My Favorite Languages | |
Language | Proficiency |
C | Very Rusty |
C++ | Rusty |
Go | Rusty |
Java | Rusty |
JavaScript | Active |
PL/pgSQL | Rusty |
Python | Active |
SQL | Active |
TypeScript | Active |
Hi, I'm James.
Experimental unimplemented tasks by language
The Lua script defined at Module:Unimplemented attempts to work around Semantic MediaWiki's limitations by deriving a list of unimplemented tasks from multiple SMW inline queries. This script could then be invoked from a suitable template.
The early, untested assumption is that this approach will be too inefficient to be useful, especially considering the SMW query result limit of 500 records.
- Initial tests have indeed show this approach to be far too slow. Jgrprior (talk) 07:02, 2 October 2022 (UTC)
Invoke Module:Unimplemented
with one of the tasks
, drafts
or omitted
functions and the target language.
Here we've used TypeScript
as the example language.
The following example output from invoking Module:Unimplemented will likely change during development of the script.
- ABC correlation
- Anagram generator
- Animated Spinners
- Apéry's constant
- Autogram checker
- Babylonian spiral
- Boustrophedon transform
- Boyer-Moore string search
- Bron–Kerbosch algorithm
- Camel case and snake case
- Centre and radius of a circle passing through 3 points in a plane
- Compiler/Simple file inclusion pre processor
- Cycles of a permutation
- Dating agency
- Distance and Bearing
- Dominoes
- Engel expansion
- Euler's constant 0.5772...
- Factorize string into Lyndon words
- Fermat pseudoprimes
- GSTrans string conversion
- Gaussian primes
- Goldbach's comet
- Gotchas
- Greatest prime dividing the n-th cubefree number
- Harriss Spiral
- Hex dump
- Hex words
- Inconsummate numbers in base 10
- Inventory sequence
- Isograms and heterograms
- Klarner-Rado sequence
- Least m such that n! + m is prime
- Lyndon word
- Magic numbers
- Numbers k such that the last letter of k is the same as the first letter of k+1
- P-Adic square roots
- Pan base non-primes
- Particle fountain
- Peripheral drift illusion
- Primes: n*2^m+1
- Radical of an integer
- Random sentence from book
- Riordan numbers
- Search in paragraph's text
- Set, the card game
- Sieve of Pritchard
- Simple turtle graphics
- Sisyphus sequence
- Soloway's recurring rainfall
- Sorensen–Dice coefficient
- Sub-unit squares
- Super-Poulet numbers
- Sync subtitles
- Syntax highlighting using Mediawiki formatting
- Terminal control/Unicode output
- Transliterate English text using the Greek alphabet
- Tupper's self-referential formula
- Twin primes whose sum is square number
- Two's complement
- Undulating numbers
- Universal Lambda Machine
- Variadic fixed-point combinator
- Wasteful, equidigital and frugal numbers
- Wordiff
- Worthwhile task shaving
- Zsigmondy numbers