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Rosetta Code/Rank languages by number of users: Difference between revisions

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<pre>========= Generated: 20172018-1205-23T1419T12:0708:11Z51Z =========
# 1 Rank: 1 with 373378 users: C
# 2 Rank: 2 with 262267 users: C++Java
# 3 Rank: 3 with 258265 users: JavaC++
# 4 Rank: 4 with 244251 users: Python
# 5 Rank: 5 with 228233 users: JavaScript
# 6 Rank: 6 with 163165 users: PHP
# 7 Rank: 7 6 T with 162165 users: Perl
# 8 Rank: 8 with 131133 users: SQL
# 9 Rank: 9 with 121124 users: UNIX Shell
# 10 Rank: 10 with 118 users: BASIC
# 11 Rank: 11 with 113116 users: C sharp
# 12 Rank: 12 with 109112 users: Pascal
# 13 Rank: 13 with 9899 users: Haskell
# 14 Rank: 14 with 9192 users: Ruby
# 15 Rank: 15 with 7173 users: Fortran
# 16 Rank: 16 with 6567 users: Visual Basic
# 17 Rank: 17 with 6062 users: SchemeProlog
# 18 Rank: 18 with 5961 users: PrologScheme
# 19 Rank: 19 with 5758 users: Common Lisp
# 20 Rank: 20 with 5455 users: Lua
# 21 Rank: 21 with 5253 users: AWK
# 22 Rank: 22 with 5152 users: HTML
# 23 Rank: 23 with 4546 users: Assembly
# 24 Rank: 24 with 44 users: Batch File
# 25 Rank: 25 with 42 users: X86 AssemblyBash
# 26 Rank: 26 25 T with 4142 users: BashX86 Assembly
# 27 Rank: 27 with 40 users: Erlang
# 28 Rank: 28 with 3738 users: Forth
# 29 Rank: 29 with 3537 users: LispMATLAB
# 30 Rank: 2930 T with 3536 users: MATLABLisp
# 31 Rank: 2931 T with 35 users: Visual Basic .NETJ
# 32 Rank: 32 31 T with 3435 users: JVisual Basic .NET
# 33 Rank: 33 with 3334 users: AdaDelphi
# 34 Rank: 3334 T with 33 users: Brainf***Ada
# 35 Rank: 3334 T with 33 users: DelphiBrainf***
# 36 Rank: 3334 T with 33 users: Objective-C
# 37 Rank: 37 34 T with 3233 users: Tcl
# 38 Rank: 38 with 3132 users: APL
# 39 Rank: 38 T with 3132 users: COBOLR
# 40 Rank: 40 with 3031 users: RCOBOL
# 41 Rank: 41 with 2830 users: Go
# 42 Rank: 4142 T with 28 users: Perl 6
# 43 Rank: 43 with 27 users: Clojure
# 44 Rank: 43 T with 27 users: Mathematica
# 45 Rank: 45 with 25 users: AutoHotkey
========= elapsed: 1.8941 seconds =========</pre>


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