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Taxicab numbers: Difference between revisions

Added Sidef
m (→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: escaped the exponent to display the output correctly)
m (Added Sidef)
Line 1,838:
1676926719 (63³ + 1188³) (714³ + 1095³)
1677646971 (99³ + 1188³) (891³ + 990³)
{{trans|Perl 6}}
<lang ruby>var (start=1, end=25) = ARGV.map{.to_i}...;
func display (h, start, end) {
var i = start
h.grep { |_,v| v.len > 1 }.keys.sort_by{.to_i}.ft(start-1, end-1).each {|n|
printf("%4d %10d =>\t%s\n", i++, n,
h{n}.map{ "%4d³ + %-s" % (.first, "#{.last}³") }.join(",\t"))
var taxi = Hash()
var taxis = 0
var terminate = 0
Inf.times { |c1|
if (terminate>0 && terminate>c1) {
display(taxi, start, end)
var c = c1**3
c1.times { |c2|
var this = (c2**3 + c)
taxi{this} := [] << [c2, c1]
++taxis if (taxi{this}.len == 2);
if (taxis == end && terminate.is_zero) {
terminate = taxi.grep{|_,v| v.len > 1 }.keys.map{.to_i}.max.root(3)
1 1729 => 9³ + 10³, 1³ + 12³
2 4104 => 9³ + 15³, 2³ + 16³
3 13832 => 18³ + 20³, 2³ + 24³
4 20683 => 19³ + 24³, 10³ + 27³
5 32832 => 18³ + 30³, 4³ + 32³
6 39312 => 15³ + 33³, 2³ + 34³
7 40033 => 16³ + 33³, 9³ + 34³
8 46683 => 27³ + 30³, 3³ + 36³
9 64232 => 26³ + 36³, 17³ + 39³
10 65728 => 31³ + 33³, 12³ + 40³
11 110656 => 36³ + 40³, 4³ + 48³
12 110808 => 27³ + 45³, 6³ + 48³
13 134379 => 38³ + 43³, 12³ + 51³
14 149389 => 29³ + 50³, 8³ + 53³
15 165464 => 38³ + 48³, 20³ + 54³
16 171288 => 24³ + 54³, 17³ + 55³
17 195841 => 22³ + 57³, 9³ + 58³
18 216027 => 22³ + 59³, 3³ + 60³
19 216125 => 45³ + 50³, 5³ + 60³
20 262656 => 36³ + 60³, 8³ + 64³
21 314496 => 30³ + 66³, 4³ + 68³
22 320264 => 32³ + 66³, 18³ + 68³
23 327763 => 51³ + 58³, 30³ + 67³
24 373464 => 54³ + 60³, 6³ + 72³
25 402597 => 56³ + 61³, 42³ + 69³
With passed parameters 2000 and 2006:
2000 1671816384 => 940³ + 944³, 428³ + 1168³
2001 1672470592 => 632³ + 1124³, 29³ + 1187³
2002 1673170856 => 828³ + 1034³, 458³ + 1164³
2003 1675045225 => 744³ + 1081³, 522³ + 1153³
2004 1675958167 => 711³ + 1096³, 492³ + 1159³
2005 1676926719 => 714³ + 1095³, 63³ + 1188³
2006 1677646971 => 891³ + 990³, 99³ + 1188³


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