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Set right-adjacent bits: Difference between revisions

Ada version
(Ada version)
Line 51:
* Use it to show, here, the results for the input examples above.
* Print the output aligned in a way that allows easy checking by eye of the binary input vs output.
<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Set_Right_Bits is
type Bit_Number is new Positive range 1 .. 10_000;
type Bit is new Boolean;
type Bit_Collection is array (Bit_Number range <>) of Bit
with Pack;
function Right_Adjacent (B : Bit_Collection;
N : Natural) return Bit_Collection
Result : Bit_Collection := B;
Mask : Bit_Collection := B;
for A in 1 .. N loop
Mask := False & Mask (Mask'First .. Mask'Last - 1);
-- Shift Mask by appending False/0 in front of slice.
Result := Result or Mask;
end loop;
return Result;
end Right_Adjacent;
procedure Put (Collection : Bit_Collection) is
use Ada.Text_IO;
for Bit of Collection loop
Put ((if Bit then '1' else '0'));
end loop;
end Put;
function Value (Item : String) return Bit_Collection
Length : constant Bit_Number := Item'Length;
Result : Bit_Collection (1 .. Length);
Index : Natural := Item'First;
for R of Result loop
R := (case Item (Index) is
when '0' | 'F' | 'f' => False,
when '1' | 'T' | 't' => True,
when others =>
raise Constraint_Error with "invalid input");
Index := Index + 1;
end loop;
return Result;
end Value;
procedure Show (Bit_String : String; N : Natural)
B : constant Bit_Collection := Value (Bit_String);
R : constant Bit_Collection := Right_Adjacent (B, N);
Prefix : constant String := " ";
use Ada.Text_IO;
Put ("n ="); Put (N'Image);
Put ("; Width e ="); Put (Bit_String'Length'Image);
Put (":"); New_Line;
Put (Prefix); Put ("Input B: "); Put (B); New_Line;
Put (Prefix); Put ("Result : "); Put (R); New_Line;
end Show;
Show ("1000", 2);
Show ("0100", 2);
Show ("0010", 2);
Show ("0000", 2);
Show ("010000000000100000000010000000010000000100000010000010000100010010", 0);
Show ("010000000000100000000010000000010000000100000010000010000100010010", 1);
Show ("010000000000100000000010000000010000000100000010000010000100010010", 2);
Show ("010000000000100000000010000000010000000100000010000010000100010010", 3);
end Set_Right_Bits;</lang>
n = 2; Width e = 4:
Input B: 1000
Result : 1110
n = 2; Width e = 4:
Input B: 0100
Result : 0111
n = 2; Width e = 4:
Input B: 0010
Result : 0011
n = 2; Width e = 4:
Input B: 0000
Result : 0000
n = 0; Width e = 66:
Input B: 010000000000100000000010000000010000000100000010000010000100010010
Result : 010000000000100000000010000000010000000100000010000010000100010010
n = 1; Width e = 66:
Input B: 010000000000100000000010000000010000000100000010000010000100010010
Result : 011000000000110000000011000000011000000110000011000011000110011011
n = 2; Width e = 66:
Input B: 010000000000100000000010000000010000000100000010000010000100010010
Result : 011100000000111000000011100000011100000111000011100011100111011111
n = 3; Width e = 66:
Input B: 010000000000100000000010000000010000000100000010000010000100010010
Result : 011110000000111100000011110000011110000111100011110011110111111111


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