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Check if a polygon overlaps with a rectangle: Difference between revisions

Added Easylang
(New post.)
m (Added Easylang)
Line 468:
polygon and polygon3 overlap? true
func dot a[] b[] .
return a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2]
proc addAxes . poly[][] r[][] .
for i to len poly[][]
v1[] = poly[i][]
j = (i + 1) mod1 len poly[][]
v2[] = poly[j][]
r[][] &= [ -(v1[2] - v2[2]) v1[1] - v2[1] ]
proc projectAxis . poly[][] axis[] min max .
min = 1 / 0
max = -1 / 0
for i to len poly[][]
p = dot axis[] poly[i][]
min = lower min p
max = higher max p
proc polyOverlap . poly1[][] poly2[][] r .
axes[][] = [ ]
addAxes poly1[][] axes[][]
addAxes poly2[][] axes[][]
for i to len axes[][]
axis[] = axes[i][]
projectAxis poly1[][] axis[] min1 max1
projectAxis poly2[][] axis[] min2 max2
if max1 < min2 or max2 < min1
r = 0
r = 1
proc polyDraw col . poly[][] .
color col
linewidth 0.5
for i to len poly[][]
line poly[i][1] * 9 + 5 poly[i][2] * 9 + 5
line poly[1][1] * 9 + 5 poly[1][2] * 9 + 5
proc rectToPoly . r[] p[][] .
p[][] = [ [ r[1] r[2] ] [ r[1] + r[3] r[2] ] [ r[1] + r[3] r[2] + r[4] ] [ r[1] r[2] + r[4] ] ]
poly1[][] = [ [ 0 0 ] [ 0 2 ] [ 1 4 ] [ 2 2 ] [ 2 0 ] ]
rect1[] = [ 4 0 2 2 ]
rect2[] = [ 1 0 8 2 ]
rectToPoly rect1[] poly2[][]
rectToPoly rect2[] poly3[][]
polyDraw 900 poly1[][]
polyDraw 090 poly2[][]
polyDraw 009 poly3[][]
polyOverlap poly1[][] poly2[][] r ; print r
polyOverlap poly1[][] poly3[][] r ; print r


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