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Greatest subsequential sum: Difference between revisions

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<pre>module submax;
import std.stdio;
T subsum(T = int)(T[] a) {
T sum = 0 ;
foreach(e ; a)
sum += e ;
return sum ;
T[] submax(T = int)(T[] a) {
T[] maxsub ;
T maxsum = T.min ;
for(int i = 0 ; i < a.length ; i++)
for(int j = i + 1 ; j <= a.length ; j++)
if (maxsum < a[i..j].subsum()){
maxsum = a[i..j].subsum() ;
maxsub= a[i..j].dup ;
return maxsub ;
void main() {
auto array = [-1L , -2 , 3 , 5 , 6 , -2 , -1 , 4 , -4 , 2 , -1] ;
writefln("sum of %s = %s", array.submax(), array.submax().subsum()) ;
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