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Find words with alternating vowels and consonants: Difference between revisions

m (added related tasks.)
Line 348:
dict, shown = Dict(w => 1 for w in words), 0
for word in words
if (output = condition(word, dict)) != "" && (minlen < 1 || length(word) >= minlen)
shown += 1
print(rpad(wordoutput, colwidth), shown % numcols == 0 ? "\n" : "")
toshow > 0 && toshow <= shown && break
Line 359:
onlyodds(f, s) = all(c -> f(c), s[1:2:length(s)]) && !any(c -> f(c), s[2:2:length(s)])
onlyevens(f, s) = !any(c -> f(c), s[1:2:length(s)]) && all(c -> f(c), s[2:2:length(s)])
eitheronlyvowels(w, _) = onlyodds(isvowel, w) || onlyevens(isvowel, w) ? w : ""
foreachword("unixdict.txt", eitheronlyvowels, minlen = 10)
Word source: unixdict.txt
aboriginal apologetic bimolecular borosilicate calorimeter capacitate
capacitive capitoline capitulate caricature colatitude coloratura


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