Hashtron inference: Difference between revisions

Line 25:
Program: <pre>[[0,2]]</pre>
The inference function should process the input and generate the following 64-bit output: <pre>14106184687260844995</pre>.
=== Square root demo ===
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=== GolangGo ===
<syntaxhighlight lang="go" line>
package main
func Inference(command uint32, bits byte, program [][2]uint32) (out uint64) {
// Check if the program is empty
if len(program) == 0 {
// Iterate over the bits
for j := byte(0); j < bits; j++ {
var input = command | (uint32(j) << 16)
var ss, maxx = program[0][0], program[0][1]
input = Hash(input, ss, maxx)
for i := 1; i < len(program); i++ {
var s, max = program[i][0], program[i][1]
maxx -= max
input = Hash(input, s, maxx)
input &= 1
if input != 0 {
out |= 1 << j
func Hash(n uint32, s uint32, max uint32) uint32 {
// Mixing stage, mix input with salt using subtraction
var m = n - s
// Hashing stage, use xor shift with prime coefficients
m ^= m << 2
m ^= m << 3
m ^= m >> 5
m ^= m >> 7
m ^= m << 11
m ^= m << 13
m ^= m >> 17
m ^= m << 19
// Mixing stage 2, mix input with salt using addition
m += s
// Modular stage using Lemire's fast alternative to modulo reduction
return uint32((uint64(m) * uint64(max)) >> 32)
func main() {
println(Inference(42, 64, [][2]uint32{{0, 2}}))
