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Just before the close of the while loop, use dummy=pixelColor(surface,antData[1]+20,antData[2]+12,#FF0000FF) for the ant
and SDL_UpdateRect(surface,0,0,0,0) to display the graphic.
=={{header|F Sharp|F#}}==
<lang fsharp>
// Langton's ant F# https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Langton%27s_ant
// A list of cells which are black is maintained and then printed out at the end
type Cell = { X : int; Y : int }
type Direction = | North | South | East| West // direction the ant is facing
let withinBounds (dim:int) (cell: Cell) = // ant's cell within dimensions ?
cell.X < dim && cell.Y < dim && cell.X >= 0 && cell.Y >= 0
let rotateLeft (currentDirection: Direction) =
match currentDirection with
| North -> West | South -> East | East -> North | West -> South
let rotateRight (currentDirection: Direction ) =
match currentDirection with
| North -> East | South -> West | East -> South | West -> North
let nextCell (dir:Direction) (cell: Cell) = // compute next cell based on the direction
match dir with
| North -> {cell with Y = cell.Y + 1 }
| South -> {cell with Y = cell.Y - 1 }
| East -> {cell with X = cell.X + 1 }
| West -> {cell with X = cell.X - 1 }
let isBlackCell (blackCells: Cell list) (cell:Cell) =
blackCells |> List.exists ( fun c -> c = cell)
let toggleCellColor (blackCells: Cell list) (cell: Cell) =
if cell |> isBlackCell blackCells
then blackCells |> List.where( fun c -> c <> cell) // remove the cell from list of black cells
else cell::blackCells // add the cell to the list of black cells
let moveToCell (blackCells: Cell list) (currentDir : Direction) (cell: Cell) =
let ndir = if cell |> isBlackCell blackCells // next step direction is computed
then rotateLeft currentDir
else rotateRight currentDir
let nlst = cell |> toggleCellColor blackCells // next step updated list of black cells is computed
let ncell = cell |> nextCell ndir // next step cell is computedd
(nlst, ndir, ncell) // return next step list of black cells, direction it will enter the cell, new cell
let rec doStep (dim:int) (blackCells: Cell list) (dir : Direction) (cell: Cell) =
let (nlst, ndir, ncell) = moveToCell blackCells dir cell
if withinBounds dim ncell // check if the next step is within bounds
then doStep dim nlst ndir ncell // recursive call to next step
else nlst, ndir, ncell
let main _ =
let dim = 100
let (blacklist, _, _) = doStep dim [] North { X = dim/2 ; Y = dim/2 } // start with empty blacklist, facing north in the center
// print out by row, 0th row is at the bottom
seq { for row in [dim-1..-1..0] do for col in [0..dim-1] -> (col,row) }
|> Seq.iter (fun (row,col) -> if {X = row; Y = col } |> isBlackCell blacklist
then printf "#" else printf " "
if row = (dim - 1 )
then printf "\n" else ()
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