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Julia set: Difference between revisions

Dialects of BASIC moved to the BASIC section.
(Dialects of BASIC moved to the BASIC section.)
Line 333:
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">
#define pix 1./120
#define zero_x 320
#define zero_y 240
#define maxiter 250
type complex
r as double
i as double
end type
operator + (x as complex, y as complex) as complex
dim as complex ret
ret.r = x.r + y.r
ret.i = x.i + y.i
return ret
end operator
operator * (x as complex, y as complex) as complex
dim as complex ret
ret.r = x.r*y.r - x.i*y.i
ret.i = x.r*y.i + x.i*y.r
return ret
end operator
operator abs ( x as complex ) as double
return sqr(x.r*x.r + x.i*x.i)
end operator
dim as complex c, z
dim as integer x, y, iter
input "Real part of c? ", c.r
input "Imaginary part of c? ", c.i
screen 12
for x=0 to 639
for y=0 to 479
z.r = (x-zero_x)*pix
z.i = (y-zero_y)*pix
for iter=0 to maxiter
z = z*z + c
if abs(z)>2 then
pset(x,y),iter mod 16
goto cont
end if
next iter
next y
next x
while inkey=""
<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">
#build CheckArrayBounds NO
output file "Julia Fractal Viewer
include "NSLog.incl"
begin record Complex
float real // real component of Complex Number
float imag // imaginary component of Complex Number
end record
_window = 1
begin enum output 1
end enum
void local fn BuildWindow
CGRect r = fn CGRectMake( 0, 0, 520, 600 )
window _window, @"Rosetta Code Julia Set", r, NSWindowStyleMaskTitled + NSWindowStyleMaskClosable + NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable
r = fn CGRectMake( 10, 10, 500, 580 )
imageview _juliaView, YES,,r, NSImageScaleAxesIndependently, NSImageAlignCenter, NSImageFramePhoto, _window
end fn
local fn JuliaPoint( c as Complex, w as long, h as long, xl as float, xr as float, yb as float, yt as float, i as long, j as long ) as long
float ai, ar, cr, ci, t, x, y
long k, value
value = 1
cr = c.real
ci = c.imag
x = ( ( float ) ( w - i - 1 ) * xl + ( float ) ( i ) * xr ) / ( float ) ( w - 1 )
y = ( ( float ) ( h - j - 1 ) * yb + ( float ) ( j ) * yt ) / ( float ) ( h - 1 )
ar = x
ai = y
for k = 0 to 199
t = ar * ar - ai * ai + cr
ai = ar * ai + ai * ar + ci
ar = t
if ( 1000 < ar * ar + ai * ai )
value = 0
exit fn
end if
next k
end fn = value
void local fn JuliaRGB( c as Complex, w as long, h as long, xl as float, xr as float, yb as float, yt as float, rgb(0) as unsigned char )
long i, j, juliaValue, k
k = 0
for j = 0 to h - 1
for i = 0 to w - 1
juliaValue = fn JuliaPoint( c, w, h, xl, xr, yb, yt, i, j )
rgb(k) = 255 * (1-juliaValue)
rgb(k+1) = 255 * (1-juliaValue)
rgb(k+2) = 255
k += 3
next i
next j
end fn
void local fn TGAWrite( w as long, h as long, rgb(0) as ^unsigned char, url as CFURLRef )
CFMutableDataRef dta
unsigned char header1(11), header2(5)
BlockZero( @header1(0), 12 * sizeof(unsigned char) )
header1(2) = 2
header2(0) = w mod 256
header2(1) = w/256
header2(2) = h mod 256
header2(3) = h/256
header2(4) = 24
header2(5) = 0
dta = fn MutableDataWithCapacity(0)
MutableDataAppendBytes( dta, @header1(0), 12 * sizeof(unsigned char) )
MutableDataAppendBytes( dta, @header2(0), 6 * sizeof(unsigned char) )
MutableDataAppendBytes( dta, @rgb(0), w * h * 3 * sizeof(unsigned char) )
fn DataWriteToURL( dta, url, NSDataWritingAtomic, NULL )
ImageRef image = fn ImageWithData( dta )
ImageViewSetImage( _juliaView, image )
end fn
void local fn BuildJuliaSet( c as Complex )
long h, w
float xl, xr, yb, yt
ptr p
CFURLRef url
// Create 1000x1000-pixel canvas for image
h = 1000
w = 1000
// Locate image on canvas
xl = -1.5
xr = 1.5
yb = -1.5
yt = 1.5
p = fn malloc( w * h * 3 * sizeof(unsigned char) )
xref rgb(1) as unsigned char
rgb = p
// Create image data
fn JuliaRGB( c, w, h, xl, xr, yb, yt, @rgb(0) )
// Create path to final image
url = fn URLFileURLWithPath( fn StringByExpandingTildeInPath( @"~/Desktop/julia_set.png" ) )
// Write image data to file
fn TGAWrite( w, h, @rgb(0), url )
end fn
dim as Complex c
c.real = 0.355534
c.imag = -0.337292
// c.real = -0.8
// c.imag = 0.156
// c.real = 0.26
// c.imag = 0.0016
// c.real = 0.355
// c.imag = 0.355
// c.real = -0.4
// c.imag = -0.59
// c.real = -0.54
// c.imag = 0.54
fn BuildWindow
fn BuildJuliaSet( c )
[[File:Julia Set.png]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="gwbasic">10 SCALE# = 1/81 : ZEROX = 160
20 ZEROY = 100 : MAXIT = 32
30 CR# = -.798 : CI# = .1618
50 FOR X = 0 TO 2*ZEROX - 1
60 FOR Y = 0 TO 2*ZEROY - 1
100 BR# = CR# + ZR#*ZR# - ZI#*ZI#
110 ZI# = CI# + 2*ZR#*ZI#
120 ZR# = BR#
130 IF ZR#*ZR# + ZI#*ZI# > 4! THEN GOTO 160
140 NEXT I
150 GOTO 170
160 PSET (X, Y), 1 + (I MOD 3)
170 NEXT Y
180 NEXT X</syntaxhighlight>
==={{header|Locomotive Basic}}===
Adapted from the Mandelbrot Locomotive Basic program. This program is meant for use in [https://benchmarko.github.io/CPCBasic/cpcbasic.html CPCBasic] specifically, where it draws a 16-color 640x400 image in less than a minute. (Real CPC hardware would take far longer than that and has lower resolution.)
<syntaxhighlight lang="locobasic">1 MODE 3 ' Note the CPCBasic-only screen mode!
2 FOR xp = 0 TO 639
3 FOR yp = 0 TO 399
4 x0 = -0.512511498387847167 : y0 = 0.521295573094847167
5 x = xp / 213 - 1.5 : y = yp / 200 - 1
6 iteration = 0
7 maxIteration = 100
8 WHILE (x * x + y * y <= (2 * 2) AND iteration < maxIteration)
9 xtemp = x * x - y * y + x0
10 y = 2 * x * y + y0
11 x = xtemp
12 iteration = iteration + 1
14 IF iteration <> maxIteration THEN c = iteration ELSE c = 0
15 PLOT xp, yp, c MOD 16
17 NEXT</syntaxhighlight>
{{works with|QBasic}}
Line 360 ⟶ 608:
==={{header|Sinclair ZX81 BASIC}}===
I don't know exactly how long this takes to run; but I left it for about three and a half hours and when I came back it had already finished. If you can't wait to see the results, I've posted a screenshot [http://edmundgriffiths.com/zxjulia.jpg here]. I also haven't tested it with only 1k of RAM—but I suspect it needs at least 2k.
You can try changing lines 10 and 20 to run the program with different values of the complex constant <tt>C</tt>+<tt>D</tt><math>i</math>, or lines 50 and 60 to zoom in.
<syntaxhighlight lang="basic"> 10 LET C=-.8
20 LET D=.156
30 FOR V=43 TO 0 STEP -1
40 FOR H=0 TO 63
50 LET X=(H-32)/21
60 LET Y=(V-22)/21
70 FOR A=1 TO 50
80 LET R=X*X-Y*Y+C
90 LET I=2*X*Y+D
100 IF R*R>1000 THEN GOTO 150
110 LET X=R
120 LET Y=I
130 NEXT A
140 PLOT H,V
150 NEXT H
160 NEXT V</syntaxhighlight>
==={{header|True BASIC}}===
Line 390 ⟶ 659:
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">
'ASCII Julia set. Translated from lua. Run with CScript
'Console should be 135x50 to avoid wrapping and scroll
cmap=array(" ", ".", ":", "-", "=", "+", "*", "#", "%", "$", "@" )
for y = -1.0 to 1.0 step 0.05
for x = -1.5 to 1.5 step 0.025
do while i < 100
zr1 = zr*zr - zi*zi - 0.79
zi=zr * zi * 2 + 0.15
if (zr*zr + zi*zi) > 4. then exit do
i = i + 1
wscript.stdout.write cmap(i\10)
wscript.stdout.write vbcrlf
=+- .#+@@::::@-....--@:.@..$@
:-:::*@@@-:::::--@@%@*+=+::%+:. -@+
%@-=@@@==*@**=*@:%#*@@%@@@@@@@*@@#:-. @:.@@@+:-
- .$-==@%**@@==--*@@@@====@@@-#=@@@%@: -@+:%@@:::.
@@:@. .@ @*:=*@%@@@@*++@%@@@@#-#*-::::=:::*@@#+. .+%@%*@$=+:%%@@=--
$-$-..@@#*:@... + .:=#@@@@@%@@@@@*$#@=:::@::::::::::-+%@.....%@@@@*+##@@=*@@@#
..:@=:::.*@%@=@#%*+:.@. ..:@@$@@@@%**%==+=*$:::::::::::::::::-+@....@@$@#*@+@@:=::::=- +:@=
: .+. =#@@@@@+#@:::::::::::::-=@-.......:*==*#@@@#@@:::.......:-+=-=+%===@::...:::-#%#@+:...@-:::::##@$.@$-
-$@.$@##:::::-@...:+@#%#-:::...::@===%+=-=+-:.......:::@@#@@@#*==*:.......-@=-:::::::::::::@#+@@@@@#= .+. :
=@:+ -=::::=:@@+@*#@$@@....@+-:::::::::::::::::$*=+==%**%@@@@$@@:.. .@.:+*%#@=@%@*.:::=@:..
#@@@*=@@##+*@@@@%.....@%+-::::::::::@:::=@#$*@@@@@%@@@@@#=:. + ...@:*#@@..-$-$
--=@@%%:+=$@*%@%+. .+#@@*:::=::::-*#-#@@@@%@++*@@@@%@*=:*@ @. .@:@@
.:::@@%:+@- :@%@@@=#-@@@====@@@@*--==@@**%@==-$. -
-:+@@@.:@ .-:#@@*@@@@@@@%@@*#%:@*=**@*==@@@=-@%
+@- .:+%::+=+*@%@@--:::::-@@@*:::-:
@$..@.:@--....-@::::@@+#. -+=
Line 418 ⟶ 749:
next x
<syntaxhighlight lang="gwbasic">10 SCALE# = 1/81 : ZEROX = 160
20 ZEROY = 100 : MAXIT = 32
30 CR# = -.798 : CI# = .1618
50 FOR X = 0 TO 2*ZEROX - 1
60 FOR Y = 0 TO 2*ZEROY - 1
100 BR# = CR# + ZR#*ZR# - ZI#*ZI#
110 ZI# = CI# + 2*ZR#*ZI#
120 ZR# = BR#
130 IF ZR#*ZR# + ZI#*ZI# > 4! THEN GOTO 160
140 NEXT I
150 GOTO 170
160 PSET (X, Y), 1 + (I MOD 3)
170 NEXT Y
180 NEXT X</syntaxhighlight>
==={{header|Locomotive Basic}}===
Adapted from the Mandelbrot Locomotive Basic program. This program is meant for use in [https://benchmarko.github.io/CPCBasic/cpcbasic.html CPCBasic] specifically, where it draws a 16-color 640x400 image in less than a minute. (Real CPC hardware would take far longer than that and has lower resolution.)
<syntaxhighlight lang="locobasic">1 MODE 3 ' Note the CPCBasic-only screen mode!
2 FOR xp = 0 TO 639
3 FOR yp = 0 TO 399
4 x0 = -0.512511498387847167 : y0 = 0.521295573094847167
5 x = xp / 213 - 1.5 : y = yp / 200 - 1
6 iteration = 0
7 maxIteration = 100
8 WHILE (x * x + y * y <= (2 * 2) AND iteration < maxIteration)
9 xtemp = x * x - y * y + x0
10 y = 2 * x * y + y0
11 x = xtemp
12 iteration = iteration + 1
14 IF iteration <> maxIteration THEN c = iteration ELSE c = 0
15 PLOT xp, yp, c MOD 16
17 NEXT</syntaxhighlight>
==={{header|Sinclair ZX81 BASIC}}===
I don't know exactly how long this takes to run; but I left it for about three and a half hours and when I came back it had already finished. If you can't wait to see the results, I've posted a screenshot [http://edmundgriffiths.com/zxjulia.jpg here]. I also haven't tested it with only 1k of RAM—but I suspect it needs at least 2k.
You can try changing lines 10 and 20 to run the program with different values of the complex constant <tt>C</tt>+<tt>D</tt><math>i</math>, or lines 50 and 60 to zoom in.
<syntaxhighlight lang="basic"> 10 LET C=-.8
20 LET D=.156
30 FOR V=43 TO 0 STEP -1
40 FOR H=0 TO 63
50 LET X=(H-32)/21
60 LET Y=(V-22)/21
70 FOR A=1 TO 50
80 LET R=X*X-Y*Y+C
90 LET I=2*X*Y+D
100 IF R*R>1000 THEN GOTO 150
110 LET X=R
120 LET Y=I
130 NEXT A
140 PLOT H,V
150 NEXT H
160 NEXT V</syntaxhighlight>
==={{header|ZX Spectrum Basic}}===
Line 1,534 ⟶ 1,803:
end program julia</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">
#define pix 1./120
#define zero_x 320
#define zero_y 240
#define maxiter 250
type complex
r as double
i as double
end type
operator + (x as complex, y as complex) as complex
dim as complex ret
ret.r = x.r + y.r
ret.i = x.i + y.i
return ret
end operator
operator * (x as complex, y as complex) as complex
dim as complex ret
ret.r = x.r*y.r - x.i*y.i
ret.i = x.r*y.i + x.i*y.r
return ret
end operator
operator abs ( x as complex ) as double
return sqr(x.r*x.r + x.i*x.i)
end operator
dim as complex c, z
dim as integer x, y, iter
input "Real part of c? ", c.r
input "Imaginary part of c? ", c.i
screen 12
for x=0 to 639
for y=0 to 479
z.r = (x-zero_x)*pix
z.i = (y-zero_y)*pix
for iter=0 to maxiter
z = z*z + c
if abs(z)>2 then
pset(x,y),iter mod 16
goto cont
end if
next iter
next y
next x
while inkey=""
<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">
#build CheckArrayBounds NO
output file "Julia Fractal Viewer
include "NSLog.incl"
begin record Complex
float real // real component of Complex Number
float imag // imaginary component of Complex Number
end record
_window = 1
begin enum output 1
end enum
void local fn BuildWindow
CGRect r = fn CGRectMake( 0, 0, 520, 600 )
window _window, @"Rosetta Code Julia Set", r, NSWindowStyleMaskTitled + NSWindowStyleMaskClosable + NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable
r = fn CGRectMake( 10, 10, 500, 580 )
imageview _juliaView, YES,,r, NSImageScaleAxesIndependently, NSImageAlignCenter, NSImageFramePhoto, _window
end fn
local fn JuliaPoint( c as Complex, w as long, h as long, xl as float, xr as float, yb as float, yt as float, i as long, j as long ) as long
float ai, ar, cr, ci, t, x, y
long k, value
value = 1
cr = c.real
ci = c.imag
x = ( ( float ) ( w - i - 1 ) * xl + ( float ) ( i ) * xr ) / ( float ) ( w - 1 )
y = ( ( float ) ( h - j - 1 ) * yb + ( float ) ( j ) * yt ) / ( float ) ( h - 1 )
ar = x
ai = y
for k = 0 to 199
t = ar * ar - ai * ai + cr
ai = ar * ai + ai * ar + ci
ar = t
if ( 1000 < ar * ar + ai * ai )
value = 0
exit fn
end if
next k
end fn = value
void local fn JuliaRGB( c as Complex, w as long, h as long, xl as float, xr as float, yb as float, yt as float, rgb(0) as unsigned char )
long i, j, juliaValue, k
k = 0
for j = 0 to h - 1
for i = 0 to w - 1
juliaValue = fn JuliaPoint( c, w, h, xl, xr, yb, yt, i, j )
rgb(k) = 255 * (1-juliaValue)
rgb(k+1) = 255 * (1-juliaValue)
rgb(k+2) = 255
k += 3
next i
next j
end fn
void local fn TGAWrite( w as long, h as long, rgb(0) as ^unsigned char, url as CFURLRef )
CFMutableDataRef dta
unsigned char header1(11), header2(5)
BlockZero( @header1(0), 12 * sizeof(unsigned char) )
header1(2) = 2
header2(0) = w mod 256
header2(1) = w/256
header2(2) = h mod 256
header2(3) = h/256
header2(4) = 24
header2(5) = 0
dta = fn MutableDataWithCapacity(0)
MutableDataAppendBytes( dta, @header1(0), 12 * sizeof(unsigned char) )
MutableDataAppendBytes( dta, @header2(0), 6 * sizeof(unsigned char) )
MutableDataAppendBytes( dta, @rgb(0), w * h * 3 * sizeof(unsigned char) )
fn DataWriteToURL( dta, url, NSDataWritingAtomic, NULL )
ImageRef image = fn ImageWithData( dta )
ImageViewSetImage( _juliaView, image )
end fn
void local fn BuildJuliaSet( c as Complex )
long h, w
float xl, xr, yb, yt
ptr p
CFURLRef url
// Create 1000x1000-pixel canvas for image
h = 1000
w = 1000
// Locate image on canvas
xl = -1.5
xr = 1.5
yb = -1.5
yt = 1.5
p = fn malloc( w * h * 3 * sizeof(unsigned char) )
xref rgb(1) as unsigned char
rgb = p
// Create image data
fn JuliaRGB( c, w, h, xl, xr, yb, yt, @rgb(0) )
// Create path to final image
url = fn URLFileURLWithPath( fn StringByExpandingTildeInPath( @"~/Desktop/julia_set.png" ) )
// Write image data to file
fn TGAWrite( w, h, @rgb(0), url )
end fn
dim as Complex c
c.real = 0.355534
c.imag = -0.337292
// c.real = -0.8
// c.imag = 0.156
// c.real = 0.26
// c.imag = 0.0016
// c.real = 0.355
// c.imag = 0.355
// c.real = -0.4
// c.imag = -0.59
// c.real = -0.54
// c.imag = 0.54
fn BuildWindow
fn BuildJuliaSet( c )
[[File:Julia Set.png]]
Line 3,612 ⟶ 3,669:
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">
'ASCII Julia set. Translated from lua. Run with CScript
'Console should be 135x50 to avoid wrapping and scroll
cmap=array(" ", ".", ":", "-", "=", "+", "*", "#", "%", "$", "@" )
for y = -1.0 to 1.0 step 0.05
for x = -1.5 to 1.5 step 0.025
do while i < 100
zr1 = zr*zr - zi*zi - 0.79
zi=zr * zi * 2 + 0.15
if (zr*zr + zi*zi) > 4. then exit do
i = i + 1
wscript.stdout.write cmap(i\10)
wscript.stdout.write vbcrlf
=+- .#+@@::::@-....--@:.@..$@
:-:::*@@@-:::::--@@%@*+=+::%+:. -@+
%@-=@@@==*@**=*@:%#*@@%@@@@@@@*@@#:-. @:.@@@+:-
- .$-==@%**@@==--*@@@@====@@@-#=@@@%@: -@+:%@@:::.
@@:@. .@ @*:=*@%@@@@*++@%@@@@#-#*-::::=:::*@@#+. .+%@%*@$=+:%%@@=--
$-$-..@@#*:@... + .:=#@@@@@%@@@@@*$#@=:::@::::::::::-+%@.....%@@@@*+##@@=*@@@#
..:@=:::.*@%@=@#%*+:.@. ..:@@$@@@@%**%==+=*$:::::::::::::::::-+@....@@$@#*@+@@:=::::=- +:@=
: .+. =#@@@@@+#@:::::::::::::-=@-.......:*==*#@@@#@@:::.......:-+=-=+%===@::...:::-#%#@+:...@-:::::##@$.@$-
-$@.$@##:::::-@...:+@#%#-:::...::@===%+=-=+-:.......:::@@#@@@#*==*:.......-@=-:::::::::::::@#+@@@@@#= .+. :
=@:+ -=::::=:@@+@*#@$@@....@+-:::::::::::::::::$*=+==%**%@@@@$@@:.. .@.:+*%#@=@%@*.:::=@:..
#@@@*=@@##+*@@@@%.....@%+-::::::::::@:::=@#$*@@@@@%@@@@@#=:. + ...@:*#@@..-$-$
--=@@%%:+=$@*%@%+. .+#@@*:::=::::-*#-#@@@@%@++*@@@@%@*=:*@ @. .@:@@
.:::@@%:+@- :@%@@@=#-@@@====@@@@*--==@@**%@==-$. -
-:+@@@.:@ .-:#@@*@@@@@@@%@@*#%:@*=**@*==@@@=-@%
+@- .:+%::+=+*@%@@--:::::-@@@*:::-:
@$..@.:@--....-@::::@@+#. -+=


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