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Averages/Arithmetic mean: Difference between revisions

m (Moved to Arith cat)
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These functions return a float:
<ocaml>let mean_floats xs =
if xs = [] then
List.fold_left (+.) 0. xs /. float_of_int (List.length xs)
let mean_ints xs = mean_floats (List.map float_of_int xs)</ocaml>
the previous code is easier to read and understand, though if you which
the fastest implementation to use in production code notice several points:
it is possible to save a call to List.length computing the length through
the List.fold_left, and for mean_ints it is possible to save calling
float_of_int on every numbers, converting only the result of the addition.
(also when using List.map and the order is not important, you can use
List.rev_map instead to save an internal List.rev.)
Also the task asks to return 0 on empty lists, but in OCaml this case
would rather be handled by an exception.
<ocaml>let mean_floats xs =
if xs = [] then
invalid_arg "empty list"
let total, length =
(fun (tot,len) x -> (x +. tot), len +. 1.)
(0., 0.) xs
(total /. length)
let mean_ints xs =
if xs = [] then
invalid_arg "empty list"
let total, length =
(fun (tot,len) x -> (x + tot), len +. 1.)
(0, 0.) xs
(float total /. length)
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