) println("front = " + q.front) println("dequeue = " + q.dequeue) println("dequeue = " + q.dequeue) println("isEmpty = " + q.isEmpty)</lang> Output:

isEmpty = true
dequeue(empty) failed.
queue   = Queue(1, 2, 3)
front   = 1
dequeue = 1
dequeue = 2
isEmpty = false

Standard ML

Works with: SML/NJ
Functional interface

<lang sml>- open Fifo; opening Fifo

 datatype 'a fifo = ...
 exception Dequeue
 val empty : 'a fifo
 val isEmpty : 'a fifo -> bool
 val enqueue : 'a fifo * 'a -> 'a fifo
 val dequeue : 'a fifo -> 'a fifo * 'a
 val next : 'a fifo -> ('a * 'a fifo) option
 val delete : 'a fifo * ('a -> bool) -> 'a fifo
 val head : 'a fifo -> 'a
 val peek : 'a fifo -> 'a option
 val length : 'a fifo -> int
 val contents : 'a fifo -> 'a list
 val app : ('a -> unit) -> 'a fifo -> unit
 val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a fifo -> 'b fifo
 val foldl : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a fifo -> 'b
 val foldr : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a fifo -> 'b

- val q = empty; val q = Q {front=[],rear=[]} : 'a fifo - isEmpty q; val it = true : bool - val q' = enqueue (q, 1); val q' = Q {front=[],rear=[1]} : int fifo - isEmpty q'; val it = false : bool - val q = List.foldl (fn (x, q) => enqueue (q, x)) q' [2, 3, 4]; val q = Q {front=[],rear=[4,3,2,1]} : int fifo - peek q; val it = SOME 1 : int option - length q; val it = 4 : int - contents q; val it = [1,2,3,4] : int list - val (q', v) = dequeue q; val q = Q {front=[2,3,4],rear=[]} : int fifo val v = 1 : int - val (q', v') = dequeue q; val q' = Q {front=[3,4],rear=[]} : int fifo val v' = 2 : int - val (q, v) = dequeue q'; val q = Q {front=[4],rear=[]} : int fifo val v = 3 : int - val (q', v) = dequeue q; val q' = Q {front=[],rear=[]} : int fifo val v = 4 : int - isEmpty q'; val it = true : bool</lang>

Works with: SML/NJ
Imperative interface

<lang sml>- open Queue; opening Queue

 type 'a queue
 exception Dequeue
 val mkQueue : unit -> 'a queue
 val clear : 'a queue -> unit
 val isEmpty : 'a queue -> bool
 val enqueue : 'a queue * 'a -> unit
 val dequeue : 'a queue -> 'a
 val next : 'a queue -> 'a option
 val delete : 'a queue * ('a -> bool) -> unit
 val head : 'a queue -> 'a
 val peek : 'a queue -> 'a option
 val length : 'a queue -> int
 val contents : 'a queue -> 'a list
 val app : ('a -> unit) -> 'a queue -> unit
 val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a queue -> 'b queue
 val foldl : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a queue -> 'b
 val foldr : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a queue -> 'b

- val q : int queue = mkQueue (); val q = - : int queue - isEmpty q; val it = true : bool - enqueue (q, 1); val it = () : unit - isEmpty q; val it = false : bool - enqueue (q, 2); val it = () : unit - enqueue (q, 3); val it = () : unit - peek q; val it = SOME 1 : int option - length q; val it = 3 : int - contents q; val it = [1,2,3] : int list - dequeue q; val it = 1 : int - dequeue q; val it = 2 : int - peek q; val it = SOME 3 : int option - length q; val it = 1 : int - enqueue (q, 4); val it = () : unit - dequeue q; val it = 3 : int - peek q; val it = SOME 4 : int option - dequeue q; val it = 4 : int - isEmpty q; val it = true : bool</lang>


See FIFO for operation implementations: <lang tcl>set Q [list] empty Q  ;# ==> 1 (true) push Q foo empty Q  ;# ==> 0 (false) push Q bar peek Q  ;# ==> foo pop Q  ;# ==> foo peek Q  ;# ==> bar</lang>