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Abundant odd numbers: Difference between revisions

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(Added Arturo implementation)
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Line 2,650:
Primer número impar abundante > 1 000 000 000:
1000000575 suma divisoria adecuada: 1083561009
<lang futurebasic>
include "NSLog.incl"
local fn SumOfProperDivisors( n as NSUInteger ) as NSUinteger
NSUinteger sum = 1
cln for (unsigned i = 3, j; i < sqrt(n)+1; i += 2) if (n % i == 0) sum += i + (i == (j = n / i) ? 0 : j);
end fn = sum
NSUinteger n, c
cln for (n = 1, c = 0; c < 25; n += 2 ) if ( n < SumOfProperDivisors( n ) ) NSLog( @"%2lu: %lu", ++c, n );
cln for ( ; c < 1000; n += 2 ) if ( n < SumOfProperDivisors( n ) ) c ++;
NSLog( @"\nThe one thousandth abundant odd number is: %lu\n", n )
cln for ( n = 1000000001 ;; n += 2 ) if ( n < SumOfProperDivisors( n ) ) break;
NSLog( @"The first abundant odd number above one billion is: %lu\n", n )
1: 945
2: 1575
3: 2205
4: 2835
5: 3465
6: 4095
7: 4725
8: 5355
9: 5775
10: 5985
11: 6435
12: 6615
13: 6825
14: 7245
15: 7425
16: 7875
17: 8085
18: 8415
19: 8505
20: 8925
21: 9135
22: 9555
23: 9765
24: 10395
25: 11025
The one thousandth abundant odd number is: 492977
The first abundant odd number above one billion is: 1000000575


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