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Count how many vowels and consonants occur in a string: Difference between revisions

Added AutoHotkey
(Add Cowgol)
(Added AutoHotkey)
Line 141:
5 vowels and 9 consonants (total)
<lang AutoHotkey>str := "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country."
oV:= [], oC := [], v := c := o := 0
for i, ch in StrSplit(str)
if (ch ~= "i)[AEIOU]")
v++, oV[ch] := (oV[ch]?oV[ch]:0) + 1
else if (ch ~= "i)[A-Z]")
c++, oC[ch] := (oC[ch]?oC[ch]:0) + 1
Vowels := "{"
for ch, count in oV
Vowels .= """" ch """:" count ", "
Vowels := Trim(Vowels , ", ") "}"
Consonants := "{"
for ch, count in oC
Consonants .= """" ch """:" count ", "
Consonants := Trim(Consonants , ", ") "}"
MsgBox % result := str "`n`n" v+c+o " characters, " v " vowels, " c " consonants and " o " other"
. "`n" Vowels "`n" Consonants</lang>
<pre>Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
69 characters, 22 vowels, 31 consonants and 16 other
{"a":2, "e":6, "i":4, "o":9, "u":1}
{"c":2, "d":2, "f":2, "g":1, "h":3, "l":2, "m":3, "N":3, "r":3, "s":1, "t":7, "w":1, "y":1}</pre>
<lang AWK>


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