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Tested against all programs in [[Compiler/Sample programs]].
{{works with|gfortran|11.2.1}}
You should call the source file ‘lex.F90’, so gfortran will know to use the C preprocessor. I use the preprocessor to select between different ways to read stream input from the standard input.
(Despite the ‘.F90’ extension that I recommend, this is Fortran 2008/2018 code.)
There is ‘framework’ for supporting Unicode, but no actual Unicode support. To support Unicode reliably I would probably use the C interface and GNU libunistring.
The author has placed this Fortran code in the public domain.
<lang Fortran>!!!
!!! An implementation of the Rosetta Code lexical analyzer task:
!!! https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Compiler/lexical_analyzer
!!! The C implementation was used as a reference on behavior, but was
!!! not adhered to for the implementation.
module string_buffers
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: error_unit
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: int64
implicit none
public :: strbuf_t
public :: strbuf_t_length_kind
public :: strbuf_t_character_kind
integer, parameter :: strbuf_t_length_kind = int64
! String buffers can handle Unicode.
integer, parameter :: strbuf_t_character_kind = selected_char_kind ('ISO_10646')
! Private abbreviations.
integer, parameter :: nk = strbuf_t_length_kind
integer, parameter :: ck = strbuf_t_character_kind
type :: strbuf_t
integer(kind = nk), private :: len = 0
! ‘chars’ is made public for efficient access to the individual
! characters.
character(1, kind = ck), allocatable, public :: chars(:)
procedure, pass, private :: ensure_storage => strbuf_t_ensure_storage
procedure, pass :: to_unicode => strbuf_t_to_unicode
procedure, pass :: length => strbuf_t_length
procedure, pass :: set => strbuf_t_set
procedure, pass :: append => strbuf_t_append
generic :: assignment(=) => set
end type strbuf_t
function strbuf_t_to_unicode (strbuf) result (s)
class(strbuf_t), intent(in) :: strbuf
character(:, kind = ck), allocatable :: s
! This does not actually ensure that the string is valid Unicode;
! any 31-bit ‘character’ is supported.
integer(kind = nk) :: i
allocate (character(len = strbuf%len, kind = ck) :: s)
do i = 1, strbuf%len
s(i:i) = strbuf%chars(i)
end do
end function strbuf_t_to_unicode
elemental function strbuf_t_length (strbuf) result (n)
class(strbuf_t), intent(in) :: strbuf
integer(kind = nk) :: n
n = strbuf%len
end function strbuf_t_length
elemental function next_power_of_two (x) result (y)
integer(kind = nk), intent(in) :: x
integer(kind = nk) :: y
! It is assumed that no more than 64 bits are used.
! The branch-free algorithm is that of
! https://archive.is/nKxAc#RoundUpPowerOf2
! Fill in bits until one less than the desired power of two is
! reached, and then add one.
y = x - 1
y = ior (y, ishft (y, -1))
y = ior (y, ishft (y, -2))
y = ior (y, ishft (y, -4))
y = ior (y, ishft (y, -8))
y = ior (y, ishft (y, -16))
y = ior (y, ishft (y, -32))
y = y + 1
end function next_power_of_two
elemental function new_storage_size (length_needed) result (size)
integer(kind = nk), intent(in) :: length_needed
integer(kind = nk) :: size
! Increase storage by orders of magnitude.
if (2_nk**32 < length_needed) then
size = huge (1_nk)
size = next_power_of_two (length_needed)
end if
end function new_storage_size
subroutine strbuf_t_ensure_storage (strbuf, length_needed)
class(strbuf_t), intent(inout) :: strbuf
integer(kind = nk), intent(in) :: length_needed
integer(kind = nk) :: new_size
type(strbuf_t) :: new_strbuf
if (.not. allocated (strbuf%chars)) then
! Initialize a new strbuf%chars array.
new_size = new_storage_size (length_needed)
allocate (strbuf%chars(1:new_size))
else if (ubound (strbuf%chars, 1) < length_needed) then
! Allocate a new strbuf%chars array, larger than the current
! one, but containing the same characters.
new_size = new_storage_size (length_needed)
allocate (new_strbuf%chars(1:new_size))
new_strbuf%chars(1:strbuf%len) = strbuf%chars(1:strbuf%len)
call move_alloc (new_strbuf%chars, strbuf%chars)
end if
end subroutine strbuf_t_ensure_storage
subroutine strbuf_t_set (dst, src)
class(strbuf_t), intent(inout) :: dst
class(*), intent(in) :: src
integer(kind = nk) :: n
integer(kind = nk) :: i
select type (src)
type is (character(*, kind = ck))
n = len (src, kind = nk)
call dst%ensure_storage(n)
do i = 1, n
dst%chars(i) = src(i:i)
end do
dst%len = n
type is (character(*))
n = len (src, kind = nk)
call dst%ensure_storage(n)
do i = 1, n
dst%chars(i) = src(i:i)
end do
dst%len = n
class is (strbuf_t)
n = src%len
call dst%ensure_storage(n)
dst%chars(1:n) = src%chars(1:n)
dst%len = n
class default
error stop
end select
end subroutine strbuf_t_set
subroutine strbuf_t_append (dst, src)
class(strbuf_t), intent(inout) :: dst
class(*), intent(in) :: src
integer(kind = nk) :: n_dst, n_src, n
integer(kind = nk) :: i
select type (src)
type is (character(*, kind = ck))
n_dst = dst%len
n_src = len (src, kind = nk)
n = n_dst + n_src
call dst%ensure_storage(n)
do i = 1, n_src
dst%chars(n_dst + i) = src(i:i)
end do
dst%len = n
type is (character(*))
n_dst = dst%len
n_src = len (src, kind = nk)
n = n_dst + n_src
call dst%ensure_storage(n)
do i = 1, n_src
dst%chars(n_dst + i) = src(i:i)
end do
dst%len = n
class is (strbuf_t)
n_dst = dst%len
n_src = src%len
n = n_dst + n_src
call dst%ensure_storage(n)
dst%chars((n_dst + 1):n) = src%chars(1:n_src)
dst%len = n
class default
error stop
end select
end subroutine strbuf_t_append
end module string_buffers
module lexical_analysis
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: input_unit
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: output_unit
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: error_unit
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: int32
use, non_intrinsic :: string_buffers
implicit none
public :: lexer_input_t
public :: lexer_output_t
public :: run_lexer
integer, parameter :: input_file_unit_no = 100
integer, parameter :: output_file_unit_no = 101
! Private abbreviations.
integer, parameter :: nk = strbuf_t_length_kind
integer, parameter :: ck = strbuf_t_character_kind
! Integers large enough for a Unicode code point. Unicode code
! points (and UCS-4) have never been allowed to go higher than
! 7FFFFFFF, and are even further restricted now.
integer, parameter :: ichar_kind = int32
character(1, kind = ck), parameter :: horizontal_tab_char = char (9, kind = ck)
character(1, kind = ck), parameter :: linefeed_char = char (10, kind = ck)
character(1, kind = ck), parameter :: vertical_tab_char = char (11, kind = ck)
character(1, kind = ck), parameter :: formfeed_char = char (12, kind = ck)
character(1, kind = ck), parameter :: carriage_return_char = char (13, kind = ck)
character(1, kind = ck), parameter :: space_char = ck_' '
! The following is correct for Unix and its relatives.
character(1, kind = ck), parameter :: newline_char = linefeed_char
character(1, kind = ck), parameter :: backslash_char = char (92, kind = ck)
character(*, kind = ck), parameter :: newline_intstring = ck_'10'
character(*, kind = ck), parameter :: backslash_intstring = ck_'92'
integer, parameter :: tk_EOI = 0
integer, parameter :: tk_Mul = 1
integer, parameter :: tk_Div = 2
integer, parameter :: tk_Mod = 3
integer, parameter :: tk_Add = 4
integer, parameter :: tk_Sub = 5
integer, parameter :: tk_Negate = 6
integer, parameter :: tk_Not = 7
integer, parameter :: tk_Lss = 8
integer, parameter :: tk_Leq = 9
integer, parameter :: tk_Gtr = 10
integer, parameter :: tk_Geq = 11
integer, parameter :: tk_Eq = 12
integer, parameter :: tk_Neq = 13
integer, parameter :: tk_Assign = 14
integer, parameter :: tk_And = 15
integer, parameter :: tk_Or = 16
integer, parameter :: tk_If = 17
integer, parameter :: tk_Else = 18
integer, parameter :: tk_While = 19
integer, parameter :: tk_Print = 20
integer, parameter :: tk_Putc = 21
integer, parameter :: tk_Lparen = 22
integer, parameter :: tk_Rparen = 23
integer, parameter :: tk_Lbrace = 24
integer, parameter :: tk_Rbrace = 25
integer, parameter :: tk_Semi = 26
integer, parameter :: tk_Comma = 27
integer, parameter :: tk_Ident = 28
integer, parameter :: tk_Integer = 29
integer, parameter :: tk_String = 30
character(len = 16), parameter :: token_names(0:30) = &
& (/ "End_of_input ", "Op_multiply ", "Op_divide ", "Op_mod ", "Op_add ", &
& "Op_subtract ", "Op_negate ", "Op_not ", "Op_less ", "Op_lessequal ", &
& "Op_greater ", "Op_greaterequal ", "Op_equal ", "Op_notequal ", "Op_assign ", &
& "Op_and ", "Op_or ", "Keyword_if ", "Keyword_else ", "Keyword_while ", &
& "Keyword_print ", "Keyword_putc ", "LeftParen ", "RightParen ", "LeftBrace ", &
& "RightBrace ", "Semicolon ", "Comma ", "Identifier ", "Integer ", &
& "String " /)
type :: token_t
integer :: token_no
! Our implementation stores the value of a tk_Integer as a
! string. The C reference implementation stores it as an int.
character(:, kind = ck), allocatable :: val
integer(nk) :: line_no
integer(nk) :: column_no
end type token_t
type :: lexer_input_t
logical, private :: using_input_unit = .true.
integer, private :: unit_no = -(huge (1))
integer(kind = nk) :: line_no = 1
integer(kind = nk) :: column_no = 0
integer, private :: unget_count = 0
! The maximum lookahead is 2, for how we handle comments.
character(1, kind = ck), private :: unget_buffer(1:2)
logical, private :: unget_eof_buffer(1:2)
! Using the same strbuf_t multiple times reduces the need for
! reallocations. Putting that strbuf_t in the lexer_input_t is
! simply for convenience.
type(strbuf_t), private :: strbuf
! Note: There is currently no facility for closing one input and
! switching to another.
! Note: There is currently no facility to decode inputs into
! Unicode codepoints. Instead, what happens is raw bytes of
! input get stored as strbuf_t_character_kind values. This
! behavior is adequate for ASCII inputs.
procedure, pass :: use_file => lexer_input_t_use_file
procedure, pass :: get_next_ch => lexer_input_t_get_next_ch
procedure, pass :: unget_ch => lexer_input_t_unget_ch
procedure, pass :: unget_eof => lexer_input_t_unget_eof
end type lexer_input_t
type :: lexer_output_t
integer, private :: unit_no = output_unit
procedure, pass :: use_file => lexer_output_t_use_file
procedure, pass :: output_token => lexer_output_t_output_token
end type lexer_output_t
subroutine lexer_input_t_use_file (inputter, filename)
class(lexer_input_t), intent(inout) :: inputter
character(*), intent(in) :: filename
integer :: stat
inputter%using_input_unit = .false.
inputter%unit_no = input_file_unit_no
inputter%line_no = 1
inputter%column_no = 0
open (unit = input_file_unit_no, file = filename, status = 'old', &
& action = 'read', access = 'stream', form = 'unformatted', &
& iostat = stat)
if (stat /= 0) then
write (error_unit, '("Error: failed to open ", A, " for input")') filename
stop 1
end if
end subroutine lexer_input_t_use_file
#ifdef __GFORTRAN__
subroutine get_input_unit_char (c, stat)
! The following works if you are using gfortran.
! (FGETC is considered a feature for backwards compatibility with
! g77. However, I know of no way to reconfigure input_unit as a
! Fortran 2003 stream, for use with ordinary ‘read’.)
character, intent(inout) :: c
integer, intent(out) :: stat
call fgetc (input_unit, c, stat)
end subroutine get_input_unit_char
subroutine get_input_unit_char (c, stat)
! An alternative implementation of get_input_unit_char. This
! actually reads input from the C standard input, which might not
! be the same as input_unit.
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_int
character, intent(inout) :: c
integer, intent(out) :: stat
! Use getchar(3) to read characters from standard input. This
! assumes there is actually such a function available, and that
! getchar(3) does not exist solely as a macro. (One could write
! one’s own getchar() if necessary, of course.)
function getchar () result (c) bind (c, name = 'getchar')
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_int
integer(kind = c_int) :: c
end function getchar
end interface
integer(kind = c_int) :: i_char
i_char = getchar ()
! The C standard requires that EOF have a negative value. If the
! value returned by getchar(3) is not EOF, then it will be
! representable as an unsigned char. Therefore, to check for end
! of file, one need only test whether i_char is negative.
if (i_char < 0) then
stat = -1
stat = 0
c = char (i_char)
end if
end subroutine get_input_unit_char
subroutine lexer_input_t_get_next_ch (inputter, eof, ch)
class(lexer_input_t), intent(inout) :: inputter
logical, intent(out) :: eof
character(1, kind = ck), intent(inout) :: ch
integer :: stat
character(1) :: c
if (0 < inputter%unget_count) then
if (inputter%unget_eof_buffer(inputter%unget_count)) then
eof = .true.
eof = .false.
ch = inputter%unget_buffer(inputter%unget_count)
end if
inputter%unget_count = inputter%unget_count - 1
if (inputter%using_input_unit) then
call get_input_unit_char (c, stat)
read (unit = inputter%unit_no, iostat = stat) c
end if
ch = char (ichar (c, kind = ichar_kind), kind = ck)
if (0 < stat) then
write (error_unit, '("Input error with status code ", I0)') stat
stop 1
else if (stat < 0) then
eof = .true.
! The C reference code increases column number on end of file;
! therefore, so shall we.
inputter%column_no = inputter%column_no + 1
eof = .false.
if (ch == newline_char) then
inputter%line_no = inputter%line_no + 1
inputter%column_no = 0
inputter%column_no = inputter%column_no + 1
end if
end if
end if
end subroutine lexer_input_t_get_next_ch
subroutine lexer_input_t_unget_ch (inputter, ch)
class(lexer_input_t), intent(inout) :: inputter
character(1, kind = ck), intent(in) :: ch
if (ubound (inputter%unget_buffer, 1) <= inputter%unget_count) then
write (error_unit, '("class(lexer_input_t) unget buffer overflow")')
stop 1
inputter%unget_count = inputter%unget_count + 1
inputter%unget_buffer(inputter%unget_count) = ch
inputter%unget_eof_buffer(inputter%unget_count) = .false.
end if
end subroutine lexer_input_t_unget_ch
subroutine lexer_input_t_unget_eof (inputter)
class(lexer_input_t), intent(inout) :: inputter
if (ubound (inputter%unget_buffer, 1) <= inputter%unget_count) then
write (error_unit, '("class(lexer_input_t) unget buffer overflow")')
stop 1
inputter%unget_count = inputter%unget_count + 1
inputter%unget_buffer(inputter%unget_count) = ck_'*'
inputter%unget_eof_buffer(inputter%unget_count) = .true.
end if
end subroutine lexer_input_t_unget_eof
subroutine lexer_output_t_use_file (outputter, filename)
class(lexer_output_t), intent(inout) :: outputter
character(*), intent(in) :: filename
integer :: stat
outputter%unit_no = output_file_unit_no
open (unit = output_file_unit_no, file = filename, action = 'write', iostat = stat)
if (stat /= 0) then
write (error_unit, '("Error: failed to open ", A, " for output")') filename
stop 1
end if
end subroutine lexer_output_t_use_file
subroutine lexer_output_t_output_token (outputter, token)
class(lexer_output_t), intent(inout) :: outputter
class(token_t), intent(in) :: token
select case (token%token_no)
case (tk_Integer, tk_Ident, tk_String)
write (outputter%unit_no, '(X, I20, X, I20, X, A20, X, A)') &
& token%line_no, token%column_no, &
& token_names(token%token_no), token%val
case default
write (outputter%unit_no, '(X, I20, X, I20, X, A20)') &
& token%line_no, token%column_no, &
& token_names(token%token_no)
end select
end subroutine lexer_output_t_output_token
subroutine run_lexer (inputter, outputter)
class(lexer_input_t), intent(inout) :: inputter
class(lexer_output_t), intent(inout) :: outputter
type(token_t) :: token
token = get_token (inputter)
do while (token%token_no /= tk_EOI)
call outputter%output_token (token)
token = get_token (inputter)
end do
call outputter%output_token (token)
end subroutine run_lexer
function get_token (inputter) result (token)
class(lexer_input_t), intent(inout) :: inputter
type(token_t) :: token
logical :: eof
character(1, kind = ck) :: ch
call skip_spaces_and_comments (inputter, eof, ch, &
& token%line_no, token%column_no)
if (eof) then
token%token_no = tk_EOI
select case (ch)
case (ck_'{')
token%token_no = tk_Lbrace
case (ck_'}')
token%token_no = tk_Rbrace
case (ck_'(')
token%token_no = tk_Lparen
case (ck_')')
token%token_no = tk_Rparen
case (ck_'+')
token%token_no = tk_Add
case (ck_'-')
token%token_no = tk_Sub
case (ck_'*')
token%token_no = tk_Mul
case (ck_'%')
token%token_no = tk_Mod
case (ck_';')
token%token_no = tk_Semi
case (ck_',')
token%token_no = tk_Comma
case (ck_'/')
token%token_no = tk_Div
case (ck_"'")
call read_character_literal
case (ck_'<')
call distinguish_operators (ch, ck_'=', tk_Leq, tk_Lss)
case (ck_'>')
call distinguish_operators (ch, ck_'=', tk_Geq, tk_Gtr)
case (ck_'=')
call distinguish_operators (ch, ck_'=', tk_Eq, tk_Assign)
case (ck_'!')
call distinguish_operators (ch, ck_'=', tk_Neq, tk_Not)
case (ck_'&')
call distinguish_operators (ch, ck_'&', tk_And, tk_EOI)
case (ck_'|')
call distinguish_operators (ch, ck_'|', tk_Or, tk_EOI)
case (ck_'"')
call read_string_literal (ch, ch)
case default
if (isdigit (ch)) then
call read_numeric_literal (ch)
else if (isalpha_or_underscore (ch)) then
call read_identifier_or_keyword (ch)
call start_error_message (inputter)
write (error_unit, '("unrecognized character ''", A, "''")') ch
stop 1
end if
end select
end if
subroutine read_character_literal
character(1, kind = ck) :: ch
logical :: eof
character(20, kind = ck) :: buffer
token%token_no = tk_Integer
call inputter%get_next_ch (eof, ch)
if (eof) then
call start_error_message (inputter)
write (error_unit, '("end of input in character literal")')
stop 1
else if (ch == ck_"'") then
call start_error_message (inputter)
write (error_unit, '("empty character literal")')
stop 1
else if (ch == backslash_char) then
call inputter%get_next_ch (eof, ch)
if (eof) then
call start_error_message (inputter)
write (error_unit, '("end of input in character literal, after backslash")')
stop 1
else if (ch == ck_'n') then
allocate (token%val, source = newline_intstring)
else if (ch == backslash_char) then
allocate (token%val, source = backslash_intstring)
call start_error_message (inputter)
write (error_unit, '("unknown escape sequence ''", A, A, "'' in character literal")') &
& backslash_char, ch
stop 1
end if
call read_character_literal_close_quote
call read_character_literal_close_quote
write (buffer, '(I0)') ichar (ch, kind = ichar_kind)
allocate (token%val, source = trim (buffer))
end if
end subroutine read_character_literal
subroutine read_character_literal_close_quote
logical :: eof
character(1, kind = ck) :: close_quote
call inputter%get_next_ch (eof, close_quote)
if (eof) then
call start_error_message (inputter)
write (error_unit, '("end of input in character literal")')
stop 1
else if (close_quote /= ck_"'") then
call start_error_message (inputter)
write (error_unit, '("multi-character literal")')
stop 1
end if
end subroutine read_character_literal_close_quote
subroutine distinguish_operators (first_ch, second_ch, &
& token_no_if_second_ch, &
& token_no_if_no_second_ch)
character(1, kind = ck), intent(in) :: first_ch
character(1, kind = ck), intent(in) :: second_ch
integer, intent(in) :: token_no_if_second_ch
integer, intent(in) :: token_no_if_no_second_ch
character(1, kind = ck) :: ch
logical :: eof
call inputter%get_next_ch (eof, ch)
if (eof) then
call inputter%unget_eof
token%token_no = token_no_if_no_second_ch
else if (ch == second_ch) then
token%token_no = token_no_if_second_ch
else if (token_no_if_no_second_ch == tk_EOI) then
call start_error_message (inputter)
write (error_unit, '("unrecognized character ''", A, "''")') first_ch
stop 1
call inputter%unget_ch (ch)
token%token_no = token_no_if_no_second_ch
end if
end subroutine distinguish_operators
subroutine read_string_literal (opening_quote, closing_quote)
character(1, kind = ck), intent(in) :: opening_quote
character(1, kind = ck), intent(in) :: closing_quote
character(1, kind = ck) :: ch
logical :: done
inputter%strbuf = opening_quote
done = .false.
do while (.not. done)
call inputter%get_next_ch (eof, ch)
if (eof) then
call start_error_message (inputter)
write (error_unit, '("end of input in string literal")')
stop 1
else if (ch == closing_quote) then
call inputter%strbuf%append(ch)
done = .true.
else if (ch == newline_char) then
call start_error_message (inputter)
write (error_unit, '("end of line in string literal")')
stop 1
call inputter%strbuf%append(ch)
end if
end do
allocate (token%val, source = inputter%strbuf%to_unicode())
token%token_no = tk_String
end subroutine read_string_literal
subroutine read_numeric_literal (first_ch)
character(1, kind = ck), intent(in) :: first_ch
character(1, kind = ck) :: ch
token%token_no = tk_Integer
inputter%strbuf = first_ch
call inputter%get_next_ch (eof, ch)
do while (isdigit (ch))
call inputter%strbuf%append (ch)
call inputter%get_next_ch (eof, ch)
end do
if (isalpha_or_underscore (ch)) then
call start_error_message (inputter)
write (error_unit, '("invalid numeric literal """, A, """")') &
& inputter%strbuf%to_unicode()
stop 1
call inputter%unget_ch (ch)
allocate (token%val, source = inputter%strbuf%to_unicode())
end if
end subroutine read_numeric_literal
subroutine read_identifier_or_keyword (first_ch)
character(1, kind = ck), intent(in) :: first_ch
character(1, kind = ck) :: ch
inputter%strbuf = first_ch
call inputter%get_next_ch (eof, ch)
do while (isalnum_or_underscore (ch))
call inputter%strbuf%append (ch)
call inputter%get_next_ch (eof, ch)
end do
call inputter%unget_ch (ch)
! The following is a handwritten ‘implicit radix tree’ search
! for keywords, first partitioning the set of keywords according
! to their lengths.
! I did it this way for fun. One could, of course, write a
! program to generate code for such a search.
! Perfect hashes are another method one could use.
! The reference C implementation uses a binary search.
token%token_no = tk_Ident
select case (inputter%strbuf%length())
case (2)
select case (inputter%strbuf%chars(1))
case (ck_'i')
select case (inputter%strbuf%chars(2))
case (ck_'f')
token%token_no = tk_If
case default
end select
case default
end select
case (4)
select case (inputter%strbuf%chars(1))
case (ck_'e')
select case (inputter%strbuf%chars(2))
case (ck_'l')
select case (inputter%strbuf%chars(3))
case (ck_'s')
select case (inputter%strbuf%chars(4))
case (ck_'e')
token%token_no = tk_Else
case default
end select
case default
end select
case default
end select
case (ck_'p')
select case (inputter%strbuf%chars(2))
case (ck_'u')
select case (inputter%strbuf%chars(3))
case (ck_'t')
select case (inputter%strbuf%chars(4))
case (ck_'c')
token%token_no = tk_Putc
case default
end select
case default
end select
case default
end select
case default
end select
case (5)
select case (inputter%strbuf%chars(1))
case (ck_'p')
select case (inputter%strbuf%chars(2))
case (ck_'r')
select case (inputter%strbuf%chars(3))
case (ck_'i')
select case (inputter%strbuf%chars(4))
case (ck_'n')
select case (inputter%strbuf%chars(5))
case (ck_'t')
token%token_no = tk_Print
case default
end select
case default
end select
case default
end select
case default
end select
case (ck_'w')
select case (inputter%strbuf%chars(2))
case (ck_'h')
select case (inputter%strbuf%chars(3))
case (ck_'i')
select case (inputter%strbuf%chars(4))
case (ck_'l')
select case (inputter%strbuf%chars(5))
case (ck_'e')
token%token_no = tk_While
case default
end select
case default
end select
case default
end select
case default
end select
case default
end select
case default
end select
if (token%token_no == tk_Ident) then
allocate (token%val, source = inputter%strbuf%to_unicode ())
end if
end subroutine read_identifier_or_keyword
end function get_token
subroutine skip_spaces_and_comments (inputter, eof, ch, line_no, column_no)
! This procedure skips spaces and comments, and also captures the
! line and column numbers at the correct moment to indicate the
! start of a token.
class(lexer_input_t), intent(inout) :: inputter
logical, intent(out) :: eof
character(1, kind = ck), intent(inout) :: ch
integer(kind = nk), intent(out) :: line_no
integer(kind = nk), intent(out) :: column_no
integer(kind = nk), parameter :: not_done = -(huge (1_nk))
line_no = not_done
do while (line_no == not_done)
call inputter%get_next_ch (eof, ch)
if (eof) then
line_no = inputter%line_no
column_no = inputter%column_no
else if (ch == ck_'/') then
line_no = inputter%line_no
column_no = inputter%column_no
call inputter%get_next_ch (eof, ch)
if (eof) then
call inputter%unget_eof
ch = ck_'/'
else if (ch /= ck_'*') then
call inputter%unget_ch (ch)
ch = ck_'/'
call read_to_end_of_comment
line_no = not_done
end if
else if (.not. isspace (ch)) then
line_no = inputter%line_no
column_no = inputter%column_no
end if
end do
subroutine read_to_end_of_comment
logical :: done
done = .false.
do while (.not. done)
call inputter%get_next_ch (eof, ch)
if (eof) then
call end_of_input_in_comment
else if (ch == ck_'*') then
call inputter%get_next_ch (eof, ch)
if (eof) then
call end_of_input_in_comment
else if (ch == ck_'/') then
done = .true.
end if
end if
end do
end subroutine read_to_end_of_comment
subroutine end_of_input_in_comment
call start_error_message (inputter)
write (error_unit, '("end of input in comment")')
stop 1
end subroutine end_of_input_in_comment
end subroutine skip_spaces_and_comments
subroutine start_error_message (inputter)
class(lexer_input_t), intent(inout) :: inputter
write (error_unit, '("Lexical error at ", I0, ".", I0, ": ")', advance = 'no') &
& inputter%line_no, inputter%column_no
end subroutine start_error_message
elemental function isspace (ch) result (bool)
character(1, kind = ck), intent(in) :: ch
logical :: bool
bool = (ch == horizontal_tab_char) .or. &
& (ch == linefeed_char) .or. &
& (ch == vertical_tab_char) .or. &
& (ch == formfeed_char) .or. &
& (ch == carriage_return_char) .or. &
& (ch == space_char)
end function isspace
elemental function isupper (ch) result (bool)
character(1, kind = ck), intent(in) :: ch
logical :: bool
integer(kind = ichar_kind), parameter :: uppercase_A = ichar (ck_'A', kind = ichar_kind)
integer(kind = ichar_kind), parameter :: uppercase_Z = ichar (ck_'Z', kind = ichar_kind)
integer(kind = ichar_kind) :: i_ch
i_ch = ichar (ch, kind = ichar_kind)
bool = (uppercase_A <= i_ch .and. i_ch <= uppercase_Z)
end function isupper
elemental function islower (ch) result (bool)
character(1, kind = ck), intent(in) :: ch
logical :: bool
integer(kind = ichar_kind), parameter :: lowercase_a = ichar (ck_'a', kind = ichar_kind)
integer(kind = ichar_kind), parameter :: lowercase_z = ichar (ck_'z', kind = ichar_kind)
integer(kind = ichar_kind) :: i_ch
i_ch = ichar (ch, kind = ichar_kind)
bool = (lowercase_a <= i_ch .and. i_ch <= lowercase_z)
end function islower
elemental function isalpha (ch) result (bool)
character(1, kind = ck), intent(in) :: ch
logical :: bool
bool = isupper (ch) .or. islower (ch)
end function isalpha
elemental function isdigit (ch) result (bool)
character(1, kind = ck), intent(in) :: ch
logical :: bool
integer(kind = ichar_kind), parameter :: zero = ichar (ck_'0', kind = ichar_kind)
integer(kind = ichar_kind), parameter :: nine = ichar (ck_'9', kind = ichar_kind)
integer(kind = ichar_kind) :: i_ch
i_ch = ichar (ch, kind = ichar_kind)
bool = (zero <= i_ch .and. i_ch <= nine)
end function isdigit
elemental function isalnum (ch) result (bool)
character(1, kind = ck), intent(in) :: ch
logical :: bool
bool = isalpha (ch) .or. isdigit (ch)
end function isalnum
elemental function isalpha_or_underscore (ch) result (bool)
character(1, kind = ck), intent(in) :: ch
logical :: bool
bool = isalpha (ch) .or. (ch == ck_'_')
end function isalpha_or_underscore
elemental function isalnum_or_underscore (ch) result (bool)
character(1, kind = ck), intent(in) :: ch
logical :: bool
bool = isalnum (ch) .or. (ch == ck_'_')
end function isalnum_or_underscore
end module lexical_analysis
program lex
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: output_unit
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: error_unit
use, non_intrinsic :: string_buffers
use, non_intrinsic :: lexical_analysis
implicit none
integer :: arg_count
character(200) :: arg
type(lexer_input_t) :: inputter
type(lexer_output_t) :: outputter
arg_count = command_argument_count ()
if (3 <= arg_count) then
call print_usage
else if (arg_count == 0) then
call run_lexer (inputter, outputter)
else if (arg_count == 1) then
call get_command_argument (1, arg)
call inputter%use_file(trim (arg))
call run_lexer (inputter, outputter)
else if (arg_count == 2) then
call get_command_argument (1, arg)
call inputter%use_file(trim (arg))
call get_command_argument (2, arg)
call outputter%use_file(trim (arg))
call run_lexer (inputter, outputter)
end if
subroutine print_usage
character(200) :: progname
call get_command_argument (0, progname)
write (output_unit, '("Usage: ", A, " [INPUT_FILE [OUTPUT_FILE]]")') &
& trim (progname)
end subroutine print_usage
end program lex</lang>


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