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Circular primes: Difference between revisions

Automated syntax highlighting fixup (second round - minor fixes)
m (syntax highlighting fixup automation)
m (Automated syntax highlighting fixup (second round - minor fixes))
Line 30:
* [[wp:Repunit|Wikipedia article - Repunit]].
* [[oeis:A016114|OEIS sequence A016114 - Circular primes]].
=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="algol68">BEGIN # find circular primes - primes where all cyclic permutations #
# of the digits are also prime #
# genertes a sieve of circular primes, only the first #
Line 103 ⟶ 101:
First 19 circular primes: 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 37 79 113 197 199 337 1193 3779 11939 19937 193939 199933
=={{header|ALGOL W}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="algolw">begin % find circular primes - primes where all cyclic permutations %
% of the digits are also prime %
% sets p( 1 :: n ) to a sieve of primes up to n %
Line 179 ⟶ 176:
First 19 circular primes: 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 37 79 113 197 199 337 1193 3779 11939 19937 193939 199933
<syntaxhighlight lang="rebol">perms: function [n][
str: repeat to :string n 2
result: new []
Line 238 ⟶ 234:
<syntaxhighlight lang=AWK"awk">
Line 293 ⟶ 287:
first 19 circular primes: 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 37 79 113 197 199 337 1193 3779 11939 19937 193939 199933
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
Line 409 ⟶ 402:
R(49081) is probably prime.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">#include <cstdint>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
Line 511 ⟶ 503:
R(49081) is probably prime
<syntaxhighlight lang=D"d">import std.bigint;
import std.stdio;
Line 614 ⟶ 605:
<pre>First 19 circular primes:
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 37, 79, 113, 197, 199, 337, 1193, 3779, 11939, 19937, 193939, 199933</pre>
This task uses [http://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Repunit_primes#F.23 rUnitP] and [http://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Extensible_prime_generator#The_functions Extensible Prime Generator (F#)]
<syntaxhighlight lang="fsharp">
// Circular primes - Nigel Galloway: September 13th., 2021
let fG n g=let rec fG y=if y=g then true else if y>g && isPrime y then fG(10*(y%n)+y/n) else false in fG(10*(g%n)+g/n)
Line 630 ⟶ 620:
The first 5 repunit primes are R(2) R(19) R(23) R(317) R(1031)
Unfortunately Factor's miller-rabin test or bignums aren't quite up to the task of finding the next four circular prime repunits in a reasonable time. It takes ~90 seconds to check R(7)-R(1031).
{{works with|Factor|0.99 2020-03-02}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="factor">USING: combinators.short-circuit formatting io kernel lists
lists.lazy math math.combinatorics math.functions math.parser
math.primes sequences sequences.extras ;
Line 671 ⟶ 660:
R(19) R(23) R(317) R(1031)
Forth only supports native sized integers, so we only implement the first part of the task.
<syntaxhighlight lang=Forth"forth">
create 235-wheel 6 c, 4 c, 2 c, 4 c, 2 c, 4 c, 6 c, 2 c,
does> swap 7 and + c@ ;
Line 737 ⟶ 725:
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 37 79 113 197 199 337 1193 3779 11939 19937 193939 199933
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">#define floor(x) ((x*2.0-0.5)Shr 1)
Function isPrime(Byval p As Integer) As Boolean
Line 775 ⟶ 762:
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 37 79 113 197 199 337 1193 3779 11939 19937 193939 199933
{{libheader|GMP(Go wrapper)}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="go">package main
import (
Line 921 ⟶ 907:
Uses arithmoi Library: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/arithmoi-
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">import Math.NumberTheory.Primes (Prime, unPrime, nextPrime)
import Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Testing (isPrime, millerRabinV)
import Text.Printf (printf)
Line 992 ⟶ 978:
<syntaxhighlight lang=J"j">
R=: [: ". 'x' ,~ #&'1'
Line 1,116 ⟶ 1,102:
NB. R(2) R(19), R(23) are probably prime.
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Arrays;
Line 1,221 ⟶ 1,206:
R(25031) is not prime.
{{works with|jq}}
Line 1,231 ⟶ 1,215:
For an implementation of `is_prime` suitable for the first task, see for example [[Erd%C5%91s-primes#jq]].
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">
def is_circular_prime:
def circle: range(0;length) as $i | .[$i:] + .[:$i];
Line 1,246 ⟶ 1,230:
'''The first task'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">limit(19; circular_primes)</syntaxhighlight>
'''The second task''' (viewed independently):
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">
last(limit(19; circular_primes)) as $max
| limit(4; repunits | select(. > $max and is_prime))
Line 1,275 ⟶ 1,259:
Note that the evalpoly function used in this program was added in Julia 1.4
<syntaxhighlight lang="julia">using Lazy, Primes
function iscircularprime(n)
Line 1,314 ⟶ 1,296:
R(49081) is prime.
<syntaxhighlight lang="scala">import java.math.BigInteger
val SMALL_PRIMES = listOf(
Line 1,445 ⟶ 1,426:
R(25031) is not prime.
R(35317) is not prime.</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">-- Circular primes, in Lua, 6/22/2020 db
local function isprime(n)
if n < 2 then return false end
Line 1,477 ⟶ 1,456:
<pre>2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 37, 79, 113, 197, 199, 337, 1193, 3779, 11939, 19937, 193939, 199933</pre>
=={{header|Mathematica}} / {{header|Wolfram Language}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang=Mathematica"mathematica">ClearAll[RepUnit, CircularPrimeQ]
RepUnit[n_] := (10^n - 1)/9
CircularPrimeQ[n_Integer] := Module[{id = IntegerDigits[n], nums, t},
Line 1,515 ⟶ 1,493:
<syntaxhighlight lang=Nim"nim">import bignum
import strformat
Line 1,644 ⟶ 1,621:
R(35317) is not prime.
R(49081) is probably prime.</pre>
==={{header|Free Pascal}}===
Line 1,652 ⟶ 1,628:
199-> 333 and not 311 so a base4 counter 1_(1,3,7,9) changed to base3 3_( 3,7,9 )->base2 7_(7,9) -> base 1 = 99....99.
The main speed up is reached by testing with small primes within CycleNum.
<syntaxhighlight lang="pascal">
program CircularPrimes;
//nearly the way it is done:
Line 1,845 ⟶ 1,821:
14 4 247209700 0 8842
that reduces the count of gmp-prime tests to 1/6 </pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="perl">use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
Line 1,901 ⟶ 1,876:
R(35317): Prime? False
R(49081): Prime? True</pre>
<!--<syntaxhighlight lang=Phix"phix">(phixonline)-->
<span style="color: #008080;">with</span> <span style="color: #008080;">javascript_semantics</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">function</span> <span style="color: #000000;">circular</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #004080;">integer</span> <span style="color: #000000;">p</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
Line 1,953 ⟶ 1,927:
<small>(It is probably quite unwise to throw this in the direction of pwa/p2js, I am not even going to bother trying.)</small>
<!--<syntaxhighlight lang=Phix"phix">-->
<span style="color: #008080;">constant</span> <span style="color: #000000;">t</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">{</span><span style="color: #000000;">5003</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">9887</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">15073</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">25031</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">35317</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span> <span style="color: #000000;">49081</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">}</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"The following repunits are probably circular primes:\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
Line 1,985 ⟶ 1,959:
diag looping, error code is 1, era is #00644651
For small primes, I only check numbers that are made up of the digits 1, 3, 7, and 9, and I also use a small prime checker to avoid the overhead of the Miller-Rabin Primality Test. For the large repunits, one can use the code from the Miller Rabin task.
<syntaxhighlight lang=PicoLisp"picolisp">
(load "plcommon/primality.l") # see task: "Miller-Rabin Primality Test"
Line 2,060 ⟶ 2,033:
(2 3 5 7 11 13 17 37 79 113 197 199 337 1193 3779 11939 19937 193939 199933 (R 19) (R 23) (R 317) (R 1031))
Uses a miller-rabin primality tester that I wrote which includes a trial division pass for small prime factors. One could substitute with e.g. the Miller Rabin Primaliy Test task.
Line 2,067 ⟶ 2,039:
Also the code is smart in that it only checks primes > 9 that are composed of the digits 1, 3, 7, and 9.
<syntaxhighlight lang=Prolog"prolog">
?- use_module(library(primality)).
Line 2,114 ⟶ 2,086:
<syntaxhighlight lang=Python"python">
import random
Line 2,230 ⟶ 2,201:
# because this Miller-Rabin test is already on rosettacode there's no good reason to test the longer repunits.
Most of the repunit testing is relatively speedy using the ntheory library. The really slow ones are R(25031), at ~42 seconds and R(49081) at 922(!!) seconds.
<syntaxhighlight lang="raku" line>sub isCircular(\n) {
return False unless n.is-prime;
my @circular = n.comb;
Line 2,277 ⟶ 2,247:
R(35317): Prime? False 0.32
R(49081): Prime? True 921.73</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="rexx">/*REXX program finds & displays circular primes (with a title & in a horizontal format).*/
parse arg N hp . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/
if N=='' | N=="," then N= 19 /* " " " " " " */
Line 2,322 ⟶ 2,291:
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 37 79 113 197 199 337 1193 3779 11939 19937 193939 199933
<syntaxhighlight lang="ring">
see "working..." + nl
see "First 19 circular numbers are:" + nl
Line 2,379 ⟶ 2,347:
It takes more then 25 minutes to verify that R49081 is probably prime - omitted here.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby">require 'gmp'
require 'prime'
candidate_primes = Enumerator.new do |y|
Line 2,426 ⟶ 2,393:
<syntaxhighlight lang="rust">// [dependencies]
// rug = "1.8"
Line 2,547 ⟶ 2,514:
R(49081) is probably prime.
<syntaxhighlight lang="scala">object CircularPrimes {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
println("First 19 circular primes:")
Line 2,667 ⟶ 2,633:
R(15073) is not prime.
R(25031) is not prime.</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby">func is_circular_prime(n) {
n.is_prime || return false
Line 2,717 ⟶ 2,682:
R(35317) -> composite (took: 0.875 sec)
Line 2,726 ⟶ 2,690:
Second part is very slow - over 37 minutes to find all four.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascript">import "/math" for Int
import "/big" for BigInt
import "/str" for Str
Line 2,806 ⟶ 2,770:
A massive speed-up, of course, when GMP is plugged in for the 'probably prime' calculations. 11 minutes 19 seconds including the stretch goal.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascript">/* circular_primes_embedded.wren */
import "./gmp" for Mpz
Line 2,899 ⟶ 2,863:
R(49081) : true
<syntaxhighlight lang=XPL0"xpl0">func IsPrime(N); \Return 'true' if N > 2 is a prime number
int N, I;
[if (N&1) = 0 \even number\ then return false;
Line 2,949 ⟶ 2,912:
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 37 79 113 197 199 337 1193 3779 11939 19937 193939 199933
As of now (Zig release 0.8.1), Zig has large integer support, but there is not yet a prime test in the standard library. Therefore, we only find the circular primes < 1e6. As with the Prolog version, we only check numbers composed of 1, 3, 7, or 9.
<syntaxhighlight lang=Zig"zig">
const std = @import("std");
const math = std.math;


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