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Sorting algorithms/Insertion sort: Difference between revisions

+ AutoHotkey
(Add REALbasic example)
(+ AutoHotkey)
Line 71:
big fjords vex quick waltz nymph
contributed by Laszlo on the ahk [http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/post-276481.html#276481 forum]
<lang AutoHotkey>MsgBox % InsertionSort("")
MsgBox % InsertionSort("xxx")
MsgBox % InsertionSort("3,2,1")
MsgBox % InsertionSort("dog,000000,xx,cat,pile,abcde,1,cat,zz,xx,z")
InsertionSort(var) { ; SORT COMMA SEPARATED LIST
StringSplit a, var, `, ; make array, size = a0
Loop % a0-1 {
i := A_Index+1, v := a%i%, j := i-1
While j>0 and a%j%>v
u := j+1, a%u% := a%j%, j--
u := j+1, a%u% := v
Loop % a0 ; construct string from sorted array
sorted .= "," . a%A_Index%
Return SubStr(sorted,2) ; drop leading comma
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