Sleeping Beauty problem: Difference between revisions

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Line 147: Line 147:
for _ in 1..experiments {
for _ in 1..experiments {
wakenings += 1
wakenings += 1
match rnd(min: 0, max: 1) {
match rnd(min: 0, max: 10) {
0 => heads += 1,
<5 => heads += 1,
_ => wakenings += 1
_ => wakenings += 1

Revision as of 09:26, 25 May 2021

Sleeping Beauty problem
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
Background on the task

In decision theory, The Sleeping Beauty Problem is a problem invented by Arnold Zoboff and first publicized on Usenet. The experimental subject, named Sleeping Beauty, agrees to an experiment as follows: Sleeping Beauty volunteers to be put into a deep sleep on a Sunday. There is then a fair coin toss. If this coin toss comes up heads, Sleeping Beauty wakes once (on Monday) and is asked to estimate the probability that the coin toss was heads. Her estimate is recorded and she is then put back to sleep for 2 days until Wednesday, at which time the experiment's results are tallied.

If instead the coin toss is tails, Sleeping Beauty wakes as before on Monday and asked to estimate the probability the coin toss was heads, but is then given a drug which makes her forget that she had been woken on Monday before being put back to sleep again. She then wakes only 1 day later, on Tuesday. She is then asked (on Tuesday) again to guess the probability that the coin toss was heads or tails. She is then put back to sleep and awakes as before 1 day later, on Wednesday.

Some decision makers have argued that since the coin toss was fair Sleeping Beauty should always estimate the probability of heads as 1/2, since she does not have any additional information. Others have disagreed, saying that if Sleeping Beauty knows the study design she also knows that she is twice as likely to wake up and be asked to estimate the coin flip on tails than on heads, so the estimate should be 1/3 heads.


Given the above problem, create a Monte Carlo estimate of the actual results. The program should find the proportion of heads on waking and asking Sleeping Beauty for an estimate, as a credence or as a percentage of the times Sleeping Beauty is asked the question.


<lang cpp>#include <iostream>

  1. include <random>

int main() {

   const int experiments = 1000000;
   std::random_device dev;
   std::default_random_engine engine(dev());
   std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution(0, 1);
   int heads = 0, wakenings = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < experiments; ++i) {
       switch (distribution(engine)) {
       case 0: // heads
       case 1: // tails
   std::cout << "Wakenings over " << experiments
             << " experiments: " << wakenings << '\n';
   std::cout << "Sleeping Beauty should estimate a credence of: "
             << double(heads) / wakenings << '\n';


Wakenings over 1,000,000 experiments: 1,500,090
Sleeping Beauty should estimate a credence of: 0.333253



Translation of: FreeBASIC

<lang BASIC256> iteraciones = 1000000 cara = 0 dormir = 0

for i = 1 to iteraciones lanza_moneda = int(rand * 2) dormir = dormir + 1 if lanza_moneda = 1 then cara = cara + 1 else dormir = dormir + 1 end if next i

print "Wakings over "; iteraciones; " repetitions = "; dormir print "Percentage probability of heads on waking = "; (cara/dormir*100); "%" end </lang>

Igual que la entrada de FreeBASIC.


<lang freebasic> Const iteraciones = 1000000 Randomize Timer Dim As Uinteger cara = 0, dormir = 0

For i As Uinteger = 1 To iteraciones

   Dim As integer lanza_moneda = Int(Rnd * 2) + 1
   dormir += 1 
   if lanza_moneda = 1 then cara += 1 else dormir += 1

Next i

Print Using "Wakings over #####,### repetitions = #####,###"; iteraciones ; dormir Print using "Percentage probability of heads on waking = ###.######%"; (cara/dormir*100)'; "%" Sleep </lang>

Wakings over 1,000,000 repetitions = 1,499,718
Percentage probability of heads on waking =  33.358405%


Translation of: FreeBASIC

<lang Yabasic> iteraciones = 1000000 cara = 0 dormir = 0

for i = 1 to iteraciones

   lanza_moneda = int(ran(2))
   dormir = dormir + 1 
   if lanza_moneda = 1 then cara = cara + 1 else dormir = dormir + 1 endif

next i

print "Wakings over ", iteraciones, " repetitions = ", dormir print "Percentage probability of heads on waking = ", (cara/dormir*100), "%" end </lang>

Igual que la entrada de FreeBASIC.


Translation of: Swift

<lang dyalect>let experiments = 1000000 var heads = 0 var wakenings = 0 for _ in 1..experiments {

   wakenings += 1
   match rnd(min: 0, max: 10) {
       <5 => heads += 1,
       _ => wakenings += 1

} print("Wakenings over \(experiments) experiments: \(wakenings)") print("Sleeping Beauty should estimate a credence of: \(Float(heads) / Float(wakenings))")</lang>



Binding the name SLEEPINGB to the lambda expression below in the Excel Workbook Name Manager:

(See LAMBDA: The ultimate Excel worksheet function)

<lang lisp>SLEEPINGB =LAMBDA(n,

       headsWakes, LAMBDA(x,
           IF(1 = x,
           RANDARRAY(n, 1, 0, 1, TRUE)
           SUM(INDEX(headsWakes, 0, 1)),
           SUM(INDEX(headsWakes, 0, 2))



The pair of values in cells B2 and C2 both result from the application of SLEEPINGB in B2.

The credence value is returned as a ratio by the expression B2/C2 in cell D2,

with the format setting Number > Fraction > Up to three digits.

fx =SLEEPINGB(1000000)
1 Heads Wakenings Credence
2 Results 500111 1499889 1/3


<lang fsharp> // Sleeping Beauty: Nigel Galloway. May 16th., 2021 let heads,woken=let n=System.Random() in {1..1000}|>Seq.fold(fun(h,w) g->match n.Next(2) with 0->(h+1,w+1) |_->(h,w+2))(0,0) printfn "During 1000 tosses Sleeping Beauty woke %d times, %d times the toss was heads. %.0f%% of times heads had been tossed when she awoke" woken heads (100.0*float(heads)/float(woken)) </lang>

During 1000 tosses Sleeping Beauty woke 1519 times, 481 times the toss was heads. 32% of times heads had been tossed when she awoke


Works with: Factor version 0.99 2021-02-05

<lang factor>USING: combinators.random io kernel math prettyprint ;

sleeping ( n -- heads wakenings )
   0 0 rot [ 1 + .5 [ [ 1 + ] dip ] [ 1 + ] ifp ] times ;

"Wakenings over 1,000,000 experiments: " write 1e6 sleeping dup . /f "Sleeping Beauty should estimate a credence of: " write .</lang>

Wakenings over 1,000,000 experiments: 1500127
Sleeping Beauty should estimate a credence of: 0.3332204540015612


<lang julia>"""

   Run the Sleeping Beauty Problem experiment `repetitions` times, checking to see
   how often we had heads on waking Sleeping Beauty.

""" function sleeping_beauty_experiment(repetitions)

   gotheadsonwaking = 0
   wakenings = 0
   for _ in 1:repetitions
       coin_result = rand(["heads", "tails"])
       # On Monday, we check if we got heads.
       wakenings += 1
       if coin_result == "heads"
           gotheadsonwaking += 1
       # If tails, we do this again, but of course we will not add as if it was heads.
       if coin_result == "tails"
           wakenings += 1
           if coin_result == "heads"
               gotheadsonwaking += 1   # never done
   # Show the number of times she was wakened.
   println("Wakenings over ", repetitions, " experiments: ", wakenings)
   # Return the number of correct bets SB made out of the total number
   # of times she is awoken over all the experiments with that bet.
   return gotheadsonwaking / wakenings


CREDENCE = sleeping_beauty_experiment(1_000_000) println("Results of experiment: Sleeping Beauty should estimate a credence of: ", CREDENCE)



Wakenings over 1000000 experiments: 1499534 Results of experiment: Sleeping Beauty should estimate a credence of: 0.33374768428058316


<lang Nim>import random

const N = 1_000_000

type Side {.pure.} = enum Heads, Tails

const Sides = [Heads, Tails]

randomize() var onHeads, wakenings = 0 for _ in 1..N:

 let side = sample(Sides)
 inc wakenings
 if side == Heads:
   inc onHeads
   inc wakenings

echo "Wakenings over ", N, " experiments: ", wakenings echo "Sleeping Beauty should estimate a credence of: ", onHeads / wakenings</lang>

Wakenings over 1000000 experiments: 1499971
Sleeping Beauty should estimate a credence of: 0.3333591116094911


Translation of: Phix

<lang pascal> program sleepBeau; uses

 sysutils; //Format


 iterations = 1000*1000;

fmt = 'Wakings over %d repetitions = %d'+#13#10+

     'Percentage probability of heads on waking = %8.5f%%';


 flip: Uint32;


 for i :=1 to iterations do
   flip := random(2)+1;//-- 1==heads, 2==tails
   inc(wakings,1 + Ord(flip=2));


Wakings over 1000000 repetitions = 1499741
Percentage probability of heads on waking = 33.35636%


constant iterations = 1_000_000,
fmt = """
Wakings over %,d repetitions = %,d
Percentage probability of heads on waking = %f%%
integer heads = 0, wakings = 0
for i=1 to iterations do
    integer flip = rand(2) -- 1==heads, 2==tails
    wakings += 1 + (flip==2)
    heads += (flip==1)
end for

(You'll get the exact result less than 1% of the time!!)

Wakings over 1,000,000 repetitions = 1,500,000
Percentage probability of heads on waking = 33.333333%



<lang python>from random import choice

def sleeping_beauty_experiment(repetitions):

   Run the Sleeping Beauty Problem experiment `repetitions` times, checking to see
   how often we had heads on waking Sleeping Beauty.
   gotheadsonwaking = 0
   wakenings = 0
   for _ in range(repetitions):
       coin_result = choice(["heads", "tails"])
       # On Monday, we check if we got heads.
       wakenings += 1
       if coin_result == "heads":
           gotheadsonwaking += 1
       # If tails, we do this again, but of course we will not add as if it was heads..
       if coin_result == "tails":
           wakenings += 1
           if coin_result == "heads":
               gotheadsonwaking += 1   # never done

   # Show the number of times she was wakened.
   print("Wakenings over", repetitions, "experiments:", wakenings)
   # Return the number of correct bets SB made out of the total number
   # of times she is awoken over all the experiments with that bet.
   return gotheadsonwaking / wakenings

CREDENCE = sleeping_beauty_experiment(1_000_000) print("Results of experiment: Sleeping Beauty should estimate a credence of:", CREDENCE)



Wakenings over 1000000 experiments: 1499765 Results of experiment: Sleeping Beauty should estimate a credence of: 0.333542254953276


<lang python>Sleeping Beauty Problem

from random import choice from itertools import repeat from functools import reduce

  1. experiment :: (Int, Int) -> IO (Int, Int)

def experiment(headsWakings):

   A pair of counts updated by a coin flip.
   heads, wakings = headsWakings
   return (
       1 + heads, 1 + wakings
   ) if "h" == choice(["h", "t"]) else (
       heads, 2 + wakings

  1. ------------------------- TEST -------------------------
  2. main :: IO ()

def main():

   Observed results from one million runs.
   n = 1_000_000
   heads, wakes = applyN(n)(
       (0, 0)
       f'{wakes} wakenings over {n} experiments.\n'
   print('Sleeping Beauty should estimate credence')
   print(f'at around {round(heads/wakes, 3)}')

  1. ----------------------- GENERIC ------------------------
  1. applyN :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a

def applyN(n):

   n applications of f.
      (Church numeral n).
   def go(f):
       def ga(a, g):
           return g(a)
       def fn(x):
           return reduce(ga, repeat(f, n), x)
       return fn
   return go

  1. MAIN ---

if __name__ == '__main__':



1500188 wakenings over 1000000 experiments.

Sleeping Beauty should estimate credence
at around 0.333


<lang perl6>sub sleeping-beauty ($trials) {

   my $gotheadsonwaking = 0;
   my $wakenings = 0;
   ^$trials .map: {
       given <Heads Tails>.roll {
           when 'Heads' { ++$gotheadsonwaking }
           when 'Tails' { ++$wakenings }
   say "Wakenings over $trials experiments: ", $wakenings;
   $gotheadsonwaking / $wakenings


say "Results of experiment: Sleeping Beauty should estimate a credence of: ", sleeping-beauty(1_000_000);</lang>

Wakenings over 1000000 experiments: 1500040
Results of experiment:  Sleeping Beauty should estimate a credence of: 0.333298


When using Regina REXX,   the seed specified   (for random)   was   46. <lang rexx>/*REXX pgm uses a Monte Carlo estimate for the results for the Sleeping Beauty problem. */ parse arg n seed . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/ if n== | n=="," then n= 1000000 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ if datatype(seed, 'W') then call random ,,seed /* Specified? Then use as RAND seed*/ awake= 0 /* " " " " awakened. */

          do #=0  for n                         /*perform experiment:  1 million times?*/
          if random(,1)  then awake= awake + 1  /*Sleeping Beauty  is   awoken.        */
                         else #= # + 1          /*   "        "   keeps sleeping.      */
          end   /*#*/                           /* [↑]  RANDOM returns:    0  or  1    */

say 'Wakenings over ' commas(n) " repetitions: " commas(#) say 'The percentage probability of heads on awakening: ' (awake / # * 100)"%" exit 0 /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ commas: parse arg ?; do jc=length(?)-3 to 1 by -3; ?=insert(',', ?, jc); end; return ?</lang>

output   when using the input of:     ,   46
Wakenings over  1,000,000  repetitions:  1,500,000
The percentage probability of heads on awakening:  33.3333333%


<lang swift>let experiments = 1000000 var heads = 0 var wakenings = 0 for _ in (1...experiments) {

   wakenings += 1
   switch (Int.random(in: 0...1)) {
   case 0:
       heads += 1
       wakenings += 1

} print("Wakenings over \(experiments) experiments: \(wakenings)") print("Sleeping Beauty should estimate a credence of: \(Double(heads) / Double(wakenings))")</lang>

Wakenings over 1000000 experiments: 1500036
Sleeping Beauty should estimate a credence of: 0.3333013341013149


Library: Wren-fmt

<lang ecmascript>import "random" for Random import "/fmt" for Fmt

var rand =

var sleepingBeauty = { |reps|

   var wakings = 0
   var heads = 0
   for (i in 0...reps) {
       var coin = // heads = 0, tails = 1 say
       wakings = wakings + 1
       if (coin == 0) {
           heads = heads + 1
       } else {
           wakings = wakings + 1
   Fmt.print("Wakings over $,d repetitions = $,d", reps, wakings)
   return heads/wakings * 100


var pc = Fmt.print("Percentage probability of heads on waking = $f\%", pc)</lang>


Sample run:

Wakings over 1,000,000 repetitions = 1,500,321
Percentage probability of heads on waking = 33.304806%