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end program input_type_detection_demo</pre>
===Generic procedures (overloading)===
In the following, the name ''print_text'' refers to two distinct subroutines. Which of the two is called depends on the type of the argument in the call; the decision is made ''at compile time''.
<lang fortran>program type_detection_demo
implicit none
type text_block_t
character(len = 10000), allocatable :: lines(:)
end type text_block_t
interface print_text
procedure print_text_text_block_t
procedure print_text_file_unit
end interface print_text
type(text_block_t) :: text_block
integer :: i
allocate (text_block%lines(1:10))
do i = 1, 10
write (text_block%lines(i), '("i = ", I0)') i
end do
call print_text (text_block)
open (100, file = 'type_detection-fortran-2.f90', action = 'read')
call print_text (100)
close (100)
subroutine print_text_text_block_t (source)
class(text_block_t), intent(in) :: source
integer :: i
do i = lbound (source%lines, 1), ubound (source%lines, 1)
write (*, '(A)') trim (source%lines(i))
end do
end subroutine print_text_text_block_t
subroutine print_text_file_unit (source)
integer, intent(in) :: source
character(len = 10000) :: line_buffer
integer :: stat
read (source, '(A)', iostat = stat) line_buffer
do while (stat == 0)
write (*, '(A)') trim (line_buffer)
read (source, '(A)', iostat = stat) line_buffer
end do
end subroutine print_text_file_unit
end program type_detection_demo</lang>
$ gfortran type_detection-fortran-2.f90 && ./a.out
<pre>i = 1
i = 2
i = 3
i = 4
i = 5
i = 6
i = 7
i = 8
i = 9
i = 10
program type_detection_demo
implicit none
type text_block_t
character(len = 10000), allocatable :: lines(:)
end type text_block_t
interface print_text
procedure print_text_text_block_t
procedure print_text_file_unit
end interface print_text
type(text_block_t) :: text_block
integer :: i
allocate (text_block%lines(1:10))
do i = 1, 10
write (text_block%lines(i), '("i = ", I0)') i
end do
call print_text (text_block)
open (100, file = 'type_detection-fortran-2.f90', action = 'read')
call print_text (100)
close (100)
subroutine print_text_text_block_t (source)
class(text_block_t), intent(in) :: source
integer :: i
do i = lbound (source%lines, 1), ubound (source%lines, 1)
write (*, '(A)') trim (source%lines(i))
end do
end subroutine print_text_text_block_t
subroutine print_text_file_unit (source)
integer, intent(in) :: source
character(len = 10000) :: line_buffer
integer :: stat
read (source, '(A)', iostat = stat) line_buffer
do while (stat == 0)
write (*, '(A)') trim (line_buffer)
read (source, '(A)', iostat = stat) line_buffer
end do
end subroutine print_text_file_unit
end program type_detection_demo</pre>


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