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* [[Bitmap/Bézier_curves/Quadratic|Bitmap/Bézier curves/Quadratic]]
* [[Steffensen's_method|Steffensen's method]]
This is a variant of the Bézier clipping method of [http://hdl.lib.byu.edu/1877/2822 Thomas W. Sederberg's lecture notes on "Computer Aided Geometric Design"], using symmetric power (s-power) polynomials instead of the usual "control points". I do not know that it is any better than the method of the s-power polynomial flattening, which is done on this page in several languages. The flattening method is considerably simpler. Also, I have doubts about the numerical stability of the clipping method.
On the other hand, the code below introduces a new way of doing Bézier clipping, by transformation of coordinates. And it also hints at a geometric interpretation of s-power curves, in which all the constituent "points" undergo rotations and scalings, but only the endpoints are subject to translations.
Ada is an Algol-like language that is case-insensitive. I have used an all-lowercase style with manual indentation. Subprogram names are overloaded. Subprogram parameters may be passed either positionally or by name. Ada does have a few oddities, among which are that the term for a pointer is not "pointer" but "access".
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">
pragma wide_character_encoding (utf8);
pragma ada_2022;
pragma assertion_policy (check);
-- The algorithm here is iterated "Bézier clipping" [1] of quadratic
-- Bézier curves in a plane. However, the curves will be represented
-- in the s-power basis [2,3], and there will be these other
-- differences from the algorithms suggested by [1]:
-- * Before clipping, the problem will be moved to a coordinate system
-- in which the "skeleton" of the clipper curve—the line segment
-- between its endpoints—extends from (0,0) and (1,0). In this
-- coordinate system, the "distance function" is the y-coordinate.
-- * The fat line will be the best possible parallel to the "skeleton"
-- of the clipper curve. This is easily done in the s-power basis,
-- once one has transformed coordinate systems as described above:
-- the center coefficient of the (y,t)-polynomial is exactly four
-- times the optimum signed fat line width.
-- * Intersections with fat line boundaries will be found not by
-- extending the sides of control polygons, but instead by the
-- quadratic formula.
-- * Mechanisms to ensure termination of the algorithm, and to improve
-- the chances of finding intersections, may differ.
-- Inputs and outputs to the algorithms will be in single
-- precision. However, the internals will be in double precision. This
-- decision helps resolve some minor numerical quandaries.
-- References:
-- [1] Sederberg, Thomas W., "Computer Aided Geometric Design"
-- (2012). Faculty
-- Publications. 1. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/facpub/1
-- http://hdl.lib.byu.edu/1877/2822
-- [2] J. Sánchez-Reyes, ‘The symmetric analogue of the polynomial
-- power basis’, ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol 16 no 3, July
-- 1997, page 319.
-- [3] J. Sánchez-Reyes, ‘Applications of the polynomial s-power basis
-- in geometry processing’, ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol 19
-- no 1, January 2000, page 35.
-- Suggestions for the future:
-- * Combination of Bézier clipping and flatness testing. Remember
-- from other Rosetta Code examples, that in the s-power basis it is
-- simple to test the "flatness" of a parametric plane
-- curve. Suppose two curves are running nearly parallel to each
-- other, so they are difficult to reduce by clipping. Nevertheless,
-- they can be made flatter and flatter, so eventually they become
-- "segment-like" and can be tested by a line-intersection routine.
with ada.text_io;
use ada.text_io;
with ada.float_text_io;
use ada.float_text_io;
with ada.numerics.elementary_functions;
use ada.numerics.elementary_functions;
with ada.numerics.long_elementary_functions;
use ada.numerics.long_elementary_functions;
with ada.unchecked_deallocation;
procedure bezier_intersections is
subtype real is float;
subtype lreal is long_float;
function between_0_and_1 (x : real)
return boolean is
return 0.0 <= x and x <= 1.0;
end between_0_and_1;
function between_0_and_1 (x : lreal)
return boolean is
return 0.0 <= x and x <= 1.0;
end between_0_and_1;
procedure quadratic_formula (a, b, c : lreal;
has_smaller : out boolean;
smaller : out lreal;
has_larger : out boolean;
larger : out lreal)
with post => has_smaller or not has_larger
-- This routine is based on QUADPL from the Naval Surface Warfare
-- Center mathematical library nswc.f90 https://archive.ph/2IpWb
-- We are interested only in real roots. Be aware that, if there
-- are two roots, they might be a double root.
bh, e, d : lreal;
-- Avogadro’s number, by definition (since 2019):
arbitrary_value : constant lreal := 6.012214076e23;
has_smaller := false;
has_larger := false;
smaller := arbitrary_value;
larger := arbitrary_value;
if a = 0.0 then
if b = 0.0 then
-- The equation is a constant equation. I do not know what to
-- do with that. There may be no solution, or there may be
-- infinitely many solutions. Let us treat it as having no
-- USEFUL solutions.
-- The equation is linear. There truly is only one root.
has_smaller := true;
smaller := -c / b;
end if;
elsif c = 0.0 then
-- The equation is quadratic, but the constant term
-- vanishes. One of the roots is trivially zero.
has_smaller := true;
has_larger := true;
smaller := 0.0;
larger := -b / a;
-- Compute the discriminant, avoiding overflow.
bh := b / 2.0;
if abs (bh) >= abs (c) then
e := 1.0 - (a / bh) * (c / bh);
d := sqrt (abs (e)) * abs(bh);
e := (if c < 0.0 then -a else a);
e := bh * (bh / abs (c)) - e;
d := sqrt (abs (e)) * sqrt (abs (c));
end if;
if e < 0.0 then
-- The solutions are complex conjugates, but we are interested
-- only in real solutions.
has_smaller := true;
has_larger := true;
if bh >= 0.0 then
d := -d;
end if;
larger := (-bh + d) / a;
if larger = 0.0 then
smaller := 0.0; -- Obviously a double root.
smaller := (c / larger) / a;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end quadratic_formula;
type point is
x, y : real;
end record;
type control_point_curve is
pt0, pt1, pt2 : point;
end record;
type spower_poly is
c0, c1, c2 : real;
end record;
type spower_curve is
x, y : spower_poly;
end record;
function eval (poly : spower_poly;
t : real)
return real is
c0, c1, c2 : real;
c0 := poly.c0;
c1 := poly.c1;
c2 := poly.c2;
return (if t <= 0.5 then
c0 + t * ((c2 - c0) + ((1.0 - t) * c1))
c2 + (1.0 - t) * ((c0 - c2) + (t * c1)));
end eval;
function eval (curve : spower_curve;
t : real)
return point is
return (x => eval (curve.x, t),
y => eval (curve.y, t));
end eval;
function to_spower_curve (ctrl : control_point_curve)
return spower_curve is
curve : spower_curve;
p0x, p0y : long_float;
p1x, p1y : long_float;
p2x, p2y : long_float;
curve.x.c0 := ctrl.pt0.x;
curve.y.c0 := ctrl.pt0.y;
curve.x.c2 := ctrl.pt2.x;
curve.y.c2 := ctrl.pt2.y;
p0x := long_float (ctrl.pt0.x);
p0y := long_float (ctrl.pt0.y);
p1x := long_float (ctrl.pt1.x);
p1y := long_float (ctrl.pt1.y);
p2x := long_float (ctrl.pt2.x);
p2y := long_float (ctrl.pt2.y);
curve.x.c1 := float (p1x + p1x - p0x - p2x);
curve.y.c1 := float (p1y + p1y - p0y - p2y);
return curve;
end to_spower_curve;
type opoint is
-- A point relative to the origin.
x, y : lreal;
end record;
type dpoint is
-- A point relative to some other point.
dx, dy : lreal;
end record;
function "-" (pt1, pt2 : opoint)
return dpoint is
return (dx => pt1.x - pt2.x,
dy => pt1.y - pt2.y);
end "-";
function "+" (opt : opoint;
dpt : dpoint)
return opoint is
return (x => opt.x + dpt.dx,
y => opt.y + dpt.dy);
end "+";
function "+" (pt1, pt2 : dpoint)
return dpoint is
return (dx => pt1.dx + pt2.dx,
dy => pt1.dy + pt2.dy);
end "+";
function "*" (scalar : lreal;
pt : dpoint)
return dpoint is
return (dx => scalar * pt.dx,
dy => scalar * pt.dy);
end "*";
type geocurve is
-- A plane curve in s-power basis, represented geometrically.
-- pt0 and pt2 form the curve’s ‘skeleton’. Their convex combination,
-- ((1.0-t)*pt0)+(t*pt1), form the linear backbone of the curve.
-- (1.0-t)*t*pt1 forms (x,t) and (y,t) parabolas that are
-- convex-up/down, and which (because this is an s-power curve)
-- vanish as the curve becomes linear.
-- The actual geocurve is the locus of (1.0-t)*t*pt1 relative to
-- the skeleton, respectively for each value of t in [0,1].
-- If [t0,t1] is not [0.0,1.0], then this is a portion of some
-- parent curve that is determined by context.
-- (I feel as if all this can be crafted nicely in terms of a
-- geometric algebra, with special points not only at infinity
-- but also at the origin, but let us not worry about that for
-- now. Likely the calculations would not change much, but the
-- names of things might.)
pt0 : opoint;
pt1 : dpoint;
pt2 : opoint;
t0, t1 : lreal;
end record;
function to_geocurve (scurve : spower_curve)
return geocurve is
gcurve : geocurve;
gcurve.pt0.x := lreal (scurve.x.c0);
gcurve.pt0.y := lreal (scurve.y.c0);
gcurve.pt1.dx := lreal (scurve.x.c1);
gcurve.pt1.dy := lreal (scurve.y.c1);
gcurve.pt2.x := lreal (scurve.x.c2);
gcurve.pt2.y := lreal (scurve.y.c2);
gcurve.t0 := 0.0;
gcurve.t1 := 1.0;
return gcurve;
end to_geocurve;
function eval (gcurve : geocurve;
t : lreal)
return opoint is
pt0 : opoint;
pt1 : dpoint;
pt2 : opoint;
pt0 := gcurve.pt0;
pt1 := gcurve.pt1;
pt2 := gcurve.pt2;
return (if t <= 0.5 then
pt0 + t * ((pt2 - pt0) + ((1.0 - t) * pt1))
pt2 + (1.0 - t) * ((pt0 - pt2) + (t * pt1)));
end eval;
type affine_projection is
-- An affine transformation used to project objects into the
-- coordinate system of what we are calling a "skeleton".
-- If it is an opoint, first add transpose[dx,dy]. If it is a
-- dpoint, ignore dx,dy. Then, in either case, premultiply by
-- [[a,b],[c,d]]. (One can view dx,dy as a dpoint.)
dx, dy : lreal;
a, b : lreal;
c, d : lreal;
end record;
function project (pt : opoint;
trans : affine_projection)
return opoint is
x, y : lreal;
-- Apply an affine transformation to an opoint, projecting it from
-- one coordinate system to another.
x := pt.x + trans.dx; -- The origin may have moved.
y := pt.y + trans.dy;
return (x => trans.a * x + trans.b * y, -- Rotation, scaling, etc.
y => trans.c * x + trans.d * y);
end project;
function project (pt : dpoint;
trans : affine_projection)
return dpoint is
x, y : lreal;
-- Apply an affine transformation to a dpoint, projecting it from
-- one coordinate system to another.
x := pt.dx; -- With dpoint, translation is not performed.
y := pt.dy;
return (dx => trans.a * x + trans.b * y, -- Rotation, scaling, &c.
dy => trans.c * x + trans.d * y);
end project;
function project (gcurve : geocurve;
trans : affine_projection)
return geocurve is
-- Apply an affine transformation to a geocurve, projecting it
-- from one coordinate system to another.
return (pt0 => project (gcurve.pt0, trans),
pt1 => project (gcurve.pt1, trans),
pt2 => project (gcurve.pt2, trans),
t0 => 0.0, t1 => 1.0);
end project;
function segment_projection_to_0_1 (pt0, pt1 : opoint)
return affine_projection is
a, b : lreal;
denom : lreal;
-- Return the transformation that projects pt0 to (0,0) and pt1 to
-- (1,0) without any distortions except translation, rotation, and
-- scaling.
a := pt1.x - pt0.x;
b := pt1.y - pt0.y;
denom := (a * a) + (b * b);
pragma assert (denom /= 0.0);
a := a / denom;
b := b / denom;
return (dx => -pt0.x, dy => -pt0.y,
a => a, b => b,
c => -b, d => a);
end segment_projection_to_0_1;
procedure test_segment_projection_to_0_1 is
trans : affine_projection;
pt : opoint;
-- Some unit testing.
trans := segment_projection_to_0_1 ((1.0, 2.0), (-3.0, 5.0));
pt := project ((1.0, 2.0), trans);
pragma assert (abs (pt.x) < 1.0e-10);
pragma assert (abs (pt.y) < 1.0e-10);
pt := project ((-3.0, 5.0), trans);
pragma assert (abs (pt.x - 1.0) < 1.0e-10);
pragma assert (abs (pt.y) < 1.0e-10);
trans := segment_projection_to_0_1 ((0.0, 2.0), (0.0, -50.0));
pt := project ((0.0, 2.0), trans);
pragma assert (abs (pt.x) < 1.0e-10);
pragma assert (abs (pt.y) < 1.0e-10);
pt := project ((0.0, -50.0), trans);
pragma assert (abs (pt.x - 1.0) < 1.0e-10);
pragma assert (abs (pt.y) < 1.0e-10);
end test_segment_projection_to_0_1;
function skeleton_projection (clipper : geocurve)
return affine_projection is
-- Return the transformation that projects the "skeleton" of the
-- clipper into a coordinate system where the skeleton goes from
-- the origin (0,0) to the point (1,0).
return segment_projection_to_0_1 (clipper.pt0, clipper.pt2);
end skeleton_projection;
procedure fat_line_bounds (projected_clipper : geocurve;
dmin, dmax : out lreal) is
d : lreal;
d1, d2 : lreal;
padding : constant lreal := lreal (real'model_epsilon) / 1000.0;
-- (1-t)*t is bounded on [0,1] by 0 and 1/4. Thus we have our fat
-- line boundaries. We leave some padding, however, for numerical
-- safety. The padding is much smaller than our tolerance. (We are
-- calculating in double precision, but to obtain results in
-- single precision.)
-- The fat line bounds will be y=dmin and y=dmax. If you ignore
-- the padding, the fat line is the best possible among those
-- parallel to the skeleton. It is likely to be much tighter than
-- what you would infer from the Bernstein-basis control polygon.
d := projected_clipper.pt1.dy / 4.0;
d1 := -padding * d;
d2 := (1.0 + padding) * d;
dmin := lreal'min (d1, d2);
dmax := lreal'max (d1, d2);
end fat_line_bounds;
type clipping_places is
type clipping_plan is
where : clipping_places;
t_lft : lreal;
t_rgt : lreal;
end record;
function make_clipping_plan (projected_clippehend : geocurve;
dmin, dmax : lreal)
return clipping_plan is
ncrossings : integer range 0 .. 4;
tcrossings : array (1 .. 4) of lreal;
dcrossings : array (1 .. 4) of lreal;
has_smaller : boolean;
has_larger : boolean;
smaller : lreal;
larger : lreal;
c0, c1, c2 : lreal;
function outside_of_bounds
return boolean is
dy, ymin, ymax : lreal;
-- (1-t)*t is bounded on [0,1] by 0 and 1/4. Use that fact to
-- make padding for a simple (although not especially tight)
-- bounds on y.
dy := abs (projected_clippehend.pt1.dy) / 4.0;
ymin := -dy + lreal'min (projected_clippehend.pt0.y,
ymax := dy + lreal'max (projected_clippehend.pt0.y,
return (ymax <= dmin or dmax <= ymin);
end outside_of_bounds;
procedure find_crossings (yvalue : lreal) is
quadratic_formula (-c1, c1 + c2 - c0, c0 - yvalue,
has_smaller, smaller, has_larger, larger);
if has_smaller then
if between_0_and_1 (smaller) then
ncrossings := ncrossings + 1;
tcrossings(ncrossings) := smaller;
dcrossings(ncrossings) := yvalue;
end if;
end if;
if has_larger then
if between_0_and_1 (larger) then
ncrossings := ncrossings + 1;
tcrossings(ncrossings) := larger;
dcrossings(ncrossings) := yvalue;
end if;
end if;
end find_crossings;
function create_a_clipping_plan
return clipping_plan is
plan : clipping_plan;
-- For simplicity, there is just one situation in which we will
-- clip: when there is one crossing of dmin and one crossing of
-- dmax.
if ncrossings = 2 and then dcrossings(1) /= dcrossings(2) then
plan.where := clip_left_and_right;
plan.t_lft := lreal'min (tcrossings(1), tcrossings(2));
plan.t_rgt := lreal'max (tcrossings(1), tcrossings(2));
plan.where := clip_nowhere;
-- Arbitrary values:
plan.t_lft := 0.0;
plan.t_rgt := 0.0;
end if;
return plan;
end create_a_clipping_plan;
function analyze_and_plan
return clipping_plan is
c0 := projected_clippehend.pt0.y;
c1 := projected_clippehend.pt1.dy;
c2 := projected_clippehend.pt2.y;
ncrossings := 0;
find_crossings (dmin);
find_crossings (dmax);
return create_a_clipping_plan;
end analyze_and_plan;
return (if outside_of_bounds then
(where => clip_everywhere,
-- Arbitrary values:
t_lft => 0.0, t_rgt => 0.0)
end make_clipping_plan;
function make_portion (gcurve : geocurve;
t0, t1 : lreal)
return geocurve is
pt0 : opoint;
pt1 : dpoint;
pt2 : opoint;
pt0 := eval (gcurve, t0);
pt1 := ((t1 - t0 - t0) * t1 + (t0 * t0)) * gcurve.pt1;
pt2 := eval (gcurve, t1);
return (pt0 => pt0, pt1 => pt1, pt2 => pt2,
t0 => t0, t1 => t1);
end make_portion;
procedure segment_parameters (a0, a1 : opoint;
b0, b1 : opoint;
ta, tb : out lreal) is
axdiff : lreal;
aydiff : lreal;
bxdiff : lreal;
bydiff : lreal;
denom : lreal;
ta1 : lreal;
tb1 : lreal;
-- Do the line segments (a0,a1) and (b0,b1) intersect? If so,
-- return t-parameter values in ta,tb in [0,1] for the point of
-- intersection, treating them as parametric splines of degree
-- 1. Otherwise return ta=-1.0 and tb=-1.0.
ta := -1.0;
tb := -1.0;
axdiff := a1.x - a0.x;
aydiff := a1.y - a0.y;
bxdiff := b1.x - b0.x;
bydiff := b1.y - b0.y;
denom := (axdiff * bydiff) - (aydiff * bxdiff);
ta1 := ((bxdiff * a0.y) - (bydiff * a0.x)
+ (b0.x * b1.y) - (b1.x * b0.y));
ta1 := ta1 / denom;
if between_0_and_1 (ta1) then
tb1 := -((axdiff * b0.y) - (aydiff * b0.x)
+ (a0.x * a1.y) - (a1.x * a0.y));
tb1 := tb1 / denom;
if between_0_and_1 (tb1) then
ta := ta1;
tb := tb1;
end if;
end if;
end segment_parameters;
type t_pair;
type t_pair_access is access t_pair;
type t_pair is
tp, tq : real; -- Single precision results.
next : t_pair_access;
end record;
procedure t_pair_delete is
new ada.unchecked_deallocation (t_pair, t_pair_access);
function length (params : t_pair_access)
return natural is
n : natural;
p : t_pair_access;
n := 0;
p := params;
while p /= null loop
n := n + 1;
p := p.next;
end loop;
return n;
end length;
procedure insert_t_pair (params : in out t_pair_access;
tp, tq : real)
with pre => between_0_and_1 (tp) and between_0_and_1 (tq)
pair : t_pair_access;
-- Test for duplicates and also sort as we insert. This is a
-- recursive implementation.
if params = null then
pair := new t_pair;
params := pair;
pair.next := null;
pair.tp := tp;
pair.tq := tq;
elsif abs (params.tp - tp) <= real'model_epsilon then
null; -- A duplicate, to within epsilon.
elsif params.tp < tp then
insert_t_pair (params.next, tp, tq);
pair := new t_pair;
pair.next := params.next;
params.next := pair;
pair.tp := params.tp;
pair.tq := params.tq;
params.tp := tp;
params.tq := tq;
end if;
end insert_t_pair;
procedure insert_t_pair (params : in out t_pair_access;
tp, tq : lreal)
with pre => between_0_and_1 (tp) and between_0_and_1 (tq)
insert_t_pair (params, real (tp), real (tq));
end insert_t_pair;
type clipping_roles is
type intersection_job;
type intersection_job_access is access intersection_job;
type intersection_job is
pportion : geocurve;
qportion : geocurve;
roles : clipping_roles;
next : intersection_job_access;
end record;
procedure intersection_job_delete is
new ada.unchecked_deallocation (intersection_job,
function find_intersections (p, q : geocurve)
return t_pair_access is
params : t_pair_access;
workload : intersection_job_access;
pportion : geocurve;
qportion : geocurve;
roles : clipping_roles;
tp, tq : lreal;
tolerance : constant lreal := 0.4 * lreal (real'model_epsilon);
bisection_threshold : constant lreal := 0.2;
procedure insert_job (pportion : geocurve;
qportion : geocurve;
roles : clipping_roles)
with post => workload /= null
job : intersection_job_access;
job := new intersection_job;
job.pportion := pportion;
job.qportion := qportion;
job.roles := roles;
job.next := workload;
workload := job;
end insert_job;
procedure insert_job (pportion : geocurve;
qportion : geocurve)
with post => workload /= null
roles : clipping_roles;
if pportion.t1 - pportion.t0 <= qportion.t1 - qportion.t0 then
roles := pportion_clips_qportion;
roles := qportion_clips_pportion;
end if;
insert_job (pportion, qportion, roles);
end insert_job;
procedure choose_job
with pre => workload /= null
job : intersection_job_access;
job := workload;
workload := workload.next;
pportion := job.pportion;
qportion := job.qportion;
roles := job.roles;
intersection_job_delete (job);
end choose_job;
function t_parameters_are_within_tolerance
return boolean is
return (pportion.t1 - pportion.t0 <= tolerance
and qportion.t1 - qportion.t0 <= tolerance);
end t_parameters_are_within_tolerance;
procedure insert_intersection_parameters is
segment_parameters (pportion.pt0, pportion.pt2,
qportion.pt0, qportion.pt2, tp, tq);
if between_0_and_1 (tp) and between_0_and_1 (tq) then
tp := (1.0 - tp) * pportion.t0 + tp * pportion.t1;
tq := (1.0 - tq) * qportion.t0 + tq * qportion.t1;
insert_t_pair (params, tp, tq);
end if;
end insert_intersection_parameters;
procedure no_intersections is
-- Do nothing. The reason to have a procedure for this is so the
-- code will document itself.
end no_intersections;
procedure bisect_them is
pportion1 : geocurve;
pportion2 : geocurve;
qportion1 : geocurve;
qportion2 : geocurve;
t0, t1, th : lreal;
-- Sederberg employs heuristics to decide what to bisect and who
-- should be the clipper. We will simply bisect both curves, and
-- use some heuristic coded elsewhere to choose the
-- clipper.
-- (Bisection as it is normally done in the s-power basis is
-- equivalent to change of homogeneous coordinates. It can be
-- applied to p and q directly and, for quadratics, is a simple
-- operation.)
t0 := pportion.t0;
t1 := pportion.t1;
th := 0.5 * t0 + 0.5 * t1;
pportion1 := make_portion (p, t0, th);
pportion2 := make_portion (p, th, t1);
t0 := qportion.t0;
t1 := qportion.t1;
th := 0.5 * t0 + 0.5 * t1;
qportion1 := make_portion (q, t0, th);
qportion2 := make_portion (q, th, t1);
insert_job (pportion1, qportion1);
insert_job (pportion1, qportion2);
insert_job (pportion2, qportion1);
insert_job (pportion2, qportion2);
end bisect_them;
procedure clip_and_maybe_bisect (plan : clipping_plan) is
clipping : geocurve;
t_lft : lreal;
t_rgt : lreal;
t0, t1 : lreal;
t_lft := plan.t_lft;
t_rgt := plan.t_rgt;
if roles = pportion_clips_qportion then
t0 := (1.0 - t_lft) * qportion.t0 + t_lft * qportion.t1;
t1 := (1.0 - t_rgt) * qportion.t0 + t_rgt * qportion.t1;
clipping := make_portion (q, t0, t1);
if 1.0 - (t_rgt - t_lft) < bisection_threshold then
qportion := clipping;
insert_job (pportion, clipping, qportion_clips_pportion);
end if;
t0 := (1.0 - t_lft) * pportion.t0 + t_lft * pportion.t1;
t1 := (1.0 - t_rgt) * pportion.t0 + t_rgt * pportion.t1;
clipping := make_portion (p, t0, t1);
if 1.0 - (t_rgt - t_lft) < bisection_threshold then
pportion := clipping;
insert_job (clipping, qportion, pportion_clips_qportion);
end if;
end if;
end clip_and_maybe_bisect;
procedure perform_clipping is
clippehend, clipper : geocurve;
projected_clippehend : geocurve;
projected_clipper : geocurve;
trans : affine_projection;
dmin, dmax : lreal;
plan : clipping_plan;
if roles = pportion_clips_qportion then
clipper := pportion;
clippehend := qportion;
clipper := qportion;
clippehend := pportion;
end if;
trans := skeleton_projection (clipper);
projected_clipper := project (clipper, trans);
fat_line_bounds (projected_clipper, dmin, dmax);
projected_clippehend := project (clippehend, trans);
plan := make_clipping_plan (projected_clippehend, dmin, dmax);
case plan.where is
when clip_everywhere => no_intersections;
when clip_nowhere => bisect_them;
when clip_left_and_right => clip_and_maybe_bisect (plan);
end case;
end perform_clipping;
params := null;
workload := null;
insert_job (p, q);
while workload /= null loop
if t_parameters_are_within_tolerance then
end if;
end loop;
return params;
end find_intersections;
function find_intersections (p, q : spower_curve)
return t_pair_access is
return find_intersections (to_geocurve (p), to_geocurve (q));
end find_intersections;
pctrl, qctrl : control_point_curve;
p, q : spower_curve;
params, ptr : t_pair_access;
pctrl := ((x => -1.0, y => 0.0),
(x => 0.0, y => 10.0),
(x => 1.0, y => 0.0));
qctrl := ((x => 2.0, y => 1.0),
(x => -8.0, y => 2.0),
(x => 2.0, y => 3.0));
p := to_spower_curve (pctrl);
q := to_spower_curve (qctrl);
params := find_intersections (p, q);
set_col (to => 9);
put ("convex up");
set_col (to => 44);
put_line ("convex left");
ptr := params;
while ptr /= null loop
set_col (to => 3);
put (ptr.tp, fore => 1, aft => 6, exp => 0);
set_col (to => 13);
put ("(");
put (eval (p, ptr.tp).x, fore => 1, aft => 6, exp => 0);
put (", ");
put (eval (p, ptr.tp).y, fore => 1, aft => 6, exp => 0);
put (")");
set_col (to => 38);
put (ptr.tq, fore => 1, aft => 6, exp => 0);
set_col (to => 48);
put ("(");
put (eval (q, ptr.tq).x, fore => 1, aft => 6, exp => 0);
put (", ");
put (eval (q, ptr.tq).y, fore => 1, aft => 6, exp => 0);
put_line (")");
ptr := ptr.next;
end loop;
end bezier_intersections;
<pre> convex up convex left
0.072508 (-0.854983, 1.345017) 0.172508 (-0.854983, 1.345017)
0.159488 (-0.681025, 2.681026) 0.840512 (-0.681026, 2.681025)
0.827492 (0.654984, 2.854983) 0.927492 (0.654983, 2.854983)
0.940512 (0.881025, 1.118975) 0.059488 (0.881025, 1.118975)
Line 837 ⟶ 1,789:
(0.654983, 2.854982)</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="C#">
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class BezierCurveIntersection
public static void Main(string[] args)
QuadCurve vertical = new QuadCurve(new QuadSpline(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0), new QuadSpline(0.0, 10.0, 0.0));
// QuadCurve vertical represents the Bezier curve having control points (-1, 0), (0, 10) and (1, 0)
QuadCurve horizontal = new QuadCurve(new QuadSpline(2.0, -8.0, 2.0), new QuadSpline(1.0, 2.0, 3.0));
// QuadCurve horizontal represents the Bezier curve having control points (2, 1), (-8, 2) and (2, 3)
Console.WriteLine("The points of intersection are:");
List<Point> intersects = FindIntersects(vertical, horizontal);
foreach (Point intersect in intersects)
Console.WriteLine($"( {intersect.X,9:0.000000}, {intersect.Y,9:0.000000} )");
private static List<Point> FindIntersects(QuadCurve p, QuadCurve q)
List<Point> result = new List<Point>();
Stack<QuadCurve> stack = new Stack<QuadCurve>();
while (stack.Count > 0)
QuadCurve pp = stack.Pop();
QuadCurve qq = stack.Pop();
List<object> objects = TestIntersection(pp, qq);
bool accepted = (bool)objects[0];
bool excluded = (bool)objects[1];
Point intersect = (Point)objects[2];
if (accepted)
if (!SeemsToBeDuplicate(result, intersect))
else if (!excluded)
QuadCurve p0 = new QuadCurve();
QuadCurve q0 = new QuadCurve();
QuadCurve p1 = new QuadCurve();
QuadCurve q1 = new QuadCurve();
SubdivideQuadCurve(pp, 0.5, p0, p1);
SubdivideQuadCurve(qq, 0.5, q0, q1);
return result;
private static bool SeemsToBeDuplicate(List<Point> intersects, Point point)
foreach (Point intersect in intersects)
if (Math.Abs(intersect.X - point.X) < Spacing && Math.Abs(intersect.Y - point.Y) < Spacing)
return true;
return false;
private static List<object> TestIntersection(QuadCurve p, QuadCurve q)
double pxMin = Math.Min(Math.Min(p.X.C0, p.X.C1), p.X.C2);
double pyMin = Math.Min(Math.Min(p.Y.C0, p.Y.C1), p.Y.C2);
double pxMax = Math.Max(Math.Max(p.X.C0, p.X.C1), p.X.C2);
double pyMax = Math.Max(Math.Max(p.Y.C0, p.Y.C1), p.Y.C2);
double qxMin = Math.Min(Math.Min(q.X.C0, q.X.C1), q.X.C2);
double qyMin = Math.Min(Math.Min(q.Y.C0, q.Y.C1), q.Y.C2);
double qxMax = Math.Max(Math.Max(q.X.C0, q.X.C1), q.X.C2);
double qyMax = Math.Max(Math.Max(q.Y.C0, q.Y.C1), q.Y.C2);
bool accepted = false;
bool excluded = true;
Point intersect = new Point(0.0, 0.0);
if (RectanglesOverlap(pxMin, pyMin, pxMax, pyMax, qxMin, qyMin, qxMax, qyMax))
excluded = false;
double xMin = Math.Max(pxMin, qxMin);
double xMax = Math.Min(pxMax, pxMax);
if (xMax - xMin <= Tolerance)
double yMin = Math.Max(pyMin, qyMin);
double yMax = Math.Min(pyMax, qyMax);
if (yMax - yMin <= Tolerance)
accepted = true;
intersect = new Point(0.5 * (xMin + xMax), 0.5 * (yMin + yMax));
return new List<object> { accepted, excluded, intersect };
private static bool RectanglesOverlap(double xa0, double ya0, double xa1, double ya1,
double xb0, double yb0, double xb1, double yb1)
return xb0 <= xa1 && xa0 <= xb1 && yb0 <= ya1 && ya0 <= yb1;
private static void SubdivideQuadCurve(QuadCurve q, double t, QuadCurve u, QuadCurve v)
SubdivideQuadSpline(q.X, t, u.X, v.X);
SubdivideQuadSpline(q.Y, t, u.Y, v.Y);
// de Casteljau's algorithm
private static void SubdivideQuadSpline(QuadSpline q, double t, QuadSpline u, QuadSpline v)
double s = 1.0 - t;
u.C0 = q.C0;
v.C2 = q.C2;
u.C1 = s * q.C0 + t * q.C1;
v.C1 = s * q.C1 + t * q.C2;
u.C2 = s * u.C1 + t * v.C1;
v.C0 = u.C2;
public struct Point
public double X { get; }
public double Y { get; }
public Point(double x, double y)
X = x;
Y = y;
public class QuadSpline
public double C0 { get; set; }
public double C1 { get; set; }
public double C2 { get; set; }
public QuadSpline(double c0, double c1, double c2)
C0 = c0;
C1 = c1;
C2 = c2;
public QuadSpline() : this(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) { }
public class QuadCurve
public QuadSpline X { get; set; }
public QuadSpline Y { get; set; }
public QuadCurve(QuadSpline x, QuadSpline y)
X = x;
Y = y;
public QuadCurve() : this(new QuadSpline(), new QuadSpline()) { }
private const double Tolerance = 0.000_000_1;
private const double Spacing = 10 * Tolerance;
The points of intersection are:
( 0.654983, 2.854983 )
( -0.681025, 2.681025 )
( 0.881025, 1.118975 )
( -0.854983, 1.345017 )
<syntaxhighlight lang="c++">
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
const double TOLERANCE = 0.000'000'1;
const double SPACING = 10 * TOLERANCE;
typedef std::pair<double, double> point;
class quad_spline {
quad_spline(double c0, double c1, double c2) : c0(c0), c1(c1), c2(c2) {};
quad_spline() : c0(0.0), c1(0.0), c2(0.0) {};
double c0, c1, c2;
class quad_curve {
quad_curve(quad_spline x, quad_spline y) : x(x), y(y) {};
quad_curve() : x(quad_spline()), y(quad_spline()) {};
quad_spline x, y;
// de Casteljau's algorithm
void subdivide_quad_spline(const quad_spline& q, const double& t, quad_spline& u, quad_spline& v) {
const double s = 1.0 - t;
u.c0 = q.c0;
v.c2 = q.c2;
u.c1 = s * q.c0 + t * q.c1;
v.c1 = s * q.c1 + t * q.c2;
u.c2 = s * u.c1 + t * v.c1;
v.c0 = u.c2;
void subdivide_quad_curve(const quad_curve& q, const double t, quad_curve& u, quad_curve& v) {
subdivide_quad_spline(q.x, t, u.x, v.x);
subdivide_quad_spline(q.y, t, u.y, v.y);
bool rectangles_overlap(const double& xa0, const double& ya0, const double& xa1, const double& ya1,
const double& xb0, const double& yb0, const double& xb1, const double& yb1) {
return xb0 <= xa1 && xa0 <= xb1 && yb0 <= ya1 && ya0 <= yb1;
std::tuple<bool, bool, point> test_intersection(const quad_curve& p, const quad_curve& q) {
const double px_min = std::min(std::min(p.x.c0, p.x.c1), p.x.c2);
const double py_min = std::min(std::min(p.y.c0, p.y.c1), p.y.c2);
const double px_max = std::max(std::max(p.x.c0, p.x.c1), p.x.c2);
const double py_max = std::max(std::max(p.y.c0, p.y.c1), p.y.c2);
const double qx_min = std::min(std::min(q.x.c0, q.x.c1), q.x.c2);
const double qy_min = std::min(std::min(q.y.c0, q.y.c1), q.y.c2);
const double qx_max = std::max(std::max(q.x.c0, q.x.c1), q.x.c2);
const double qy_max = std::max(std::max(q.y.c0, q.y.c1), q.y.c2);
bool accepted = false;
bool excluded = true;
point intersect = std::make_pair(0.0, 0.0);
if ( rectangles_overlap(px_min, py_min, px_max, py_max, qx_min, qy_min, qx_max, qy_max) ) {
excluded = false;
const double x_min = std::max(px_min, qx_min);
const double x_max = std::min(px_max, px_max);
if ( x_max - x_min <= TOLERANCE ) {
const double y_min = std::max(py_min, qy_min);
const double y_max = std::min(py_max, qy_max);
if ( y_max - y_min <= TOLERANCE ) {
accepted = true;
intersect = std::make_pair(0.5 * ( x_min + x_max ), 0.5 * ( y_min + y_max));
return std::make_tuple(accepted, excluded, intersect);
bool seems_to_be_duplicate(const std::vector<point>& intersects, const point& pt) {
for ( point intersect : intersects ) {
if ( fabs(intersect.first - pt.first) < SPACING && fabs(intersect.second - pt.second) < SPACING ) {
return true;
return false;
std::vector<point> find_intersects(const quad_curve& p, const quad_curve& q) {
std::vector<point> result;
std::stack<quad_curve> stack;
while ( ! stack.empty() ) {
quad_curve pp = stack.top();
quad_curve qq = stack.top();
std::tuple<bool, bool, point> objects = test_intersection(pp, qq);
bool accepted, excluded;
point intersect;
std::tie(accepted, excluded, intersect) = objects;
if ( accepted ) {
if ( ! seems_to_be_duplicate(result, intersect) ) {
} else if ( ! excluded ) {
quad_curve p0{}, q0{}, p1{}, q1{};
subdivide_quad_curve(pp, 0.5, p0, p1);
subdivide_quad_curve(qq, 0.5, q0, q1);
for ( quad_curve item : { p0, q0, p0, q1, p1, q0, p1, q1 } ) {
return result;
int main() {
quad_curve vertical(quad_spline(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0), quad_spline(0.0, 10.0, 0.0));
// QuadCurve vertical represents the Bezier curve having control points (-1, 0), (0, 10) and (1, 0)
quad_curve horizontal(quad_spline(2.0, -8.0, 2.0), quad_spline(1.0, 2.0, 3.0));
// QuadCurve horizontal represents the Bezier curve having control points (2, 1), (-8, 2) and (2, 3)
std::cout << "The points of intersection are:" << std::endl;
std::vector<point> intersects = find_intersects(vertical, horizontal);
for ( const point& intersect : intersects ) {
std::cout << "( " << std::setw(9) << std::setprecision(6) << intersect.first
<< ", " << intersect.second << " )" << std::endl;
{{ out }}
The points of intersection are:
( 0.654983, 2.85498 )
( -0.681025, 2.68102 )
( 0.881025, 1.11898 )
( -0.854983, 1.34502 )
This program subdivides both curves by de Casteljau's algorithm, until only very small subdivisions with overlapping control polygons remain. (''You could use recursion instead of the workload container. With the container it is easier to terminate early, and also the program then uses only constant stack space.'')
Line 1,053 ⟶ 2,345:
(-0.681025, 2.681025)
(-0.854983, 1.345017)</pre>
===FreeBASIC Implementation 1===
<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">' The control points of a planar quadratic Bézier curve form a
' triangle--called the "control polygon"--that completely contains
' the curve. Furthermore, the rectangle formed by the minimum and
' maximum x and y values of the control polygon completely contain
' the polygon, and therefore also the curve.
' Thus a simple method for narrowing down where intersections might
' be is: subdivide both curves until you find "small enough" regions
' where these rectangles overlap.
#define Min(a, b) iif((a) < (b), (a), (b))
#define Max(a, b) iif((a) > (b), (a), (b))
' Note that these are all mutable as we need to pass by reference.
Type Punto
x As Double
y As Double
End Type
Type QuadSpline
c0 As Double
c1 As Double
c2 As Double ' Non-parametric spline
End Type
Type QuadCurve
x As QuadSpline
y As QuadSpline ' Planar parametric spline
End Type
' Subdivision by de Casteljau's algorithm
Sub subdivideQuadSpline(q As QuadSpline, t As Double, u As QuadSpline, v As QuadSpline)
Dim As Double s = 1.0 - t
Dim As Double c0 = q.c0
Dim As Double c1 = q.c1
Dim As Double c2 = q.c2
u.c0 = c0
v.c2 = c2
u.c1 = s * c0 + t * c1
v.c1 = s * c1 + t * c2
u.c2 = s * u.c1 + t * v.c1
v.c0 = u.c2
End Sub
Sub subdivideQuadCurve(q As QuadCurve, t As Double, u As QuadCurve, v As QuadCurve)
subdivideQuadSpline(q.x, t, u.x, v.x)
subdivideQuadSpline(q.y, t, u.y, v.y)
End Sub
' It is assumed that xa0 <= xa1, ya0 <= ya1, xb0 <= xb1, and yb0 <= yb1.
Function rectsOverlap(xa0 As Double, ya0 As Double, xa1 As Double, ya1 As Double, _
xb0 As Double, yb0 As Double, xb1 As Double, yb1 As Double) As Boolean
Return (xb0 <= xa1 And xa0 <= xb1 And yb0 <= ya1 And ya0 <= yb1)
End Function
Function max3(x As Double, y As Double, z As Double) As Double
Return Max(Max(x, y), z)
End Function
Function min3(x As Double, y As Double, z As Double) As Double
Return Min(Min(x, y), z)
End Function
' This accepts the point as an intersection if the boxes are small enough.
Sub testIntersect(p As QuadCurve, q As QuadCurve, tol As Double, _
Byref exclude As Boolean, Byref accept As Boolean, Byref intersect As Punto)
Dim As Double pxmin = min3(p.x.c0, p.x.c1, p.x.c2)
Dim As Double pymin = min3(p.y.c0, p.y.c1, p.y.c2)
Dim As Double pxmax = max3(p.x.c0, p.x.c1, p.x.c2)
Dim As Double pymax = max3(p.y.c0, p.y.c1, p.y.c2)
Dim As Double qxmin = min3(q.x.c0, q.x.c1, q.x.c2)
Dim As Double qymin = min3(q.y.c0, q.y.c1, q.y.c2)
Dim As Double qxmax = max3(q.x.c0, q.x.c1, q.x.c2)
Dim As Double qymax = max3(q.y.c0, q.y.c1, q.y.c2)
exclude = True
accept = False
If rectsOverlap(pxmin, pymin, pxmax, pymax, qxmin, qymin, qxmax, qymax) Then
exclude = False
Dim As Double xmin = Max(pxmin, qxmin)
Dim As Double xmax = Min(pxmax, qxmax)
Assert(xmax >= xmin)
If xmax - xmin <= tol Then
Dim As Double ymin = Max(pymin, qymin)
Dim As Double ymax = Min(pymax, qymax)
Assert(ymax >= ymin)
If ymax - ymin <= tol Then
accept = True
intersect.x = 0.5 * xmin + 0.5 * xmax
intersect.y = 0.5 * ymin + 0.5 * ymax
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Function seemsToBeDuplicate(intersects() As Punto, icount As Integer, _
xy As Punto, spacing As Double) As Boolean
Dim As Boolean seemsToBeDup = False
Dim As Integer i = 0
While Not seemsToBeDup And i <> icount
Dim As Punto pt = intersects(i)
seemsToBeDup = Abs(pt.x - xy.x) < spacing And Abs(pt.y - xy.y) < spacing
i += 1
Return seemsToBeDup
End Function
Sub findIntersects(p As QuadCurve, q As QuadCurve, tol As Double, _
spacing As Double, intersects() As Punto)
Dim As Integer numIntersects = 0
Type workset
p As QuadCurve
q As QuadCurve
End Type
Dim As workset workload(64)
Dim As Integer numWorksets = 1
workload(0) = Type<workset>(p, q)
' Quit looking after having emptied the workload.
While numWorksets <> 0
Dim As workset work = workload(numWorksets-1)
numWorksets -= 1
Dim As Boolean exclude, accept
Dim As Punto intersect
testIntersect(work.p, work.q, tol, exclude, accept, intersect)
If accept Then
' To avoid detecting the same intersection twice, require some
' space between intersections.
If Not seemsToBeDuplicate(intersects(), numIntersects, intersect, spacing) Then
intersects(numIntersects) = intersect
numIntersects += 1
End If
Elseif Not exclude Then
Dim As QuadCurve p0, p1, q0, q1
subdivideQuadCurve(work.p, 0.5, p0, p1)
subdivideQuadCurve(work.q, 0.5, q0, q1)
workload(numWorksets) = Type<workset>(p0, q0)
numWorksets += 1
workload(numWorksets) = Type<workset>(p0, q1)
numWorksets += 1
workload(numWorksets) = Type<workset>(p1, q0)
numWorksets += 1
workload(numWorksets) = Type<workset>(p1, q1)
numWorksets += 1
End If
End Sub
Dim As QuadCurve p, q
p.x = Type<QuadSpline>(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
p.y = Type<QuadSpline>( 0.0, 10.0, 0.0)
q.x = Type<QuadSpline>( 2.0, -8.0, 2.0)
q.y = Type<QuadSpline>( 1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
Dim As Double tol = 0.0000001
Dim As Double spacing = tol * 10.0
Dim As Punto intersects(4)
findIntersects(p, q, tol, spacing, intersects())
For i As Integer = 0 To 3
Print "("; intersects(i).x; ", "; intersects(i).y; ")"
Next i
<pre>( 0.6549834311008453, 2.854983419179916)
( 0.8810249865055084, 1.118975013494492)
(-0.6810249347860431, 2.681024998426437)
(-0.8549834191799164, 1.345016568899155)</pre>
===FreeBASIC Implementation 2===
<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">' In this program, both of the curves are adaptively "flattened":
' that is, converted to a piecewise linear approximation. Then the
' problem is reduced to finding intersections of line segments.
' How efficient or inefficient the method is I will not try to answer.
' (And I do sometimes compute things "too often", although a really good
' optimizer might fix that.)
' I will use the symmetric power basis that was introduced by J. Sánchez-Reyes:
' J. Sánchez-Reyes, ‘The symmetric analogue of the polynomial power
' basis’, ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol 16 no 3, July 1997, page 319.
' J. Sánchez-Reyes, ‘Applications of the polynomial s-power basis
' in geometry processing’, ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol 19
' no 1, January 2000, page 35.
' Flattening a quadratic that is represented in this basis has a few
' advantages, which I will not go into here. */
Type bernstein_spline
b0 As Double
b1 As Double
b2 As Double
End Type
Type spower_spline
c0 As Double
c1 As Double
c2 As Double
End Type
Type spower_curve
x As spower_spline
y As spower_spline
End Type
' Convert a non-parametric spline from Bernstein basis to s-power.
Function bernstein_spline_to_spower(S As bernstein_spline) As spower_spline
Dim As spower_spline T
T.c0 = S.b0
T.c1 = (2 * S.b1) - S.b0 - S.b2
T.c2 = S.b2
Return T
End Function
' Compose (c0, c1, c2) with (t0, t1). This will map the portion [t0,t1] onto
' [0,1]. (To get these expressions, I did not use the general-degree methods
' described by Sánchez-Reyes, but instead used Maxima, some while ago.)
' This method is an alternative to de Casteljau subdivision, and can be done
' with the coefficients in any basis. Instead of breaking the spline into two
' pieces at a parameter value t, it gives you the portion lying between two
' parameter values. In general that requires two applications of de Casteljau
' subdivision. On the other hand, subdivision requires two applications of the
' following.
Function spower_spline_portion(S As spower_spline, t0 As Double, t1 As Double) As spower_spline
Dim As Double t0_t0 = t0 * t0
Dim As Double t0_t1 = t0 * t1
Dim As Double t1_t1 = t1 * t1
Dim As Double c2p1m0 = S.c2 + S.c1 - S.c0
Dim As spower_spline T
T.c0 = S.c0 + (c2p1m0 * t0) - (S.c1 * t0_t0)
T.c1 = (S.c1 * t1_t1) - (2 * S.c1 * t0_t1) + (S.c1 * t0_t0)
T.c2 = S.c0 + (c2p1m0 * t1) - (S.c1 * t1_t1)
Return T
End Function
Function spower_curve_portion(C As spower_curve, t0 As Double, t1 As Double) As spower_curve
Dim As spower_curve D
D.x = spower_spline_portion(C.x, t0, t1)
D.y = spower_spline_portion(C.y, t0, t1)
Return D
End Function
' Given a parametric curve, is it "flat enough" to have its quadratic
' terms removed?
Function flat_enough(C As spower_curve, tol As Double) As Boolean
' The degree-2 s-power polynomials are 1-t, t(1-t), t. We want to
' remove the terms in t(1-t). The maximum of t(1-t) is 1/4, reached
' at t=1/2. That accounts for the 1/8=0.125 in the following:
Dim As Double cx0 = C.x.c0
Dim As Double cx1 = C.x.c1
Dim As Double cx2 = C.x.c2
Dim As Double cy0 = C.y.c0
Dim As Double cy1 = C.y.c1
Dim As Double cy2 = C.y.c2
Dim As Double dx = cx2 - cx0
Dim As Double dy = cy2 - cy0
Dim As Double error_squared = 0.125 * ((cx1 * cx1) + (cy1 * cy1))
Dim As Double length_squared = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy)
Return (error_squared <= length_squared * tol * tol)
End Function
' Given two line segments, do they intersect? One solution to this problem is
' to use the implicitization method employed in the Maxima example, except to
' do it with linear instead of quadratic curves. That is what I do here, with
' the the roles of who gets implicitized alternated. If both ways you get as
' answer a parameter in [0,1], then the segments intersect.
Sub test_line_segment_intersection(ax0 As Double, ax1 As Double, _
ay0 As Double, ay1 As Double, bx0 As Double, bx1 As Double, _
by0 As Double, by1 As Double, Byref they_intersect As Boolean, _
Byref x As Double, Byref y As Double)
Dim As Double anumer = ((bx1 - bx0) * ay0 - (by1 - by0) * ax0 _
+ bx0 * by1 - bx1 * by0)
Dim As Double bnumer = -((ax1 - ax0) * by0 - (ay1 - ay0) * bx0 _
+ ax0 * ay1 - ax1 * ay0)
Dim As Double denom = ((ax1 - ax0) * (by1 - by0) _
- (ay1 - ay0) * (bx1 - bx0))
Dim As Double ta = anumer / denom ' Parameter of segment a.
Dim As Double tb = bnumer / denom ' Parameter of segment b.
they_intersect = (0 <= ta And ta <= 1 And 0 <= tb And tb <= 1)
If they_intersect Then
x = ((1 - ta) * ax0) + (ta * ax1)
y = ((1 - ta) * ay0) + (ta * ay1)
End If
End Sub
Function too_close(x As Double, y As Double, xs() As Double, ys() As Double, _
num_points As Integer, spacing As Double) As Boolean
Dim As Boolean tooclose = False
Dim As Integer i = 0
While Not tooclose And i <> num_points
tooclose = (Abs(x - xs(i)) < spacing And Abs(y - ys(i)) < spacing)
i += 1
Return tooclose
End Function
Sub recursion(tp0 As Double, tp1 As Double, tq0 As Double, tq1 As Double, _
P As spower_curve, Q As spower_curve, tol As Double, spacing As Double, _
max_points As Integer, xs() As Double, ys() As Double, Byref num_points As Integer)
If num_points = max_points Then
' do nothing
Elseif Not flat_enough(spower_curve_portion(P, tp0, tp1), tol) Then
Dim As Double tp_half = (0.5 * tp0) + (0.5 * tp1)
If Not flat_enough(spower_curve_portion(Q, tq0, tq1), tol) Then
Dim As Double tq_half = (0.5 * tq0) + (0.5 * tq1)
recursion(tp0, tp_half, tq0, tq_half, P, Q, tol, _
spacing, max_points, xs(), ys(), num_points)
recursion(tp0, tp_half, tq_half, tq1, P, Q, tol, _
spacing, max_points, xs(), ys(), num_points)
recursion(tp_half, tp1, tq0, tq_half, P, Q, tol, _
spacing, max_points, xs(), ys(), num_points)
recursion(tp_half, tp1, tq_half, tq1, P, Q, tol, _
spacing, max_points, xs(), ys(), num_points)
recursion(tp0, tp_half, tq0, tq1, P, Q, tol, _
spacing, max_points, xs(), ys(), num_points)
recursion(tp_half, tp1, tq0, tq1, P, Q, tol, _
spacing, max_points, xs(), ys(), num_points)
End If
Elseif Not flat_enough(spower_curve_portion(Q, tq0, tq1), tol) Then
Dim As Double tq_half = (0.5 * tq0) + (0.5 * tq1)
recursion(tp0, tp1, tq0, tq_half, P, Q, tol, _
spacing, max_points, xs(), ys(), num_points)
recursion(tp0, tp1, tq_half, tq1, P, Q, tol, _
spacing, max_points, xs(), ys(), num_points)
Dim As spower_curve P1 = spower_curve_portion(P, tp0, tp1)
Dim As spower_curve Q1 = spower_curve_portion(Q, tq0, tq1)
Dim As Boolean they_intersect
Dim As Double x, y
test_line_segment_intersection(P1.x.c0, P1.x.c2, _
P1.y.c0, P1.y.c2, _
Q1.x.c0, Q1.x.c2, _
Q1.y.c0, Q1.y.c2, _
they_intersect, x, y)
If they_intersect And Not too_close(x, y, xs(), ys(), num_points, spacing) Then
xs(num_points) = x
ys(num_points) = y
num_points += 1
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub find_intersections(P As spower_curve, Q As spower_curve, _
flatness_tolerance As Double, point_spacing As Double, _
max_points As Integer, xs() As Double, ys() As Double, _
Byref num_points As Integer)
num_points = 0
recursion(0, 1, 0, 1, P, Q, flatness_tolerance, point_spacing, _
max_points, xs(), ys(), num_points)
End Sub
Dim As bernstein_spline bPx = Type<bernstein_spline>(-1, 0, 1)
Dim As bernstein_spline bPy = Type<bernstein_spline>(0, 10, 0)
Dim As bernstein_spline bQx = Type<bernstein_spline>(2, -8, 2)
Dim As bernstein_spline bQy = Type<bernstein_spline>(1, 2, 3)
Dim As spower_spline Px = bernstein_spline_to_spower(bPx)
Dim As spower_spline Py = bernstein_spline_to_spower(bPy)
Dim As spower_spline Qx = bernstein_spline_to_spower(bQx)
Dim As spower_spline Qy = bernstein_spline_to_spower(bQy)
Dim As spower_curve P = Type<spower_curve>(Px, Py)
Dim As spower_curve Q = Type<spower_curve>(Qx, Qy)
Dim As Double flatness_tolerance = 0.001
Dim As Double point_spacing = 0.000001 ' Max norm minimum spacing.
Const max_points As Integer = 10
Dim As Double xs(max_points)
Dim As Double ys(max_points)
Dim As Integer num_points
find_intersections(P, Q, flatness_tolerance, point_spacing, _
max_points, xs(), ys(), num_points)
For i As Integer = 0 To num_points - 1
Print "("; xs(i); ", "; ys(i); ")"
Next i
Line 1,215 ⟶ 2,896:
(-0.681025, 2.681025)
(-0.854983, 1.345017)
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;
public final class BezierCurveIntersection {
public static void main(String[] aArgs) {
QuadCurve vertical = new QuadCurve( new QuadSpline(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0), new QuadSpline(0.0, 10.0, 0.0) );
// QuadCurve vertical represents the Bezier curve having control points (-1, 0), (0, 10) and (1, 0)
QuadCurve horizontal = new QuadCurve( new QuadSpline(2.0, -8.0, 2.0), new QuadSpline(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) );
// QuadCurve horizontal represents the Bezier curve having control points (2, 1), (-8, 2) and (2, 3)
System.out.println("The points of intersection are:");
List<Point> intersects = findIntersects(vertical, horizontal);
for ( Point intersect : intersects ) {
System.out.println(String.format("%s%9.6f%s%9.6f%s", "( ", intersect.aX, ", ", intersect.aY, " )"));
private static List<Point> findIntersects(QuadCurve aP, QuadCurve aQ) {
List<Point> result = new ArrayList<Point>();
Stack<QuadCurve> stack = new Stack<QuadCurve>();
while ( ! stack.isEmpty() ) {
QuadCurve pp = stack.pop();
QuadCurve qq = stack.pop();
List<Object> objects = testIntersection(pp, qq);
final boolean accepted = (boolean) objects.get(0);
final boolean excluded = (boolean) objects.get(1);
Point intersect = (Point) objects.get(2);
if ( accepted ) {
if ( ! seemsToBeDuplicate(result, intersect) ) {
} else if ( ! excluded ) {
QuadCurve p0 = new QuadCurve();
QuadCurve q0 = new QuadCurve();
QuadCurve p1 = new QuadCurve();
QuadCurve q1 = new QuadCurve();
subdivideQuadCurve(pp, 0.5, p0, p1);
subdivideQuadCurve(qq, 0.5, q0, q1);
stack.addAll(List.of( p0, q0, p0, q1, p1, q0, p1, q1 ));
return result;
private static boolean seemsToBeDuplicate(List<Point> aIntersects, Point aPoint) {
for ( Point intersect : aIntersects ) {
if ( Math.abs(intersect.aX - aPoint.aX) < SPACING && Math.abs(intersect.aY - aPoint.aY) < SPACING ) {
return true;
return false;
private static List<Object> testIntersection(QuadCurve aP, QuadCurve aQ) {
final double pxMin = Math.min(Math.min(aP.x.c0, aP.x.c1), aP.x.c2);
final double pyMin = Math.min(Math.min(aP.y.c0, aP.y.c1), aP.y.c2);
final double pxMax = Math.max(Math.max(aP.x.c0, aP.x.c1), aP.x.c2);
final double pyMax = Math.max(Math.max(aP.y.c0, aP.y.c1), aP.y.c2);
final double qxMin = Math.min(Math.min(aQ.x.c0, aQ.x.c1), aQ.x.c2);
final double qyMin = Math.min(Math.min(aQ.y.c0, aQ.y.c1), aQ.y.c2);
final double qxMax = Math.max(Math.max(aQ.x.c0, aQ.x.c1), aQ.x.c2);
final double qyMax = Math.max(Math.max(aQ.y.c0, aQ.y.c1), aQ.y.c2);
boolean accepted = false;
boolean excluded = true;
Point intersect = new Point(0.0, 0.0);
if ( rectanglesOverlap(pxMin, pyMin, pxMax, pyMax, qxMin, qyMin, qxMax, qyMax) ) {
excluded = false;
final double xMin = Math.max(pxMin, qxMin);
final double xMax = Math.min(pxMax, pxMax);
if ( xMax - xMin <= TOLERANCE ) {
final double yMin = Math.max(pyMin, qyMin);
final double yMax = Math.min(pyMax, qyMax);
if ( yMax - yMin <= TOLERANCE ) {
accepted = true;
intersect = new Point(0.5 * ( xMin + xMax), 0.5 * ( yMin + yMax));
return List.of( accepted, excluded, intersect );
private static boolean rectanglesOverlap(double aXa0, double aYa0, double aXa1, double aYa1,
double aXb0, double aYb0, double aXb1, double aYb1) {
return aXb0 <= aXa1 && aXa0 <= aXb1 && aYb0 <= aYa1 && aYa0 <= aYb1;
private static void subdivideQuadCurve(QuadCurve aQ, double aT, QuadCurve aU, QuadCurve aV) {
subdivideQuadSpline(aQ.x, aT, aU.x, aV.x);
subdivideQuadSpline(aQ.y, aT, aU.y, aV.y);
// de Casteljau's algorithm
private static void subdivideQuadSpline(QuadSpline aQ, double aT, QuadSpline aU, QuadSpline aV) {
final double s = 1.0 - aT;
aU.c0 = aQ.c0;
aV.c2 = aQ.c2;
aU.c1 = s * aQ.c0 + aT * aQ.c1;
aV.c1 = s * aQ.c1 + aT * aQ.c2;
aU.c2 = s * aU.c1 + aT * aV.c1;
aV.c0 = aU.c2;
private static record Point(double aX, double aY) {}
private static class QuadSpline {
public QuadSpline(double aC0, double aC1, double aC2) {
c0 = aC0; c1 = aC1; c2 = aC2;
public QuadSpline() {
this(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
private double c0, c1, c2;
private static class QuadCurve {
public QuadCurve(QuadSpline aX, QuadSpline aY) {
x = aX; y = aY;
public QuadCurve() {
this( new QuadSpline(), new QuadSpline() );
private QuadSpline x, y;
private static final double TOLERANCE = 0.000_000_1;
private static final double SPACING = 10 * TOLERANCE;
{{ out }}
The points of intersection are:
( 0.654983, 2.854983 )
( -0.681025, 2.681025 )
( 0.881025, 1.118975 )
( -0.854983, 1.345017 )
Line 1,581 ⟶ 3,420:
0.9405124667 (0.8810249334, 1.118975334) 0.05948753331 (0.8810246662, 1.118975067)
<syntaxhighlight lang="julia">#= The control points of a planar quadratic Bézier curve form a
triangle--called the "control polygon"--that completely contains
the curve. Furthermore, the rectangle formed by the minimum and
maximum x and y values of the control polygon completely contain
the polygon, and therefore also the curve.
Thus a simple method for narrowing down where intersections might
be is: subdivide both curves until you find "small enough" regions
where these rectangles overlap.
mutable struct Point
Point() = new(0, 0)
mutable struct QuadSpline # Non-parametric spline.
QuadSpline(a = 0.0, b = 0.0, c = 0.0) = new(a, b, c)
mutable struct QuadCurve # Planar parametric spline.
QuadCurve(x = QuadSpline(), y = QuadSpline()) = new(x, y)
const Workset = Tuple{QuadCurve, QuadCurve}
""" Subdivision by de Casteljau's algorithm. """
function subdivide!(q::QuadSpline, t::Float64, u::QuadSpline, v::QuadSpline)
s = 1.0 - t
c0 = q.c0
c1 = q.c1
c2 = q.c2
u.c0 = c0
v.c2 = c2
u.c1 = s*c0 + t*c1
v.c1 = s*c1 + t*c2
u.c2 = s*u.c1 + t*v.c1
v.c0 = u.c2
function subdivide!(q::QuadCurve, t::Float64, u::QuadCurve, v::QuadCurve)
subdivide!(q.x, t, u.x, v.x)
subdivide!(q.y, t, u.y, v.y)
""" It is assumed that xa0 <= xa1, ya0 <= ya1, xb0 <= xb1, and yb0 <= yb1. """
function rectsoverlap(xa0, ya0, xa1, ya1, xb0, yb0, xb1, yb1)
return xb0 <= xa1 && xa0 <= xb1 && yb0 <= ya1 && ya0 <= yb1
""" This accepts the point as an intersection if the boxes are small enough. """
function testintersect(p::QuadCurve, q::QuadCurve, tol::Float64, intersect::Point)
pxmin = min(p.x.c0, p.x.c1, p.x.c2)
pymin = min(p.y.c0, p.y.c1, p.y.c2)
pxmax = max(p.x.c0, p.x.c1, p.x.c2)
pymax = max(p.y.c0, p.y.c1, p.y.c2)
qxmin = min(q.x.c0, q.x.c1, q.x.c2)
qymin = min(q.y.c0, q.y.c1, q.y.c2)
qxmax = max(q.x.c0, q.x.c1, q.x.c2)
qymax = max(q.y.c0, q.y.c1, q.y.c2)
exclude = true
accept = false
if rectsoverlap(pxmin, pymin, pxmax, pymax, qxmin, qymin, qxmax, qymax)
exclude = false
xmin = max(pxmin, qxmin)
xmax = min(pxmax, pxmax)
@assert xmin < xmax "Assertion failure: $xmax < $xmin"
if xmax-xmin <= tol
ymin = max(pymin, qymin)
ymax = min(pymax, qymax)
@assert ymin < ymax "Assertion failure: $ymax < $ymin"
if ymax-ymin <= tol
accept = true
intersect.x = 0.5*xmin + 0.5*xmax
intersect.y = 0.5*ymin + 0.5*ymax
return exclude, accept
""" return true if there seems to be a duplicate of xy in the intersects `isects` """
seemsduplicate(isects, xy, sp) = any(p -> abs(p.x-xy.x) < sp && abs(p.y-xy.y) < sp, isects)
""" find intersections of p and q """
function findintersects(p, q, tol, spacing)
intersects = Point[]
workload = Workset[(p, q)]
while !isempty(workload)
work = popfirst!(workload)
intersect = Point()
exclude, accept = testintersect(first(work), last(work), tol, intersect)
if accept
# To avoid detecting the same intersection twice, require some
# space between intersections.
if !seemsduplicate(intersects, intersect, spacing)
pushfirst!(intersects, intersect)
elseif !exclude
p0, p1, q0, q1 = QuadCurve(), QuadCurve(), QuadCurve(), QuadCurve()
subdivide!(first(work), 0.5, p0, p1)
subdivide!(last(work), 0.5, q0, q1)
pushfirst!(workload, (p0, q0), (p0, q1), (p1, q0), (p1, q1))
return intersects
""" test the methods """
function testintersections()
p, q = QuadCurve(), QuadCurve()
p.x = QuadSpline(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
p.y = QuadSpline(0.0, 10.0, 0.0)
q.x = QuadSpline(2.0, -8.0, 2.0)
q.y = QuadSpline(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
tol = 0.0000001
spacing = tol * 10
for intersect in findintersects(p, q, tol, spacing)
println("($(intersect.x) $(intersect.y))")
(0.6549834311008453 2.8549834191799164)
(0.8810249865055084 1.1189750134944916)
(-0.6810249984264374 2.681024934786043)
(-0.8549834191799164 1.3450165688991547)
Line 2,041 ⟶ 4,021:
(-0.6810249, 2.68102500)
(-0.8549834, 1.34501657)</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="Nim">import std/strformat
Point = tuple[x, y: float]
QuadSpline = tuple[c0, c1, c2: float] # Non-parametric spline.
QuadCurve = tuple[x, y: QuadSpline] # Planar parametric spline.
func subdivideQuadSpline(q: QuadSpline; t: float; u, v: var QuadSpline) =
## Subdivision by de Casteljau's algorithm.
let s = 1.0 - t
u.c0 = q.c0
v.c2 = q.c2
u.c1 = s * q.c0 + t * q.c1
v.c1 = s * q.c1 + t * q.c2
u.c2 = s * u.c1 + t * v.c1
v.c0 = u.c2
func subdivideQuadCurve(q: QuadCurve; t: float; u, v: var QuadCurve) =
subdivideQuadSpline(q.x, t, u.x, v.x)
subdivideQuadSpline(q.y, t, u.y, v.y)
# It is assumed that xa0 <= xa1, ya0 <= ya1, xb0 <= xb1, and yb0 <= yb1.
func rectsOverlap(xa0, ya0, xa1, ya1, xb0, yb0, xb1, yb1: float): bool =
xb0 <= xa1 and xa0 <= xb1 and yb0 <= ya1 and ya0 <= yb1
func max(x, y, z: float): float = max(max(x, y), z)
func min(x, y, z: float): float = min(min(x, y), z)
# This accepts the point as an intersection if the boxes are small enough.
func testIntersect(p, q: QuadCurve; tol: float; exclude, accept: var bool; intersect: var Point) =
pxmin = min(p.x.c0, p.x.c1, p.x.c2)
pymin = min(p.y.c0, p.y.c1, p.y.c2)
pxmax = max(p.x.c0, p.x.c1, p.x.c2)
pymax = max(p.y.c0, p.y.c1, p.y.c2)
qxmin = min(q.x.c0, q.x.c1, q.x.c2)
qymin = min(q.y.c0, q.y.c1, q.y.c2)
qxmax = max(q.x.c0, q.x.c1, q.x.c2)
qymax = max(q.y.c0, q.y.c1, q.y.c2)
exclude = true
accept = false
if rectsOverlap(pxmin, pymin, pxmax, pymax, qxmin, qymin, qxmax, qymax):
exclude = false
let xmin = max(pxmin, qxmin)
let xmax = min(pxmax, pxmax)
assert xmin <= xmax, &"Assertion failure: {xmin} <= {xmax}"
if xmax - xmin <= tol:
let ymin = max(pymin, qymin)
let ymax = min(pymax, qymax)
assert ymin <= ymax, &"Assertion failure: {ymin} <= {ymax}"
if ymax - ymin <= tol:
accept = true
intersect = (0.5 * xmin + 0.5 * xmax, 0.5 * ymin + 0.5 * ymax)
func seemsToBeDuplicate(intersects: openArray[Point]; xy: Point; spacing: float): bool =
var i = 0
while not result and i != intersects.len:
let pt = intersects[i]
result = abs(pt.x - xy.x) < spacing and abs(pt.y - xy.y) < spacing
inc i
func findIntersects(p, q: QuadCurve; tol, spacing: float): seq[Point] =
var workload = @[(p: p, q: q)]
# Quit looking after having emptied the workload.
while workload.len > 0:
var exclude, accept: bool
var intersect: Point
let work = workload.pop()
testIntersect(work.p, work.q, tol, exclude, accept, intersect)
if accept:
# To avoid detecting the same intersection twice, require some
# space between intersections.
if not seemsToBeDuplicate(result, intersect, spacing):
result.add intersect
elif not exclude:
var p0, p1, q0, q1: QuadCurve
subdivideQuadCurve(work.p, 0.5, p0, p1)
subdivideQuadCurve(work.q, 0.5, q0, q1)
workload.add @[(p0, q0), (p0, q1), (p1, q0), (p1, q1)]
var p, q: QuadCurve
p.x = (-1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
p.y = (0.0, 10.0, 0.0)
q.x = (2.0, -8.0, 2.0)
q.y = (1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
const Tol = 0.0000001
const Spacing = Tol * 10
let intersects = findIntersects(p, q, Tol, Spacing)
for intersect in intersects:
echo &"({intersect.x: .6f}, {intersect.y: .6f})"
<pre>( 0.654983, 2.854983)
( 0.881025, 1.118975)
(-0.681025, 2.681025)
(-0.854983, 1.345017)</pre>
Line 3,713 ⟶ 5,799:
<syntaxhighlight lang="raku" line># 20231025 Raku programming solution
class Point { has ($.x, $.y) is rw is default(0) }
class QuadSpline { has ($.c0, $.c1, $.c2) is rw is default(0) }
class QuadCurve { has QuadSpline ($.x, $.y) is rw }
class Workset { has QuadCurve ($.p, $.q) }
sub subdivideQuadSpline($q, $t) {
my $s = 1.0 - $t;
my ($c0,$c1,$c2) = do given $q { .c0, .c1, .c2 };
my $u_c1 = $s*$c0 + $t*$c1;
my $v_c1 = $s*$c1 + $t*$c2;
my $u_c2 = $s*$u_c1 + $t*$v_c1;
return ($c0, $u_c1, $u_c2), ($u_c2, $v_c1, $c2)
sub subdivideQuadCurve($q, $t, $u is rw, $v is rw) {
with (subdivideQuadSpline($q.x,$t),subdivideQuadSpline($q.y,$t))».List.flat {
$u=QuadCurve.new(x => QuadSpline.new(c0 => .[0],c1 => .[1],c2 => .[2]),
y => QuadSpline.new(c0 => .[6],c1 => .[7],c2 => .[8]));
$v=QuadCurve.new(x => QuadSpline.new(c0 => .[3],c1 => .[4],c2 => .[5]),
y => QuadSpline.new(c0 => .[9],c1 => .[10],c2 => .[11]))
sub seemsToBeDuplicate(@intersects, $xy, $spacing) {
my $seemsToBeDup = False;
for @intersects {
$seemsToBeDup = abs(.x - $xy.x) < $spacing && abs(.y - $xy.y) < $spacing;
last if $seemsToBeDup;
return $seemsToBeDup;
sub rectsOverlap($xa0, $ya0, $xa1, $ya1, $xb0, $yb0, $xb1, $yb1) {
return $xb0 <= $xa1 && $xa0 <= $xb1 && $yb0 <= $ya1 && $ya0 <= $yb1
sub testIntersect($p,$q,$tol,$exclude is rw,$accept is rw,$intersect is rw) {
my $pxmin = min($p.x.c0, $p.x.c1, $p.x.c2);
my $pymin = min($p.y.c0, $p.y.c1, $p.y.c2);
my $pxmax = max($p.x.c0, $p.x.c1, $p.x.c2);
my $pymax = max($p.y.c0, $p.y.c1, $p.y.c2);
my $qxmin = min($q.x.c0, $q.x.c1, $q.x.c2);
my $qymin = min($q.y.c0, $q.y.c1, $q.y.c2);
my $qxmax = max($q.x.c0, $q.x.c1, $q.x.c2);
my $qymax = max($q.y.c0, $q.y.c1, $q.y.c2);
($exclude, $accept) = True, False;
if rectsOverlap($pxmin,$pymin,$pxmax,$pymax,$qxmin,$qymin,$qxmax,$qymax) {
$exclude = False;
my ($xmin,$xmax) = max($pxmin, $qxmin), min($pxmax, $pxmax);
if ($xmax < $xmin) { die "Assertion failure: $xmax < $xmin\n" }
my ($ymin,$ymax) = max($pymin, $qymin), min($pymax, $qymax);
if ($ymax < $ymin) { die "Assertion failure: $ymax < $ymin\n" }
if $xmax - $xmin <= $tol and $ymax - $ymin <= $tol {
$accept = True;
given $intersect { (.x, .y) = 0.5 X* $xmin+$xmax, $ymin+$ymax }
sub find-intersects($p, $q, $tol, $spacing) {
my Point @intersects;
my @workload = Workset.new(p => $p, q => $q);
while my $work = @workload.pop {
my ($intersect,$exclude,$accept) = Point.new, False, False;
testIntersect($work.p, $work.q, $tol, $exclude, $accept, $intersect);
if $accept {
unless seemsToBeDuplicate(@intersects, $intersect, $spacing) {
@intersects.push: $intersect;
} elsif not $exclude {
my QuadCurve ($p0, $p1, $q0, $q1);
subdivideQuadCurve($work.p, 0.5, $p0, $p1);
subdivideQuadCurve($work.q, 0.5, $q0, $q1);
for $p0, $p1 X $q0, $q1 {
@workload.push: Workset.new(p => .[0], q => .[1])
return @intersects;
my $p = QuadCurve.new( x => QuadSpline.new(c0 => -1.0,c1 => 0.0,c2 => 1.0),
y => QuadSpline.new(c0 => 0.0,c1 => 10.0,c2 => 0.0));
my $q = QuadCurve.new( x => QuadSpline.new(c0 => 2.0,c1 => -8.0,c2 => 2.0),
y => QuadSpline.new(c0 => 1.0,c1 => 2.0,c2 => 3.0));
my $spacing = ( my $tol = 0.0000001 ) * 10;
.say for find-intersects($p, $q, $tol, $spacing);</syntaxhighlight>
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Line 4,954 ⟶ 7,138:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">/* The control points of a planar quadratic Bézier curve form a
triangle--called the "control polygon"--that completely contains
the curve. Furthermore, the rectangle formed by the minimum and


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