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Sieve of Pritchard: Difference between revisions

(Added Perl)
Line 167:
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149]
Up to 1000000, added:186825, removed:108494, primes counted:78498, time:139.4323 ms
The starting idea is to represent W as simply as possible, with an array w[] containing the members in order;
i.e. w[i] is the i'th member (indexing from 0).
When the current wheel is extended by rolling it, the code simply iterates through the array w, adding the length of the wheel to each member w[i]
and appending the result.
The other step is to delete the composites formed by multiplying the values in the current wheel by the current prime p.
However, this presents problems, firstly because each multiple cannot be found in w in O(1) time.
Accordingly, a bit array d[] (for "deleted") is introduced such that d[x] is initialized to false when a value x is appended to W,
and is set to true should x be deleted as a multiple p*w[i] of p.
Deletions are now fast, but the array is left containing deleted elements.
So if the new W will be extended in the next iteration, because its length < N, then the array w is compressed by eliminating the deleted values.
But once the length reaches N (which happens very quickly), it would be way too costly to compress w at the end of each iteration.
However, only the values in W up to N/p will be used as factors in the next lot of deletions.
So it suffices to compress only this initial section of w.
When the remaining primes are gathered on completion, it is necessary to skip zero and deleted values in w.
Each low-level operation in the resulting algorithm can be associated with an abstract operation so that each of the latter gets O(1) operations.
So the resulting program still runs in O(N/log log N) time, and the implicit constant factor is quite small.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">/* Sieve of Pritchard in C++, as described at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sieve_of_Pritchard */
/* simple but more efficient implementation than the standard one that uses an indexed linked-list */
/* 2 <= N <= 1000000000 */
/* (like the standard Sieve of Eratosthenes, this algorithm is not suitable for very large N due to memory requirements) */
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ctime>
#define Append(x) {\
w[++w_end] = x; /* Append x to the ordered set W */\
d[x] = false;\
void Extend (uint32_t w[], uint32_t &w_end, uint32_t &length, uint32_t n, uint32_t N, bool d[], uint32_t &w_end_max) {
/* Rolls full wheel W up to n, and sets length=n */
uint32_t i, x;
i = 0;
x = length + 1; /* length+w[0] */
while (x <= n) {
x = length + w[++i];
length = n;
if (length == N) Append(N+1); /* sentinel */
if (w_end > w_end_max) w_end_max = w_end;
void Delete (uint32_t w[], uint32_t length, uint32_t p, bool d[], uint32_t &imaxf) {
/* Deletes multiples p*w[i] of p from W, and sets imaxf to last i deleted */
uint32_t i, x;
i = 0;
x = p; /* p*w[0]=p*1 */
while (x <= length) {
d[x] = true; /* Remove x from W; */
x = p*w[++i];
imaxf = i-1;
void Compress(uint32_t w[], uint32_t length, uint32_t N, bool d[], uint32_t imax, uint32_t &w_end) {
/* Removes deleted values in w[0..imax], and if length < N, updates w_end, otherwise pads with zeros on right */
uint32_t i, j;
j = 0;
for (i=1; i <= imax; i++) {
if (!d[w[i]]) {
w[++j] = w[i];
if (length < N) {
w_end = j;
} else {
for (uint32_t k=j+1; k <= imax; k++) w[k] = 0;
void Sift(uint32_t N, bool printPrimes, uint32_t &nrPrimes, uint32_t &vBound) {
/* finds the nrPrimes primes up to N, printing them if printPrimes */
uint32_t *w = new uint32_t[N/4+5];
bool *d = new bool[N+1];
uint32_t w_end, length;
/* representation invariant (for the main loop): */
/* if length < N (so W is a complete wheel), w[0..w_end] is the ordered set W; */
/* otherwise, w[0..w_end], omitting zeros and values w with d[w] true, is the ordered set W, */
/* and no values <= N/p are omitted */
uint32_t w_end_max, p, imaxf, i;
/* W,k,length = {1},1,2: */
w_end = 0; w[0] = 1;
w_end_max = 0;
length = 2;
/* Pr = {2}: */
nrPrimes = 1;
if (printPrimes) printf("%d", 2);
p = 3;
/* invariant: p = p_(k+1) and W = W_k inter {1,...,N} and length = min(P_k,N) and Pr = the first k primes */
/* (where p_i denotes the i'th prime, W_i denotes the i'th wheel, P_i denotes the product of the first i primes) */
while (p*p <= N) {
/* Append p to Pr: */
if (printPrimes) printf(" %d", p);
if (length < N) {
/* Extend W,length to minimum of p*length,N: */
Extend (w, w_end, length, std::min(p*length,N), N, d, w_end_max);
Delete(w, length, p, d, imaxf);
Compress(w, length, N, d, (length < N ? w_end : imaxf), w_end); /* (can be inefficient for last full wheel) */
/* p = next(W, 1): */
i = 1;
while (w[i] == 0) i++;
p = w[i];
/* k++ */
if (length < N) {
/* Extend full wheel W,length to N: */
Extend (w, w_end, length, N, N, d, w_end_max);
if (N == 2) { Append(N+1); w_end_max = w_end; } /* sentinel */
/* gather remaining primes: */
i = 0;
while (w[++i] <= N) {
if (w[i] == 0 || d[w[i]]) continue;
if (printPrimes) printf(" %d", w[i]);
vBound = w_end_max+1;
int main (int argc, char *argw[]) {
uint32_t N, nrPrimes, vBound;
N = 150;
int start_s = clock();
Sift(N, true, nrPrimes, vBound);
int stop_s=clock();
printf("\n%d primes up to %lu found in %.3f ms using array w[%d]\n", nrPrimes, (unsigned long)N, (stop_s-start_s)*1000.0/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC), vBound);
<pre>2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113 127 131 137 139 149
35 primes up to 150 found in 0.093 ms using array w[41]


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