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Continued fraction/Arithmetic/G(matrix ng, continued fraction n1, continued fraction n2): Difference between revisions

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The program closely follows the Standard ML code, so one can compare the two languages with each other. They have similar syntaxes, but are very different. Notice, for instance, that ATS has overloads, whereas SML does not. (SML has signatures with respective namespaces.) In ATS, a function is not a closure unless you explicitly make it one, whereas in SML no special notation is needed. And so on.
ATS is translated to C, and its functions (except closures) are essentially just C functions. One can write Arduino code and Linux kernel modules in ATS, because ATS is, essentiallyin some sense, an elaborate way to write C. Nevertheless, there is enough similarity between ATS and Standard ML to easily translate the SML code for this Rosetta Code task to ATS.
I have broken the program into three files, to demonstrate what an ATS program might look like, if it were broken into separately compiled parts.
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implement sqrt2 = silver_ratio - one
implement sqrt5 = (two * golden_ratio) - one
The third file is the main program. It is called <code>continued-fraction-task.dats</code>:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ats">
(* Main program. *)
Install ats2-xprelude, being sure to enable GMP support:
If you have it installed already, there might have been bugfixes
since. So try updating.
Then, to compile the program:
patscc -std=gnu2x -g -O2 -DATS_MEMALLOC_GCBDW \
$(pkg-config --cflags ats2-xprelude) \
$(pkg-config --variable=PATSCCFLAGS ats2-xprelude) \
continued-fraction-task.dats continued_fraction.{s,d}ats \
$(pkg-config --libs ats2-xprelude) -lgc -lm
(* Load templates from the ATS2 prelude: *)
#include "share/atspre_staload.hats"
staload "continued_fraction.sats" (* Programmer access to exported stuff. *)
dynload "continued_fraction.dats" (* Initialize the "val". *)
(* Load declarations and templates from ats2-xprelude: *)
#include "xprelude/HATS/xprelude.hats"
staload "xprelude/SATS/exrat.sats"
staload _ = "xprelude/DATS/exrat.dats"
make_pad (n : size_t) : string =
val n = g1ofg0 n
prval () = lemma_g1uint_param n
implement string_tabulate$fopr<> _ = ' '
strnptr2string (string_tabulate<> n)
show_with_note (expression : string,
cf : continued_fraction,
note : string) : void =
val cf_str = cf2string cf
val expr_sz = strlen expression
and cf_sz = strlen cf_str
and note_sz = strlen note
val expr_pad_sz = max (i2sz 19 - expr_sz, i2sz 0)
and cf_pad_sz =
if iseqz note_sz then
i2sz 0
max (i2sz 48 - cf_sz, i2sz 0)
val expr_pad = make_pad expr_pad_sz
and cf_pad = make_pad cf_pad_sz
println! (expr_pad, expression, " => ",
cf_str, cf_pad, note)
show_without_note (expression : string,
cf : continued_fraction) : void =
show_with_note (expression, cf, "")
overload show with show_with_note
overload show with show_without_note
main0 () = (* A main that takes no arguments and returns 0. *)
show ("golden ratio", golden_ratio, "(1 + sqrt(5))/2");
show ("silver ratio", silver_ratio, "(1 + sqrt(2))");
show ("sqrt2", sqrt2);
show ("sqrt5", sqrt5);
show ("1/4", one_fourth);
show ("1/3", one_third);
show ("1/2", one_half);
show ("2/3", two_thirds);
show ("3/4", three_fourths);
show ("13/11", r2cf (13, 11));
show ("22/7", r2cf (22, 7), "approximately pi");
show ("0", zero);
show ("1", one);
show ("2", two);
show ("3", three);
show ("4", four);
show ("4 + 3", four + three);
show ("4 - 3", four - three);
show ("4 * 3", four * three);
show ("4 / 3", four / three);
show ("4 ** 3", four ** 3);
show ("4 ** (-3)", four ** (~3));
show ("negative 4", ~four);
show ("(1 + 1/sqrt(2))/2",
(one + (one / sqrt2)) / two, "method 1");
show ("(1 + 1/sqrt(2))/2",
silver_ratio * (sqrt2 ** (~3)), "method 2");
show ("(1 + 1/sqrt(2))/2",
((silver_ratio ** 2) + one) / (four * two), "method 3");
show ("sqrt2 + sqrt2", sqrt2 + sqrt2);
show ("sqrt2 - sqrt2", sqrt2 - sqrt2);
show ("sqrt2 * sqrt2", sqrt2 * sqrt2);
show ("sqrt2 / sqrt2", sqrt2 / sqrt2);


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