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Four is the number of letters in the ...: Difference between revisions

(Python example)
Line 169:
Word 1000000 is "the", with 3 letters. Length of sentence so far: 7113621
Word 10000000 is "thousand", with 8 letters. Length of sentence so far: 70995756
Take care with the requirements. As noted, numberToString(23) = twenty-three. Therefore numberToString(723423) = seven hundred twenty-three thousand four hundred twenty-three (note the two "-").
<br/>The discussion was helpful by providing the first 2202 words of the sentence.
<lang java>
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class FourIsTheNumberOfLetters {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String [] words = neverEndingSentence(201);
System.out.printf("Display the first 201 numbers in the sequence:%n%3d: ", 1);
for ( int i = 0 ; i < words.length ; i++ ) {
System.out.printf("%2d ", numberOfLetters(words[i]));
if ( (i+1) % 25 == 0 ) {
System.out.printf("%n%3d: ", i+2);
System.out.printf("%nTotal number of characters in the sentence is %d%n", characterCount(words));
for ( int i = 3 ; i <= 7 ; i++ ) {
int index = (int) Math.pow(10, i);
words = neverEndingSentence(index);
String last = words[words.length-1].replace(",", "");
System.out.printf("Number of letters of the %s word is %d. The word is \"%s\". The sentence length is %,d characters.%n", toOrdinal(index), numberOfLetters(last), last, characterCount(words));
private static void displaySentence(String[] words, int lineLength) {
int currentLength = 0;
for ( String word : words ) {
if ( word.length() + currentLength > lineLength ) {
String first = word.substring(0, lineLength-currentLength);
String second = word.substring(lineLength-currentLength);
currentLength = second.length();
else {
currentLength += word.length();
if ( currentLength == lineLength ) {
currentLength = 0;
System.out.print(" ");
if ( currentLength == lineLength ) {
currentLength = 0;
private static int numberOfLetters(String word) {
return word.replace(",","").replace("-","").length();
private static long characterCount(String[] words) {
int characterCount = 0;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < words.length ; i++ ) {
characterCount += words[i].length() + 1;
// Extra space counted in last loop iteration
return characterCount;
private static String[] startSentence = new String[] {"Four", "is", "the", "number", "of", "letters", "in", "the", "first", "word", "of", "this", "sentence,"};
private static String[] neverEndingSentence(int wordCount) {
String[] words = new String[wordCount];
int index;
for ( index = 0 ; index < startSentence.length && index < wordCount ; index++ ) {
words[index] = startSentence[index];
int sentencePosition = 1;
while ( index < wordCount ) {
// X in the Y
// X
String word = words[sentencePosition-1];
for ( String wordLoop : numToString(numberOfLetters(word)).split(" ") ) {
words[index] = wordLoop;
if ( index == wordCount ) {
// in
words[index] = "in";
if ( index == wordCount ) {
// the
words[index] = "the";
if ( index == wordCount ) {
// Y
for ( String wordLoop : (toOrdinal(sentencePosition) + ",").split(" ") ) {
words[index] = wordLoop;
if ( index == wordCount ) {
return words;
private static final String[] nums = new String[] {
"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine",
"ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"
private static final String[] tens = new String[] {"zero", "ten", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"};
private static final String numToString(long n) {
return numToStringHelper(n);
private static final String numToStringHelper(long n) {
if ( n < 0 ) {
return "negative " + numToStringHelper(-n);
int index = (int) n;
if ( n <= 19 ) {
return nums[index];
if ( n <= 99 ) {
return tens[index/10] + (n % 10 > 0 ? "-" + numToStringHelper(n % 10) : "");
String label = null;
long factor = 0;
if ( n <= 999 ) {
label = "hundred";
factor = 100;
else if ( n <= 999999) {
label = "thousand";
factor = 1000;
else if ( n <= 999999999) {
label = "million";
factor = 1000000;
else if ( n <= 999999999999L) {
label = "billion";
factor = 1000000000;
else if ( n <= 999999999999999L) {
label = "trillion";
factor = 1000000000000L;
else if ( n <= 999999999999999999L) {
label = "quadrillion";
factor = 1000000000000000L;
else {
label = "quintillion";
factor = 1000000000000000000L;
return numToStringHelper(n / factor) + " " + label + (n % factor > 0 ? " " + numToStringHelper(n % factor ) : "");
private static Map<String,String> ordinalMap = new HashMap<>();
static {
ordinalMap.put("one", "first");
ordinalMap.put("two", "second");
ordinalMap.put("three", "third");
ordinalMap.put("five", "fifth");
ordinalMap.put("eight", "eighth");
ordinalMap.put("nine", "ninth");
ordinalMap.put("twelve", "twelfth");
private static String toOrdinal(long n) {
String spelling = numToString(n);
String[] split = spelling.split(" ");
String last = split[split.length - 1];
String replace = "";
if ( last.contains("-") ) {
String[] lastSplit = last.split("-");
String lastWithDash = lastSplit[1];
String lastReplace = "";
if ( ordinalMap.containsKey(lastWithDash) ) {
lastReplace = ordinalMap.get(lastWithDash);
else if ( lastWithDash.endsWith("y") ) {
lastReplace = lastWithDash.substring(0, lastWithDash.length() - 1) + "ieth";
else {
lastReplace = lastWithDash + "th";
replace = lastSplit[0] + "-" + lastReplace;
else {
if ( ordinalMap.containsKey(last) ) {
replace = ordinalMap.get(last);
else if ( last.endsWith("y") ) {
replace = last.substring(0, last.length() - 1) + "ieth";
else {
replace = last + "th";
split[split.length - 1] = replace;
return String.join(" ", split);
Display the first 201 numbers in the sequence:
1: 4 2 3 6 2 7 2 3 5 4 2 4 8 3 2 3 6 5 2 3 5 3 2 3 6
26: 3 2 3 5 5 2 3 5 3 2 3 7 5 2 3 6 4 2 3 5 4 2 3 5 3
51: 2 3 8 4 2 3 7 5 2 3 10 5 2 3 10 3 2 3 9 5 2 3 9 3 2
76: 3 11 4 2 3 10 3 2 3 10 5 2 3 9 4 2 3 11 5 2 3 12 3 2 3
101: 11 5 2 3 12 3 2 3 11 5 2 3 11 3 2 3 13 5 2 3 12 4 2 3 11
126: 4 2 3 9 3 2 3 11 5 2 3 12 4 2 3 11 5 2 3 12 3 2 3 11 5
151: 2 3 11 5 2 3 13 4 2 3 12 3 2 3 11 5 2 3 8 3 2 3 10 4 2
176: 3 11 3 2 3 10 5 2 3 11 4 2 3 10 4 2 3 10 3 2 3 12 5 2 3
201: 11
Total number of characters in the sentence is 1203
Number of letters of the one thousandth word is 2. The word is "in". The sentence length is 6,249 characters.
Number of letters of the ten thousandth word is 2. The word is "in". The sentence length is 64,097 characters.
Number of letters of the one hundred thousandth word is 3. The word is "one". The sentence length is 659,455 characters.
Number of letters of the one millionth word is 3. The word is "the". The sentence length is 7,113,560 characters.
Number of letters of the ten millionth word is 8. The word is "thousand". The sentence length is 70,995,729 characters.
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