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Bézier curves/Intersections: Difference between revisions

Created Nim solution.
(Created Nim solution.)
Line 2,041:
(-0.6810249, 2.68102500)
(-0.8549834, 1.34501657)</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="Nim">import std/strformat
Point = tuple[x, y: float]
QuadSpline = tuple[c0, c1, c2: float] # Non-parametric spline.
QuadCurve = tuple[x, y: QuadSpline] # Planar parametric spline.
func subdivideQuadSpline(q: QuadSpline; t: float; u, v: var QuadSpline) =
## Subdivision by de Casteljau's algorithm.
let s = 1.0 - t
u.c0 = q.c0
v.c2 = q.c2
u.c1 = s * q.c0 + t * q.c1
v.c1 = s * q.c1 + t * q.c2
u.c2 = s * u.c1 + t * v.c1
v.c0 = u.c2
func subdivideQuadCurve(q: QuadCurve; t: float; u, v: var QuadCurve) =
subdivideQuadSpline(q.x, t, u.x, v.x)
subdivideQuadSpline(q.y, t, u.y, v.y)
# It is assumed that xa0 <= xa1, ya0 <= ya1, xb0 <= xb1, and yb0 <= yb1.
func rectsOverlap(xa0, ya0, xa1, ya1, xb0, yb0, xb1, yb1: float): bool =
xb0 <= xa1 and xa0 <= xb1 and yb0 <= ya1 and ya0 <= yb1
func max(x, y, z: float): float = max(max(x, y), z)
func min(x, y, z: float): float = min(min(x, y), z)
# This accepts the point as an intersection if the boxes are small enough.
func testIntersect(p, q: QuadCurve; tol: float; exclude, accept: var bool; intersect: var Point) =
pxmin = min(p.x.c0, p.x.c1, p.x.c2)
pymin = min(p.y.c0, p.y.c1, p.y.c2)
pxmax = max(p.x.c0, p.x.c1, p.x.c2)
pymax = max(p.y.c0, p.y.c1, p.y.c2)
qxmin = min(q.x.c0, q.x.c1, q.x.c2)
qymin = min(q.y.c0, q.y.c1, q.y.c2)
qxmax = max(q.x.c0, q.x.c1, q.x.c2)
qymax = max(q.y.c0, q.y.c1, q.y.c2)
exclude = true
accept = false
if rectsOverlap(pxmin, pymin, pxmax, pymax, qxmin, qymin, qxmax, qymax):
exclude = false
let xmin = max(pxmin, qxmin)
let xmax = min(pxmax, pxmax)
assert xmin <= xmax, &"Assertion failure: {xmin} <= {xmax}"
if xmax - xmin <= tol:
let ymin = max(pymin, qymin)
let ymax = min(pymax, qymax)
assert ymin <= ymax, &"Assertion failure: {ymin} <= {ymax}"
if ymax - ymin <= tol:
accept = true
intersect = (0.5 * xmin + 0.5 * xmax, 0.5 * ymin + 0.5 * ymax)
func seemsToBeDuplicate(intersects: openArray[Point]; xy: Point; spacing: float): bool =
var i = 0
while not result and i != intersects.len:
let pt = intersects[i]
result = abs(pt.x - xy.x) < spacing and abs(pt.y - xy.y) < spacing
inc i
func findIntersects(p, q: QuadCurve; tol, spacing: float): seq[Point] =
var workload = @[(p: p, q: q)]
# Quit looking after having emptied the workload.
while workload.len > 0:
var exclude, accept: bool
var intersect: Point
let work = workload.pop()
testIntersect(work.p, work.q, tol, exclude, accept, intersect)
if accept:
# To avoid detecting the same intersection twice, require some
# space between intersections.
if not seemsToBeDuplicate(result, intersect, spacing):
result.add intersect
elif not exclude:
var p0, p1, q0, q1: QuadCurve
subdivideQuadCurve(work.p, 0.5, p0, p1)
subdivideQuadCurve(work.q, 0.5, q0, q1)
workload.add @[(p0, q0), (p0, q1), (p1, q0), (p1, q1)]
var p, q: QuadCurve
p.x = (-1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
p.y = (0.0, 10.0, 0.0)
q.x = (2.0, -8.0, 2.0)
q.y = (1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
const Tol = 0.0000001
const Spacing = Tol * 10
let intersects = findIntersects(p, q, Tol, Spacing)
for intersect in intersects:
echo &"({intersect.x: .6f}, {intersect.y: .6f})"
<pre>( 0.654983, 2.854983)
( 0.881025, 1.118975)
(-0.681025, 2.681025)
(-0.854983, 1.345017)</pre>


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