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Free polyominoes enumeration: Difference between revisions

=={{header|Racket}}== implementation added
(→‎{{header|Ruby}}: reduction of the unnecessary argument)
(=={{header|Racket}}== implementation added)
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# </pre>
Uses Racket's arbitrary length integers as bit fields. It's not as
compact as it possible could be (all numbers are "square" in shape),
but it is correct.
Implemented in typed/racket. Don't balk at all the type annotations.
In the right environment (DrRacket), they allow the developer to keep
types in check.
Some functionality might be vestigial, or used in testing (test scripts
not included in code below). But I think it's interesting nonetheless.
<lang racket>#lang typed/racket
;; Inspired by C code in http://www.geocities.jp/tok12345/countomino.txt
;; but tries to take advantage of arbitrary width integers
(define-type Order Positive-Integer)
(define-type Shape Nonnegative-Integer)
;; "shape" functions are abbreviated s-...
(define-type Shapes (Listof Shape))
(define-type Shapes+ (Pairof Shape Shapes))
;; polynomino
;; order: number of bits wide a row of the "shape" is
;; shape: bit map (integer). bits set where the "animal" is
(struct polynominoes ([order : Order] [shapes : Shapes]))
(define-type shape-xform (Order Shape -> Shape))
(: s-reflect:y shape-xform)
(: s-reflect:x shape-xform)
(: s-reflect:xy shape-xform)
(: s-reflect:x=y shape-xform)
(: s-all-xforms (Order Shape #:bottom-mask Shape #:left-mask Shape -> Shapes))
(: s-grow+2 shape-xform)
(: s-shrink-1 shape-xform)
(: s-normalise (Order Shape #:bottom-mask Shape #:left-mask Shape -> Shape))
(: draw-shapes (Order Shapes -> Void))
(: draw-polynominoes (polynominoes -> Void))
(: polynominoes->string (polynominoes -> String))
(: order-1-polynominoes polynominoes)
(: shape-add-bit (Order Shape Nonnegative-Integer -> Shape))
(: s-add-all-edges
(Order (Shape -> Shape) Shape #:bottom-mask Shape #:left-mask Shape (#:seen? (Shape -> Boolean))
(#:seen! (Option (Shape -> Void))) -> Shapes))
(: s-least-xform (Order Shape #:bottom-mask Shape #:left-mask Shape
(#:seen? (Option (Shape -> Boolean))) -> (Option Shape)))
(: polynominoes-add-new-order (-> polynominoes polynominoes))
(: nth-order-polynominoes (-> Positive-Integer polynominoes))
(: s-identity shape-xform)
(: order->bottom-mask (Order -> Shape))
(: order->left-mask (Order -> Shape))
;; get in touch with your inner C programmer
(define << arithmetic-shift)
(define bits bitwise-bit-field)
(define (draw-shapes o sss)
(let: loop ((need-newline? : Boolean #f) (sss sss))
(define 10-or-sss-len (min (length sss) 10))
(define ss (take sss 10-or-sss-len))
(for ((y (in-range 0 o)))
(for ((s (in-list ss)) (n (in-naturals)) #:when #t (x (in-range 0 o)))
(match* (n y x)
[(0 0 _) (void)] [(0 _ 0) (newline)] [(_ _ 0) (write-char #\space)] [(_ _ _) (void)])
(write-char (cond [(bitwise-bit-set? s (+ x (* y o))) #\#] [else #\.]))))
(define sss- (drop sss 10-or-sss-len))
(unless (null? sss-) (when need-newline? (newline)) (loop #t sss-))))
(define (draw-polynominoes p)
(draw-shapes (polynominoes-order p) (polynominoes-shapes p)))
(define (polynominoes->string p)
(with-output-to-string (λ () (draw-polynominoes p))))
(define order-1-polynominoes (polynominoes 1 '(1)))
(define (shape-add-bit o s b)
(bitwise-ior s (<< 1 b)))
(define (s-reflect:y o s)
(let: loop ((s : Shape s) (s+ : Shape 0))
(if (zero? s) s+ (loop (<< s (- o)) (bitwise-ior (bits s 0 o) (<< s+ o))))))
(define (s-reflect:x o s)
(let y-loop ((s+ : Shape 0) (y : Nonnegative-Integer (- o 1)))
(let x-loop ((s+ : Shape s+) (x : Nonnegative-Integer 0) (b (* o y)))
(cond [(= o x) (if (= y 0) s+ (y-loop s+ (- y 1)))]
[else (x-loop (bitwise-ior (<< s+ 1) (bits s b (+ b 1))) (+ x 1) (+ b 1))]))))
(define (s-reflect:xy o s) (s-reflect:x o (s-reflect:y o s)))
(define (s-reflect:x=y o s)
(define o-1 (sub1 o))
(let b-loop ((s+ : Shape 0) (w-y o-1) (w-x o-1))
(cond [(< w-y 0) s+]
[else (define r-bit (+ (* w-x o) w-y))
(b-loop (bitwise-ior (<< s+ 1) (bits s r-bit (+ r-bit 1)))
(if (zero? w-x) (sub1 w-y) w-y)
(if (zero? w-x) o-1 (sub1 w-x)))])))
(define (s-identity o s) s)
(define (order->bottom-mask o) (- (expt 2 o) 1))
(define (order->left-mask o) (for/fold ((m : Shape 0)) ((i (in-range 0 o))) (bitwise-ior 1 (<< m o))))
(define (s-least-xform o s #:bottom-mask bm #:left-mask lm #:seen? (seen? #f))
(: ss1 (Option Shapes))
(define ss1
(let loop : (Option Shapes)
((rv : (Option Shapes) null)
(xs : (Listof shape-xform)
(list s-identity s-reflect:y s-reflect:x s-reflect:xy)))
[(null? xs) rv]
[(not rv) #f] ; option assures rv's type in else clause
(define s_ (s-normalise o ((car xs) o s) #:bottom-mask bm #:left-mask lm))
(if (and seen? (seen? s_)) #f (loop (cons s_ rv) (cdr xs)))])))
(and ss1
(let loop : (Option Shape)
((rv : (Option Shape) (sub1 (expt 2 (sqr o))))
(ss : Shapes ss1))
[(null? ss) rv]
(define s0 (car ss))
(define s_ (s-normalise o (s-reflect:x=y o s0) #:bottom-mask bm #:left-mask lm))
(define least-s (min s0 s_))
(cond [(and seen? (seen? s_)) #f]
[else (and rv (loop (min rv least-s) (cdr ss)))])]))))
(define (s-all-xforms o s #:bottom-mask bm #:left-mask lm)
(: s1 Shapes)
(: s2 Shapes)
(define s1
(for/list : Shapes
((x : shape-xform (in-list (list s-reflect:y s-reflect:x s-reflect:xy))))
(x o s)))
(define s2
(for/list : Shapes ((s+ : Shape (in-list (cons s s1))))
(s-reflect:x=y o s+)))
(for/list : Shapes ((s (in-list (append s1 s2))))
(s-normalise o s #:bottom-mask bm #:left-mask lm)))
(define (s-grow+2 o s)
(define o+2 (+ o 2))
(define -o (- o))
(define s+
(let: loop : Shape ((s : Shape s) (shft : Nonnegative-Integer 0) (rv : Shape 0))
(if (zero? s) rv
(loop (<< s -o)
(+ shft o+2)
(bitwise-ior rv (<< (bits s 0 o) shft))))))
(<< s+ (+ o+2 1))) ; centre it
(define (s-shrink-1 o s)
(define o-1 (sub1 o))
(define -o (- o))
(let: loop : Shape ((s- : Shape s) (shft : Nonnegative-Integer 0) (rv : Shape 0))
(if (zero? s-) rv (loop (<< s- -o) (+ shft o-1) (bitwise-ior rv (<< (bits s- 0 o) shft))))))
(define (s-normalise o s #:bottom-mask bm #:left-mask lm)
(cond [(zero? s) s]; stop an infinte loop!
(define -o (- o))
;; if there are no bits in a mask, we need to pull some in from...
(: s-down Shape)
(define s-down (let: loop : Shape ((s : Shape s))
(if (zero? (bitwise-and s bm)) (loop (<< s -o)) s)))
(let loop : Shape ((s : Shape s-down)) (if (zero? (bitwise-and s lm)) (loop (<< s -1)) s))]))
(define (s-add-all-edges o shrink s
#:bottom-mask bm #:left-mask lm
#:seen! (seen! #f) #:seen? (seen? #f))
(define o+2 (+ o 2))
(define s+ (s-grow+2 o s))
;; it will be of a new order with edges all round -- so expand it into that
(define blur (bitwise-ior s+ (<< s+ 1) (<< s+ -1) (<< s+ o+2) (<< s+ (- o+2))))
(let: loop : Shapes
((b : Nonnegative-Integer 0)
(e : Shape (bitwise-xor blur s+)) ; the edge is the blur, less the original s+
(rv : Shapes null))
(match e
[0 rv] ; run out of bits
[(? even?) (loop (+ b 1) (<< e -1) rv)] ; bit 0 isn't
[_ (define lsx (s-least-xform o+2 (shape-add-bit o+2 s+ b)
#:bottom-mask bm #:left-mask lm #:seen? seen?))
(loop (+ b 1) (<< e -1) (if lsx (begin0 (cons (shrink lsx) rv)
(when seen! (seen! lsx)))
(define (polynominoes-add-new-order p)
(match-define (polynominoes o ss) p)
(: saae (Shape -> Shapes))
(: seen? (Shape -> Boolean))
(: seen! (Shape -> Void))
(define bm (order->bottom-mask (+ 2 o)))
(define lm (order->left-mask (+ 2 o)))
(define shrink (curry s-shrink-1 (+ o 2)))
(define (seen! s) (hash-set! all-seen-shapes s #t))
(define (seen? s) (hash-ref all-seen-shapes s #f))
(define (saae s) (s-add-all-edges o shrink s #:seen? seen? #:seen! seen!
#:bottom-mask bm #:left-mask lm))
(define all-seen-shapes #{(make-hash) :: (HashTable Shape Boolean)})
(define all-new-shapes
(for*/list : Shapes ((k : Shape (in-list ss)) (s : Shape (in-list (saae k)))) s))
(polynominoes (add1 o) all-new-shapes))
(define nth-order-polynominoes
(let ((polynominoes-cache #{(make-hash) :: (HashTable Positive-Integer polynominoes)}))
(hash-set! polynominoes-cache 1 order-1-polynominoes)
(lambda (n)
(hash-ref! polynominoes-cache n
(λ () (polynominoes-add-new-order
(nth-order-polynominoes (cast (sub1 n) Positive-Integer))))))))
(module+ main
(for ((n : Positive-Integer (in-range 1 (add1 12))))
(define p (time (nth-order-polynominoes n)))
(printf "n: ~a~%" n)
(when (< n 6) (draw-polynominoes p))
(printf "count: ~a~%~%" (length (polynominoes-shapes p)))
Output is done up to 13 (on my clockwork laptop... tomorrow, better results on a competent machine)
<pre>cpu time: 0 real time: 0 gc time: 0
n: 1
count: 1
cpu time: 0 real time: 0 gc time: 0
n: 2
count: 1
cpu time: 0 real time: 0 gc time: 0
n: 3
### ##.
... #..
... ...
count: 2
cpu time: 0 real time: 0 gc time: 0
n: 4
#### ###. ###. ##.. .##.
.... .#.. #... ##.. ##..
.... .... .... .... ....
.... .... .... .... ....
count: 5
cpu time: 0 real time: 0 gc time: 0
n: 5
##### ####. ####. #.... ###.. .#... .#... ###.. ###.. .###.
..... .#... #.... ###.. ##... ###.. ###.. #.... #.#.. ##...
..... ..... ..... #.... ..... .#... #.... #.... ..... .....
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
..#.. .##..
###.. ##...
#.... #....
..... .....
..... .....
count: 12
cpu time: 0 real time: 0 gc time: 0
n: 6
count: 35
cpu time: 0 real time: 0 gc time: 0
n: 7
count: 108
cpu time: 63 real time: 31 gc time: 0
n: 8
count: 369
cpu time: 187 real time: 94 gc time: 0
n: 9
count: 1285
cpu time: 735 real time: 360 gc time: 0
n: 10
count: 4655
cpu time: 3172 real time: 2189 gc time: 142
n: 11
count: 17073
cpu time: 9047 real time: 9048 gc time: 343
n: 12
count: 63600
cpu time: 75125 real time: 75508 gc time: 3310
n: 13
count: 238591
cpu time: 88985 real time: 87683 gc time: 3983</pre>


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