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Zebra puzzle: Difference between revisions

Added AppleScript.
(→‎{{header|Vlang}}: Rename "Vlang" in "V (Vlang)")
(Added AppleScript.)
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solutions: 1
<syntaxhighlight lang="applescript">on allPermutations(theList)
script o
property workList : missing value
property permutations : {}
property r : (count theList)
property |r-1| : r - 1
property |r-2| : r - 2
property p : 1
on prmt(l)
set evenCount to ((r - l) mod 2 = 1)
repeat until (l = |r-2|)
set |l+1| to l + 1
if (evenCount) then
repeat with swapIndex from r to |l+1| + 1 by -1
tell item l of my workList
set item l of my workList to item swapIndex of my workList
set item swapIndex of my workList to it
end tell
end repeat
set swapIndex to |l+1|
repeat (r - |l+1|) times
tell item l of my workList
set item l of my workList to item r of my workList
set item r of my workList to it
end tell
end repeat
set swapIndex to r
end if
tell item l of my workList
set item l of my workList to item swapIndex of my workList
set item swapIndex of my workList to it
end tell
set l to |l+1|
set evenCount to (not evenCount)
end repeat
copy workList to item p of my permutations
set {v1, v2, v3} to items |r-2| thru r of my workList
set item |r-1| of my workList to v3
set item r of my workList to v2
copy workList to item (p + 1) of my permutations
set item |r-2| of my workList to v2
set item r of my workList to v1
copy workList to item (p + 2) of my permutations
set item |r-1| of my workList to v1
set item r of my workList to v3
copy workList to item (p + 3) of my permutations
set item |r-2| of my workList to v3
set item r of my workList to v2
copy workList to item (p + 4) of my permutations
set item |r-1| of my workList to v2
set item r of my workList to v1
copy workList to item (p + 5) of my permutations
set p to p + 6
end prmt
end script
if (o's r < 3) then
copy theList to the beginning of o's permutations
if (o's r is 2) then set the end of o's permutations to theList's reverse
copy theList to o's workList
set o's permutations to {missing value, missing value}
repeat with i from 3 to (count theList)
set temp to o's permutations
repeat (i - 1) times
set o's permutations to o's permutations & temp
end repeat
end repeat
o's prmt(1)
end if
return o's permutations
end allPermutations
on zebraPuzzle()
-- From statement 10, the Norwegian lives in the first house,
-- so from statement 15, the blue house must be the second one.
-- From these and statements 5, 6, and 9, the green and white houses can only be the 4th & 5th,
-- and the Englishman's red house (statement 2) must be the middle one, where (9) they drink
-- milk. This only leaves the first house to claim the yellow colour and the Dunhill smokers
-- (statement 8), which means the second house must have the the horse (statement 12).
-- Initialise the house data accordingly.
set mv to missing value
set houseTemplates to {¬
{resident:"Norwegian", colour:"yellow", pet:mv, drink:mv, smoke:"Dunhill"}, ¬
{resident:mv, colour:"blue", pet:"horse", drink:mv, smoke:mv}, ¬
{resident:"Englishman", colour:"red", pet:mv, drink:"milk", smoke:mv}, ¬
{resident:mv, colour:"green", pet:mv, drink:"coffee", smoke:mv}, ¬
{resident:mv, colour:"white", pet:mv, drink:mv, smoke:mv} ¬
-- Test all combinations of the remaining values.
set solutions to {}
set drinkPermutations to {{"beer", "water"}, {"water", "beer"}}
set petPermutations to allPermutations({"birds", "cats", "ZEBRA"})
set smokePermutations to allPermutations({"Pall Mall", "Blend", "Blue Master"})
repeat with residentPerm in allPermutations({"Swede", "Dane", "German"})
-- Properties associated with resident.
set r to 0
copy houseTemplates to intermediateTemplates
set OK to true
repeat with h in {2, 4, 5} -- House numbers with unknown residents.
set thisHouse to intermediateTemplates's item h
set r to r + 1
set thisResident to residentPerm's item r
if (thisResident is "Swede") then
if (thisHouse's pet is not mv) then
set OK to false
exit repeat
end if
set thisHouse's pet to "dog"
else if (thisResident is "Dane") then
if (thisHouse's drink is not mv) then
set OK to false
exit repeat
end if
set thisHouse's drink to "tea"
set thisHouse's smoke to "Prince"
end if
set thisHouse's resident to thisResident
end repeat
-- Properties associated with cigarette brand.
if (OK) then
repeat with drinkPerm in drinkPermutations
repeat with petPerm in petPermutations
repeat with smokePerm in smokePermutations
set {d, p, s} to {0, 0, 0}
copy intermediateTemplates to testHouses
-- Fit in this combination of smokes.
repeat with thisHouse in testHouses
if (thisHouse's smoke is mv) then
set s to s + 1
set thisHouse's smoke to smokePerm's item s
end if
end repeat
-- Try to fit the other properties accordingly.
set OK to true
repeat with h from 1 to 5
set thisHouse to testHouses's item h
if (thisHouse's pet is mv) then
set p to p + 1
set thisPet to petPerm's item p
if ((thisPet is "birds") and (thisHouse's smoke is not "Pall Mall")) or ¬
((thisPet is "cats") and not ¬
(((h > 1) and (testHouses's item (h - 1)'s smoke is "Blend")) or ¬
((h < 5) and (testHouses's item (h + 1)'s smoke is "Blend")))) then
set OK to false
exit repeat
end if
set thisHouse's pet to thisPet
end if
if (thisHouse's drink is mv) then
set d to d + 1
set thisDrink to drinkPerm's item d
if (((thisDrink is "beer") and (thisHouse's smoke is not "Blue Master")) or ¬
((thisDrink is "water") and not ¬
(((h > 1) and (testHouses's item (h - 1)'s smoke is "Blend")) or ¬
((h < 5) and (testHouses's item (h + 1)'s smoke is "Blend"))))) then
set OK to false
exit repeat
end if
set thisHouse's drink to thisDrink
end if
end repeat
if (OK) then set end of solutions to testHouses
end repeat
end repeat
end repeat
end if
end repeat
set solutionCount to (count solutions)
if (solutionCount = 0) then return {zebraOwners:missing value, numberOfSolutions:0, solutions:{}}
set owners to {}
repeat with thisHouse in solutions's first item
if (thisHouse's pet is "zebra") then
set owners's end to thisHouse's resident
end if
end repeat
return {zebraOwners:owners, numberOfSolutions:solutionCount, solutions:solutions}
end zebraPuzzle
<syntaxhighlight lang="applescript">{zebraOwners:{"German"}, numberOfSolutions:1, solutions:{{{resident:"Norwegian", colour:"yellow", pet:"cats", drink:"water", smoke:"Dunhill"}, {resident:"Dane", colour:"blue", pet:"horse", drink:"tea", smoke:"Blend"}, {resident:"Englishman", colour:"red", pet:"birds", drink:"milk", smoke:"Pall Mall"}, {resident:"German", colour:"green", pet:"ZEBRA", drink:"coffee", smoke:"Prince"}, {resident:"Swede", colour:"white", pet:"dog", drink:"beer", smoke:"Blue Master"}}}}</syntaxhighlight>


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