Knuth's algorithm S: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
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→‎{{header|REXX}}: added the REXX language. -- ~~~~
m →‎{{header|REXX}}: changed indentation, added/changed comments, simplified two subroutines. -- ~~~~
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<lang rexx>/*REXX program using Knuth's algorithm S (random sampling n of M items).*/
<lang rexx>
/*REXX program using Knuth's algorithm S (random sampling n of M items).*/

parse arg trials size . /*obtain the arguments from C.L. */
parse arg trials size . /*obtain the arguments from C.L. */
if trials='' then trials=100000 /*use default if not specified. */
if trials=='' then trials=100000 /*use default if not specified. */
if size='' then size=3 /* " " " " " */
if size=='' then size=3 /* " " " " " */
#.=0 /*a couple handfuls of counters. */
#.=0 /*a couple handfuls of counters. */
do trials /*OK, let's light this candle. */
call s_of_n_creator size /*create initial list of n items.*/

do trials /*OK, let's light this candle. */
do gener=0 for 10 /*and then call SofN for each dig*/
call s_of_n_creator size /*create initial list of n items.*/
call s_of_n gener /*call s_of_n with a single dig*/
end /*gener*/

do gener=0 for 10 /*and then call SofN for each dig*/
do count=1 for size /*let's see what s_of_n wroth. */
call s_of_n gener /*call s_of_n with a single dig*/
_=!.count /*get a digit from the Nth item, */
end /*gener*/
#._=#._+1 /* ... and count it, of course. */
end /*count*/
end /*trials*/

say "Using Knuth's algorihm S for" comma(trials) 'trials, and with size='comma(size)":"
do count=1 for size /*let's see what s_of_n wroth. */
_=!.count /*get a digit from the Nth item. */
#._=#._+1 /* ... and count it, of course. */
end /*count*/

end /*trials*/

say "Using Knuth's algorihm S for" comma(trials) 'trials, and with',
do dig=0 to 9 /*show & tell time for frequency.*/
do dig=0 to 9 /*show & tell time for frequency.*/
say copies(' ',15) "frequency of the" dig 'digit is:' comma(#.dig)
say copies(' ',15) "frequency of the" dig 'digit is:' comma(#.dig)
end /*dig*/
end /*dig*/
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/
/*──────────────────────────────────S_OF_N_CREATOR subroutine───────────*/

s_of_n_creator: parse arg item 1 items /*generate ITEM number of items*/
/*─────────────────────────────────────S_OF_N_CREATOR subroutine────────*/
s_of_n_creator: parse arg item /*generate ITEM number of items*/
do k=1 for item /*traipse through the 1st N items*/
do k=1 for item /*traipse through the 1st N items*/
!.k=random(0,9) /*set the Kth item with rand dig.*/
!.k=random(0,9) /*set the Kth item with rand dig.*/
end /*k*/
end /*k*/
items=item /*also, keep track of # of items.*/
return /*out piddly work is done for now*/
return /*out piddly work is done for now*/
/*──────────────────────────────────S_OF_N subroutine───────────────────*/

/*─────────────────────────────────────S_OF_N subroutine────────────────*/
s_of_n: parse arg item; items=items+1 /*get "item", bump items counter.*/
s_of_n: parse arg item; items=items+1 /*get "item", bump items counter.*/
c=random(1,items) /*should we replace a prev item? */
c=random(1,items) /*should we replace a prev item? */
if c>size then return /*probability isn't good, skip it*/
if c>size then return /*probability isn't good, skip it*/
_=random(1,size) /*now, figure out which previous */
_=random(1,size) /*now, figure out which previous */
!._=item /* item to replace with ITEM. */
!._=item /* ... item to replace with ITEM.*/
return /*and back to the caller we go. */
return /*and back to the caller we go. */
/*──────────────────────────────────COMMA subroutine────────────────────*/

/*─────────────────────────────────────subroutines for commatization────*/
comma: procedure; parse arg _,c,p,t;arg ,cu;c=word(c ",",1)
comma: procedure; parse arg _,c,p,t;arg ,cu;c=word(c ",",1)
if cu=='BLANK' then c=' '; o=word(p 3,1); p=abs(o); t=word(t 999999999,1)
if cu=='BLANK' then c=' '; o=word(p 3,1); p=abs(o); t=word(t 999999999,1)
if \datatype(p,'W') | \datatype(t,'W') | p==0 | arg()>4 then return _
if \datatype(p,'W') | \datatype(t,'W') | p==0 | arg()>4 then return _
n=_'.9'; #=123456789; k=0; return comma_()
n=_'.9'; #=123456789; k=0; if o<0 then do; b=verify(_,' '); if b==0 then return _
e=length(_)-verify(reverse(_),' ')+1; end; else do; b=verify(n,#,"M")

comma_: if o<0 then do; b=verify(_,' '); if b==0 then return _
e=verify(n,#'0',,verify(n,#"0.",'M'))-p-1; end
e=length(_)-verify(reverse(_),' ')+1; end; else do; b=verify(n,#,"M")
do j=e to b by -p while k<t; _=insert(c,_,j); k=k+1; end; return _</lang>
'''output''' when using the default input of: <tt> 100000 2 </tt>
e=verify(n,#'0',,verify(n,#"0.",'M'))-p-1; end
<pre style="overflow:scroll">
do j=e to b by -p while k<t; _=insert(c,_,j); k=k+1; end; return _
Output when using the default input of: <tt> 100000 2 </tt>
<pre style="height:35ex;overflow:scroll">
Using Knuth's algorihm S for 100,000 trials, and with size=3:
Using Knuth's algorihm S for 100,000 trials, and with size=3:

Revision as of 20:32, 18 October 2012

Knuth's algorithm S
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

This is a method of randomly sampling n items from a set of M items, with equal probability; where M >= n and M, the number of items is unknown until the end. This means that the equal probability sampling should be maintained for all successive items > n as they become available (although the content of successive samples can change).

The algorithm
  1. Select the first n items as the sample as they become available;
  2. For the i-th item where i > n, have a random chance of n/i of keeping it. If failing this chance, the sample remains the same. If not, have it randomly (1/n) replace one of the previously selected n items of the sample.
  3. Repeat #2 for any subsequent items.
The Task
  1. Create a function s_of_n_creator that given the maximum sample size, returns a function s_of_n that takes one parameter, item.
  2. Function s_of_n when called with successive items returns an equi-weighted random sample of up to n of its items so far, each time it is called, calculated using Knuths Algorithm S.
  3. Test your functions by printing and showing the frequency of occurrences of the selected digits from 100,000 repetitions of:
  1. Use the s_of_n_creator with n == 3 to generate an s_of_n.
  2. call s_of_n with each of the digits 0 to 9 in order, keeping the returned three digits of its random sampling from its last call with argument item=9.

Note: A class taking n and generating a callable instance/function might also be used.

  • The Art of Computer Programming, Vol 2, 3.4.2 p.142


Instead of defining a function S_of_N_Creator, we define a generic packgage with that name. The generic parameters are N (=Sample_Size) and the type of the items to be sampled:

<lang Ada>generic

  Sample_Size: Positive;
  type Item_Type is private;

package S_Of_N_Creator is

  subtype Index_Type is Positive range 1 .. Sample_Size;
  type Item_Array is array (Index_Type) of Item_Type;
  procedure Update(New_Item: Item_Type);
  function Result return Item_Array;

end S_Of_N_Creator;</lang>

Here is the implementation of that package:

<lang Ada>with Ada.Numerics.Float_Random, Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random;

package body S_Of_N_Creator is

  package F_Rnd renames Ada.Numerics.Float_Random;
  F_Gen: F_Rnd.Generator;
  package D_Rnd is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random(Index_Type);
  D_Gen: D_Rnd.Generator;
  Item_Count: Natural := 0; -- this is a global counter
  Sample: Item_Array; -- also used globally
  procedure Update(New_Item: Item_Type) is
     Item_Count := Item_Count + 1;
     if Item_Count <= Sample_Size then
        -- select the first Sample_Size items as the sample
        Sample(Item_Count) := New_Item;
        -- for I-th item, I > Sample_Size: Sample_Size/I chance of keeping it
        if (Float(Sample_Size)/Float(Item_Count)) > F_Rnd.Random(F_Gen)  then
           -- randomly (1/Sample_Size) replace one of the items of the sample
           Sample(D_Rnd.Random(D_Gen)) := New_Item;
        end if;
     end if;
  end Update;
  function Result return Item_Array is
     Item_Count := 0; -- ready to start another run
     return Sample;
  end Result;


  D_Rnd.Reset(D_Gen); -- at package instantiation, initialize rnd-generators

end S_Of_N_Creator;</lang>

The main program:

<lang Ada>with S_Of_N_Creator, Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Test_S_Of_N is

  Repetitions: constant Positive := 100_000;
  type D_10 is range 0 .. 9;
  -- the instantiation of the generic package S_Of_N_Creator generates 
  -- a package with the desired functionality
  package S_Of_3 is new S_Of_N_Creator(Sample_Size => 3, Item_Type => D_10);
  Sample: S_Of_3.Item_Array;
  Result: array(D_10) of Natural := (others => 0);


  for J in 1 .. Repetitions loop
     -- get Sample
     for Dig in D_10 loop
     end loop;
     Sample := S_Of_3.Result;
     -- update current Result
     for Item in Sample'Range loop
        Result(Sample(Item)) := Result(Sample(Item)) + 1;
     end loop;
  end loop;
  -- finally: output Result
  for Dig in Result'Range loop
     Ada.Text_IO.Put(D_10'Image(Dig) & ":"
                       & Natural'Image(Result(Dig)) & ";   ");
  end loop;

end Test_S_Of_N;</lang>

A sample output:

 0: 30008;    1: 30056;    2: 30080;    3: 29633;    4: 29910;    5: 30293;    6: 30105;    7: 29924;    8: 29871;    9: 30120; 


Instead of returning a closure we set the environment in a structure:

<lang c>#include <stdlib.h>

  1. include <stdio.h>
  2. include <string.h>
  3. include <time.h>

struct s_env {

   unsigned int n, i;
   size_t size;
   void *sample;


void s_of_n_init(struct s_env *s_env, size_t size, unsigned int n) {

   s_env->i = 0;
   s_env->n = n;
   s_env->size = size;
   s_env->sample = malloc(n * size);


void sample_set_i(struct s_env *s_env, unsigned int i, void *item) {

   memcpy(s_env->sample + i * s_env->size, item, s_env->size);


void *s_of_n(struct s_env *s_env, void *item) {

   if (s_env->i <= s_env->n)
       sample_set_i(s_env, s_env->i - 1, item);
   else if ((rand() % s_env->i) < s_env->n)
       sample_set_i(s_env, rand() % s_env->n, item);
   return s_env->sample;


int *test(unsigned int n, int *items_set, unsigned int num_items) {

   int i;
   struct s_env s_env;
   s_of_n_init(&s_env, sizeof(items_set[0]), n);
   for (i = 0; i < num_items; i++) {
       s_of_n(&s_env, (void *) &items_set[i]);
   return (int *)s_env.sample;


int main() {

   unsigned int i, j;
   unsigned int n = 3;
   unsigned int num_items = 10;
   unsigned int *frequencies;
   int *items_set;
   items_set = malloc(num_items * sizeof(int));
   frequencies = malloc(num_items * sizeof(int));
   for (i = 0; i < num_items; i++) {
       items_set[i] = i;
       frequencies[i] = 0;
   for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
       int *res = test(n, items_set, num_items);
       for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {


   for (i = 0; i < num_items; i++) {
       printf(" %d", frequencies[i]);
   return 0;



Works with: C++11

<lang cpp>#include <iostream>

  1. include <functional>
  2. include <vector>
  3. include <cstdlib>
  4. include <ctime>

template <typename T> std::function<std::vector<T>(T)> s_of_n_creator(int n) {

 std::vector<T> sample;
 int i = 0;
 return [=](T item) mutable {
   if (i <= n) {
   } else if (std::rand() % i < n) {
     sample[std::rand() % n] = item;
   return sample;


int main() {

 int bin[10] = {0};
 for (int trial = 0; trial < 100000; trial++) {
   auto s_of_n = s_of_n_creator<int>(3);
   std::vector<int> sample;
   for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
     sample = s_of_n(i);
   for (int s : sample)
 for (int x : bin)
   std::cout << x << std::endl;
 return 0;



Class-based version: <lang cpp>#include <iostream>

  1. include <vector>
  2. include <cstdlib>
  3. include <ctime>

template <typename T> class SOfN {

 std::vector<T> sample;
 int i;
 const int n;
 SOfN(int _n) : i(0), n(_n) { }
 std::vector<T> operator()(T item) {
   if (i <= n) {
   } else if (std::rand() % i < n) {
     sample[std::rand() % n] = item;
   return sample;


int main() {

 int bin[10] = {0};
 for (int trial = 0; trial < 100000; trial++) {
   SOfN<int> s_of_n(3);
   std::vector<int> sample;
   for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
     sample = s_of_n(i);
   for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator i = sample.begin(); i != sample.end(); i++)
 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
   std::cout << bin[i] << std::endl;
 return 0;



<lang coffeescript> s_of_n_creator = (n) ->

 arr = []
 cnt = 0
 (elem) ->
   cnt += 1
   if cnt <= n
     arr.push elem
     pos = Math.floor(Math.random() * cnt)
     if pos < n
       arr[pos] = elem

sample_size = 3 range = [0..9] num_trials = 100000

counts = {}

for digit in range

 counts[digit] = 0

for i in [1..num_trials]

 s_of_n = s_of_n_creator(sample_size)
 for digit in range
   sample = s_of_n(digit)
 for digit in sample
   counts[digit] += 1

for digit in range

 console.log digit, counts[digit]

</lang> output <lang> > coffee 0 29899 1 29841 2 29930 3 30058 4 29932 5 29948 6 30047 7 30114 8 29976 9 30255 </lang>

Common Lisp

This example is in need of improvement:

Task function names ignored

<lang lisp>(setf *random-state* (make-random-state t))

(defun make-selector (n)

 (let ((i 0) res)
   (lambda (&optional (x nil x-p))
     (if (and x-p (< (random (incf i)) n))

(if (< (length res) n) (push x res) (setf (elt res (random n)) x)))


(loop repeat 100000

     with freq = (make-array 10 :initial-element 0)
     do (let ((f (make-selector 3)))

(mapc f '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)) (mapc (lambda (i) (incf (aref freq i))) (funcall f)))

     finally (prin1 freq))</lang>output<lang>#(30026 30023 29754 30017 30267 29997 29932 29990 29965 30029)</lang>


<lang d>import std.stdio, std.random;

auto sofN_creator(in int n) {

   size_t i;
   int[] sample;
   return (in int item) {
       if (i <= n)
           sample ~= item;
       else if (uniform(0.0, 1.0) < (cast(double)n / i))
           sample[uniform(0, n)] = item;
       return sample;


void main() {

   enum nRuns = 100_000;
   size_t[10] bin;
   foreach (trial; 0 .. nRuns) {
       auto sofn = sofN_creator(3);
       int[] sample;
       foreach (item; 0 .. bin.length)
           sample = sofn(item);
       foreach (s; sample)
   writefln("Item counts for %d runs:\n%s", nRuns, bin);


Item counts for 100000 runs:
[30191, 29886, 29988, 30149, 30251, 29997, 29748, 29909, 30041, 29840]

Faster Version

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.random, std.algorithm;

struct SOfN(int n) {

   size_t i;
   int[n] sample = void;
   static rng = Xorshift(0);
   int[] next(in int item) {
       if (i <= n)
           sample[i - 1] = item;
       else if (uniform(0.0, 1.0, rng) < (cast(double)n / i))
           sample[uniform(0, n, rng)] = item;
       return sample[0 .. min(i, $)];


void main() {

   enum nRuns = 100_000;
   size_t[10] bin;
   foreach (trial; 0 .. nRuns) {
       SOfN!(3) sofn;
       foreach (item; 0 .. bin.length - 1)
       foreach (s; - 1))
   writefln("Item counts for %d runs:\n%s", nRuns, bin);



<lang go>package main

import (



func sOfNCreator(n int) func(byte) []byte {

   s := make([]byte, 0, n)
   m := n
   return func(item byte) []byte {
       if len(s) < n {
           s = append(s, item)
       } else {
           if rand.Intn(m) < n {
               s[rand.Intn(n)] = item
       return s


func main() {

   var freq [10]int
   for r := 0; r < 1e5; r++ {
       sOfN := sOfNCreator(3)
       for d := byte('0'); d < '9'; d++ {
       for _, d := range sOfN('9') {

}</lang> Output:

[30075 29955 30024 30095 30031 30018 29973 29642 30156 30031]

Icon and Unicon

The following solution makes use of the makeProc procedure defined in the UniLib library and so is Unicon specific. However, the solution can be modified to work in Icon as well.

Technically, s_of_n_creator returns a co-expression, not a function. In Unicon, the calling syntax for this co-expression is indistinguishable from that of a function. <lang unicon>import Utils

procedure main(A)

   freq := table(0)
   every 1 to (\A[2] | 100000)\1 do {
       s_of_n := s_of_n_creator(\A[1] | 3)
       every sample := s_of_n(0 to 9)
       every freq[!sample] +:= 1
   every write(i := 0 to 9,": ",right(freq[i],6))


procedure s_of_n_creator(n)

   items := []
   itemCnt := 0.0
   return makeProc {
              repeat {
                  item := (items@&source)[1]
                  itemCnt +:= 1
                  if *items < n then put(items, item)
                  else if ?0 < (n/itemCnt) then ?items := item

end</lang> and a sample run:

0:  29941
1:  29963
2:  29941
3:  30005
4:  30087
5:  29895
6:  30075
7:  30059
8:  29962
9:  30072


Note that this approach introduces heavy inefficiencies, to achieve information hiding.

<lang j>coclass'inefficient'

 create=:3 :0
   N=: y
 s_of_n=:3 :0
   K=: K+1
   if. N>#ITEMS do.
     ITEMS=: ITEMS,y
     if. (N%K)>?0 do.
       ITEMS=: (((i.#ITEMS)-.?N){ITEMS),y

s_of_n_creator_base_=: 1 :0

 ctx=: conew&'inefficient' m


Required example:

<lang j>run=:3 :0

 nl=. conl 1
 s3_of_n=. 3 s_of_n_creator
 r=. {: s3_of_n"0 i.10
 coerase (conl 1)


  (~.,._1 + #/.~) (i.10),,D=:run"0 i.1e5

0 30099 1 29973 2 29795 3 29995 4 29996 5 30289 6 29903 7 29993 8 30215 9 29742</lang>


A class-based solution: <lang java>import java.util.*;

class SOfN<T> {

   private static final Random rand = new Random();
   private List<T> sample;
   private int i = 0;
   private int n;
   public SOfN(int _n) {

n = _n; sample = new ArrayList<T>(n);

   public List<T> process(T item) {

i++; if (i <= n) {


} else if (rand.nextInt(i) < n) { sample.set(rand.nextInt(n), item); } return sample;



public class AlgorithmS {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

int[] bin = new int[10]; for (int trial = 0; trial < 100000; trial++) { SOfN<Integer> s_of_n = new SOfN<Integer>(3); List<Integer> sample = null; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) sample = s_of_n.process(i); for (int s : sample) bin[s]++; } System.out.println(Arrays.toString(bin));




[30115, 30141, 30050, 29887, 29765, 30132, 29767, 30114, 30079, 29950]

Alternative solution without using an explicitly named type; instead using an anonymous class implementing a generic "function" interface: <lang java>import java.util.*;

interface Function<S, T> {

   public T call(S x);


public class AlgorithmS {

   private static final Random rand = new Random();
   public static <T> Function<T, List<T>> s_of_n_creator(final int n) {

return new Function<T, List<T>>() { private List<T> sample = new ArrayList<T>(n); private int i = 0; public List<T> call(T item) { i++; if (i <= n) { sample.add(item); } else if (rand.nextInt(i) < n) { sample.set(rand.nextInt(n), item); } return sample; } };

   public static void main(String[] args) {

int[] bin = new int[10]; for (int trial = 0; trial < 100000; trial++) { Function<Integer, List<Integer>> s_of_n = s_of_n_creator(3); List<Integer> sample = null; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) sample =; for (int s : sample) bin[s]++; } System.out.println(Arrays.toString(bin));




Works with: Mac OS X version 10.6+

Uses blocks <lang objc>#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

typedef NSArray *(^SOfN)(id);

SOfN s_of_n_creator(int n) {

 NSMutableArray *sample = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:n];
 __block int i = 0;
 return [[^(id item) {
   if (i <= n) {
     [sample addObject:item];
   } else if (rand() % i < n) {
     [sample replaceObjectAtIndex:rand() % n withObject:item];
   return sample;
 } copy] autorelease];


int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {

 NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
 NSCountedSet *bin = [[NSCountedSet alloc] init];
 for (int trial = 0; trial < 100000; trial++) {
   SOfN s_of_n = s_of_n_creator(3);
   NSArray *sample;
   for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
     sample = s_of_n([NSNumber numberWithInt:i]);
   [bin addObjectsFromArray:sample];
 NSLog(@"%@", bin);
 [bin release];
 [pool release];
 return 0;



<NSCountedSet: 0x100114120> (0 [29934], 9 [30211], 5 [29926], 1 [30067], 6 [30001], 2 [29972], 7 [30126], 3 [29944], 8 [29910], 4 [29909])


<lang ocaml>let s_of_n_creator n =

 let i = ref 0
 and sample = ref [| |] in
 fun item ->
   incr i;
   if !i <= n then sample := Array.append [| item |] !sample
   else if !i < n then !sample.( n) <- item;

let test n items_set =

 let s_of_n = s_of_n_creator n in
 Array.fold_left (fun _ v -> s_of_n v) [| |] items_set

let () =

 let n = 3 in
 let num_items = 10 in
 let items_set = Array.init num_items (fun i -> i) in
 let results = Array.create num_items 0 in
 for i = 1 to 100_000 do
   let res = test n items_set in
   Array.iter (fun j -> results.(j) <- succ results.(j)) res
 Array.iter (Printf.printf " %d") results;


 30051 29899 30249 30058 30012 29836 29998 29882 30148 29867


This example is in need of improvement:

Does not return a function.

<lang parigp>KnuthS(v,n)={


}; test()={




%1 = [30067, 30053, 29888, 30161, 30204, 29990, 30175, 29980, 29622, 29860]


<lang perl>use strict;

sub s_of_n_creator {

   my $n = shift;
   my @sample;
   my $i = 0;
   sub {
       my $item = shift;
       if ($i <= $n) {
           # Keep first n items
           push @sample, $item;
       } elsif (rand() < $n / $i) {
           # Keep item
           @sample[rand $n] = $item;


my @items = (0..9); my @bin;

foreach my $trial (1 .. 100000) {

   my $s_of_n = s_of_n_creator(3);
   my @sample;
   foreach my $item (@items) {
       @sample = $s_of_n->($item);
   foreach my $s (@sample) {

} print "@bin\n"; </lang>

Sample output
30003 29923 30192 30164 29994 29976 29935 29860 30040 29913

Perl 6

<lang perl6>sub s_of_n_creator($n) {

   my @sample;
   my $i = 0;
   -> $item {
       if ++$i <= $n {
           push @sample, $item;
       elsif $i.rand < $n {
           @sample[$n.rand] = $item;


my @items = 0..9; my @bin;

for ^100000 {

   my &s_of_n = s_of_n_creator(3);
   my @sample;
   for @items -> $item {
       @sample = s_of_n($item);
   for @sample -> $s {

} say @bin;</lang> Output:

29975 30028 30246 30056 30004 29983 29836 29967 29924 29981


Works with: PHP version 5.3+

<lang php><?php function s_of_n_creator($n) {

   $sample = array();
   $i = 0;
   return function($item) use (&$sample, &$i, $n) {
       if ($i <= $n) {
           // Keep first n items
           $sample[] = $item;
       } else if (rand(0, $i-1) < $n) {
           // Keep item
           $sample[rand(0, $n-1)] = $item;
       return $sample;


$items = range(0, 9);

for ($trial = 0; $trial < 100000; $trial++) {

   $s_of_n = s_of_n_creator(3);
   foreach ($items as $item)
       $sample = $s_of_n($item);
   foreach ($sample as $s)

} print_r($bin); ?></lang>

Sample output
    [3] => 30158
    [8] => 29859
    [9] => 29984
    [6] => 29937
    [7] => 30361
    [4] => 29994
    [5] => 29849
    [0] => 29724
    [1] => 29997
    [2] => 30137


<lang PicoLisp>(de s_of_n_creator (@N)

  (curry (@N (I . 0) (Res)) (Item)
        ((>= @N (inc 'I)) (push 'Res Item))
        ((>= @N (rand 1 I)) (set (nth Res (rand 1 @N)) Item)) )
     Res ) )

(let Freq (need 10 0)

  (do 100000
     (let S_of_n (s_of_n_creator 3)
        (for I (mapc S_of_n (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
           (inc (nth Freq (inc I))) ) ) )
  Freq )</lang>


-> (30003 29941 29918 30255 29848 29875 30056 29839 30174 30091)


Works with: Python version 3.x

<lang python>from random import randrange

def s_of_n_creator(n):

   sample, i = [], 0
   def s_of_n(item):
       nonlocal i
       i += 1
       if i <= n:
           # Keep first n items
       elif randrange(i) < n:
           # Keep item
           sample[randrange(n)] = item
       return sample
   return s_of_n

if __name__ == '__main__':

   bin = [0]* 10
   items = range(10)
   print("Single run samples for n = 3:")
   s_of_n = s_of_n_creator(3)
   for item in items:
       sample = s_of_n(item)
       print("  Item: %i -> sample: %s" % (item, sample))
   for trial in range(100000):
       s_of_n = s_of_n_creator(3)
       for item in items:
           sample = s_of_n(item)
       for s in sample:
           bin[s] += 1
   print("\nTest item frequencies for 100000 runs:\n ",
         '\n  '.join("%i:%i" % x for x in enumerate(bin)))</lang>
Sample output
Single run samples for n = 3:
  Item: 0 -> sample: [0]
  Item: 1 -> sample: [0, 1]
  Item: 2 -> sample: [0, 1, 2]
  Item: 3 -> sample: [0, 1, 3]
  Item: 4 -> sample: [0, 1, 3]
  Item: 5 -> sample: [0, 1, 3]
  Item: 6 -> sample: [0, 1, 3]
  Item: 7 -> sample: [0, 3, 7]
  Item: 8 -> sample: [0, 3, 7]
  Item: 9 -> sample: [0, 3, 7]

Test item frequencies for 100000 runs:

Python Class based version

Only a slight change creates the following class-based implementation: <lang python>class S_of_n_creator():

   def __init__(self, n):
       self.n = n
       self.i = 0
       self.sample = []
   def __call__(self, item):
       self.i += 1
       n, i, sample = self.n, self.i, self.sample
       if i <= n:
           # Keep first n items
       elif randrange(i) < n:
           # Keep item
           sample[randrange(n)] = item
       return sample</lang>

The above can be instantiated as follows after which s_of_n can be called in the same way as it is in the first example where it is a function instead of an instance. <lang python>s_of_n = S_of_n_creator(3)</lang>


<lang rexx>/*REXX program using Knuth's algorithm S (random sampling n of M items).*/ parse arg trials size . /*obtain the arguments from C.L. */ if trials== then trials=100000 /*use default if not specified. */ if size== then size=3 /* " " " " " */

  1. .=0 /*a couple handfuls of counters. */
     do trials                        /*OK, let's light this candle.   */
     call s_of_n_creator size         /*create initial list of n items.*/
        do gener=0  for 10            /*and then call SofN for each dig*/
        call s_of_n gener             /*call  s_of_n  with a single dig*/
        end       /*gener*/
            do count=1  for size      /*let's see what  s_of_n  wroth. */
            _=!.count                 /*get a digit from the Nth item, */
            #._=#._+1                 /* ... and count it, of course.  */
            end   /*count*/
     end          /*trials*/

say "Using Knuth's algorihm S for" comma(trials) 'trials, and with size='comma(size)":" say

     do dig=0 to 9                    /*show & tell time for frequency.*/
     say copies(' ',15) "frequency of the" dig 'digit is:' comma(#.dig)
     end   /*dig*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/ /*──────────────────────────────────S_OF_N_CREATOR subroutine───────────*/ s_of_n_creator: parse arg item 1 items /*generate ITEM number of items*/

            do k=1  for item          /*traipse through the 1st N items*/
            !.k=random(0,9)           /*set the Kth item with rand dig.*/
            end   /*k*/

return /*out piddly work is done for now*/ /*──────────────────────────────────S_OF_N subroutine───────────────────*/ s_of_n: parse arg item; items=items+1 /*get "item", bump items counter.*/ c=random(1,items) /*should we replace a prev item? */ if c>size then return /*probability isn't good, skip it*/ _=random(1,size) /*now, figure out which previous */ !._=item /* ... item to replace with ITEM.*/ return /*and back to the caller we go. */ /*──────────────────────────────────COMMA subroutine────────────────────*/ comma: procedure; parse arg _,c,p,t;arg ,cu;c=word(c ",",1)

      if cu=='BLANK' then c=' '; o=word(p 3,1); p=abs(o); t=word(t 999999999,1)
      if \datatype(p,'W') | \datatype(t,'W') | p==0 | arg()>4 then return _
      n=_'.9'; #=123456789; k=0; if o<0 then do; b=verify(_,' '); if b==0 then return _
      e=length(_)-verify(reverse(_),' ')+1; end; else do; b=verify(n,#,"M")
      e=verify(n,#'0',,verify(n,#"0.",'M'))-p-1; end
      do j=e to b by -p while k<t; _=insert(c,_,j); k=k+1; end; return _</lang>

output when using the default input of: 100000 2

Using Knuth's algorihm  S  for 100,000 trials, and with size=3:

                frequency of the 0 digit is: 29,837
                frequency of the 1 digit is: 29,871
                frequency of the 2 digit is: 30,071
                frequency of the 3 digit is: 29,965
                frequency of the 4 digit is: 30,082
                frequency of the 5 digit is: 30,106
                frequency of the 6 digit is: 30,109
                frequency of the 7 digit is: 29,843
                frequency of the 8 digit is: 30,192
                frequency of the 9 digit is: 29,924


Using a closure <lang ruby>def s_of_n_creator(n)

 sample = []
 i = 0 do |item|
   i += 1
   if i <= n
     sample << item
   elsif rand(i) < n
     sample[rand(n)] = item


frequency =,0) 100_000.times do

 s_of_n = s_of_n_creator(3)
 sample = nil
 (0..9).each {|digit| sample = s_of_n[digit]}
 sample.each {|digit| frequency[digit] += 1}


(0..9).each {|digit| puts "#{digit}\t#{frequency[digit]}"}</lang>


0       29850
1       30015
2       29970
3       29789
4       29841
5       30075
6       30281
7       30374
8       29953
9       29852


<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.6

oo::class create SofN {

   variable items size count
   constructor {n} {

set size $n

   method item {item} {

if {[incr count] <= $size} { lappend items $item } elseif {rand()*$count < $size} { lset items [expr {int($size * rand())}] $item } return $items



  1. Test code

for {set i 0} {$i < 100000} {incr i} {

   set sOf3 [SofN new 3]
   foreach digit {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9} {

set digs [$sOf3 item $digit]

   $sOf3 destroy
   foreach digit $digs {

incr freq($digit)


} parray freq</lang>

Sample output:

freq(0) = 29812
freq(1) = 30099
freq(2) = 29927
freq(3) = 30106
freq(4) = 30048
freq(5) = 29993
freq(6) = 29912
freq(7) = 30219
freq(8) = 30060
freq(9) = 29824