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If you escaped, run 10,000 tests and print the average time taken and the average final length of the staircase.
<lang freebasic>
randomize timer
dim as uinteger steps_behind = 0, stairs_length = 100, seconds, j
dim as uinteger seconds_tot, steps_tot
print "Seconds", "steps behind", "steps ahead"
for trial as uinteger = 1 to 10000 'We'll have the runner try this 10000 times
steps_behind = 0 'runner starts at the bottom
seconds = 0 'reset time taken
stairs_length = 100 'Staircase has 100 steps
while steps_behind < stairs_length 'if the runner hasn't reached the top
steps_behind += 1 'go up one step
for j = 1 to 5 'The evil wizard conjures another five steps
if int(rnd*stairs_length) < steps_behind then steps_behind += 1
'there's a chance that a new step will be behind you
stairs_length += 1 'but either way the staircase is one step longer
next j
seconds += 1 'that all took one second
if trial = 1 and seconds >599 and seconds < 610 then print seconds, steps_behind, stairs_length - steps_behind
'for the first attempt, see how the runner is doing after ten minutes
seconds_tot += seconds 'if the runner escaped, track the time taken and the length of the stairs
steps_tot += stairs_length
next trial
print "Average time taken: ";seconds_tot/10000; " seconds."
print "Average final staircase length: ";steps_tot/10000; " steps."
'if you noticed that last number is about 100*exp(5), that's no coincidence</lang>
Seconds steps behind steps ahead
600 2032 1068
601 2038 1067
602 2042 1068
603 2045 1070
604 2048 1072
605 2053 1072
606 2055 1075
607 2060 1075
608 2064 1076
609 2068 1077
Average time taken: 2921.9457 seconds.
Average final staircase length: 14709.7285 steps.


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