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Sorting algorithms/Insertion sort: Difference between revisions

Add REALbasic example
(add Ruby)
(Add REALbasic example)
Line 369:
# insert key at position ``low``
seq[:] = seq[:low] + [key] + seq[low:i] + seq[i + 1:]
<lang realbasic>
Sub InsertionSort(theList() as Integer)
for insertionElementIndex as Integer = 1 to UBound(theList)
dim insertionElement as Integer = theList(insertionElementIndex)
dim j as Integer = insertionElementIndex - 1
while (j >= 0) and (insertionElement < theList(j))
theList(j + 1) = theList(j)
j = j - 1
theList(j + 1) = insertionElement
End Sub


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