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Fibonacci word/fractal: Difference between revisions

Added Factor
(Added Julia language)
(Added Factor)
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<lang factor>USING: accessors arrays combinators fry images images.loader
kernel literals make match math math.vectors pair-rocket
sequences ;
FROM: fry => '[ _ ;
IN: rosetta-code.fibonacci-word-fractal
! === Turtle code ==============================================
TUPLE: turtle heading loc ;
C: <turtle> turtle
: forward ( turtle -- turtle' )
dup heading>> [ v+ ] curry change-loc ;
CONSTANT: left { { 0 ?a } => [ ?a 0 ] { ?a 0 } => [ 0 ?a neg ] }
CONSTANT: right { { 0 ?a } => [ ?a neg 0 ] { ?a 0 } => [ 0 ?a ] }
: turn ( turtle left/right -- turtle' )
[ dup heading>> ] dip match-cond 2array >>heading ; inline
! === Fib word =================================================
: fib-word ( n -- str )
1 => [ "1" ]
2 => [ "0" ]
[ [ 1 - fib-word ] [ 2 - fib-word ] bi append ]
} case ;
! === Fractal ==================================================
: fib-word-fractal ( n -- seq )
[ { 0 -1 } { 10 417 } dup , <turtle> ] dip fib-word
1 + -rot forward dup loc>> ,
-rot CHAR: 0 = [
even? [ left turn ] [ right turn ] if
] [ drop ] if drop
] with each-index
] { } make ;
! === Image ====================================================
: init-img-data ( -- seq )
w h * 4 * [ 255 ] B{ } replicate-as ;
: <fib-word-fractal-img> ( -- img )
${ w h } >>dim
BGRA >>component-order
ubyte-components >>component-type
init-img-data >>bitmap ;
: fract>img ( seq -- img' )
[ <fib-word-fractal-img> dup ] dip [
'[ B{ 33 33 33 255 } _ first2 ] dip set-pixel-at
] with each ;
: main ( -- )
23 fib-word-fractal fract>img "fib-word-fractal.png"
save-graphic-image ;
MAIN: main</lang>
{{out}} Similar to fig. 1 from the paper and the image at the top of this page.


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