Solve triangle solitaire puzzle: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
Content deleted Content added
m insert j solution
Line 173: Line 173:
<lang J>
<lang J>
NB. This is a direct translation of the python program,
NB. except for the display which by move is horizontal.

PEGS =: >:i.15

move =: 4 : 0 NB. move should have been factored in the 2014-NOV-29 python version
board =. x
'peg over land' =. y
board =. board RemovePeg peg
board =. board RemovePeg over
board =. board AddPeg land

NB.# Draw board triangle in ascii
NB.def DrawBoard(board):
NB. peg = [0,]*16
NB. for n in xrange(1,16):
NB. peg[n] = '.'
NB. if n in board:
NB. peg[n] = "%X" % n
NB. print " %s" % peg[1]
NB. print " %s %s" % (peg[2],peg[3])
NB. print " %s %s %s" % (peg[4],peg[5],peg[6])
NB. print " %s %s %s %s" % (peg[7],peg[8],peg[9],peg[10])
NB. print " %s %s %s %s %s" % (peg[11],peg[12],peg[13],peg[14],peg[15])

HEXCHARS =: Num_j_ , Alpha_j_

DrawBoard =: 3 : 0
NB. observe 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 -: 2#.inv 26896
board =. y
< (-i._5) (|."0 1) 1j1 (#"1) (2#.inv 26896)[;.1 }. (board { HEXCHARS) board } 16 # '.'

NB.# remove peg n from board
NB.def RemovePeg(board,n):
NB. board.remove(n)
NB. return board

RemovePeg =: i. ({. , (}.~ >:)~) [

NB.# Add peg n on board
NB.def AddPeg(board,n):
NB. board.append(n)
NB. return board

AddPeg =: ,

NB.# return true if peg N is on board else false is empty position
NB.def IsPeg(board,n):
NB. return n in board

IsPeg =: e.~

NB.# A dictionary of valid jump moves index by jumping peg
NB.# then a list of moves where move has jumpOver and LandAt positions
NB.JumpMoves = { 1: [ (2,4),(3,6) ], # 1 can jump over 2 to land on 4, or jumper over 3 to land on 6
NB. 2: [ (4,7),(5,9) ],
NB. 3: [ (5,8),(6,10) ],
NB. ...
NB. 14: [ (9,5),(13,12) ],
NB. 15: [ (10,6),(14,13) ]
NB. }

JumpMoves =: a:,(<@:([\~ _2:)@:".;._2) 0 :0 NB. 1 can jump over 2 to land on 4, or jump over 3 to land on 6

NB.Solution = []
NB.# Recursively solve the problem
NB.def Solve(board):
NB. #DrawBoard(board)
NB. if len(board) == 1:
NB. return board # Solved one peg left
NB. # try a move for each peg on the board
NB. for peg in xrange(1,16): # try in numeric order not board order
NB. if IsPeg(board,peg):
NB. movelist = JumpMoves[peg]
NB. for over,land in movelist:
NB. if IsPeg(board,over) and not IsPeg(board,land):
NB. saveboard = board[:] # for back tracking
NB. board = RemovePeg(board,peg)
NB. board = RemovePeg(board,over)
NB. board = AddPeg(board,land) # board order changes!
NB. Solution.append((peg,over,land))
NB. board = Solve(board)
NB. if len(board) == 1:
NB. return board
NB. ## undo move and back track when stuck!
NB. board = saveboard[:] # back track
NB. del Solution[-1] # remove last move
NB. return board

Solution =: 0 3 $ 0

Solve =: 3 : 0
board =. y
if. 1 = # board do. return. end.
for_peg. PEGS do.
if. board IsPeg peg do.
movelist =: peg {:: JumpMoves
for_OL. movelist do.
'over land' =. OL
if. (board IsPeg over) (*. -.) (board IsPeg land) do.
saveboard =. board NB. for back tracking
board =. board move peg,over,land
Solution =: Solution , peg, over, land
board =. Solve board
if. 1 = # board do. return. end.
board =. saveboard
Solution =: }: Solution

NB.# Remove one peg and start solving
NB.def InitSolve(empty):
NB. board = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]
NB. RemovePeg(board,empty_start)
NB. Solve(board)

InitSolve =: [: Solve PEGS RemovePeg ]

NB.empty_start = 1

InitSolve empty_start =: 1

NB.board = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]
NB.for peg,over,land in Solution:
NB. RemovePeg(board,peg)
NB. RemovePeg(board,over)
NB. AddPeg(board,land) # board order changes!
NB. DrawBoard(board)
NB. print "Peg %X jumped over %X to land on %X\n" % (peg,over,land)

(3 : 0) PEGS RemovePeg empty_start
board =. y
horizontal =. DrawBoard board
for_POL. Solution do.
'peg over land' =. POL
board =. board move POL
horizontal =. horizontal , DrawBoard board
smoutput 'Peg ',(":peg),' jumped over ',(":over),' to land on ',(":land)
smoutput horizontal
NB. Solution NB. return Solution however Solution is global.


Revision as of 04:58, 30 November 2014

Solve triangle solitaire puzzle is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

An IQ Puzzle is a triangle of 15 golf tee's This is typically seen at Cracker Barrel where one tee is missing and the remaining tees jump each other until one tee is left. The fewer tees left the higher the IQ score. peg #1 is the top centre through to the bottom row which are pegs 11 through to 15.

(Note: need ASCII art version of reference picture
Task description

Print a solution to solve the puzzle leaving one peg Not implemented variations Start with empty peg in X and solve with one peg in position Y.


Translation of: Ruby

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.array, std.string, std.range, std.algorithm;

immutable N = [0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]; immutable G = [[0,1,3],[0,2,5],[1,3,6],[1,4,8],[2,4,7],[2,5,9],


string b2s(in int[] n) pure @safe {

   static immutable fmt = iota(6)
                          .map!(i => " ".replicate(5 - i) ~ "%d ".replicate(i))
   return fmt.format(n[0], n[1], n[2],  n[3],  n[4],  n[5],  n[6],
                     n[7], n[8], n[9], n[10], n[11], n[12], n[13], n[14]);


string solve(in int[] n, in int i, in int[] g) pure @safe {

   if (i == N.length - 1)
       return "\nSolved";
   if (n[g[1]] == 0)
       return null;
   string s;
   if (n[g[0]] == 0) {
       if (n[g[2]] == 0)
           return null;
       s = "\n%d to %d\n".format(g[2], g[0]);
   } else {
       if (n[g[2]] == 1)
           return null;
       s = "\n%d to %d\n".format(g[0], g[2]);
   auto a = n.dup;
   foreach (const gi; g)
       a[gi] = 1 - a[gi];
   string l;
   foreach (const gi; G) {
       l = solve(a, i + 1, gi);
       if (!l.empty)
   return l.empty ? l : (s ~ b2s(a) ~ l);


void main() @safe {

   string l;
   foreach (const g; G) {
       l = solve(N, 1, g);
       if (!l.empty)
   writeln(l.empty ? "No solution found." : l);


   1 1 
  1 1 1 
 1 1 1 1 
1 1 1 1 1 
3 to 0
   0 1 
  0 1 1 
 1 1 1 1 
1 1 1 1 1 
8 to 1
   1 1 
  0 0 1 
 1 1 0 1 
1 1 1 1 1 
10 to 3
   1 1 
  1 0 1 
 0 1 0 1 
0 1 1 1 1 
1 to 6
   0 1 
  0 0 1 
 1 1 0 1 
0 1 1 1 1 
11 to 4
   0 1 
  0 1 1 
 1 0 0 1 
0 0 1 1 1 
2 to 7
   0 0 
  0 0 1 
 1 1 0 1 
0 0 1 1 1 
9 to 2
   0 1 
  0 0 0 
 1 1 0 0 
0 0 1 1 1 
0 to 5
   0 0 
  0 0 1 
 1 1 0 0 
0 0 1 1 1 
6 to 8
   0 0 
  0 0 1 
 0 0 1 0 
0 0 1 1 1 
13 to 11
   0 0 
  0 0 1 
 0 0 1 0 
0 1 0 0 1 
5 to 12
   0 0 
  0 0 0 
 0 0 0 0 
0 1 1 0 1 
11 to 13
   0 0 
  0 0 0 
 0 0 0 0 
0 0 0 1 1 
14 to 12
   0 0 
  0 0 0 
 0 0 0 0 
0 0 1 0 0 


<lang J> NB. This is a direct translation of the python program, NB. except for the display which by move is horizontal.

PEGS =: >:i.15

move =: 4 : 0 NB. move should have been factored in the 2014-NOV-29 python version

board =. x
'peg over land' =. y
board =. board RemovePeg peg
board =. board RemovePeg over
board =. board AddPeg land


NB.# Draw board triangle in ascii NB.# NB.def DrawBoard(board): NB. peg = [0,]*16 NB. for n in xrange(1,16): NB. peg[n] = '.' NB. if n in board: NB. peg[n] = "%X" % n NB. print " %s" % peg[1] NB. print " %s %s" % (peg[2],peg[3]) NB. print " %s %s %s" % (peg[4],peg[5],peg[6]) NB. print " %s %s %s %s" % (peg[7],peg[8],peg[9],peg[10]) NB. print " %s %s %s %s %s" % (peg[11],peg[12],peg[13],peg[14],peg[15])

HEXCHARS =: Num_j_ , Alpha_j_

DrawBoard =: 3 : 0

NB. observe 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 -: 2#.inv 26896  
board =. y
< (-i._5) (|."0 1) 1j1 (#"1) (2#.inv 26896)[;.1 }. (board { HEXCHARS) board } 16 # '.'


NB.# remove peg n from board NB.def RemovePeg(board,n): NB. board.remove(n) NB. return board

RemovePeg =: i. ({. , (}.~ >:)~) [

NB.# Add peg n on board NB.def AddPeg(board,n): NB. board.append(n) NB. return board

AddPeg =: ,

NB.# return true if peg N is on board else false is empty position NB.def IsPeg(board,n): NB. return n in board

IsPeg =: e.~

NB.# A dictionary of valid jump moves index by jumping peg NB.# then a list of moves where move has jumpOver and LandAt positions NB.JumpMoves = { 1: [ (2,4),(3,6) ], # 1 can jump over 2 to land on 4, or jumper over 3 to land on 6 NB. 2: [ (4,7),(5,9) ], NB. 3: [ (5,8),(6,10) ], NB. ... NB. 14: [ (9,5),(13,12) ], NB. 15: [ (10,6),(14,13) ] NB. }

JumpMoves =: a:,(<@:([\~ _2:)@:".;._2) 0 :0 NB. 1 can jump over 2 to land on 4, or jump over 3 to land on 6



NB.Solution = [] NB.# NB.# Recursively solve the problem NB.# NB.def Solve(board): NB. #DrawBoard(board) NB. if len(board) == 1: NB. return board # Solved one peg left NB. # try a move for each peg on the board NB. for peg in xrange(1,16): # try in numeric order not board order NB. if IsPeg(board,peg): NB. movelist = JumpMoves[peg] NB. for over,land in movelist: NB. if IsPeg(board,over) and not IsPeg(board,land): NB. saveboard = board[:] # for back tracking NB. board = RemovePeg(board,peg) NB. board = RemovePeg(board,over) NB. board = AddPeg(board,land) # board order changes! NB. Solution.append((peg,over,land)) NB. board = Solve(board) NB. if len(board) == 1: NB. return board NB. ## undo move and back track when stuck! NB. board = saveboard[:] # back track NB. del Solution[-1] # remove last move NB. return board

Solution =: 0 3 $ 0

Solve =: 3 : 0

board =. y
if. 1 = # board do. return. end.
for_peg. PEGS do.
 if. board IsPeg peg do.
  movelist =: peg {:: JumpMoves
  for_OL. movelist do.
   'over land' =. OL
   if. (board IsPeg over) (*. -.) (board IsPeg land) do.
    saveboard =. board          NB. for back tracking
    board =. board move peg,over,land
    Solution =: Solution , peg, over, land
    board =. Solve board
    if. 1 = # board do. return. end.
    board =. saveboard
    Solution =: }: Solution


NB.# NB.# Remove one peg and start solving NB.# NB.def InitSolve(empty): NB. board = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15] NB. RemovePeg(board,empty_start) NB. Solve(board)

InitSolve =: [: Solve PEGS RemovePeg ]

NB.# NB.empty_start = 1 NB.InitSolve(empty_start)

InitSolve empty_start =: 1

NB.board = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15] NB.RemovePeg(board,empty_start) NB.for peg,over,land in Solution: NB. RemovePeg(board,peg) NB. RemovePeg(board,over) NB. AddPeg(board,land) # board order changes! NB. DrawBoard(board) NB. print "Peg %X jumped over %X to land on %X\n" % (peg,over,land)

(3 : 0) PEGS RemovePeg empty_start

board =. y
horizontal =. DrawBoard board
for_POL. Solution do.
 'peg over land' =. POL
 board =. board move POL
 horizontal =. horizontal , DrawBoard board
 smoutput 'Peg ',(":peg),' jumped over ',(":over),' to land on ',(":land)
smoutput horizontal
NB. Solution NB. return Solution however Solution is global.

) </lang>


Works with SWI-Prolog and module(lambda).

<lang Prolog>:- use_module(library(lambda)).

iq_puzzle :- iq_puzzle(Moves), display(Moves).

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % compute solution % iq_puzzle(Moves) :- play([1], [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15], [], Moves).

play(_, [_], Lst, Moves) :- reverse(Lst, Moves).

play(Free, Occupied, Lst, Moves) :- select(S, Occupied, Oc1), select(O, Oc1, Oc2), select(E, Free, F1), move(S, O, E), play([S, O | F1], [E | Oc2], [move(S,O,E) | Lst], Moves).

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % allowed moves % move(S,2,E) :- member([S,E], [[1,4], [4,1]]). move(S,3,E) :- member([S,E], [[1,6], [6,1]]). move(S,4,E):- member([S,E], [[2,7], [7,2]]). move(S,5,E):- member([S,E], [[2,9], [9,2]]). move(S,5,E):- member([S,E], [[3,8], [8,3]]). move(S,6,E):- member([S,E], [[3,10], [10,3]]). move(S,5,E):- member([S,E], [[4,6], [6,4]]). move(S,7,E):- member([S,E], [[4,11], [11,4]]). move(S,8,E):- member([S,E], [[4,13], [13,4]]). move(S,8,E):- member([S,E], [[5,12], [12,5]]). move(S,9,E):- member([S,E], [[5,14], [14,5]]). move(S,9,E):- member([S,E], [[6,13], [13,6]]). move(S,10,E):- member([S,E], [[6,15], [15,6]]). move(S,8,E):- member([S,E], [[9,7], [7,9]]). move(S,9,E):- member([S,E], [[10,8], [8,10]]). move(S,12,E):- member([S,E], [[11,13], [13,11]]). move(S,13,E):- member([S,E], [[12,14], [14,12]]). move(S,14,E):- member([S,E], [[15,13], [13,15]]).

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % display soluce % display(Sol) :- display(Sol, [1]).

display([], Free) :- numlist(1,15, Lst), maplist(\X^I^(member(X, Free) -> I = 0; I = 1), Lst, [I1,I2,I3,I4,I5,I6,I7,I8,I9,I10,I11,I12,I13,I14,I15]), format(' ~w ~n', [I1]), format(' ~w ~w ~n', [I2,I3]), format(' ~w ~w ~w ~n', [I4,I5,I6]), format(' ~w ~w ~w ~w ~n', [I7,I8,I9,I10]), format('~w ~w ~w ~w ~w~n', [I11,I12,I13,I14,I15]), writeln(solved).

display([move(Start, Middle, End) | Tail], Free) :- numlist(1,15, Lst), maplist(\X^I^(member(X, Free) -> I = 0; I = 1), Lst, [I1,I2,I3,I4,I5,I6,I7,I8,I9,I10,I11,I12,I13,I14,I15]), format(' ~w ~n', [I1]), format(' ~w ~w ~n', [I2,I3]), format(' ~w ~w ~w ~n', [I4,I5,I6]), format(' ~w ~w ~w ~w ~n', [I7,I8,I9,I10]), format('~w ~w ~w ~w ~w~n', [I11,I12,I13,I14,I15]), format('From ~w to ~w over ~w~n~n~n', [Start, End, Middle]), select(End, Free, F1), display(Tail, [Start, Middle | F1]). </lang> Output :

 ?- iq_puzzle.
   1 1      
  1 1 1    
 1 1 1 1  
1 1 1 1 1
From 4 to 1 over 2

   0 1      
  0 1 1    
 1 1 1 1  
1 1 1 1 1
From 6 to 4 over 5

   0 1      
  1 0 0    
 1 1 1 1  
1 1 1 1 1
From 1 to 6 over 3

   0 0      
  1 0 1    
 1 1 1 1  
1 1 1 1 1
From 7 to 2 over 4

   1 0      
  0 0 1    
 0 1 1 1  
1 1 1 1 1
From 10 to 3 over 6

   1 1      
  0 0 0    
 0 1 1 0  
1 1 1 1 1
From 12 to 5 over 8

   1 1      
  0 1 0    
 0 0 1 0  
1 0 1 1 1
From 13 to 6 over 9

   1 1      
  0 1 1    
 0 0 0 0  
1 0 0 1 1
From 3 to 10 over 6

   1 0      
  0 1 0    
 0 0 0 1  
1 0 0 1 1
From 2 to 9 over 5

   0 0      
  0 0 0    
 0 0 1 1  
1 0 0 1 1
From 15 to 6 over 10

   0 0      
  0 0 1    
 0 0 1 0  
1 0 0 1 0
From 6 to 13 over 9

   0 0      
  0 0 0    
 0 0 0 0  
1 0 1 1 0
From 14 to 12 over 13

   0 0      
  0 0 0    
 0 0 0 0  
1 1 0 0 0
From 11 to 13 over 12

   0 0      
  0 0 0    
 0 0 0 0  
0 0 1 0 0

Bonus : number of solutions :

 ?- setof(L, iq_puzzle(L), LL), length(LL, Len).
LL = [[move(4, 2, 1), move(6, 5, 4), move(1, 3, 6), move(7, 4, 2), move(10, 6, 3), move(12, 8, 5), move(13, 9, 6), move(..., ..., ...)|...], [move(4, 2, 1), move(6, 5, 4), move(1, 3, 6), move(7, 4, 2), move(10, 6, 3), move(12, 8, 5), move(..., ..., ...)|...], [move(4, 2, 1), move(6, 5, 4), move(1, 3, 6), move(7, 4, 2), move(10, 6, 3), move(..., ..., ...)|...], [move(4, 2, 1), move(6, 5, 4), move(1, 3, 6), move(7, 4, 2), move(..., ..., ...)|...], [move(4, 2, 1), move(6, 5, 4), move(1, 3, 6), move(..., ..., ...)|...], [move(4, 2, 1), move(6, 5, 4), move(..., ..., ...)|...], [move(4, 2, 1), move(..., ..., ...)|...], [move(..., ..., ...)|...], [...|...]|...],
Len = 29760.


<lang Python>#

  1. Draw board triangle in ascii

def DrawBoard(board):

 peg = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
 for n in xrange(1,16):
   peg[n] = '.'
   if n in board:
     peg[n] = "%X" % n
 print "     %s" % peg[1]
 print "    %s %s" % (peg[2],peg[3])
 print "   %s %s %s" % (peg[4],peg[5],peg[6])
 print "  %s %s %s %s" % (peg[7],peg[8],peg[9],peg[10])
 print " %s %s %s %s %s" % (peg[11],peg[12],peg[13],peg[14],peg[15])
  1. remove peg n from board

def RemovePeg(board,n):

  1. Add peg n on board

def AddPeg(board,n):

  1. return true if peg N is on board else false is empty position

def IsPeg(board,n):

 return n in board
  1. A dictionary of valid jump moves index by jumping peg
  2. then a list of moves where move has jumpOver and LandAt positions

JumpMoves = { 1: [ (2,4),(3,6) ], # 1 can jump over 2 to land on 4, or jumper over 3 to land on 6

             2: [ (4,7),(5,9)  ],
             3: [ (5,8),(6,10) ],
             4: [ (2,1),(5,6),(7,11),(8,13) ],
             5: [ (8,12),(9,14) ],
             6: [ (3,1),(5,4),(9,13),(10,15) ],
             7: [ (4,2),(8,9)  ],
             8: [ (5,3),(9,10) ],
             9: [ (5,2),(8,7)  ],
            10: [ (9,8) ],
            11: [ (12,13) ],
            12: [ (8,5),(13,14) ],
            13: [ (8,4),(9,6),(12,11),(14,15) ],
            14: [ (9,5),(13,12)  ],
            15: [ (10,6),(14,13) ]

Solution = []

  1. Recursively solve the problem

def Solve(board):

 if len(board) == 1:
   return board # Solved one peg left
 # try a move for each peg on the board
 for peg in xrange(1,16): # try in numeric order not board order
   if IsPeg(board,peg):
     movelist = JumpMoves[peg]
     for over,land in movelist:
       if IsPeg(board,over) and not IsPeg(board,land):
         saveboard = board[:] # for back tracking
         AddPeg(board,land) # board order changes!
         board = Solve(board)
         if len(board) == 1:
           return board
       ## undo move and back track when stuck!
         board = saveboard[:] # back track
         del Solution[-1] # remove last move
 return board
  1. Remove one peg and start solving

def InitSolve(empty):

 board = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]

empty_start = 1 InitSolve(empty_start)

board = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15] RemovePeg(board,empty_start) for peg,over,land in Solution:

 AddPeg(board,land) # board order changes!
 print "Peg %X jumped over %X to land on %X\n" % (peg,over,land)</lang>
    . 3
   . 5 6
  7 8 9 A
 B C D E F
Peg 4 jumped over 2 to land on 1

    . 3
   4 . .
  7 8 9 A
 B C D E F
Peg 6 jumped over 5 to land on 4

    . .
   4 . 6
  7 8 9 A
 B C D E F
Peg 1 jumped over 3 to land on 6

    2 .
   . . 6
  . 8 9 A
 B C D E F
Peg 7 jumped over 4 to land on 2

    2 .
   . 5 6
  . . 9 A
 B . D E F
Peg C jumped over 8 to land on 5

    2 .
   . 5 6
  . . 9 A
 B C . . F
Peg E jumped over D to land on C

    2 .
   . 5 .
  . . . A
 B C D . F
Peg 6 jumped over 9 to land on D

    . .
   . . .
  . . 9 A
 B C D . F
Peg 2 jumped over 5 to land on 9

    . .
   . . .
  . . 9 A
 B . . E F
Peg C jumped over D to land on E

    . .
   . . 6
  . . 9 .
 B . . E .
Peg F jumped over A to land on 6

    . .
   . . .
  . . . .
 B . D E .
Peg 6 jumped over 9 to land on D

    . .
   . . .
  . . . .
 B C . . .
Peg E jumped over D to land on C

    . .
   . . .
  . . . .
 . . D . .
Peg B jumped over C to land on D


  • This includes the code to generate the list of available hops (other implementations seem to have the table built in)
  • It produces a full has containing all the possible results from all possible start positions (including ones without valid hops, and unusual starts). It takes no time... and once this is pre-calculated then some of the questions you might want answered about this puzzle can be more easily answered!

Oh and there are some useful triangle numbers functions thrown in for free!

<lang racket>#lang racket (define << arithmetic-shift) (define bwbs? bitwise-bit-set?)

A002024: n appears n times

(define (A002024 n) (exact-floor (+ 1/2 (sqrt (* n 2)))))

1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4
A002260: Triangle T(n,k) = k for k = 1..n.

(define (A002260 n) (+ 1 (A002262 (sub1 n))))

Triangular numbers: a(n) = C(n+1,2) = n(n+1)/2 = 0+1+2+...+n.

(define (tri n) (* n (sub1 n) 1/2))

Triangle read by rows: T(n,k)

(define (A002262 n)

 (define trinv (exact-floor (/ (+ 1 (sqrt (+ 1 (* n 8)))) 2)))
 (- n (/ (* trinv (- trinv 1)) 2)))

(define row-number A002024) (define col-number A002260) (define (r.c->n r c) (and (<= 1 r 5) (<= 1 c r) (+ 1 (tri r) (- c 1))))

(define (available-jumps n) ; takes a peg number, and returns a list of (jumped-peg . landing-site)

 (define r (row-number n))
 (define c (col-number n))
 ;; Six possible directions - although noone gets all six: "J" - landing site, "j" jumped peg
 ;;   Triangle   Row/column (square edge)
 ;;    A . B     A.B
 ;;   . a b      .ab
 ;;  C c X d D   CcXdD
 ;; . . e f      ..ef
 ;;. . E . F     ..E.F
 (define (N+.n+ r+ c+) (cons (r.c->n (+ r (* 2 r+)) (+ c (* 2 c+))) (r.c->n (+ r r+) (+ c c+))))
 (define-values (A.a B.b C.c D.d E.e F.f)
   (values (N+.n+ -1 -1) (N+.n+ -1 0) (N+.n+ 0 -1) (N+.n+ 0 1) (N+.n+ 1 0) (N+.n+ 1 1)))
 (filter car (list A.a B.b C.c D.d E.e F.f)))

(define (available-jumps/bits n0)

 (for/list ((A.a (available-jumps (add1 n0))))
   (match-define (cons (app sub1 A) (app sub1 a)) A.a)
   (list A a (bitwise-ior (<< 1 n0) (<< 1 A) (<< 1 a))))) ; on a hop, these three bits will flip

(define avalable-jumps-list/bits (for/vector #:length 15 ((bit 15)) (available-jumps/bits bit)))

OK -- we'll be complete about this (so it might take a little longer)
There are 2^15 possible start configurations; so we'll just systematically go though them, and
build an hash of what can go where. Bits are numbered from 0 - peg#1 to 14 - peg#15.
It's overkill for finding a single solution, but it seems that Joe Nord needs a lot of questions
answered (which should be herein).

(define paths# (make-hash)) (for* ((board (in-range 0 (expt 2 15)))

      (peg (in-range 15))
      #:when (bwbs? board peg)
      (Jjf (in-list (vector-ref avalable-jumps-list/bits peg)))
      #:when (bwbs? board (second Jjf)) ; need something to jump
      #:unless (bwbs? board (first Jjf))) ; need a clear landing space
 (define board- (bitwise-xor board (third Jjf)))
 (hash-update! paths# board (λ (old) (cons (cons board- Jjf) old)) null))

(define (find-path start end (acc null))

 (if (= start end) (reverse acc)
         ((hop (hash-ref paths# start null))
          (inr (in-value (find-path (car hop) end (cons hop acc)))) #:when inr) inr)))

(define (display-board board.Jjf)

 (match-define (list board (app add1 J) (app add1 j) _) board.Jjf)
 (printf "~a jumps ~a ->" J j)
 (for* ((r (in-range 1 6))
        (c (in-range 1 (add1 r)))
        (n (in-value (r.c->n r c))))
   (when (= c 1) (printf "~%~a" (make-string (quotient (* 5 (- 5 r)) 2) #\space)))
   (printf "[~a] " (~a #:width 2 #:pad-string " " #:align 'right (if (bwbs? board (sub1 n)) n ""))))

(define (flip-peg p b) (bitwise-xor (<< 1 (sub1 p)) b)) (define empty-board #b000000000000000) (define full-board #b111111111111111)

Solve #1 missing -> #13 left alone

(for-each display-board (find-path (flip-peg 1 full-board) (flip-peg 13 empty-board)))</lang>

1 jumps 3 ->
          [ 1] 
       [ 2] [  ] 
     [ 4] [ 5] [  ] 
  [ 7] [ 8] [ 9] [10] 
[11] [12] [13] [14] [15] 
6 jumps 10 ->
          [ 1] 
       [ 2] [  ] 
     [ 4] [ 5] [ 6] 
  [ 7] [ 8] [ 9] [  ] 
[11] [12] [13] [14] [  ] 
10 jumps 9 ->
          [ 1] 
       [ 2] [  ] 
     [ 4] [ 5] [ 6] 
  [ 7] [  ] [  ] [10] 
[11] [12] [13] [14] [  ] 
3 jumps 6 ->
          [ 1] 
       [ 2] [ 3] 
     [ 4] [ 5] [  ] 
  [ 7] [  ] [  ] [  ] 
[11] [12] [13] [14] [  ] 
9 jumps 5 ->
          [ 1] 
       [  ] [ 3] 
     [ 4] [  ] [  ] 
  [ 7] [  ] [ 9] [  ] 
[11] [12] [13] [14] [  ] 
5 jumps 9 ->
          [ 1] 
       [  ] [ 3] 
     [ 4] [ 5] [  ] 
  [ 7] [  ] [  ] [  ] 
[11] [12] [13] [  ] [  ] 
14 jumps 13 ->
          [ 1] 
       [  ] [ 3] 
     [ 4] [ 5] [  ] 
  [ 7] [  ] [  ] [  ] 
[11] [  ] [  ] [14] [  ] 
2 jumps 4 ->
          [ 1] 
       [ 2] [ 3] 
     [  ] [ 5] [  ] 
  [  ] [  ] [  ] [  ] 
[11] [  ] [  ] [14] [  ] 
8 jumps 5 ->
          [ 1] 
       [ 2] [  ] 
     [  ] [  ] [  ] 
  [  ] [ 8] [  ] [  ] 
[11] [  ] [  ] [14] [  ] 
4 jumps 2 ->
          [  ] 
       [  ] [  ] 
     [ 4] [  ] [  ] 
  [  ] [ 8] [  ] [  ] 
[11] [  ] [  ] [14] [  ] 
13 jumps 8 ->
          [  ] 
       [  ] [  ] 
     [  ] [  ] [  ] 
  [  ] [  ] [  ] [  ] 
[11] [  ] [13] [14] [  ] 
12 jumps 13 ->
          [  ] 
       [  ] [  ] 
     [  ] [  ] [  ] 
  [  ] [  ] [  ] [  ] 
[11] [12] [  ] [  ] [  ] 
13 jumps 12 ->
          [  ] 
       [  ] [  ] 
     [  ] [  ] [  ] 
  [  ] [  ] [  ] [  ] 
[  ] [  ] [13] [  ] [  ]


<lang ruby># Solitaire Like Puzzle Solver - Nigel Galloway: October 18th., 2014 PEGS = (N = [0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]).inject(:+) G = [[0,1,3],[0,2,5],[1,3,6],[1,4,8],[2,4,7],[2,5,9],[3,4,5],[3,6,10],[3,7,12],[4,7,11],[4,8,13],[5,8,12],[5,9,14],[6,7,8],[7,8,9],[10,11,12],[11,12,13],[12,13,14]] FORMAT = (1..5).map{|i| " "*(5-i)+"%d "*i+"\n"}.join+"\n" def solve n,i,g

 return "Solved" if i == PEGS
 return false unless n[g[1]]==1
 if n[g[0]] == 0
   return false unless n[g[2]]==1
   s =  "#{g[2]} to #{g[0]}\n"
   return false unless n[g[2]]==0
   s = "#{g[0]} to #{g[2]}\n" 
 a = n.clone; g.each{|n| a[n] = 1 - a[n]}
 l=false; G.each{|g| l=solve(a,i+1,g); break if l}
 return l ? s + FORMAT % a + l : l

end puts FORMAT % N l=false; G.each{|g| l=solve(N,1,g); break if l} puts l ? l : "No solution found" </lang>

   1 1 
  1 1 1 
 1 1 1 1 
1 1 1 1 1 

3 to 0
   0 1 
  0 1 1 
 1 1 1 1 
1 1 1 1 1 

8 to 1
   1 1 
  0 0 1 
 1 1 0 1 
1 1 1 1 1 

10 to 3
   1 1 
  1 0 1 
 0 1 0 1 
0 1 1 1 1 

1 to 6
   0 1 
  0 0 1 
 1 1 0 1 
0 1 1 1 1 

11 to 4
   0 1 
  0 1 1 
 1 0 0 1 
0 0 1 1 1 

2 to 7
   0 0 
  0 0 1 
 1 1 0 1 
0 0 1 1 1 

9 to 2
   0 1 
  0 0 0 
 1 1 0 0 
0 0 1 1 1 

0 to 5
   0 0 
  0 0 1 
 1 1 0 0 
0 0 1 1 1 

6 to 8
   0 0 
  0 0 1 
 0 0 1 0 
0 0 1 1 1 

13 to 11
   0 0 
  0 0 1 
 0 0 1 0 
0 1 0 0 1 

5 to 12
   0 0 
  0 0 0 
 0 0 0 0 
0 1 1 0 1 

11 to 13
   0 0 
  0 0 0 
 0 0 0 0 
0 0 0 1 1 

14 to 12
   0 0 
  0 0 0 
 0 0 0 0 
0 0 1 0 0 
