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Legendre prime counting function: Difference between revisions

(Added Java solution)
Line 507:
π(10^8) = 5761455
π(10^9) = 50847534</pre>
<lang perl>#!/usr/bin/perl
use strict; # https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Legendre_prime_counting_function
use warnings;
no warnings qw(recursion);
use ntheory qw( nth_prime prime_count );
my (%cachephi, %cachepi);
sub phi
return $cachephi{"@_"} //= do {
my ($x, $aa) = @_;
$aa <= 0 ? $x : phi($x, $aa - 1) - phi(int $x / nth_prime($aa), $aa - 1) };
sub pi
return $cachepi{$_[0]} //= do {
my $n = shift;
$n < 2 ? 0 : do{ my $aa = pi(int sqrt $n); phi($n, $aa) + $aa - 1 } };
print "e n Legendre ntheory\n",
"- - -------- -------\n";
for (1 .. 9)
printf "%d %12d %10d %10d\n", $_, 10**$_, pi(10**$_), prime_count(10**$_);
e n Legendre ntheory
- - -------- -------
1 10 4 4
2 100 25 25
3 1000 168 168
4 10000 1229 1229
5 100000 9592 9592
6 1000000 78498 78498
7 10000000 664579 664579
8 100000000 5761455 5761455
9 1000000000 50847534 50847534
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