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Enter your IBAN: GB82TEST12345698765432
<lang fortran>
program ibancheck
implicit none
character(4), dimension(75) :: cc = (/ &
"AD24","AE23","AL28","AT20","AZ28","BA20","BE16","BG22","BH22","BR29", &
"BY28","CH21","CR22","CY28","CZ24","DE22","DK18","DO28","EE20","ES24", &
"FI18","FO18","FR27","GB22","GE22","GI23","GL18","GR27","GT28","HR21", &
"HU28","IE22","IL23","IQ23","IS26","IT27","JO30","KW30","KZ20","LB28", &
"LC32","LI21","LT20","LU20","LV21","MC27","MD24","ME22","MK19","MR27", &
"MT31","MU30","NL18","NO15","PK24","PL28","PS29","PT25","QA29","RO24", &
"RS22","SA24","SC31","SE24","SI19","SK24","SM27","ST25","SV28","TL23", &
"TN24","TR26","UA29","VG24","XK20" /)
character(34), dimension(12) :: ibans = (/ "GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32 ", &
"GB82WEST12345698765432 ", &
"gb82 west 1234 5698 7654 32 ", &
"GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32 ", &
"GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695 ", &
"GB29 NWBK 6016 1331 9268 19 ", &
"SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519 ", &
"CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7 ", &
"IL62 0108 0000 0009 9999 999 ", &
"IL62-0108-0000-0009-9999-999 ", &
"US12 3456 7890 0987 6543 210 ", &
"GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695X" /)
integer :: i
do i=1, size(ibans)
if (checkIBAN(trim(ibans(i)))) then
print *, " valid IBAN: ", trim(ibans(i))
print *, "invalid IBAN: ", trim(ibans(i))
end if
end do
function checkIBAN(ibancode) result(valid)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: ibancode
character(len=len(ibancode)) :: iban
logical :: valid
integer(int32) :: j, ascii, ibanSize
character(100) :: ibanRearrange, ibantoint
character(2) :: temp
valid = .false.
iban = remove_blanks(ibancode)
ibanSize = checkCountryCode(iban)
if (ibanSize == len(trim(iban))) then
ibanRearrange = iban(5:ibanSize)//iban(1:4)
ibantoint = ""
do j=1, ibanSize
ascii = ichar(ibanRearrange(j:j))
if ((ascii >= 65) .and. (ascii<=90)) then
write (temp,fmt='(I2)') ascii-55
ibantoint = trim(ibantoint) // temp
ibantoint = trim(ibantoint) // ibanRearrange(j:j)
end if
end do
if (mod97(ibantoint) == 1) then
valid = .true.
end if
end if
end function checkIBAN
function mod97(strint) result(res)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: strint
integer :: i, num, res
res = 0
do i=1, len(trim(strint))
read(strint(i:i),*) num
res = mod((res*10 + num),97);
end do
end function mod97
function checkCountryCode(iban) result(ibanlength)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: iban
integer(int16) :: ibanlength, i
ibanlength = 0
do i=1, size(cc)
if (iban(1:2) == cc(i)(1:2)) then
read(cc(i)(3:4),*) ibanlength
end if
end do
end function checkCountryCode
Recursive Function Stripper(string,ch) Result(stripped)
Implicit None
character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
character, intent(in) :: ch
character(:), allocatable :: stripped
IF (LEN(string)==1) THEN
IF (string==ch) THEN
stripped = ''
stripped = string
IF (string(1:1)==ch) THEN
stripped = stripper(string(2:),ch)
stripped = string(1:1)//stripper(string(2:),ch)
END Function stripper
Function Remove_Blanks(string) Result(stripped)
Implicit None
character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
character(:), allocatable :: stripped
stripped = trim(Stripper(trim(Stripper(string,' ')),achar(9)))
END Function Remove_Blanks
end program ibancheck
valid IBAN: GB82 WEST 1234 5698 7654 32
valid IBAN: GB82WEST12345698765432
invalid IBAN: gb82 west 1234 5698 7654 32
invalid IBAN: GB82 TEST 1234 5698 7654 32
valid IBAN: GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695
valid IBAN: GB29 NWBK 6016 1331 9268 19
valid IBAN: SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519
valid IBAN: CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7
valid IBAN: IL62 0108 0000 0009 9999 999
invalid IBAN: IL62-0108-0000-0009-9999-999
invalid IBAN: US12 3456 7890 0987 6543 210
invalid IBAN: GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695X
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