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Simulated optics experiment/Data analysis: Difference between revisions

Created Nim solution.
(Created Nim solution.)
Line 477:
<syntaxhighlight lang="Nim">import std/[hashes, math, os, sequtils, sets, strscans, strformat, strutils, sugar]
PulseData = ref object
logS: int
logL: int
logR: int
detectedL1: int
detectedL2: int
detectedR1: int
detectedR2: int
PulseDataSet = HashSet[PulseData]
proc hash(pd: PulseData): Hash =
## Hash value of a PulseData object (needed for HashSet).
func swapLRChannels(pd: PulseData) =
## Swap channels on both right and left. This is done if the
## light source was (1,90°) instead of (1,0°). For in that case
## the orientations of the polarizing beam splitters, relative to
## the light source, is different by 90°.
swap pd.detectedL1, pd.detectedL2
swap pd.detectedR1, pd.detectedR2
proc split(data: PulseDataSet; predicate: proc(pd: PulseData): bool): tuple[a, b: PulseDataSet] =
## Split the data into two subsets, according to whether a set
## item satisfies a predicate. The return value is a tuple, with
## those items satisfying the predicate in the first tuple entry, the
## other items in the second entry.
let subset1 = collect:
for x in data:
if predicate(x): {x}
let subset2 = data - subset1
result = (subset1, subset2)
proc adjustForLightPulseOrientation(data: PulseDataSet): PulseDataSet =
## Some data items are for a (1,0°) light pulse. The others are
## for a (1,90°) light pulse. Thus the light pulses are oriented
## differently with respect to the polarizing beam splitters. We
## adjust for that distinction here.
let (data0, data90) = data.split(proc(pd: PulseData): bool = pd.logS == 0)
for item in data90:
result = union(data0, data90)
proc splitAccordingToPbsSetting(data: PulseDataSet): tuple[a, b, c, d: PulseDataSet] =
## Split the data into four subsets: one subset for each
## arrangement of the two polarizing beam splitters.
let (dataL1, dataL2) = data.split(proc(pd: PulseData): bool = pd.logL == 0)
let (dataL1R1, dataL1R2) = dataL1.split(proc(pd: PulseData): bool = pd.logR == 0)
let (dataL2R1, dataL2R2) = dataL2.split(proc(pd: PulseData): bool = pd.logR == 0)
result = (dataL1R1, dataL1R2, dataL2R1, dataL2R2)
func computeCorrelationCoefficient(data: PulseDataSet; angleL, angleR: float): float =
## Compute the correlation coefficient for the subset of the data that
## corresponding to a particular setting of the polarizing beam splitters.
# We make certain the orientations of beam splitters are
# represented by perpendicular angles in the first and fourth
# quadrant. This restriction causes no loss of generality, because
# the orientation of the beam splitter is actually a rotated "X".
assert angleL >= 0 and angleL < 90 and angleR >= 0 and angleR < 90
#perpendicularL = angleL - 90 # In Quadrant 4.
#perpendicularR = angleR - 90 # In Quadrant 4.
# Note that the sine is non-negative in Quadrant 1, and the cosine
# is non-negative in Quadrant 4. Thus we can use the following
# estimates for cosine and sine. This is Equation (2.4) in the
# reference. (Note, one can also use Quadrants 1 and 2 and reverse
# the roles of cosine and sine. And so on like that.)
let n = data.len
var nL1, nL2, nR1, nR2 = 0
for item in data:
inc nL1, item.detectedL1
inc nL2, item.detectedL2
inc nR1, item.detectedR1
inc nR2, item.detectedR2
let sinL = sqrt(nL1 / n)
let cosL = sqrt(nL2 / n)
let sinR = sqrt(nR1 / n)
let cosR = sqrt(nR2 / n)
# Now we can apply the reference's Equation (2.3).
let cosLR = (cosR * cosL) + (sinR * sinL)
let sinLR = (sinR * cosL) - (cosR * sinL)
# And then Equation (2.5).
result = (cosLR * cosLR) - (sinLR * sinLR)
proc readRawData(filename: string): PulseDataSet =
## Read the raw data. Its order does not actually matter, so we
## return the data as a HashSet.
func makeRecord(line: string): PulseData =
discard line.scanf("$i $i $i $i $i $i $i", result.logS, result.logL, result.logR,
result.detectedL1, result.detectedL2, result.detectedR1, result.detectedR2)
proc readData(f: File): PulseDataSet =
let numPulses = f.readline().parseInt()
for i in 1..numPulses:
result.incl f.readLine().makeRecord()
if filename != "-":
let f = open(filename, fmRead)
result = f.readData()
result = stdin.readData()
when isMainModule:
if paramCount() notin [0, 1]:
quit &"Usage: {getAppFilename()} [RAW_DATA_FILE]", QuitFailure
let rawDataFilename = if paramCount() == 1: paramStr(1) else: "-"
# Polarizing beam splitter orientations commonly used in actual
# experiments. These must match the values used in the simulation
# itself. They are by design all either zero degrees or in the
# first quadrant.
const AnglesL = [0.0, 45.0]
const AnglesR = [22.5, 67.5]
assert allIt(AnglesL, it >= 0 and it < 90) and allIt(AnglesR, it >= 0 and it < 90)
var data = readRawData(rawDataFilename)
data = adjustForLightPulseOrientation(data)
let (dataL1R1, dataL1R2, dataL2R1, dataL2R2) = data.splitAccordingToPbsSetting()
kappaL1R1 = dataL1R1.computeCorrelationCoefficient(AnglesL[0], AnglesR[0])
kappaL1R2 = dataL1R2.computeCorrelationCoefficient(AnglesL[0], AnglesR[1])
kappaL2R1 = dataL2R1.computeCorrelationCoefficient(AnglesL[1], AnglesR[0])
kappaL2R2 = dataL2R2.computeCorrelationCoefficient(AnglesL[1], AnglesR[1])
let chshContrast = -kappaL1R1 + kappaL1R2 + kappaL2R1 + kappaL2R2
# The nominal value of the CHSH contrast for the chosen polarizer
# orientations is 2*sqrt(2).
let chshContrastNominal = 2 * sqrt(2.0)
echo &" light pulse events {data.len:9}"
echo " correlation coefs"
echo &" {AnglesL[0]:4.1f}° {AnglesR[0]:4.1f}° {kappaL1R1:+9.6f}"
echo &" {AnglesL[0]:4.1f}° {AnglesR[1]:4.1f}° {kappaL1R2:+9.6f}"
echo &" {AnglesL[1]:4.1f}° {AnglesR[0]:4.1f}° {kappaL2R1:+9.6f}"
echo &" {AnglesL[1]:4.1f}° {AnglesR[1]:4.1f}° {kappaL2R2:+9.6f}"
echo &" CHSH contrast {chshContrast:+9.6f}"
echo &" 2*sqrt(2) = nominal {chshContrastNominal:+9.6f}"
echo &" difference {chshContrast - chshContrastNominal:+9.6f}"
# A "CHSH violation" occurs if the CHSH contrast is >2.
# https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=CHSH_inequality&oldid=1142431418
echo &" CHSH violation {chshContrast - 2:+9.6f}"
The result is identical to that of the Python version. For instance, using data produced by the Python version of the simulator:
light pulse events 100000
correlation coefs
0.0° 22.5° -0.708395
0.0° 67.5° +0.705963
45.0° 22.5° +0.709600
45.0° 67.5° +0.705349
CHSH contrast +2.829306
2*sqrt(2) = nominal +2.828427
difference +0.000879
CHSH violation +0.829306</pre>


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