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Cut a rectangle: Difference between revisions

Added XPL0 example.
m (syntax highlighting fixup automation)
(Added XPL0 example.)
Line 3,811:
10 x 9 : 99953769
10 x 10 : 1124140214
Works on Raspberry Pi. ReallocMem is not available in the DOS versions. Takes about 40 seconds on Pi4.
<syntaxhighlight lang "XPL0">include xpllib; \for Print
char Grid;
int W, H, Len, Cnt;
int Next(4), Dir;
proc Walk(Y, X);
int Y, X;
int I, T;
[if Y=0 or Y=H or X=0 or X=W then
[Cnt:= Cnt+2; return];
T:= Y * (W + 1) + X;
Grid(T):= Grid(T)+1;
Grid(Len-T):= Grid(Len-T)+1;
for I:= 0 to 4-1 do
if Grid(T + Next(I)) = 0 then
Walk(Y+Dir(I,0), X+Dir(I,1));
Grid(T):= Grid(T)-1;
Grid(Len-T):= Grid(Len-T)-1;
func Solve(HH, WW, Recur);
int HH, WW, Recur;
int T, CX, CY, X;
[H:= HH; W:= WW;
if H & 1 then [T:= W; W:= H; H:= T];
if H & 1 then return 0;
if W = 1 then return 1;
if W = 2 then return H;
if H = 2 then return W;
CY:= H/2; CX:= W/2;
Len:= (H + 1) * (W + 1);
Grid:= ReallocMem(Grid, Len);
FillMem(Grid, 0, Len); Len:= Len-1;
Next(0):= -1;
Next(1):= -W - 1;
Next(2):= 1;
Next(3):= W + 1;
if Recur then Cnt:= 0;
for X:= CX+1 to W-1 do
[T:= CY * (W + 1) + X;
Grid(T):= 1;
Grid(Len - T):= 1;
Walk(CY - 1, X);
Cnt:= Cnt+1;
if H = W then Cnt:= Cnt * 2
else if (W&1) = 0 and Recur then Solve(W, H, 0);
return Cnt;
int Y, X;
[Grid:= 0;
Dir:= [[0, -1], [-1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0]];
for Y:= 1 to 10 do
for X:= 1 to Y do
if (X&1) = 0 or (Y&1) = 0 then
Print("%d x %d: %d\n", Y, X, Solve(Y, X, 1));
2 x 1: 1
2 x 2: 2
3 x 2: 3
4 x 1: 1
4 x 2: 4
4 x 3: 9
4 x 4: 22
5 x 2: 5
5 x 4: 39
6 x 1: 1
6 x 2: 6
6 x 3: 23
6 x 4: 90
6 x 5: 263
6 x 6: 1018
7 x 2: 7
7 x 4: 151
7 x 6: 2947
8 x 1: 1
8 x 2: 8
8 x 3: 53
8 x 4: 340
8 x 5: 1675
8 x 6: 11174
8 x 7: 55939
8 x 8: 369050
9 x 2: 9
9 x 4: 553
9 x 6: 31721
9 x 8: 1812667
10 x 1: 1
10 x 2: 10
10 x 3: 115
10 x 4: 1228
10 x 5: 10295
10 x 6: 118276
10 x 7: 1026005
10 x 8: 11736888
10 x 9: 99953769
10 x 10: 1124140214


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