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Pisano period: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: Style tweak, harden against errors. Not necessary for this example but more generally useful
(→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: Add a Perl 6 example)
m (→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: Style tweak, harden against errors. Not necessary for this example but more generally useful)
Line 424:
constant @fib := 1,1,*+*…*;
multi pisano-period (Int $p where *.is-prime, Int $k where * > 0 = 1 ) {
my $fibmod = @fib.map(: * % $p**$k );
(1..*).first: { !$fibmod[$_-1] and ($fibmod[$_] == 1) }
multi pisano-period (Int $p where * > 1, Int $k where * > 0 = 1 ) {
[lcm] prime-factors($p).map: { samewith $_, $k }


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