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Continued fraction/Arithmetic/G(matrix ng, continued fraction n): Difference between revisions

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[[File:Univariate-continued-fraction-task-no-gc.dats.png|alt=The output of the program.]]
===Using lazy non-linear types===
This method is simple, and it memoizes terms. However, the memoization is in a linked list rather than a randomly accessible array.
The '''recurs''' routines do not execute recursions, but instead (thanks to '''$delay''') create what I will call "recursive thunks". Otherwise the stack would overflow.
The code leaks memory, so using a garbage collector may be a good idea.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ats">
#include "share/atspre_staload.hats"
staload UN = "prelude/SATS/unsafe.sats"
(* For convenience (because the prelude provides it), we will use
integer division with truncation towards zero. *)
infixl ( / ) div
infixl ( mod ) rem
macdef div = g0int_div
macdef rem = g0int_mod
(* The definition of a continued fraction, and a few simple ones. *)
typedef cf (tk : tkind) = stream (g0int tk)
(* A "continued fraction" with no terms. *)
fn {tk : tkind}
cfnil ()
: cf tk =
stream_make_nil<g0int tk> ()
(* A continued fraction of one term followed by more terms. *)
fn {tk : tkind}
cfcons (term : g0int tk,
more : cf tk)
: cf tk =
stream_make_cons<g0int tk> (term, more)
(* A continued fraction with all terms equal. *)
fn {tk : tkind}
repeat_forever (term : g0int tk)
: cf tk =
fun recurs () : stream_con (g0int tk) =
stream_cons (term, $delay recurs ())
$delay recurs ()
(* The square root of two. *)
fn {tk : tkind}
sqrt2 ()
: cf tk =
cfcons<tk> (g0i2i 1, repeat_forever<tk> (g0i2i 2))
(* A continued fraction for a rational number. *)
typedef ratnum (tk : tkind) = @(g0int tk, g0int tk)
fn {tk : tkind}
r2cf_integers (n : g0int tk,
d : g0int tk)
: cf tk =
fun recurs (n : g0int tk,
d : g0int tk)
: cf tk =
if iseqz d then
cfnil<tk> ()
cfcons<tk> (n div d, recurs (d, n rem d))
recurs (n, d)
fn {tk : tkind}
r2cf_ratnum (r : ratnum tk)
: cf tk =
r2cf_integers (r.0, r.1)
overload r2cf with r2cf_integers
overload r2cf with r2cf_ratnum
(* Application of a homographic function to a continued fraction. *)
typedef ng4 (tk : tkind) = @(g0int tk, g0int tk,
g0int tk, g0int tk)
fn {tk : tkind}
apply_ng4 (ng4 : ng4 tk,
other_cf : cf tk)
: cf tk =
typedef t = g0int tk
recurs (a1 : t,
a : t,
b1 : t,
b : t,
other_cf : cf tk)
: stream_con t =
fn {}
eject_term (a1 : t,
a : t,
b1 : t,
b : t,
other_cf : cf tk,
term : t)
: stream_con t =
stream_cons (term, $delay recurs (b1, b, a1 - (b1 * term),
a - (b * term), other_cf))
fn {}
absorb_term (a1 : t,
a : t,
b1 : t,
b : t,
other_cf : cf tk)
: stream_con t =
case+ !other_cf of
| stream_nil () =>
recurs (a1, a1, b1, b1, other_cf)
| stream_cons (term, rest) =>
recurs (a + (a1 * term), a1, b + (b1 * term), b1, rest)
if iseqz b1 && iseqz b then
stream_nil ()
else if iseqz b1 || iseqz b then
absorb_term (a1, a, b1, b, other_cf)
val q1 = a1 div b1
and q = a div b
if q1 = q then
eject_term (a1, a, b1, b, other_cf, q)
absorb_term (a1, a, b1, b, other_cf)
val @(a1, a, b1, b) = ng4
$delay recurs (a1, a, b1, b, other_cf)
(* Some special cases of homographic functions. *)
fn {tk : tkind}
integer_add_cf (n : g0int tk,
cf : cf tk)
: cf tk =
apply_ng4 (@(g0i2i 1, n, g0i2i 0, g0i2i 1), cf)
fn {tk : tkind}
cf_add_ratnum (cf : cf tk,
r : ratnum tk)
: cf tk =
val @(n, d) = r
apply_ng4 (@(d, n, g0i2i 0, d), cf)
fn {tk : tkind}
cf_mul_ratnum (cf : cf tk,
r : ratnum tk)
: cf tk =
val @(n, d) = r
apply_ng4 (@(n, g0i2i 0, g0i2i 0, d), cf)
fn {tk : tkind}
cf_div_integer (cf : cf tk,
n : g0int tk)
: cf tk =
apply_ng4 (@(g0i2i 1, g0i2i 0, g0i2i 0, g0i2i n), cf)
fn {tk : tkind}
integer_div_cf (n : g0int tk,
cf : cf tk)
: cf tk =
apply_ng4 (@(g0i2i 0, g0i2i n, g0i2i 1, g0i2i 0), cf)
overload + with integer_add_cf
overload + with cf_add_ratnum
overload * with cf_mul_ratnum
overload / with cf_div_integer
overload / with integer_div_cf
(* cf2string: convert a continued fraction to a string. *)
fn {tk : tkind}
(cf : cf tk,
max_terms : intGte 1)
: string =
loop (i : intGte 0,
cf : cf tk,
accum : List0 string)
: List0 string =
case+ !cf of
| stream_nil () => list_cons ("]", accum)
| stream_cons (term, rest) =>
if i = max_terms then
list_cons (",...]", accum)
val accum =
(tostring_val<g0int tk> term,
(case+ i of
| 0 => accum
| 1 => list_cons (";", accum)
| _ => list_cons (",", accum)) : List0 string)
loop (succ i, rest, accum)
val string_lst = list_vt2t (reverse (loop (0, cf, list_sing "[")))
strptr2string (stringlst_concat string_lst)
extern fn {tk : tkind}
cf2string$max_terms :
() -> intGte 1
implement {tk} cf2string$max_terms () = 20
fn {tk : tkind}
(cf : cf tk)
: string =
cf2string_max_terms_given<tk> (cf, cf2string$max_terms<tk> ())
overload cf2string with cf2string_max_terms_given
overload cf2string with cf2string_max_terms_default
fn {tk : tkind}
show (expression : string,
cf : cf tk)
: void =
print! expression;
print! " => ";
println! (cf2string<tk> cf);
main () =
val cf_13_11 = r2cf (13, 11)
val cf_22_7 = r2cf (22, 7)
val cf_sqrt2 = sqrt2<intknd> ()
val cf_1_sqrt2 = 1 / cf_sqrt2
show ("13/11", cf_13_11);
show ("22/7", cf_22_7);
show ("sqrt(2)", cf_sqrt2);
show ("13/11 + 1/2", cf_13_11 + @(1, 2));
show ("22/7 + 1/2", cf_22_7 + @(1, 2));
show ("(22/7)/4", cf_22_7 * @(1, 4));
show ("1/sqrt(2)", cf_1_sqrt2);
show ("(2 + sqrt(2))/4", apply_ng4 (@(1, 2, 0, 4), cf_sqrt2));
(* To show it can be done, write the following without using
results already obtained: *)
show ("(1 + 1/sqrt(2))/2", (1 + 1/sqrt2())/2);
<pre>$ patscc -g -O2 -std=gnu2x -DATS_MEMALLOC_GCBDW univariate-continued-fraction-task-lazy.dats -lgc && ./a.out
13/11 => [1;5,2]
22/7 => [3;7]
sqrt(2) => [1;2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,...]
13/11 + 1/2 => [1;1,2,7]
22/7 + 1/2 => [3;1,1,1,4]
(22/7)/4 => [0;1,3,1,2]
1/sqrt(2) => [0;1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,...]
(2 + sqrt(2))/4 => [0;1,5,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,...]
(1 + 1/sqrt(2))/2 => [0;1,5,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,...]</pre>
Line 3,238 ⟶ 3,541:
if (!terminated && m < needed)
if (needed <= memo.length < needed)
// Increase the space to twice what might be needed
Line 4,709 ⟶ 5,012:
(+%)/plus1r2times1r2 0 1,999$2
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
import java.util.List;
public final class ContinuedFractionArithmeticG1 {
public static void main(String[] aArgs) {
List<CFData> cfData = List.of(
new CFData("[1; 5, 2] + 1 / 2 ", new int[] { 2, 1, 0, 2 }, (CFIterator) new R2cfIterator(13, 11) ),
new CFData("[3; 7] + 1 / 2 ", new int[] { 2, 1, 0, 2 }, (CFIterator) new R2cfIterator(22, 7) ),
new CFData("[3; 7] divided by 4 ", new int[] { 1, 0, 0, 4 }, (CFIterator) new R2cfIterator(22, 7) ),
new CFData("sqrt(2) ", new int[] { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, (CFIterator) new ReciprocalRoot2() ),
new CFData("1 / sqrt(2) ", new int[] { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, (CFIterator) new Root2() ),
new CFData("(1 + sqrt(2)) / 2 ", new int[] { 1, 1, 0, 2 }, (CFIterator) new Root2() ),
new CFData("(1 + 1 / sqrt(2)) / 2", new int[] { 1, 1, 0, 2 }, (CFIterator) new ReciprocalRoot2() ) );
for ( CFData data : cfData ) {
System.out.print(data.text + " -> ");
NG ng = new NG(data.arguments);
CFIterator iterator = data.iterator;
int nextTerm = 0;
for ( int i = 1; i <= 20 && iterator.hasNext(); i++ ) {
nextTerm = iterator.next();
if ( ! ng.needsTerm() ) {
System.out.print(ng.egress() + " ");
while ( ! ng.done() ) {
System.out.print(ng.egressDone() + " ");
private static class NG {
public NG(int[] aArgs) {
a1 = aArgs[0]; a = aArgs[1]; b1 = aArgs[2]; b = aArgs[3];
public void ingress(int aN) {
int temp = a; a = a1; a1 = temp + a1 * aN;
temp = b; b = b1; b1 = temp + b1 * aN;
public int egress() {
final int n = a / b;
int temp = a; a = b; b = temp - b * n;
temp = a1; a1 = b1; b1 = temp - b1 * n;
return n;
public boolean needsTerm() {
return ( b == 0 || b1 == 0 ) || ( a * b1 != a1 * b );
public int egressDone() {
if ( needsTerm() ) {
a = a1;
b = b1;
return egress();
public boolean done() {
return ( b == 0 || b1 == 0 );
private int a1, a, b1, b;
private static abstract class CFIterator {
public abstract boolean hasNext();
public abstract int next();
private static class R2cfIterator extends CFIterator {
public R2cfIterator(int aNumerator, int aDenominator) {
numerator = aNumerator; denominator = aDenominator;
public boolean hasNext() {
return denominator != 0;
public int next() {
int div = numerator / denominator;
int rem = numerator % denominator;
numerator = denominator;
denominator = rem;
return div;
private int numerator, denominator;
private static class Root2 extends CFIterator {
public Root2() {
firstReturn = true;
public boolean hasNext() {
return true;
public int next() {
if ( firstReturn ) {
firstReturn = false;
return 1;
return 2;
private boolean firstReturn;
private static class ReciprocalRoot2 extends CFIterator {
public ReciprocalRoot2() {
firstReturn = true;
secondReturn = true;
public boolean hasNext() {
return true;
public int next() {
if ( firstReturn ) {
firstReturn = false;
return 0;
if ( secondReturn ) {
secondReturn = false;
return 1;
return 2;
private boolean firstReturn, secondReturn;
private static record CFData(String text, int[] arguments, CFIterator iterator) {}
{{ out }}
[1; 5, 2] + 1 / 2 -> 1 1 2 7
[3; 7] + 1 / 2 -> 3 1 1 1 4
[3; 7] divided by 4 -> 0 1 3 1 2
sqrt(2) -> 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 / sqrt(2) -> 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
(1 + sqrt(2)) / 2 -> 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4
(1 + 1 / sqrt(2)) / 2 -> 0 1 5 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 5
Line 7,421 ⟶ 7,892:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">import "./dynamic" for Tuple
var CFData = Tuple.create("Tuple", ["str", "ng", "r", "gen"])


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