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De Polignac numbers: Difference between revisions

Created Nim solution.
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(Created Nim solution.)
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<syntaxhighlight lang="Nim">import std/[algorithm, math, strformat]
const N = 500_000
func initPrimes(lim: Natural): seq[int] =
## Build list of primes using a sieve of Erathostenes.
var composite = newSeq[bool]((lim + 1) shr 1)
composite[0] = true
for n in countup(3, int(sqrt(lim.toFloat)), 2):
if not composite[n shr 1]:
for k in countup(n * n, lim, 2 * n):
composite[k shr 1] = true
result.add 2
for n in countup(3, lim, 2):
if not composite[n shr 1]:
result.add n
func initPowers(lim: Natural): seq[int] =
## Build list of powers of 2.
var n = 1
for i in 0..log2(N.toFloat).int:
result.add n
n = n shl 1
func initDePolignac(primes, powers: seq[int]): seq[int] =
## Build list of de Polignac numbers using a sieve
## for odd numbers.
var sieve: array[0..(N div 2), bool]
for p1 in primes:
for p2 in powers:
if p1 + p2 <= N:
sieve[(p1 + p2) shr 1] = false
for i, isDePolignac in sieve:
if isDePolignac:
result.add i shl 1 + 1
let primes = initPrimes(N)
let powers = initPowers(N)
let dePolignac = initDePolignac(primes, powers)
echo "First 50 de Polignac numbers:"
for i in 0..49:
stdout.write &"{dePolignac[i]:>4}"
stdout.write if i mod 10 == 9: '\n' else: ' '
for i in [1000, 10000]:
echo &"The {i:>5}th de Polignac number is {dePolignac[i-1]:>6}"
<pre>First 50 de Polignac numbers:
1 127 149 251 331 337 373 509 599 701
757 809 877 905 907 959 977 997 1019 1087
1199 1207 1211 1243 1259 1271 1477 1529 1541 1549
1589 1597 1619 1649 1657 1719 1759 1777 1783 1807
1829 1859 1867 1927 1969 1973 1985 2171 2203 2213
The 1000th de Polignac number is 31941
The 10000th de Polignac number is 273421


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