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Equal prime and composite sums: Difference between revisions

Created Nim solution.
m (syntax highlighting fixup automation)
(Created Nim solution.)
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209456854921713 5012372 19786181</pre>
We use a sieve of Erathostenes for odd integers, each boolean being represented as a single bit.
<syntaxhighlight lang="Nim">import std/[bitops, math, monotimes, strformat, strutils, times]
type Sieve = object
data: seq[byte]
proc `[]`(sieve: Sieve; idx: Positive): bool =
## Return the sieve element at index "idx".
let idx = idx shr 1
let iByte = idx shr 3
let iBit = idx and 7
result = sieve.data[iByte].testBit(iBit)
proc `[]=`(sieve: var Sieve; idx: Positive; val: bool) =
## Set the sieve element at index "idx" with value "val".
let idx = idx shr 1
let iByte = idx shr 3
let iBit = idx and 7
if val: sieve.data[iByte].setBit(iBit)
else: sieve.data[iByte].clearBit(iBit)
proc newSieve(lim: Positive): Sieve =
## Create a sieve with maximum index "lim".
result.data = newSeq[byte]((lim + 16) shr 4)
const Limit = 400_000_000
let t0 = getMonoTime()
# Fill the sieve.
var composite = newSieve(Limit)
for n in countup(3, sqrt(Limit.toFloat).int, 2):
if not composite[n]:
for k in countup(n * n, Limit - 1, 2 * n):
composite[k] = true
proc isPrime(n: Positive): bool =
## Return true is "n" is prime.
assert n >= 2
if (n and 1) == 0: return n == 2
result = not composite[n]
proc updatePrime(np, ip, psum: var int) =
## Find the next prime number and update "np", "ip" and "psum".
inc np, 1
while np <= Limit and not np.isPrime:
inc np
inc ip
inc psum, np
proc updateComposite(nc, ic, csum: var int) =
## Find the next composite number and update "nc", "ic" and "csum".
inc nc, 1
while nc <= Limit and nc.isPrime:
inc nc
inc ic
inc csum, nc
echo " Sum | Prime Index | Composite Index "
echo "──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────"
var np = 2 # Current prime.
var nc = 4 # Current composite.
var ip, ic = 1 # Ranks of current prime and composite.
var psum = np # Current sum of prime numbers.
var csum = nc # Current sum of composite numbers.
while true:
if psum == csum:
echo &"{insertSep($psum):>21} | {insertSep($ip):>15} | {insertSep($ic):>15}"
updatePrime(np, ip, psum)
updateComposite(nc, ic, csum)
elif psum < csum:
updatePrime(np, ip, psum)
updateComposite(nc, ic, csum)
if np > Limit or nc > Limit:
let dt = toParts(getMonoTime() - t0)
echo &"Elapsed time: {dt[Seconds]}.{dt[Milliseconds]} s"
<pre> Sum | Prime Index | Composite Index
10 | 3 | 2
1_988 | 33 | 51
14_697 | 80 | 147
83_292 | 175 | 361
1_503_397 | 660 | 1_582
18_859_052 | 2_143 | 5_699
93_952_013 | 4_556 | 12_821
89_171_409_882 | 118_785 | 403_341
9_646_383_703_961 | 1_131_142 | 4_229_425
209_456_854_921_713 | 5_012_372 | 19_786_181
3_950_430_820_867_201 | 20_840_220 | 86_192_660
Elapsed time: 2.891 s


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