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Talk:Sieve of Pritchard

From Rosetta Code


It's probably worth noting here that the wikipedia entry suggests that this algorithm is "especially suited to quick hand computation for small bounds", and the only mention of efficiency in the current wikipedia page is a reference mentioning space efficiency (for a sieve). The task description also uses the word "quick" but only in the context of a particular step. (I've not watched the task's video link -- in part because of a learned resistance to the "video promotion scam" cultural trend.) --Rdm (talk) 14:08, 29 August 2022 (UTC)

I agree that the video is unhelpful and best avoided, so I have removed it from the introduction (and cleaned it up a little). Oluckyman (talk) 23:38, 30 September 2022 (UTC)

Watch it!

I found the Python and Julia original entries had kludges that removed unnecessarily created values beyond the limit. The output was correct, but the algorithm wasn't implemented correctly. They're better now, please review. Perhaps they can be further improved. Enter your username (talk) 06:30, 30 August 2022 (UTC)

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