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Fermat pseudoprimes: Difference between revisions

(New post.)
Line 552:
The first 20: 21 57 133 231 399 561 671 861 889 1281 1653 1729 1891 2059 2413 2501 2761 2821 2947 3059
'''Adapted from [[#Wren|Wren]]'''
'''Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''
gojq supports infinite-precision integer arithmetic and is thus
suitable for the given tasks, including the stretch task:
the illustration below includes thresholds up to 100,000.
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">
### Generic functions
def lpad($len): tostring | ($len - length) as $l | (" " * $l) + .;
def power($b): . as $in | reduce range(0;$b) as $i (1; . * $in);
def is_prime:
. as $n
| if ($n < 2) then false
elif ($n % 2 == 0) then $n == 2
elif ($n % 3 == 0) then $n == 3
elif ($n % 5 == 0) then $n == 5
elif ($n % 7 == 0) then $n == 7
elif ($n % 11 == 0) then $n == 11
elif ($n % 13 == 0) then $n == 13
elif ($n % 17 == 0) then $n == 17
elif ($n % 19 == 0) then $n == 19
else sqrt as $s
| 23
| until( . > $s or ($n % . == 0); . + 2)
| . > $s
# The input to the power $exp modulo $mod, which is assumed to be positive
def modPow($exp; $mod):
{ base: (. % $mod),
exp: $exp,
r: 1
| until( .exp == 0;
if .base == 0 then .r = 0 | .exp = 0
else if .exp % 2 == 1 then .r = (.r * .base) % $mod end
| .exp |= ((. / 2) | trunc)
| .base |= (. * .) % $mod
end )
| .r;
### Fermat Pseudoprimes
def isFermatPseudoprime($a):
if is_prime then false
else . as $x
| ($a | modPow($x-1; $x)) == 1
def display($n):
"First \($n) Fermat pseudoprimes:",
(range(1; $n+1) as $a
| { x: 2, count: 0 }
| until (.count >= 20;
if .x | isFermatPseudoprime($a)
then .first20 += [.x]
| .count += 1
| .x += 1 )
| "Base \($a|lpad(2)): \(.first20|map(lpad(5))|join(" "))" ) ;
def task($limits):
def heading: "\nCount <= \($limits | map(lpad(6)) | join(" "))";
heading as $heading
| $heading,
"-" * ($heading|length - 1),
(range(1; 21) as $a
| "Base \($a|lpad(2)): " +
([foreach $limits[] as $limit ( {x: 2, count: 0 };
until (.x > $limit;
if .x | isFermatPseudoprime($a) then .count += 1 end
| .x += 1 ) )
| .count
| lpad(6) ]
| join(" ") ) ) ;
task( [12000, 25000, 50000, 100000] )
As for [[#Wren|Wren]].
Line 585 ⟶ 674:
Base 20 up to 50000: 66 First 20: [21, 57, 133, 231, 399, 561, 671, 861, 889, 1281, 1653, 1729, 1891, 2059, 2413, 2501, 2761, 2821, 2947, 3059]
=={{header|Mathematica}}/{{header|Wolfram Language}}==


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