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Legendre prime counting function: Difference between revisions

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10^8 5761455
10^9 50847534
'''Adapted from [[#Wren|Wren]]'''
{{works with|jq}}
'''Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq''' (*)
The following implementation freely uses the following conveniences of jq syntax:
* the jq expression {$x} is an abbreviation for {"x" : $x}
* the jq expression {x} is an abbreviation for {"x" : .x}
The key-value pairs can be similarly specified in JSON objects with multiple keys.
(*) gojq struggles to get beyond [5,9592] without using huge amounts of memory;
jq becomes excessively slow after [7,664579].
<lang jq># For the sake of the accuracy of integer arithmetic when using gojq:
def power($b): . as $in | reduce range(0;$b) as $i (1; . * $in);
# Input: $n, which is assumed to be positive integer,
# Output: an array of primes less than or equal to $n (e.g. 10|eratosthenes #=> [2,3,5,7]
def eratosthenes:
# erase(i) sets .[i*j] to false for integral j > 1
def erase(i):
if .[i] then
reduce range(2; (1 + length) / i) as $j (.; .[i * $j] = false)
else .
(. + 1) as $n
| (($n|sqrt) / 2) as $s
| [null, null, range(2; $n)]
| reduce (2, 1 + (2 * range(1; $s))) as $i (.; erase($i))
| map(select(.)) ;
'''Phi and the Legendre Counting Function'''
<lang jq>def legendre:
(sqrt | floor + 1 | eratosthenes) as $primes
# Input: {x, a}
# Output: {phi: phi(x,a), memo} where .memo might have been updated
| def phi:
. as {x: $x, a: $a, memo: $memo}
| if $a == 0 then {phi: $x, $memo}
else "\($x),\($a)" as $ix
| $memo[ $ix ] as $m
| if $m then {phi: $m, $memo}
else .a += -1
| phi as {phi: $phi1, memo: $memo}
| (($x / $primes[$a - 1])|floor) as $x
| ({$x, a, $memo} | phi) as {phi: $phi2, memo: $memo}
| ($phi1 - $phi2) as $phi
| {$phi, $memo}
| .memo[$ix] = $phi
def l:
. as $n
| if . < 2 then 0
else ($n|sqrt|floor|l) as $a
| ({x: $n, $a, memo: {}} | phi).phi + $a - 1
def task:
| . as $i
| [., (10|power($i)|legendre)]


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