Rosetta Code/Rank languages by number of users: Difference between revisions

A Python implementation
m (Corrected output.)
(A Python implementation)
Line 405:
19: 59 - Common Lisp
20: 58 - AWK
<lang python>"""Rank languages by number of users. Requires Python >=3.5"""
import requests
# MediaWiki API URL.
URL = ""
# Query string parameters
"action": "query",
"format": "json",
"formatversion": 2,
"generator": "categorymembers",
"gcmtitle": "Category:Language users",
"gcmlimit": 500,
"prop": "categoryinfo",
def fetch_data():
counts = {}
continue_ = {"continue": ""}
# Keep making HTTP requests to the MediaWiki API if more records are
# available.
while continue_:
resp = requests.get(URL, params={**PARAMS, **continue_})
data = resp.json()
# Grab the title (language) and size (count) only.
p["title"]: p.get("categoryinfo", {}).get("size", 0)
for p in data["query"]["pages"]
continue_ = data.get("continue", {})
return counts
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Request data from the MediaWiki API.
counts = fetch_data()
# Filter out languages that have less than 100 users.
at_least_100 = [(lang, count) for lang, count in counts.items() if count >= 100]
# Sort languages by number of users
top_languages = sorted(at_least_100, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
# Pretty print
for i, lang in enumerate(top_languages):
1 C 423
2 Java 308
3 C++ 301
4 Python 301
5 JavaScript 279
6 PHP 182
7 Perl 181
8 SQL 158
9 UNIX Shell 149
10 Pascal 130
11 C sharp 130
12 BASIC 129
13 Haskell 111
14 Ruby 102
