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Find the last Sunday of each month: Difference between revisions

m (→‎{{header|Sidef}}: modified the code to work with Sidef 2.30)
Line 1,905:
24 November
29 December</pre>
=={{header|Liberty BASIC}}==
This program goes a step further and provides a function definition, NthDayOfMonth(), that returns the date of any occurrence of a day in any given month and year. For example: The third Monday in February, the last Monday in May, the fourth Thursday in November, etc.
<lang lb>
yyyy=2013: if yyyy<1901 or yyyy>2099 then end
print "The last Sundays of "; yyyy
for mm=1 to 12
x=NthDayOfMonth(yyyy, mm, nda$)
select case mm
case 1: print " January "; x
case 2: print " February "; x
case 3: print " March "; x
case 4: print " April "; x
case 5: print " May "; x
case 6: print " June "; x
case 7: print " July "; x
case 8: print " August "; x
case 9: print " September "; x
case 10: print " October "; x
case 11: print " November "; x
case 12: print " December "; x
end select
next mm
function NthDayOfMonth(yyyy, mm, nda$)
' nda$ is a two-part code. The first character, n, denotes
' first, second, third, fourth, and last by 1, 2, 3, 4, or L.
' The last two characters, da, denote the day of the week by
' mo, tu, we, th, fr, sa, or su. For example:
' the nda$ for the second Monday of a month is "2mo";
' the nda$ for the last Thursday of a month is "Lth".
if yyyy<1900 or yyyy>2099 or mm<1 or mm>12 then
NthDayOfMonth=0: exit function
end if
if len(nda$)<>3 then NthDayOfMonth=0: exit function
n$=left$(nda$,1): nC$="1234l"
da$=right$(nda$,2): daC$="tuwethfrsasumotuwethfrsasumo"
if not(instr(nC$,n$)) or not(instr(daC$,da$)) then
NthDayOfMonth=0: exit function
end if
mm$=str$(mm): if mm<10 then mm$="0"+mm$
if da$<>db$ then
x=instr(daC$,db$): y=instr(daC$,da$,x): NthDayOfMonth=1+(y-x)/2
end if
dim MD(12)
MD(1)=31: MD(2)=28: MD(3)=31: MD(4)=30: MD(5)=31: MD(6)=30
MD(7)=31: MD(8)=31: MD(9)=30: MD(10)=31: MD(11)=30: MD(12)=31
if yyyy mod 4 = 0 and yyyy<>2000 then MD(2)=29
if n$<>"1" then
if n$<>"l" then
if NthDayOfMonth+27<MD(mm) then
end if
end if
end if
end function
function DayOfDate$(ObjectDate$) 'yyyymmdd format
if ObjectDate$="" then 'today
DaysSince1900 = date$("days")
DaysSince1900 = date$(mid$(ObjectDate$,5,2)+"/"+right$(ObjectDate$,2)_
end if
DayOfWeek = DaysSince1900 mod 7
select case DayOfWeek
case 0: DayOfDate$="tu"
case 1: DayOfDate$="we"
case 2: DayOfDate$="th"
case 3: DayOfDate$="fr"
case 4: DayOfDate$="sa"
case 5: DayOfDate$="su"
case 6: DayOfDate$="mo"
end select
end function
The last Sundays of 2013
January 27
February 24
March 31
April 28
May 26
June 30
July 28
August 25
September 29
October 27
November 24
December 29
Anonymous user
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