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Faces from a mesh: Difference between revisions

m (Tidied up code.)
Line 753:
[8, 14, 10, 12, 17, 19, 18]
Invalid edges vector: Tuple{Int64,Int64}[(1, 3), (9, 11), (3, 11), (1, 11)]
<syntaxhighlight lang="koka">
alias perimeter = list<int>
alias face = (char, perimeter)
alias edge = (int, int)
fun isSame(p1: perimeter, p2: perimeter, noSwitch: list<int> = []): div bool
match (p1, p2)
([], []) -> True
(Cons(x1, xs1), Cons(x2, xs2)) | x1 == x2 -> isSame(xs1, xs2)
_ ->
match p2
Nil -> False
Cons(x2, xs2) ->
if noSwitch.any(fn(x') x' == x2) then False else p1.isSame(xs2 ++ [x2], Cons(x2, noSwitch))
fun show(f: face)
val (c, p) = f
c.core/show ++ " " ++ p.core/show
fun findRemove(l: list<a>, acc: ctx<list<a>>, pred: (a) -> bool): maybe<(a, list<a>)>
match l
[] -> Nothing
Cons(x, xs) -> match pred(x)
True -> Just((x, acc ++. xs))
False -> findRemove(xs, acc ++ ctx Cons(x, _), pred)
fun toPerimeter(search: int, edges: list<edge>, acc: ctx<perimeter>): <div,exn> perimeter
match edges
[] -> acc ++. Cons(search, Nil) // Assume the search matches the first edge's missing
_ -> match edges.findRemove(ctx _, fn((a, b)) a == search || b == search)
Just(((a, b), xs')) -> if search == a then
toPerimeter(b, xs', acc ++ ctx Cons(a, _))
toPerimeter(a, xs', acc ++ ctx Cons(b, _))
Nothing -> throw("Cannot find the next edge for " ++ search.show ++ " current perimeter is " ++ (acc ++. Nil).show ++ " and the rest of the edges are: " ++ edges.show-list(fn(s) s.show-tuple(show, show)))
fun main()
val fp = [(('P', [8, 1, 3]), ('R', [1, 3, 8])),
(('U', [18, 8, 14, 10, 12, 17, 19]), ('V', [8, 14, 10, 12, 17, 19, 18]))]
fp.foreach() fn((f1, f2))
val same = f1.snd.isSame(f2.snd)
print(f1.show ++ (if same then " is " else " is not ") ++ "the same as " ++ f2.show ++ "\n")
val fe = [('E', [(1, 11), (7, 11), (1, 7)]),
('F', [(11, 23), (1, 17), (17, 23), (1, 11)]),
('G', [(8, 14), (17, 19), (10, 12), (10, 14), (12, 17), (8, 18), (18, 19)]),
('H', [(1, 3), (9, 11), (3, 11), (1, 11)])]
fe.foreach() fn((f, edges))
match edges
[] -> ()
Cons((initX, _), edges') ->
val p = toPerimeter(initX, edges', ctx _)
print(f.show ++ " perimeter is " ++ p.show ++ "\n")
'P' [8,1,3] is the same as 'R' [1,3,8]
'U' [18,8,14,10,12,17,19] is the same as 'V' [8,14,10,12,17,19,18]
'E' perimeter is [1,7,11]
'F' perimeter is [11,1,17,23]
'G' perimeter is [8,18,19,17,12,10,14]
uncaught exception: Cannot find the next edge for 9 current perimeter is [1,11] and the rest of the edges are: [(3,11)]


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